Democrat Dilemma -- Base Disconnected From Front-Runner Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrat Dilemma -- Base Disconnected From Front-Runner Biden

Democrat Dilemma — Base Disconnected From Front-Runner Biden
August 23, 2019 ~ By David Limbaugh
What could better illustrate the floundering chaos of the Democratic Party than a new national poll showing Joe Biden as the clear front-runner? The party's got nothing else besides this fumbling faux pas factory. You know the base doesn't want Biden, yet he's leading the party's polls. Indeed, the CNN poll shows that Biden has twice as much support as his closest challengers, Sen. Bernie Sanders at 15 percent, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 14 percent. The rest of the candidates are in the low- to mid-single digits. If the party has any sense, it might take a hard look at Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who seems far more impressive and authentic than the others -- and less radical, which might explain why she only has 2 percent support.

I'm aware of all the polling that shows Democratic candidates can beat President Trump, but color me an unbeliever. Democrats will not only have to find a viable candidate to run against Trump and his stellar record, though such a human has yet to surface for them; they're also going to have to reconcile the deep disconnect between their idea of a winning candidate and the makeup of the Democratic base. Their goal is to contrast their candidate with Trump, but so far they are only showing the contrast between their front-runner and their rabid base. How will they ever square that circle?


The Democrat’s wrapping has always been much better than what’s in the package. Traditional Republicans have always played along, reacting to the wrapping in order not to appear insensitive. The little boy who said “the emperor has no clothes” was insensitive, by the standards of our time. PDJT isn’t playing the game, and the Democrats are too absorbed in their own virtue-signaling bubble world to accept that fact.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat primaries are just a game to provide the Maskirova of popular choice and free will. The Party Politburo will decide who they want to run in the end, and it is the business of the Socialist masses to support them whether they like it or not. I'm pretty sure that in the end it will not be anyone running now who is the candidate. It will be someone who has NOT had to undergo scrutiny all this time, and who the national media can present as ordered by the Democrat Politburo.
If Bernie and Warren can put their egos aside and form an alliance, they’ll take over that party. Because that’s where the Democrats are philosophically. They want socialism and they want it NOW! Wow, that's quite a thought. I wonder if they could actually do it?
Which one would play second banana? I think their egos would be a problem, as I indicated. It would have to be Bernie, I think, but he would constantly undermine Pocahontas. American citizens will reject it. Imagine a full blown Stalinist Commie and Pocahontas residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
In my entire adult life beginning with FDR to the president, I have never seen a more disconnected Democrat party and poor potential presidential nominees ever presented.
Democrats don't have a chance anyway. Americans elected Trump to build the wall and Trump is building the wall. Americans elected Trump to run the economy and we have a great economy.
Democrat Dilemma -- Base Disconnected From Front-Runner Biden

Democrat Dilemma — Base Disconnected From Front-Runner Biden
August 23, 2019 ~ By David Limbaugh
What could better illustrate the floundering chaos of the Democratic Party than a new national poll showing Joe Biden as the clear front-runner? The party's got nothing else besides this fumbling faux pas factory. You know the base doesn't want Biden, yet he's leading the party's polls. Indeed, the CNN poll shows that Biden has twice as much support as his closest challengers, Sen. Bernie Sanders at 15 percent, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 14 percent. The rest of the candidates are in the low- to mid-single digits. If the party has any sense, it might take a hard look at Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who seems far more impressive and authentic than the others -- and less radical, which might explain why she only has 2 percent support.

I'm aware of all the polling that shows Democratic candidates can beat President Trump, but color me an unbeliever. Democrats will not only have to find a viable candidate to run against Trump and his stellar record, though such a human has yet to surface for them; they're also going to have to reconcile the deep disconnect between their idea of a winning candidate and the makeup of the Democratic base. Their goal is to contrast their candidate with Trump, but so far they are only showing the contrast between their front-runner and their rabid base. How will they ever square that circle?


The Democrat’s wrapping has always been much better than what’s in the package. Traditional Republicans have always played along, reacting to the wrapping in order not to appear insensitive. The little boy who said “the emperor has no clothes” was insensitive, by the standards of our time. PDJT isn’t playing the game, and the Democrats are too absorbed in their own virtue-signaling bubble world to accept that fact.
The Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat primaries are just a game to provide the Maskirova of popular choice and free will. The Party Politburo will decide who they want to run in the end, and it is the business of the Socialist masses to support them whether they like it or not. I'm pretty sure that in the end it will not be anyone running now who is the candidate. It will be someone who has NOT had to undergo scrutiny all this time, and who the national media can present as ordered by the Democrat Politburo.
If Bernie and Warren can put their egos aside and form an alliance, they’ll take over that party. Because that’s where the Democrats are philosophically. They want socialism and they want it NOW! Wow, that's quite a thought. I wonder if they could actually do it?
Which one would play second banana? I think their egos would be a problem, as I indicated. It would have to be Bernie, I think, but he would constantly undermine Pocahontas. American citizens will reject it. Imagine a full blown Stalinist Commie and Pocahontas residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
In my entire adult life beginning with FDR to the president, I have never seen a more disconnected Democrat party and poor potential presidential nominees ever presented.
2020 could elect anybody. Don't be shocked by the possibilities-it is still early.

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