Democrat Brown Shirts increase violent attacks

Ahh, so he wasn’t a “DNC Leader” at all. Thanks for the concession.

Are you on drugs?

The DNC is the party. You thought that the DNC is the administration?

I understand your confusion. George Soros owns the DNC, and George Soros owns Obama. The criminal Obama regime serves Soros, not the nation.

Even so, those who are DNC leaders as Fovas and Cream are, don't automatically hold position in the adminstation. Fovas is a BLM thug, his job is to incite violence at both Trump rallies and at BLM riots.

Translation…another made up story by a RWNJ.

LOL; you go on and believe that.

Of course you don't believe it, it's just a game that the hate sites taught you to play - prove water is wet.
Only 18 more days of these constant Trump-loser meltdowns.

They're living in their own special PC delusion bubbles, the Trump-losers. And they get so hilariously angry if you try to puncture their bubble.
Communists don't accept defeat, and they will never quit lying. They're like roaches, you have to kill them all.

I don't know if this will change the election or not. It SHOULD, if we had an honest press this would be on every channel like the Rodney King video was, but we don't have an honest press, so the DNC controlled channels and papers are spiking it.

Still, it's into it's second day as the #1 video on YouTube, MILLIONS are watching it.

Communist countries don't have honest press.
Ahh, so he wasn’t a “DNC Leader” at all. Thanks for the concession.

Are you on drugs?

The DNC is the party. You thought that the DNC is the administration?
Yeah, he wasn’t the leader of it…for the 2nd time.

Even so, those who are DNC leaders as Fovas and Cream are, don't automatically hold position in the adminstation. Fovas is a BLM thug, his job is to incite violence at both Trump rallies and at BLM riots.

Again, there is nothing to back up that they were Leaders of any way shape or form. Outside of your obviously warped mind.

But that’s okay, I’m sure you’re amused by shiny objects and bright colors like most low performance folks are.
Ahh, so he wasn’t a “DNC Leader” at all. Thanks for the concession.

Are you on drugs?

The DNC is the party. You thought that the DNC is the administration?
Yeah, he wasn’t the leader of it…for the 2nd time.

Even so, those who are DNC leaders as Fovas and Cream are, don't automatically hold position in the adminstation. Fovas is a BLM thug, his job is to incite violence at both Trump rallies and at BLM riots.

Again, there is nothing to back up that they were Leaders of any way shape or form. Outside of your obviously warped mind.

But that’s okay, I’m sure you’re amused by shiny objects and bright colors like most low performance folks are.

"Robert Creamer, husband of Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., and Scott Foval -- two little-known but influential Democratic political operatives --"

Of course the CHICAGO TRIBUNE (which is of course the source) is spinning this as "although they are major, they're LOCAL (i.e., if we don't all know where the base of power for the current regime is and always has been) and they were just fantasizing together about what they would LIKE to do, not what has been done.

Subversion. Communism.

The Chicago Tribune.

And even they admit they're INFLUENTIAL DEMOCRATIC OPERATIVES in their lead.

Two local Democratic operatives lose jobs after video sting on voter fraud
Creamer did five months for bank fraud and tax crimes. Yet his wife and he are still "influential Democratic political operatives". That shows you something right there. Criminal and proud of it.

The Dems have a long, proud history of rewarding their felons back to the fold after they do time for rigging elections, stealing from the kitty, and creatively swindling the US voters.

Woman Convicted of Voter Fraud Honored by Ohio Democrats - Breitbart

I do not take it as a matter of faith that Hillary Soprano will win Florida. This election turns on a dime, and the WikiLeaks releases are devastating the Mafia Don, whether you admit it or not. She'll be torn to shreds tonight.

Yeah boy, you keep on thinking that.

You didn’t answer the question (imagine my shock). Why would someone rig the election in Florida to where Hillary wins but not to where Rubio loses?

It’s okay, we all know the answer is that the election isn’t being rigged.

You’ve got nothing and are a nobody. But i don’t want to make you feel too bad so I am posting a picture of a woman. Call her a name and try to act tough. You’re welcome

View attachment 94417
What is really sad about the twit, was that a DNC leader "admitted" to election fraud, and still the liberals deny, deny, deny. Just cant get any more crooked than that. My question is, what has Obama done for you in that Hope and Change? Have you noticed that the Rich are definitely Richer and the most in poverty ever in the history of the US, with 8 years of Obama? Do you want 4 more years of this crap? Do you want more US citizens to be raped and murdered by illegal aliens who have been deported many times, but continue to cross the border to get them some? Do you want 500% more radical Muslims coming into this country so those "lone wolf" attacks end up killing one of your family? Liberals believe in self destruction, and they are willing to take the rest of US with them. Not much difference between a radical Muslim and a radical Liberal.

View attachment 94513

Who was the DNC “leader” who admitted to it?
Quote where they “admitted” it.

If Trump had a better plan, he has yet to present it. Therefore, I’ll vote values and support Ms. Clinton.
Deny, Deny, Deny , make sure you deny this as you fucktwats always do. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Dumbocrat.

Just asked who the DNC “leader” is and their exact quote. You didn’t make it up…did you?

Libtard Democrats can't stand when their cookies crumble and the Demonut jobs are getting caught and they don't like it.


Citizen journalism and social media has overpowered the collapsing, discredited mainstream media, says Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe.

“You are seeing social media and the grassroots in this country become more powerful than the mainstream media,” O’Keefe said on The Alex Jones Show Thursday. “We’re the social media barbarians at the gates.”
O’Keefe: Mainstream Media Losing Power to Stop Trump
Again where Is this DNC "leader"?
Ahh, so he wasn’t a “DNC Leader” at all. Thanks for the concession.

Are you on drugs?

The DNC is the party. You thought that the DNC is the administration?
Yeah, he wasn’t the leader of it…for the 2nd time.

Even so, those who are DNC leaders as Fovas and Cream are, don't automatically hold position in the adminstation. Fovas is a BLM thug, his job is to incite violence at both Trump rallies and at BLM riots.

Again, there is nothing to back up that they were Leaders of any way shape or form. Outside of your obviously warped mind.

But that’s okay, I’m sure you’re amused by shiny objects and bright colors like most low performance folks are.

"Robert Creamer, husband of Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., and Scott Foval -- two little-known but influential Democratic political operatives --"

Of course the CHICAGO TRIBUNE (which is of course the source) is spinning this as "although they are major, they're LOCAL (i.e., if we don't all know where the base of power for the current regime is and always has been) and they were just fantasizing together about what they would LIKE to do, not what has been done.

Subversion. Communism.

The Chicago Tribune.

And even they admit they're INFLUENTIAL DEMOCRATIC OPERATIVES in their lead.

Two local Democratic operatives lose jobs after video sting on voter fraud

So…who was the DNC “leader” in the story again?
Creamer did five months for bank fraud and tax crimes. Yet his wife and he are still "influential Democratic political operatives". That shows you something right there. Criminal and proud of it.

The Dems have a long, proud history of rewarding their felons back to the fold after they do time for rigging elections, stealing from the kitty, and creatively swindling the US voters.

Woman Convicted of Voter Fraud Honored by Ohio Democrats - Breitbart

Hmmm…lets look at O’Keefe if we’re going to compare character:

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