Democrat Fears 48-State Loss to Trump

34 million Americans are not insured let it sink in.
Thousands of Americans file for bankrupcy because of their medical bill. But the government has no problem fighting off billions of dollars to the rich and wealthy and assigning 54% of the budget to the armed forces.
43 million Americans could have all the healthcare they need, all free, if they join the MILITARY.


43 million American's can not join the military so no, that is not true.
Another absolutely useless reply. Simply willing to stick your head in the ground. What you say should happen is never going to happen. So back to my question.
Got one single thing to back up your wild claim ? that >> "What you say should happen is never going to happen"
The amazing thing isn't that Trump wins 48 states but that the two states with the most homelessness, the most poop on the streets, the most poverty and the most rats are who will go against him. Too crazy. Viva Trump, KAG
How about the fact that it isn't happening?
No ? You got the numbers from ICE and DHS, for how many illegals we're getting rid of ? Got a source ? Got a link ? Got anything ?

Yes, we have the numbers.

By comparison, ICE deportations under President Trump dropped to about 226,000 in fiscal 2017, according to Axios. This number jumped to more than 250,000 in fiscal 2018.

Trump deporting immigrants at slower pace than Obama: report

So we have 10-20 million illegals here with more coming all the time. We deport a 1/4 million of which many simply return.

To further my argument, 1.75 million immigrants came to the U.S. in 2016. It doesn't break it down by legal and illegal but how many of these people have access to health care?

Immigration Continues to Surge
Yes, we have the numbers.

By comparison, ICE deportations under President Trump dropped to about 226,000 in fiscal 2017, according to Axios. This number jumped to more than 250,000 in fiscal 2018.

Trump deporting immigrants at slower pace than Obama: report

So we have 10-20 million illegals here with more coming all the time. We deport a 1/4 million of which many simply return.

To further my argument, 1.75 million immigrants came to the U.S. in 2016. It doesn't break it down by legal and illegal but how many of these people have access to health care?

Immigration Continues to Surge
All good information showing that deportation need to be stepped up significantly. Operation Wetback II needed. Let's get on it, Trump.
Yes, we have the numbers.

By comparison, ICE deportations under President Trump dropped to about 226,000 in fiscal 2017, according to Axios. This number jumped to more than 250,000 in fiscal 2018.

Trump deporting immigrants at slower pace than Obama: report

So we have 10-20 million illegals here with more coming all the time. We deport a 1/4 million of which many simply return.

To further my argument, 1.75 million immigrants came to the U.S. in 2016. It doesn't break it down by legal and illegal but how many of these people have access to health care?

Immigration Continues to Surge
All good information showing that deportation need to be stepped up significantly. Operation Wetback II needed. Let's get on it, Trump.

Again it will not.
Looooool so Americans will vote against those that want to help them have a decent healthcare like the rest of the developed and some undeveloped countries?
The problem (for Democrats) is having a decent healthcare for millons$$$ who are NOT AMERICANS.

Again, Democrats gooney globalism coming back to bite them in the ass.
And Republicans have no problem handing billions of dollars to Israel, and defense contractors while millions of Americans are dying without decent health care.
Correct. I don't have a problem with that.

Do you have a problem with America being unable to defend itself?
I don't see Dims losing anywhere near 48 states, no matter what.

BUT, if they continue this push for healthcare for illegals, and ending private insurance, they'll definitely lose more than they think they'll gain.
The will win the reliable blue states like NY, CA, OR, WA, CT, VT, MD, NJ, RI.
Again it will not.
So you have the authority to tell President Trump what to do ? If he wants to step up ICE raids, he'll do exactly that. Let me now when you get the power to call the shots/
Again it will not.
So you have the authority to tell President Trump what to do ? If he wants to step up ICE raids, he'll do exactly that. Let me now when you get the power to call the shots/

He can step up raids. He won't. He might a little but that is nothing more than a very small dent in the issue. He's had 2.5 years now, what's the hold up?
He can step up raids. He won't. He might a little but that is nothing more than a very small dent in the issue. He's had 2.5 years now, what's the hold up?
Good question. We should have had an Operation Wetback by now. but I'd still rather see Trump be re-elected, than some illegal alien ass-kissing Democrat become president.

PS- one of the hold ups is all the time, money and energy wasted on defending against constant Democrat harassment, investigations, etc.
Yes, we have the numbers.

By comparison, ICE deportations under President Trump dropped to about 226,000 in fiscal 2017, according to Axios. This number jumped to more than 250,000 in fiscal 2018.

Trump deporting immigrants at slower pace than Obama: report

So we have 10-20 million illegals here with more coming all the time. We deport a 1/4 million of which many simply return.

To further my argument, 1.75 million immigrants came to the U.S. in 2016. It doesn't break it down by legal and illegal but how many of these people have access to health care?

Immigration Continues to Surge
Your link contradicts itself. It says >
Trump deporting immigrants at slower pace than Obama: report.

Actually, Trump is deporting at a faster/higher rate. The links says >> Trump has had more than 282,000 deportations as of June. That is a rate of 564,000 per year.

PS - Obama deported nobody. His alleged "deportations" were actually catch & release summonses, which were ignored by aliens.
He can step up raids. He won't. He might a little but that is nothing more than a very small dent in the issue. He's had 2.5 years now, what's the hold up?
Good question. We should have had an Operation Wetback by now. but I'd still rather see Trump be re-elected, than some illegal alien ass-kissing Democrat become president.

That's fine but expect this same conversation to still be going on 20 years from now.

PS- one of the hold ups is all the time, money and energy wasted on defending against constant Democrat harassment, investigations, etc.

The entire "Russia" thing was stupid as are most all of the "investigations" from either party but that's just an excuse. It does stop Trump from addressing the actual problem. The employers.
Yes, we have the numbers.

By comparison, ICE deportations under President Trump dropped to about 226,000 in fiscal 2017, according to Axios. This number jumped to more than 250,000 in fiscal 2018.

Trump deporting immigrants at slower pace than Obama: report

So we have 10-20 million illegals here with more coming all the time. We deport a 1/4 million of which many simply return.

To further my argument, 1.75 million immigrants came to the U.S. in 2016. It doesn't break it down by legal and illegal but how many of these people have access to health care?

Immigration Continues to Surge
Your link contradicts itself. It says >
Trump deporting immigrants at slower pace than Obama: report.

Actually, Trump is deporting at a faster/higher rate. The links says >> Trump has had more than 282,000 deportations as of June. That is a rate of 564,000 per year.

PS - Obama deported nobody. His alleged "deportations" were actually catch & release summonses, which were ignored by aliens.

Much of Obama's claims were exaggerated but the article also notes that there is little ICE can do about all the illegals already here.
Much of Obama's claims were exaggerated but the article also notes that there is little ICE can do about all the illegals already here.
ICE can do plenty abut illegals here now. It can round them up and deport them. It can also have its budget expanded greatly, and do much more. Trump should remember everyone if these illegal aliens is a (illegal) Democrat voter.

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