Democrat Brown Shirts increase violent attacks

If a group of 'brownshirts' were seen in a city today you'd think UPS was delivering a ton of stuff to somebody.

And Kevin James would run over and tell you he's fat and likes it.
"This’ll happen when all the schmucks promise all the goodies and to bring paradise to the Earth. To destabilize your economy, to eliminate the principle of free market competition and put in a big government in Washington, D.C. with a benevolent dictator who’ll promise a lot of things. Never mind if those promises are fulfilled or not,” he said.

"This, Bezmenov said, would finally create a violent crisis that would result in the overthrow of the government and society. The fourth stage of the Soviet plans was then “normalization,” where a socialist dictatorship rules supreme and tolerates no dissent."

Former KGB Agent Explains Communist Ideological Subversion in America - The Vision Times

Have "brown shirts"........


Were you part of the group that did this?

{On Saturday, some attendees at a Donald Trump rally in Bangor, ME came back to their cars to find that they had been vandalized with spray paint. Police say they have not made any arrests, but are currently reviewing security video. More than 20 cars had been painted.}

Wow: Look What Happened To These Cars Outside of a Trump Rally

You Brown Shirt thugs are a dime a dozen.
Ummm...yeah, sure, that was me.

Ya got me!
Why are yo Brown Shirts so defensive these days?

Flag you Nazi Flag proudly or go home.

I'm quite positive you are not rolling on the floor and laughing your ass off.

Conservatives don't laugh, unless something horrible happened to a liberal
Ummm...yeah, sure, that was me.

Ya got me!

Isn't it your duty as a party member?
Sure it is.....

that is so adorable

"Bezmenov was also told to target “cynical egocentric people who can look you in the eyes with an angelic expression and tell you lies, [as] these are the most recruitable people who lack moral principles, people who are greedy or who suffer from self-importance, they feel they matter a lot. These are the people who the KGB wanted to recruit very much.”

"The already mentioned idealistic leftists were only useful to the KGB during the destabilizing of the nation. Once their usefulness is used, they’re then taken out of the equation so they don’t later pose a threat."

It's the one part of communism I'm going to enjoy. Watching those smug pieces of shit who are responsible for this, get wiped out.

Former KGB Agent Explains Communist Ideological Subversion in America - The Vision Times

Have "brown shirts"........


Were you part of the group that did this?

{On Saturday, some attendees at a Donald Trump rally in Bangor, ME came back to their cars to find that they had been vandalized with spray paint. Police say they have not made any arrests, but are currently reviewing security video. More than 20 cars had been painted.}

Wow: Look What Happened To These Cars Outside of a Trump Rally

You Brown Shirt thugs are a dime a dozen.
Ummm...yeah, sure, that was me.

Ya got me!
Why are yo Brown Shirts so defensive these days?

Flag you Nazi Flag proudly or go home.

I'm quite positive you are not rolling on the floor and laughing your ass off.

Conservatives don't laugh, unless something horrible happened to a liberal
Lol, I am laughing right now.

In fact, when I see in my alert list that you have responded, I get an immediate chuckle just from that.
The democratic - socialist party of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton bears far more resemblance to the Khmer Rouge than it does to the party of JFK.

DNC Brown Shirts fire bombed a GOP office in North Carolina and have destroyed cars by the dozens in Trump event parking lots. The democrats are using violence and the threat of violence to intimidate opposition voters. The stock answer of the Brown Shirts is "prove it was us."

New video has emerged showing a local captain of the DNC Brown Shirts bragging about the violence he and his troops are engaged in to suppress opposition voters. The democrat thugs are dedicated to intimidating (or worse) voters who dare to vote their conscience.

{"We're starting anarchy here," says Scott Foval of the left-wing Americans United for Change, which is "contracted directly with the DNC and the [Clinton] campaign." He says on tape that he answers to national Democrats and officials on Team Hillary, and that much of his funding is funneled through another outfit called Democracy Partners. That entity is up to its elbows in ties to the Democratic establishment. It's run by a man named Bob Creamer, who is married to Illinois Democratic Congresswoman Jan Schakowksy, and who went to prison after pleading guilty to bank fraud in 2005. Foval and Creamer now carry out the Democrats' dirty work in the shadows, allowing the official party to plausibly deny (listen to Foval's comments about erecting a "double blind" for this purpose) any knowledge or support for their deeply unsavory tactics -- such as exploiting mentally ill homeless people, and deploying trained activists into Trump rallies with instructions to deliberately stir the pot, hoping to invite ugly outbursts or physical altercations. }

For those who thought this only happens in Central Africa or brutal Middle East theocracies, understand that democrats have the same goals as the thugs of those nations, totalitarianism and a centrally ruled economy.

Yaw know gotdamn well its not democrats doing this shit. But keep deflecting the fact your party and the nazi nuts are doing their best to draw attention to Trump and his so called vulnerable only works within the nut farm, nobody is buying this shit.
"We still have no idea who committed the firebombing or why."

What we know: the firebombing of a GOP HQ in North Carolina

Democrats raise funds for GOP after North Carolina headquarters firebombed

Democrats Raise Funds For Gop After North Carolina Headquarters Firebombed
Everybody knows this was done by the Trump nuts...true domestic terrorist look for body counts...and the fact this happened with no one there, proves the culprit just wanted to draw hate attention and not do HARM TO HIS OWN PEOPLE, IE A TRUMP WORKER!!
Fucktards like you don't know that the only thing keep US from harming you is the Constitution.

You fear me. I can sense the trembling
Hey ClosedCRAPTION, I don't fear you at all, I don't fear anyone. But I do fear what this government can do when Hillary is defeated. I mean when you liberals have a deathwish and nothing to live for, what is to prevent Obama from having one of his lacky's with a nuke accidently have one go off? Liberals/Fascists/Communists/Nazi's/Socialists have scorched earth before, what is to stop him this year? Again watch what you ask for, for it might come true.
Damn, I thought CC was just joking....he is scaring, damit, boo....LOLOLOLOLOLOLO You Nazi nuts are so sad, so sad
If a group of 'brownshirts' were seen in a city today you'd think UPS was delivering a ton of stuff to somebody.

And Kevin James would run over and tell you he's fat and likes it.
You and CC are on a roll love love it!!

Everybody knows this was done by the Trump nuts...true domestic terrorist look for body counts...and the fact this happened with no one there, proves the culprit just wanted to draw hate attention and not do HARM TO HIS OWN PEOPLE, IE A TRUMP WORKER!!

Wait, you claim the Republicans fire bombed their own office? :lmao:

You are indeed a fucking retard.
The democratic - socialist party of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton bears far more resemblance to the Khmer Rouge than it does to the party of JFK.

DNC Brown Shirts fire bombed a GOP office in North Carolina and have destroyed cars by the dozens in Trump event parking lots. The democrats are using violence and the threat of violence to intimidate opposition voters. The stock answer of the Brown Shirts is "prove it was us."

New video has emerged showing a local captain of the DNC Brown Shirts bragging about the violence he and his troops are engaged in to suppress opposition voters. The democrat thugs are dedicated to intimidating (or worse) voters who dare to vote their conscience.

{"We're starting anarchy here," says Scott Foval of the left-wing Americans United for Change, which is "contracted directly with the DNC and the [Clinton] campaign." He says on tape that he answers to national Democrats and officials on Team Hillary, and that much of his funding is funneled through another outfit called Democracy Partners. That entity is up to its elbows in ties to the Democratic establishment. It's run by a man named Bob Creamer, who is married to Illinois Democratic Congresswoman Jan Schakowksy, and who went to prison after pleading guilty to bank fraud in 2005. Foval and Creamer now carry out the Democrats' dirty work in the shadows, allowing the official party to plausibly deny (listen to Foval's comments about erecting a "double blind" for this purpose) any knowledge or support for their deeply unsavory tactics -- such as exploiting mentally ill homeless people, and deploying trained activists into Trump rallies with instructions to deliberately stir the pot, hoping to invite ugly outbursts or physical altercations. }

For those who thought this only happens in Central Africa or brutal Middle East theocracies, understand that democrats have the same goals as the thugs of those nations, totalitarianism and a centrally ruled economy.

Yaw know gotdamn well its not democrats doing this shit. But keep deflecting the fact your party and the nazi nuts are doing their best to draw attention to Trump and his so called vulnerable only works within the nut farm, nobody is buying this shit.

Are you fucking kidding me. The very own DNC operative "ADMITTED" that he and others went out of their way to incite violence at political rallies across state lines. That right there is a fucking felony, but since your vagina candidate can get away with it(because stupid fucks like you let her) then so can her shithead NAZI's. I had posted this under a chance of a Civil War, many have denied this, but every day, we move closer and closer. I have more .308 Winchester FMJ coming , just incase the left decides to go all in.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky: "True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, Alinsky taught. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within. Alinsky viewed revolution as a slow, patient process. The trick was to penetrate existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties.... Many leftists view Hillary as a sell-out because she claims to hold moderate views on some issues. However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power.

However, Hillary is simply following Alinsky’s counsel to do and say whatever it takes to gain power.

Fucktards like you don't know that the only thing keep US from harming you is the Constitution.

You fear me. I can sense the trembling
Hey ClosedCRAPTION, I don't fear you at all, I don't fear anyone. But I do fear what this government can do when Hillary is defeated. I mean when you liberals have a deathwish and nothing to live for, what is to prevent Obama from having one of his lacky's with a nuke accidently have one go off? Liberals/Fascists/Communists/Nazi's/Socialists have scorched earth before, what is to stop him this year? Again watch what you ask for, for it might come true.

Thats right, we're going to nuke you. The fear is real

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