Democrat Doom & Gloom falls apart. DOW breaks 20k

After the G.W.Bush economy conservatives should still be hiding their heads in the sand.

Sure, you can hope that things turn out better under Trump, but your head still belongs in the sand until there's some proof that that Trump's policies are definitely working well.

Of course you shouldn't count on it...history shows that Conservative economics have been a gross failure for the majority of the people.

Perhaps Trump will instate LIBERAL economic policies that conservatives will espouse just because he's a GOP President.

Populism, single-payer, and trade barriers are all typically thought of as LIBERAL policies.
Nobel Prize winner for economics and NY Times economic editorialist Paul Krugman predicted that the DOW would drop alarmingly if Trump won the election.

One should never take the Krug serious, I'm an investor and his track record is horrible...on both investing and politics

Paul Krugman Is a Self-Righteous Moron

Of course the stock markets went up and will continue to go up for a while.

1. Trump's economic policies have not been implemented yet - we're still operating under Obama's policies
2. Everyone with a brain knows that Trump is a Wall St. & banking sweetheart. Deregulation is on it's way and then it's casino time on Wall st.

And then the shit will hit the fan...

To Sassy point, she is 100% correct. Look at Krugman predictions. If he was a financial advisor, you would be suing him for malfeasance. Krugman, just like one of his mighty teachers Keynes, was incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. The only difference between the two is----------> Krugman is still alive to spread his malfeasance around, and it is about time since he wants to spout off, somebody puts up his record! Maybe if the left believes this type of crap, they ought to follow his advice in the market, meaning they would be BROKE!

As far as Richard---------> Don't know how old you are, but take it from me-------> stockmarket should be going down because of interest rate hike. What is propping it up is Trump policies. When stock market rises because of policy, it is projecting six months out, which is why if the fed is not involved and you see a stockmarket downturn for an extended period of time, it usually means recession 2 quarters down the road, if not sooner.

Trust me when I say---->be prepared for an economic expansion IF there is no outside interference such as unforeseen wars. There is a pent-up demand for the minerals under our ground, and Trump is going to let our manufacturers get them. With that, wages will rise, thus sales. Add to that many manufacturers are going to come back so as to avoid perceived tariffs and PERSECUTION by the American public for importation, you are going to see an expansion which we have not enjoyed for decades.

Can it be derailed? Of course it can, the world is a dangerous place! Sometimes, we are really NOT in control of our own destiny, and yes, that kinda sucks! BUT; we do have a path forward that will reward us with prosperity, if we are left alone. On the other path we were on, prosperity like we could see, was not coming. So, we have a 50-50 chance, and in my book, that is better than no chance at all. Enjoy the expansion when it happens, and spend the money wisely. This is a one time shot for possibly 30 to 40 years, so we better get the books in order in that amount of time.
Nobel Prize winner for economics and NY Times economic editorialist Paul Krugman predicted that the DOW would drop alarmingly if Trump won the election.

One should never take the Krug serious, I'm an investor and his track record is horrible...on both investing and politics

Paul Krugman Is a Self-Righteous Moron

Of course the stock markets went up and will continue to go up for a while.

1. Trump's economic policies have not been implemented yet - we're still operating under Obama's policies
2. Everyone with a brain knows that Trump is a Wall St. & banking sweetheart. Deregulation is on it's way and then it's casino time on Wall st.

And then the shit will hit the fan...

To Sassy point, she is 100% correct. Look at Krugman predictions. If he was a financial advisor, you would be suing him for malfeasance. Krugman, just like one of his mighty teachers Keynes, was incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. The only difference between the two is----------> Krugman is still alive to spread his malfeasance around, and it is about time since he wants to spout off, somebody puts up his record! Maybe if the left believes this type of crap, they ought to follow his advice in the market, meaning they would be BROKE!

As far as Richard---------> Don't know how old you are, but take it from me-------> stockmarket should be going down because of interest rate hike. What is propping it up is Trump policies. When stock market rises because of policy, it is projecting six months out, which is why if the fed is not involved and you see a stockmarket downturn for an extended period of time, it usually means recession 2 quarters down the road, if not sooner.

Trust me when I say---->be prepared for an economic expansion IF there is no outside interference such as unforeseen wars. There is a pent-up demand for the minerals under our ground, and Trump is going to let our manufacturers get them. With that, wages will rise, thus sales. Add to that many manufacturers are going to come back so as to avoid perceived tariffs and PERSECUTION by the American public for importation, you are going to see an expansion which we have not enjoyed for decades.

Can it be derailed? Of course it can, the world is a dangerous place! Sometimes, we are really NOT in control of our own destiny, and yes, that kinda sucks! BUT; we do have a path forward that will reward us with prosperity, if we are left alone. On the other path we were on, prosperity like we could see, was not coming. So, we have a 50-50 chance, and in my book, that is better than no chance at all. Enjoy the expansion when it happens, and spend the money wisely. This is a one time shot for possibly 30 to 40 years, so we better get the books in order in that amount of time.

The conventional wisdom was that real estate prices would always go up - then we had the greatest economic collapse since 1929.

I don't bank much on what Wall St. thinks 6 months out. They're blinded by greed.

Deregulation will inevitably turn Wall St. into a casino.

Then the shit will hit the fan again, the same way it did in 2008 and 1929.

Of course it may not be until the end of Trump's 8 years that his policies cause such a collapse...seems like as cycle: the Republicans destroy the economy, the Democrats rebuild it just so the Republicans can destroy it again.
Nobel Prize winner for economics and NY Times economic editorialist Paul Krugman predicted that the DOW would drop alarmingly if Trump won the election.

One should never take the Krug serious, I'm an investor and his track record is horrible...on both investing and politics

Paul Krugman Is a Self-Righteous Moron

Of course the stock markets went up and will continue to go up for a while.

1. Trump's economic policies have not been implemented yet - we're still operating under Obama's policies
2. Everyone with a brain knows that Trump is a Wall St. & banking sweetheart. Deregulation is on it's way and then it's casino time on Wall st.

And then the shit will hit the fan...

To Sassy point, she is 100% correct. Look at Krugman predictions. If he was a financial advisor, you would be suing him for malfeasance. Krugman, just like one of his mighty teachers Keynes, was incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. The only difference between the two is----------> Krugman is still alive to spread his malfeasance around, and it is about time since he wants to spout off, somebody puts up his record! Maybe if the left believes this type of crap, they ought to follow his advice in the market, meaning they would be BROKE!

As far as Richard---------> Don't know how old you are, but take it from me-------> stockmarket should be going down because of interest rate hike. What is propping it up is Trump policies. When stock market rises because of policy, it is projecting six months out, which is why if the fed is not involved and you see a stockmarket downturn for an extended period of time, it usually means recession 2 quarters down the road, if not sooner.

Trust me when I say---->be prepared for an economic expansion IF there is no outside interference such as unforeseen wars. There is a pent-up demand for the minerals under our ground, and Trump is going to let our manufacturers get them. With that, wages will rise, thus sales. Add to that many manufacturers are going to come back so as to avoid perceived tariffs and PERSECUTION by the American public for importation, you are going to see an expansion which we have not enjoyed for decades.

Can it be derailed? Of course it can, the world is a dangerous place! Sometimes, we are really NOT in control of our own destiny, and yes, that kinda sucks! BUT; we do have a path forward that will reward us with prosperity, if we are left alone. On the other path we were on, prosperity like we could see, was not coming. So, we have a 50-50 chance, and in my book, that is better than no chance at all. Enjoy the expansion when it happens, and spend the money wisely. This is a one time shot for possibly 30 to 40 years, so we better get the books in order in that amount of time.

The conventional wisdom was that real estate prices would always go up - then we had the greatest economic collapse since 1929.

I don't bank much on what Wall St. thinks 6 months out. They're blinded by greed.

Deregulation will inevitably turn Wall St. into a casino.

Then the shit will hit the fan again, the same way it did in 2008 and 1929.

Of course it may not be until the end of Trump's 8 years that his policies cause such a collapse...seems like as cycle: the Republicans destroy the economy, the Democrats rebuild it just so the Republicans can destroy it again.

Thanks Nostrodumbass.
Nobel Prize winner for economics and NY Times economic editorialist Paul Krugman predicted that the DOW would drop alarmingly if Trump won the election.

Well he was mostly wrong, but it did drop alarmingly 700 points in futures trading the night Trump won, before picking up by morning
Nobel Prize winner for economics and NY Times economic editorialist Paul Krugman predicted that the DOW would drop alarmingly if Trump won the election.

One should never take the Krug serious, I'm an investor and his track record is horrible...on both investing and politics

Paul Krugman Is a Self-Righteous Moron

Of course the stock markets went up and will continue to go up for a while.

1. Trump's economic policies have not been implemented yet - we're still operating under Obama's policies
2. Everyone with a brain knows that Trump is a Wall St. & banking sweetheart. Deregulation is on it's way and then it's casino time on Wall st.

And then the shit will hit the fan...

To Sassy point, she is 100% correct. Look at Krugman predictions. If he was a financial advisor, you would be suing him for malfeasance. Krugman, just like one of his mighty teachers Keynes, was incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. The only difference between the two is----------> Krugman is still alive to spread his malfeasance around, and it is about time since he wants to spout off, somebody puts up his record! Maybe if the left believes this type of crap, they ought to follow his advice in the market, meaning they would be BROKE!

As far as Richard---------> Don't know how old you are, but take it from me-------> stockmarket should be going down because of interest rate hike. What is propping it up is Trump policies. When stock market rises because of policy, it is projecting six months out, which is why if the fed is not involved and you see a stockmarket downturn for an extended period of time, it usually means recession 2 quarters down the road, if not sooner.

Trust me when I say---->be prepared for an economic expansion IF there is no outside interference such as unforeseen wars. There is a pent-up demand for the minerals under our ground, and Trump is going to let our manufacturers get them. With that, wages will rise, thus sales. Add to that many manufacturers are going to come back so as to avoid perceived tariffs and PERSECUTION by the American public for importation, you are going to see an expansion which we have not enjoyed for decades.

Can it be derailed? Of course it can, the world is a dangerous place! Sometimes, we are really NOT in control of our own destiny, and yes, that kinda sucks! BUT; we do have a path forward that will reward us with prosperity, if we are left alone. On the other path we were on, prosperity like we could see, was not coming. So, we have a 50-50 chance, and in my book, that is better than no chance at all. Enjoy the expansion when it happens, and spend the money wisely. This is a one time shot for possibly 30 to 40 years, so we better get the books in order in that amount of time.

The conventional wisdom was that real estate prices would always go up - then we had the greatest economic collapse since 1929.

I don't bank much on what Wall St. thinks 6 months out. They're blinded by greed.

Deregulation will inevitably turn Wall St. into a casino.

Then the shit will hit the fan again, the same way it did in 2008 and 1929.

Of course it may not be until the end of Trump's 8 years that his policies cause such a collapse...seems like as cycle: the Republicans destroy the economy, the Democrats rebuild it just so the Republicans can destroy it again.
you can't even honestly say why the economy tanked in 2008. And it wasn't bush. Just so you know. The info on that is there in the internet world.
Nobel Prize winner for economics and NY Times economic editorialist Paul Krugman predicted that the DOW would drop alarmingly if Trump won the election.

One should never take the Krug serious, I'm an investor and his track record is horrible...on both investing and politics

Paul Krugman Is a Self-Righteous Moron

Of course the stock markets went up and will continue to go up for a while.

1. Trump's economic policies have not been implemented yet - we're still operating under Obama's policies
2. Everyone with a brain knows that Trump is a Wall St. & banking sweetheart. Deregulation is on it's way and then it's casino time on Wall st.

And then the shit will hit the fan...

To Sassy point, she is 100% correct. Look at Krugman predictions. If he was a financial advisor, you would be suing him for malfeasance. Krugman, just like one of his mighty teachers Keynes, was incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. The only difference between the two is----------> Krugman is still alive to spread his malfeasance around, and it is about time since he wants to spout off, somebody puts up his record! Maybe if the left believes this type of crap, they ought to follow his advice in the market, meaning they would be BROKE!

As far as Richard---------> Don't know how old you are, but take it from me-------> stockmarket should be going down because of interest rate hike. What is propping it up is Trump policies. When stock market rises because of policy, it is projecting six months out, which is why if the fed is not involved and you see a stockmarket downturn for an extended period of time, it usually means recession 2 quarters down the road, if not sooner.

Trust me when I say---->be prepared for an economic expansion IF there is no outside interference such as unforeseen wars. There is a pent-up demand for the minerals under our ground, and Trump is going to let our manufacturers get them. With that, wages will rise, thus sales. Add to that many manufacturers are going to come back so as to avoid perceived tariffs and PERSECUTION by the American public for importation, you are going to see an expansion which we have not enjoyed for decades.

Can it be derailed? Of course it can, the world is a dangerous place! Sometimes, we are really NOT in control of our own destiny, and yes, that kinda sucks! BUT; we do have a path forward that will reward us with prosperity, if we are left alone. On the other path we were on, prosperity like we could see, was not coming. So, we have a 50-50 chance, and in my book, that is better than no chance at all. Enjoy the expansion when it happens, and spend the money wisely. This is a one time shot for possibly 30 to 40 years, so we better get the books in order in that amount of time.

The conventional wisdom was that real estate prices would always go up - then we had the greatest economic collapse since 1929.

I don't bank much on what Wall St. thinks 6 months out. They're blinded by greed.

Deregulation will inevitably turn Wall St. into a casino.

Then the shit will hit the fan again, the same way it did in 2008 and 1929.

Of course it may not be until the end of Trump's 8 years that his policies cause such a collapse...seems like as cycle: the Republicans destroy the economy, the Democrats rebuild it just so the Republicans can destroy it again.
you can't even honestly say why the economy tanked in 2008. And it wasn't bush. Just so you know. The info on that is there in the internet world.

What happened in 2008 took years to get there, it wasn't just Bush, Clinton's policies played a major role
Of course the stock markets went up and will continue to go up for a while.

1. Trump's economic policies have not been implemented yet - we're still operating under Obama's policies
2. Everyone with a brain knows that Trump is a Wall St. & banking sweetheart. Deregulation is on it's way and then it's casino time on Wall st.

And then the shit will hit the fan...
Casino time? That's been going on for quite awhile.
I personally have gone outside and seen that the sky is still up there, and not lying in pieces all over the ground. I know, I know, that should not be happening, but I swear that it is.

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