Democrat Fears 48-State Loss to Trump

It isn't spin, it's fact.

This isn't the only place this is happening. It's happening all over. Do we not want to make sure these people are healthy? Are you really OK with people with little access to health care working in these jobs?
If it's a fact you must support rounding them up and shipping them off.

That doesn't solve the issue. Ship them off but then they turn around and return to their waiting job.

You leftist will say anything to defend the indefensible idiocy your party makes you agree to.

What party would that be? I do not belong to one and what makes me a leftist? Because I'm pro-life? Because I support the 2nd Amendment? Because I support a balanced budget amendment? Because I think those who hire illegals should be arrested?
As you're not a leftist, I apologise.

But free healthcare for illegals is a way left policy.

It is and I'm asking questions concerning the policy. Why does everyone avoid the questions?

Illegals are working in our food processing plants. They are working in our restaurants preparing our meals.

Should we not want to make sure they are healthy and can afford time off if they are sick?

No, we should be deporting them.

And constructing a 700 ft wall on the border to prevent them from coming back.

Again......fantasy as opposed to dealing with the facts.
so who should be the nominee if not Beto? Delaney? he's spent 15 million dollars of his own money and is at 0 percent in the polls

A zero percent in the polls gives Mr. Delaney a lot greater opportunity and space to move up, without any downside risk.
thats how losers think. loser

Hardly, I am just looking to put a positive spin on Delaney's poll numbers at this point in time.

If you are at a nadir, there is only one way you can go.
Looooool so Americans will vote against those that want to help them have a decent healthcare like the rest of the developed and some undeveloped countries?
The problem (for Democrats) is having a decent healthcare for millons$$$ who are NOT AMERICANS.

Again, Democrats gooney globalism coming back to bite them in the ass.
As someone that lives in a neighborhood of foreigners,, I can’t even get into the local clinic down the street and NO ONE SPEAKS ENGLISH..
It’s coming your way.. enjoy
Wow. Where is THIS fiasco ?
In California Democrats legalized vote harvesting so the people who run those operations decide who wins and loses there.
Thanks. Interesting post, but could be a little longer to provide more information.

My first thought though was, just like in the 2016 election, by the time California's
votes start being tallied, Trump will have already won from the South, Midwest, and West.
Democrats say blacks will get reparations but still have to pay for healthcare that Democrats give away to any foreign national who comes and goes unchecked and unregulated at will into our country. The foreign nationals invading America get the most free goodies from Democrats paid for by Americans.
Democrats take American blacks completely for granted. It's time for American blacks to wake up to that. They are supporting their own demise (foreigners stealing their low wage JOBS, housing, health care, clogging roads and hospitals, bringing foreign diseases, starting wildfires, etc.

Then there's the Muslim immigrants (that Obama loved so much). All they want to do is throw the US Constitution in the garbage, and establish an Islamic state. That would be catastrophe for blacks, whom Muslims have traditionally regarded as inferior, and worthy of being slaves. Ihhan Omar should think about that.
I know more than you do. None of the shit you said is true. I'm black and I am for reparations. Your punk ass little 35 percent racist sub group has no power. Whites have been given everything they have today because of the government, so take your little 9nth grade argument elsewhere.
You know SQUAT. Just the OPPOSITE is true. It is blacks who "have been given everything they have today because of the government". They have received jobs, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid business loans, etc. ahead of whites, all in deliberate racial discrimination, in Affirmative Action programs.

This in, by far, the largest and worst racism in America, harming the largest number of people (Whites) for 58 years. It began in 1961 by President Kennedy when he issued executive order 10925, to make federal contractors take affirmative action, by hiring blacks, instead of even better qualified whites. It was then signed into law by President Lyndon B Johnson in 1965, as an executive order.

And in many cases, these black beneficiaries have been unqualified to do what they were given, causing major harms to American society (ex. open admissions program in New York City, which removed academic entrance requirements for City University of New York (13 colleges), thereby forcing the teachers (of which I was one) to lower teaching standards, and water down courses, to accommodate the dum dums who couldn't participate at a normal college level.
It's funny how you guys pretend Trumps not trying to end the healthcare people get now.
Notice this Democrat uses the the word "people" rather than the word AMERICANS (as it should be).

We should always note when they do that. (and understand why)
Trump may well win, nothing too get excited about, my guess is with no restraints on those in control the money will continue flow upwards, less restrictions on pollution, public safety, affordable housing . things will continue to worsen for the middle & the working class. Maybe it will happen no matter who wins elections, we need to stop measuring how the economy is doing by how well the rich are doing.
But that's not what's happening. Filling in the BLANKS that liberal OMISSION media leaves its viewers with, we see >>

Black and Hispanic unemployment have reached their lowest levels ever recorded.

Disabled unemployment at lowest level ever in US history.

Women unemployment lowest in 65 years.

More Americans (mostly middle/working class) working than ever before.
Job openings are at highest.

Median household income highest ever ($61,400/yr)
FALSE! This common talking point is still used by liberals, despite having been refuted a million times. White women are about = to white men in victimization from Affirmative Action.

Only a very tiny % of white women benefit from Affirmative Action (while victimizing white men), but the main thing is that far more white women are victimized as dependents of white men who are victimized (wives and daughters of white male victims) The ratio is something like 100,000 to 1.
You can't dispute anything I say so you call my arguments names.

You got nothing and it will stay that way as long as you buy into Democrat propaganda. Nobody owes you shit.
If anybody should receive reparations$$$, it shold be whites, who have been victimized by Affirmative Action for 54 years.
They process and prepare our food. Why would you not want to make sure they are healthy?
Because they won't be here, after ICE deports them. :biggrin: The idea of them preparing and processing our food is sickening. How many foreign diseases are they spreading that way ? This is how the Entero 68 virus epidemic began in Colorado.
But that isn't going to happen so my question stands. You are OK with those processing and preparing your food not being healthy?
What makes you thin deportation isn't going to happen ? Is this more of the goofey stuff CNN has been feeding you guys ?
Democrats aren't in charge of enforcing immigration. Trump is doing nothing about those employing them so back to my question.
No president has done much to go after employers of illegals. It is a very underprosecuted crime, because it is complicated and difficult to prove that employers hired illegals KNOWINGLY, especially since computers have made false documentation easy and undetectable.

Courts consider such cases a waste of time, energy and taxpayer money.
It isn't spin, it's fact.

This isn't the only place this is happening. It's happening all over. Do we not want to make sure these people are healthy? Are you really OK with people with little access to health care working in these jobs?
If it's a fact you must support rounding them up and shipping them off.

That doesn't solve the issue. Ship them off but then they turn around and return to their waiting job.

You leftist will say anything to defend the indefensible idiocy your party makes you agree to.

What party would that be? I do not belong to one and what makes me a leftist? Because I'm pro-life? Because I support the 2nd Amendment? Because I support a balanced budget amendment? Because I think those who hire illegals should be arrested?
As you're not a leftist, I apologise.

But free healthcare for illegals is a way left policy.

It is and I'm asking questions concerning the policy. Why does everyone avoid the questions?

Illegals are working in our food processing plants. They are working in our restaurants preparing our meals.

Should we not want to make sure they are healthy and can afford time off if they are sick?
No. Absolutely not. They should be packed up and sent back to wherever they came from..
Trump should take 48 states given the great state of the economy, record low unemployment, low gas prices, the push for border security and North Korean peace talks to name a few. Add to this the fact that places like Baltimore under Democrat rule have been outed. But given how the entire MSM is in the tank for the Democrats, given the amount of naive self-loathing whites out there and the amount of people that actually buy in to the "racist" lie, it will be a very tight race.
Democrats live and die just by propaganda, and that could be ANYTHING they think the public could be suckered into believing.

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