Democrat Brown Shirts increase violent attacks

Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!
dude, putting a plant in the audience to disrupt is not what was done back in the day. And this post isn't about that, it's about the GOP office in NC. so apples and oranges.

You’re woefully ignorant of history.
I'm unaware of anyone from the GOP defacing campaign headqtrs in a state. show me one, post a link.
Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!
dude, putting a plant in the audience to disrupt is not what was done back in the day. And this post isn't about that, it's about the GOP office in NC. so apples and oranges.

You’re woefully ignorant of history.
I'm unaware of anyone from the GOP defacing campaign headqtrs in a state. show me one, post a link.

I’m unaware of anyone from the DNC defacing a campaign headquarters in a state. Show me one, post a link.
PS: Plants in the audience are pretty common in elections.
Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!
dude, putting a plant in the audience to disrupt is not what was done back in the day. And this post isn't about that, it's about the GOP office in NC. so apples and oranges.

You’re woefully ignorant of history.
You're just plain ignorant.:slap:
Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!

Video is "baseless allegations" when it exposes you violent Brown Shirts. :eusa_whistle:

Have you been diagnosed as insane?

If not, find a more competent psychiatrist.

Baseless allegations about who attacked the GOP office.

Deny deny deny! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!

Video is "baseless allegations" when it exposes you violent Brown Shirts. :eusa_whistle:

Have you been diagnosed as insane?

If not, find a more competent psychiatrist.

They hypocrites are out in full force. Their actions prove us right every time and they can't fkn stand it.
for all we know it was only the violent faction of your unhinged mind...

You 'know" what the Soros hate sites tell you - and nothing else

Sentient beings can figure out who fire bombed the enemies of the DNC and Hillary.

It actually wasn't the Mormons.

This video was released after another Veritas video last week showed Democratic Party staff admitting that it was okay to rip up Republican voter registration forms.

At one point in the video, which contains strong language, the National Field Director for Americans United for Change Scott Foval said the following:

The campaign (Hillary Clinton) pays the DNC (Democratic National Committee), DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, the Foval Group executes the s**t on the ground.

According to the undercover investigative video, the founder of Democracy Partners Bob Creamer said, “Whenever Trump and Pence are gonna be we have events”:

Wherever Trump and Pence are gonna be we have events. And we have a whole team across the country that does that. Both consultants and people from the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party apparatus and people from the campaign, the Clinton campaign.

Foval further commented about getting around the legalities in communication between the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and the consultants so the DNC can "plausibly deny" any connection:

The thing we have to watch is making sure there is a double blind between the actual campaign and the actual DNC and what we’re doing. There’s a double blind there. So they can plausibly deny that they knew anything about it.

What do they have to deny? Well, allegedly one of Foval’s jobs is to prompt the planted protestors at Trump rallies with how to engage Trump supporters in order to cause a scene.}

Clinton Camp Admits Paying Mentally Ill to Incite Trump Rally Violence

You Brown Shirts have a LONG history of violence.
Apparently they never watched " Hillary's America" .. To be a democrat is nothing to be proud of these dumbasses don't even realize how the Dem. supported as well as wanted slavery....
Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!
dude, putting a plant in the audience to disrupt is not what was done back in the day. And this post isn't about that, it's about the GOP office in NC. so apples and oranges.

You’re woefully ignorant of history.
I'm unaware of anyone from the GOP defacing campaign headqtrs in a state. show me one, post a link.

I’m unaware of anyone from the DNC defacing a campaign headquarters in a state. Show me one, post a link.
PS: Plants in the audience are pretty common in elections.
dude you're in a thread about it. what else do you need?
Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!
dude, putting a plant in the audience to disrupt is not what was done back in the day. And this post isn't about that, it's about the GOP office in NC. so apples and oranges.

You’re woefully ignorant of history.
I'm unaware of anyone from the GOP defacing campaign headqtrs in a state. show me one, post a link.

I’m unaware of anyone from the DNC defacing a campaign headquarters in a state. Show me one, post a link.
PS: Plants in the audience are pretty common in elections.
dude you're in a thread about it. what else do you need?

Lets start with the names of the people who did it.
Then Their bona fide ties to the DNC
Finally Foreknowledge of the attack by the DNC
Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!
dude, putting a plant in the audience to disrupt is not what was done back in the day. And this post isn't about that, it's about the GOP office in NC. so apples and oranges.

You’re woefully ignorant of history.
I'm unaware of anyone from the GOP defacing campaign headqtrs in a state. show me one, post a link.

I’m unaware of anyone from the DNC defacing a campaign headquarters in a state. Show me one, post a link.
PS: Plants in the audience are pretty common in elections.
dude you're in a thread about it. what else do you need?
LOL no kidding
Baseless allegations and nothing else in the first part. In the second part, it’s hilarious that the party of Karl Rove and Lee Atwater are “shocked” that the democrats would put plants in the audience. How brutal!!!!
dude, putting a plant in the audience to disrupt is not what was done back in the day. And this post isn't about that, it's about the GOP office in NC. so apples and oranges.

You’re woefully ignorant of history.
I'm unaware of anyone from the GOP defacing campaign headqtrs in a state. show me one, post a link.

I’m unaware of anyone from the DNC defacing a campaign headquarters in a state. Show me one, post a link.
PS: Plants in the audience are pretty common in elections.
Why do you sheep demand proof when no matter what is put in front of you it is never good enough and it is not proof enough to the sheep family.

It can come from the Gov. site itself and you sheep still say it's not true, it's been cut, it's been edited, that's satire, oh that site bhaahah , You sheep are so gawd damn blind you wouldn't know the truth if it stared down your throats.

So if he gets some that is proof that there was no rigging?

Only if your mob bosses are as dumb as the rank and file.

Gee, with 30 REPUBLICAN governors in charge of removing the dead from their state’s voter rolls, you should tell them to get on the stick

They did, but your filthy party went to corrupt judges who blocked the purging of registration records.

You’re not going to do shit little man.

The masses will stand silent while your brown shirts fire bomb the opposition and you revoke the Bill of Rights.

You count on that, Sploogy.

But while i have you here…please answer the question:

Hillary is going to win Florida. But then again, Marco Rubio is going to keep his seat in the senate .
The same scenario will likely play out in Ohio with HRC winning and Rob Portman keeping his seat.
In Indiana, there is no way Ms. Clinton is going to win but the Democratic candidate for Senate will.

Please tell us why these supposed ninja Democrats would rig one part of the election for Ms. Clinton but allow the GOP senators to retain their seats.

Would you, Please?

I do not take it as a matter of faith that Hillary Soprano will win Florida. This election turns on a dime, and the WikiLeaks releases are devastating the Mafia Don, whether you admit it or not. She'll be torn to shreds tonight.

I do not take it as a matter of faith that Hillary Soprano will win Florida. This election turns on a dime, and the WikiLeaks releases are devastating the Mafia Don, whether you admit it or not. She'll be torn to shreds tonight.

Yeah boy, you keep on thinking that.

You didn’t answer the question (imagine my shock). Why would someone rig the election in Florida to where Hillary wins but not to where Rubio loses?

It’s okay, we all know the answer is that the election isn’t being rigged.

You’ve got nothing and are a nobody. But i don’t want to make you feel too bad so I am posting a picture of a woman. Call her a name and try to act tough. You’re welcome


Everybody knows this was done by the Trump nuts...true domestic terrorist look for body counts...and the fact this happened with no one there, proves the culprit just wanted to draw hate attention and not do HARM TO HIS OWN PEOPLE, IE A TRUMP WORKER!!

Wait, you claim the Republicans fire bombed their own office? :lmao:

You are indeed a fucking retard.
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm claiming....think about many times have you ever ever seen or heard of democrats doing shit like this, I mean really? We don't bomb abortion clinics, we don't shoot congresswomen, we don't spit the faces of congressfolk or walk around the white house with armed ammo, we don't bomb churches that killed 3 little black girls and we don't bomb offices of either party, this is the shit you mf's do...and time will show that this was the work of a GOP supporter and if I'm correct and I always right...this crime will remain unsolved because law enforcement don't want to turn in their buddies.
Thats right, we're going to nuke you. The fear is real

They won't even let you have baking soda and vinegar at the institution you stay at. :dunno:

Not according to the goofy Trump boy I quoted. According to him the left has nukes and will use them on Americans.

See how stupid you have to be? That stupid
Only stupid ones are those who have a belief in self destruction. 500% more radical Muslims will come in "IF" HRC is elected. Rapists and murderers will continue to cross the border which HRC wont close. BLM, will continue to assault white people and cops because HRC is a feckless leader like the guy she was secretary of state for. But this is just plain crazy.

Russia’s Nuclear Surge: Putin Adding Nukes While Obama Cuts
As of Oct. 1, Russia had hundreds more nuclear warheads deployed than the United States did. A startling 429 more, in fact, according to the U.S. State Department.
With Obama and his floozies in his administration poking the bear, what is to say that Putin out of the goodness of his heart decides to lob "accidently" a nuke on a city in the US? Will the Nobel Peace Prize winner retaliate, or just say it is collateral damage and that the US deserved it? Those like ClosedCraption will be smoking dope in his parents basement and not even know he is dead until it is too late. But then liberals hate life, they hate themselves, even to the point of self destruction.
Hey chicken shit, and you do know the fuckin sky is falling so find a cave bitch and stay there until Hillary wins....dumb bitch

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