Democrat Congressman Goes Nuts When Asked if He Supports the “Obama Agenda”; Attacks

But, but, wait, he a Tea Party member, that congressman? Cuz the only violence is coming from the Tea Party and right wingers. Chris Matthews is even doing a huge story Wednsday called "Rise of the Right" to prove that all the violence is coming from them..........even if every case of political violence the last year has been left-wing. But thats just right-wing plants posing as left-wingers committing violence!!!
Even on one of the news articles on Yahoo news.. you have parts where you see the DEMs screaming that it is some 'Republican Setup'.... :rolleyes:

Abso-fucking-lutely hilarious
YouTube - Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk

Here is shocking video of North Carolina Democrat Rep. Bob Etheridge being asked by some students on a public sidewalk in Washington, D.C. if he supports the “Obama Agenda.” Once he realized the students were asking him that question, he went bonkers. Etheridge hit their camera and then grabbed one of the students by the arm as he repeated over and over “Who are you, Who are you? Tell me who you are?” The students identified themselves as such, but Etheridge persisted. At one point he then grabbed the student whose arm he had been holding onto and pulled himself up beside himself with his arm wrapped around the student. The student repeatedly asked the Congressman to “let go of my arm.”

There is no scenario under which this kind of behavior is acceptable. Etheridge represents the 2nd District in North Carolina, and faces a tough re-election battle. This video ought to seal his defeat. It’s time for voters to say to Etheridge, “Who are you” to treat people like this?

Mike Flynn at Big Government has more.

Freedom's Lighthouse » Democrat Congressman Goes Nuts When Asked if He Supports the “Obama Agenda”; Attacks Students – Video

These students were getting a lesson in "Politics 101".
Politicians don't serve the people, the people serve the politicians.

I hope they learned their lesson well.
This supposed 'honorable' gentlemen is nothing of the sort... this is despicable.... I don't care if you are R, D, I, or whatever else... this guy has no business in a position of leadership/power

This guy has to go. he is a congressman and any taxpayer has the right to ask this loser any question they want to, we all pay his salary and he works for us!!!! hope fully this guy will be gone in November!!!!! If they don't get rid of him now!!!! Where are the DC police at? Don't they know about assault laws? This guy should of been arrested and charged. I want to see the mug shot photos!!!!!!!
I wonder if the Madam Speaker shed a tear as it reminded her of the violence of days gone by.

2 days and the democraps haven't been able to identify the kid so they can attack him, yet??
Now how will the Democrats spin this?

.....that your GOP "students" are pussies and you crybabies support their behavior?

And you know these students were members of the GOP? Couldn' they just as well been Independents or even Democrats that oppose Obama's agenda?

What was wrong with their behavior? They ask a question and the Congressman went ballistic.

You have your head so far up Obama's ass you're incapable of being objective or honest.
I am not defending the congressman's behavior. I should cut and paste that throughout this post. But you asked what was wrong with their (the "student's") behavior.

Aren't you just sick of 'gotcha' "journalism"? I am. The omnipresence of video cameras, the 'ambush' interview popularized by those paragons of integrity Fox News, the cloying paparazzi. I think there's room for privacy again in our society. Some political hacks disagree.
Has this been featured in the MSM or just on Hannity?

If someone from the tea party makes a rude or racist comment it's front page news. Remember the saliva spray "assault"?

Jon Stewart did a piece on it, making fun of how insane the guy acted.
.....that your GOP "students" are pussies and you crybabies support their behavior?

And you know these students were members of the GOP? Couldn' they just as well been Independents or even Democrats that oppose Obama's agenda?

What was wrong with their behavior? They ask a question and the Congressman went ballistic.

You have your head so far up Obama's ass you're incapable of being objective or honest.
I am not defending the congressman's behavior. I should cut and paste that throughout this post. But you asked what was wrong with their (the "student's") behavior.

Aren't you just sick of 'gotcha' "journalism"? I am. The omnipresence of video cameras, the 'ambush' interview popularized by those paragons of integrity Fox News, the cloying paparazzi. I think there's room for privacy again in our society. Some political hacks disagree.

But that's the world we live in. Blame Michael Moore.
Has this been featured in the MSM or just on Hannity?

If someone from the tea party makes a rude or racist comment it's front page news. Remember the saliva spray "assault"?

Yes, lets see:

This piece:

Who TMZ'd Rep. Bob Etheridge?

Describes the senator as "HUGGING” the student “grabs him into a hug" and the congressmen is acting “acting strangely". Forget acting violently and assaulting the student-- hitting him in the face and grabbing his camera and neck. The writer demands to know the identity of the student caring not about the attack by the congressman. A hug my ass!

Right Now - Who TMZ'd Rep. Bob Etheridge?

And the report from MSNBC where the senator is being defended in the fact they bring up who the 'students' might have been and they say the senator was 'ambushed'. They bring up charges against the reporter who recorded ACORN-- they bring up just about everything but the senators behavior.

Right Now - Who TMZ'd Rep. Bob Etheridge?
Chris Matthews take on this was the Congressman apologized....but Matthews focus was more on the students who ambushed the Congressman and who put them up to this and who did they work for....
Not one mention that the Congressman should NOT have laid one F_ _ k ing finger on the guy.Amazing.

Coverage is amazing, the spin is absolutely incredible.

We have a public official who ran for an office being asked questions and he finds it appropriate to grab the reporters camera and assualt him. Then you have liberal journalists excusr what most people would call poor behavior. What a wonderful biased country we live in.

[ame=""]YouTube - Flynn[/ame]

It gets better. The Democrat instructions to all the liberal media is to attack the college kid. As IF, even if this college kid was from an Al Queda sleeper cell that excuses the Congressman's behavior?

All this kid did was ASK an innocent question: Do you support the Obama agenda?

How on earth does it justify Ethridge's behavior? The kid never retaliates. He calls him "sir," all throughout the video.

It's incredible. This is how Democrats react to a citizen asking them a question. Like a THUG nobleman who thinks the "peasants" are getting too "uppity."

But but but but.........I thought all the violence was on the right?

I'm still waiting for video evidence of that.

We sure have video evidence of SEIU thugs beating up black conservatives, now Democrats assaulting people who ask questions. Let's not forget the threat to look up one person's DMV records. Or Joe the Plumber having his personal records rifled through.

This is the Democrat party. They don't care about the law. They don't care about your rights. They don't care if they have to beat you up or deny your right to privacy. They only care about power, and the closer they get to losing it, the more overt they are in trying to intimidate YOU and I.

But but but but.........I thought all the violence was on the right?

I'm still waiting for video evidence of that.

We sure have video evidence of SEIU thugs beating up black conservatives, now Democrats assaulting people who ask questions. Let's not forget the threat to look up one person's DMV records. Or Joe the Plumber having his personal records rifled through.

This is the Democrat party. They don't care about the law. They don't care about your rights. They don't care if they have to beat you up or deny your right to privacy. They only care about power, and the closer they get to losing it, the more overt they are in trying to intimidate YOU and I.


Democrats: The Party of "Fuck You".
Even on one of the news articles on Yahoo news.. you have parts where you see the DEMs screaming that it is some 'Republican Setup'.... :rolleyes:

Abso-fucking-lutely hilarious

[ame=""]YouTube - Flynn[/ame]

That is the talking point the DNC has sent out to the liberal media.


All that kid did was ask a question. How is THAT IN EVEN THE SLIGHTEST PROVACATIVE??????

I mean let's think about this! By the Democrats saying it's a set up--ARE THEY SUGGESTING THAT "Do you support the Obama agenda," is PROVACATIVE????????????? :eek:

Really???????? :eek::eek:

I mean what DOES THAT SAY ABOUT OBAMA if that is a provacative question?

Have Democrats lost THIS MUCH CONFIDENCE in Obama, that "Do you support the Obama agenda" is a provocative question???????

Good LORD!!!!!!!!

How do Democrats think that spin will work??????

No matter how they try that one, they lose!!!!!!!


Democrats have to be the stupidest people alive, if they think that spin helps them.

Notice how the excuses kind of disappeared?

They know they can't really excuse this.

Liberals have two kind of tactics in this case. Either, attack and smear (in this case the college kids) or shut up completely, and hope their silence on the issue will help it simply go away. :eusa_shhh:

They know they can't do anything about this. Ethridge really let the thug side of the Democrat party show.


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