Democrat Death Cult Passes Murder On Demand - Abortions Without Limits Or Restrictions

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Later Term Abortions?
- No problem

- Dismembering babies that can survive outside the womb?
- Oh yeah

The lives of ordinary Americans or babies mean nothing to the Democrats led by Joe Biden & Nancy Pelosi

The Women's Health Protection Act would protect a person's ability to decide to continue or end a pregnancy and would enshrine into law health care providers' ability to offer abortion services "prior to fetal viability" without restrictions imposed by individual states, like requiring special admitting privileges for providers or imposing waiting periods.
Later Term Abortions?
- No problem

- Dismembering babies that can survive outside the womb?
- Oh yeah

The lives of ordinary Americans or babies mean nothing to the Democrats led by Joe Biden & Nancy Pelosi

Next week we're gonna pass one for retroactive abortions for folks who turn out to be conservative types.

The Women's Health Protection Act would protect a person's ability to decide to continue or end a pregnancy and would enshrine into law health care providers' ability to offer abortion services "prior to fetal viability" without restrictions imposed by individual states, like requiring special admitting privileges for providers or imposing waiting periods.
It also would prohibit restrictions on abortion after fetal viability "when, in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient's life or health."
It also would prohibit restrictions on abortion after fetal viability "when, in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating health care provider, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant patient's life or health."
Yes indeed.
Demonize unvaccinated Americans, blaming them for COVID-19 spreading and Americans dying while trafficking HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of virus-infected illegals all over the US, dumping themin our communities without letting local and state agencies know they're comig....
- It's all good, right Joe?!

Ignoring black-on-black gun crimes in Chicago, more shooting and murder than the number of Americans killed by COVID-19; averaging 45 - 50 people shot every weekend, 9-10 killed, including children...
- Their lives don't seem to matter to Democrats OR BLM.

Loot, burn, destroyed, attack, murder, and do MILLIONS of dollars of damage in Democrat-run cities all over the US after a Romina drug addiction is wrongly killed, but not waste a second on an unarmed, white, female, US veteran ambushed, shot, and killed fir walking through the Capitol in protest.
- Just one less threat to, one less vote against Democrats, right Joe?!

Abandoning Americans an allies, leaving them behind to the brutal 'mercy of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS, after promising Anericans you would not do so....
- Fuck 'em, right Joe. It's not like you give a damn about them or anything, and there are so many people to blame.

Passing legislation allowing under-aged kids to have any medical procedure or operation not only without parent permission but without them needing to even know 1st...
- Marxist destruction of the nuclear family, replacing it with GOVERNMENT

Providing murder on demand, abortions without limit or restriction: 2nd trimester, 3rd trimester, hours from delivery, heartbeat, no heartbeat, capable of surviving outside the womb or not; Advocating fir the right to murder a baby outside the womb, fighting for life, after a failed abortion ... Democrats say if an illegal walks 2 feet into the US and has a baby that baby is then considered an American citizen with all Constitutional and legal rights. But an American baby delivered alive after a failed abortion has no rights except to be murdered if the decision to do so is made...
- Democrats are turning America into a slaughter house for the most vulnerable and defenseless among us...

Just another day in the Democrat Death Cult-run America...
Demonize unvaccinated Americans, blaming them for COVID-19 spreading and Americans dying while trafficking HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of virus-infected illegals all over the US, dumping themin our communities without letting local and state agencies know they're comig....
- It's all good, right Joe?!

Ignoring black-on-black gun crimes in Chicago, more shooting and murder than the number of Americans killed by COVID-19; averaging 45 - 50 people shot every weekend, 9-10 killed, including children...
- Their lives don't seem to matter to Democrats OR BLM.

Loot, burn, destroyed, attack, murder, and do MILLIONS of dollars of damage in Democrat-run cities all over the US after a Romina drug addiction is wrongly killed, but not waste a second on an unarmed, white, female, US veteran ambushed, shot, and killed fir walking through the Capitol in protest.
- Just one less threat to, one less vote against Democrats, right Joe?!

Abandoning Americans an allies, leaving them behind to the brutal 'mercy of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS, after promising Anericans you would not do so....
- Fuck 'em, right Joe. It's not like you give a damn about them or anything, and there are so many people to blame.

Passing legislation allowing under-aged kids to have any medical procedure or operation not only without parent permission but without them needing to even know 1st...
- Marxist destruction of the nuclear family, replacing it with GOVERNMENT

Providing murder on demand, abortions without limit or restriction: 2nd trimester, 3rd trimester, hours from delivery, heartbeat, no heartbeat, capable of surviving outside the womb or not; Advocating fir the right to murder a baby outside the womb, fighting for life, after a failed abortion ... Democrats say if an illegal walks 2 feet into the US and has a baby that baby is then considered an American citizen with all Constitutional and legal rights. But an American baby delivered alive after a failed abortion has no rights except to be murdered if the decision to do so is made...
- Democrats are turning America into a slaughter house for the most vulnerable and defenseless among us...

Just another day in the Democrat Death Cult-run America...
Why don't we have a smilie for "Seething Rage"? "Sad" just doesn't do it. The pot is starting to boil and it's not pretty.
Later Term Abortions?
- No problem

- Dismembering babies that can survive outside the womb?
- Oh yeah

The lives of ordinary Americans or babies mean nothing to the Democrats led by Joe Biden & Nancy Pelosi

We all of us who are alive are complicit in this mass sacrifice of the unborn. One day, decades from now, the year 1973 will be remembered as the dawn of a new Age of human barbarism and savagery that eclipsed even the darkest days of the Middle Ages. The children of our children (who weren't aborted or vaccinated) will ask the question, "Why did their ancestors do NOTHING to stop the abortion genocide?" We all ought to hang our heads heavily in shame . . . for we are generations of the owners of the most loathsome form of cowardice.
We all of us who are alive are complicit in this mass sacrifice of the unborn. One day, decades from now, the year 1973 will be remembered as the dawn of a new Age of human barbarism and savagery that eclipsed even the darkest days of the Middle Ages. The children of our children (who weren't aborted or vaccinated) will ask the question, "Why did their ancestors do NOTHING to stop the abortion genocide?" We all ought to hang our heads heavily in shame . . . for we are generations of the owners of the most loathsome form of cowardice.
Not all of us are doing nothing. Silence is compliance. Voting for the butchers is facilitation of what is happening.
Demonize unvaccinated Americans, blaming them for COVID-19 spreading and Americans dying while trafficking HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of virus-infected illegals all over the US, dumping themin our communities without letting local and state agencies know they're comig....
- It's all good, right Joe?!

Ignoring black-on-black gun crimes in Chicago, more shooting and murder than the number of Americans killed by COVID-19; averaging 45 - 50 people shot every weekend, 9-10 killed, including children...
- Their lives don't seem to matter to Democrats OR BLM.

Loot, burn, destroyed, attack, murder, and do MILLIONS of dollars of damage in Democrat-run cities all over the US after a Romina drug addiction is wrongly killed, but not waste a second on an unarmed, white, female, US veteran ambushed, shot, and killed fir walking through the Capitol in protest.
- Just one less threat to, one less vote against Democrats, right Joe?!

Abandoning Americans an allies, leaving them behind to the brutal 'mercy of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS, after promising Anericans you would not do so....
- Fuck 'em, right Joe. It's not like you give a damn about them or anything, and there are so many people to blame.

Passing legislation allowing under-aged kids to have any medical procedure or operation not only without parent permission but without them needing to even know 1st...
- Marxist destruction of the nuclear family, replacing it with GOVERNMENT

Providing murder on demand, abortions without limit or restriction: 2nd trimester, 3rd trimester, hours from delivery, heartbeat, no heartbeat, capable of surviving outside the womb or not; Advocating fir the right to murder a baby outside the womb, fighting for life, after a failed abortion ... Democrats say if an illegal walks 2 feet into the US and has a baby that baby is then considered an American citizen with all Constitutional and legal rights. But an American baby delivered alive after a failed abortion has no rights except to be murdered if the decision to do so is made...
- Democrats are turning America into a slaughter house for the most vulnerable and defenseless among us...

Just another day in the Democrat Death Cult-run America...
Demonize unvaccinated Americans, blaming them for COVID-19 spreading and Americans dying while trafficking HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of virus-infected illegals all over the US, dumping themin our communities without letting local and state agencies know they're comig....
- It's all good, right Joe?!

Ignoring black-on-black gun crimes in Chicago, more shooting and murder than the number of Americans killed by COVID-19; averaging 45 - 50 people shot every weekend, 9-10 killed, including children...
- Their lives don't seem to matter to Democrats OR BLM.

Loot, burn, destroyed, attack, murder, and do MILLIONS of dollars of damage in Democrat-run cities all over the US after a Romina drug addiction is wrongly killed, but not waste a second on an unarmed, white, female, US veteran ambushed, shot, and killed fir walking through the Capitol in protest.
- Just one less threat to, one less vote against Democrats, right Joe?!

Abandoning Americans an allies, leaving them behind to the brutal 'mercy of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS, after promising Anericans you would not do so....
- Fuck 'em, right Joe. It's not like you give a damn about them or anything, and there are so many people to blame.

Passing legislation allowing under-aged kids to have any medical procedure or operation not only without parent permission but without them needing to even know 1st...
- Marxist destruction of the nuclear family, replacing it with GOVERNMENT

Providing murder on demand, abortions without limit or restriction: 2nd trimester, 3rd trimester, hours from delivery, heartbeat, no heartbeat, capable of surviving outside the womb or not; Advocating fir the right to murder a baby outside the womb, fighting for life, after a failed abortion ... Democrats say if an illegal walks 2 feet into the US and has a baby that baby is then considered an American citizen with all Constitutional and legal rights. But an American baby delivered alive after a failed abortion has no rights except to be murdered if the decision to do so is made...
- Democrats are turning America into a slaughter house for the most vulnerable and defenseless among us...

Just another day in the Democrat Death Cult-run America...
I thought this was the abortion thread. You get bored, beaten on your own debate, or what?
Sad how Americans who support killing a baby capable of surviving outside the womb, of dismembering a baby, call terrorists who behead people 'barbaric.

Pot, meet kettle.
Demonize unvaccinated Americans, blaming them for COVID-19 spreading and Americans dying while trafficking HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of virus-infected illegals all over the US, dumping themin our communities without letting local and state agencies know they're comig....
- It's all good, right Joe?!

Ignoring black-on-black gun crimes in Chicago, more shooting and murder than the number of Americans killed by COVID-19; averaging 45 - 50 people shot every weekend, 9-10 killed, including children...
- Their lives don't seem to matter to Democrats OR BLM.

Loot, burn, destroyed, attack, murder, and do MILLIONS of dollars of damage in Democrat-run cities all over the US after a Romina drug addiction is wrongly killed, but not waste a second on an unarmed, white, female, US veteran ambushed, shot, and killed fir walking through the Capitol in protest.
- Just one less threat to, one less vote against Democrats, right Joe?!

Abandoning Americans an allies, leaving them behind to the brutal 'mercy of the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS, after promising Anericans you would not do so....
- Fuck 'em, right Joe. It's not like you give a damn about them or anything, and there are so many people to blame.

Passing legislation allowing under-aged kids to have any medical procedure or operation not only without parent permission but without them needing to even know 1st...
- Marxist destruction of the nuclear family, replacing it with GOVERNMENT

Providing murder on demand, abortions without limit or restriction: 2nd trimester, 3rd trimester, hours from delivery, heartbeat, no heartbeat, capable of surviving outside the womb or not; Advocating fir the right to murder a baby outside the womb, fighting for life, after a failed abortion ... Democrats say if an illegal walks 2 feet into the US and has a baby that baby is then considered an American citizen with all Constitutional and legal rights. But an American baby delivered alive after a failed abortion has no rights except to be murdered if the decision to do so is made...
- Democrats are turning America into a slaughter house for the most vulnerable and defenseless among us...

Just another day in the Democrat Death Cult-run America...

Satan worshippers are getting much stronger among woke communists and they want human sacrifice.
Not all of us are doing nothing. Silence is compliance. Voting for the butchers is facilitation of what is happening.

Yes, but how many "brave" pro-lifers (of which I am one) are out there removing abortion clinics from existence? Not me, and very likely not you. I am not trying to be a right prick to you or anything but if no one is willing to take direct action to save the unborn, then in my opinion that is the definition of cowardice. I happen to be one of those cowards, admittedly, because I do not want to spend my life in a dungeon or killed on sight by the State. Just making the point that if we were truly pro-life, truly wanted to save the lives of the unborn then we'd do something equivalent to that objective. That's it.
Later Term Abortions?
- No problem

- Dismembering babies that can survive outside the womb?
- Oh yeah

The lives of ordinary Americans or babies mean nothing to the Democrats led by Joe Biden & Nancy Pelosi

Ah, ever the hypocritical assholes, make sure the babies are born, then abandon them. When I see you 'Conservatives' voting for better schools, for a better safety net for children, then I will believe that you actually care about babies. Until then, all I see is you power hungry asses using this as leverage to get the ignorant religious idiots to vote your way.
Yes, but how many "brave" pro-lifers (of which I am one) are out there removing abortion clinics from existence? Not me, and very likely not you. I am not trying to be a right prick to you or anything but if no one is willing to take direct action to save the unborn, then in my opinion that is the definition of cowardice. I happen to be one of those cowards, admittedly, because I do not want to spend my life in a dungeon or killed on sight by the State. Just making the point that if we were truly pro-life, truly wanted to save the lives of the unborn then we'd do something equivalent to that objective. That's it.
I understand where you are coming from, but I am not a terrorist. Unlike Democrats, we believe in working / fighting within the confines of the Constitution and law...which is why we lose so often.
Is that why the GOP cuts school funding and medical assistance for kids?
Progs love death. There is the Midas Touch and then the Progs Manure Touch. Everywhere you influence it is like tribulations to those involved. Nobody can tell you anything. You get your marching orders everyday and much of it is bereft of sense with the intention pushed as good. All designed to push the decay that the United States of America is in now.
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