Democrat Fears 48-State Loss to Trump

I am tellin you. It is not gonna happen! Trump is gonna lose man. Late in the race a Democrat is gonna pop up. He/she is gonna take it.

Thank you for your thorough and scientific analysis on the matter.
Don't worry Moishe...whoever replaces him will still lovingly nuzzle that jew ass over in Israel.

Moishe? LMAO. I am not Israeli. I just dislike Jew hating inbred losers who root for shitty baseball teams.
If the Dems nominate Harris or Booker, they could lose 39 states. I don't think they'd lose 48. I think the following states would vote for the Dem nominee even if it were DeBlasio: CA, OR, MA, ME, MD, DE, CT, RI, NY, NJ, and IL.
Speaking of Comrade De Blasio, he came right out and enunciated the Democrat Socialist agenda: "We will tax the hell out of the wealthy" (and then eat them).

Clearly ILLEGAL immigrants would be OK in the "new & improved" US but success would be punished.

Uncle Bernie ain't kidding either … they are all about imposing "fundamental change" (confiscating private wealth, picking winners & losers) in American society whether we want it or not.

What they propose will incentivize ILLEGAL immigration (that will no longer be illegal), chase innovation, investment, ambition, and jobs, and destroy our freedom while turning us into gov't slaves.

Yeah … let's vote for that. :cool:
Trump should take 48 states given the great state of the economy, record low unemployment, low gas prices, the push for border security and North Korean peace talks to name a few. Add to this the fact that places like Baltimore under Democrat rule have been outed. But given how the entire MSM is in the tank for the Democrats, given the amount of naive self-loathing whites out there and the amount of people that actually buy in to the "racist" lie, it will be a very tight race.
I am tellin you. It is not gonna happen! Trump is gonna lose man. Late in the race a Democrat is gonna pop up. He/she is gonna take it.

Thank you for your thorough and scientific analysis on the matter.
Don't worry Moishe...whoever replaces him will still lovingly nuzzle that jew ass over in Israel.

Moishe? LMAO. I am not Israeli. I just dislike Jew hating inbred losers who root for shitty baseball teams.
So you're just some shabbos goy?'re just a cuck then?
I am tellin you. It is not gonna happen! Trump is gonna lose man. Late in the race a Democrat is gonna pop up. He/she is gonna take it.

Thank you for your thorough and scientific analysis on the matter.
Don't worry Moishe...whoever replaces him will still lovingly nuzzle that jew ass over in Israel.

Moishe? LMAO. I am not Israeli. I just dislike Jew hating inbred losers who root for shitty baseball teams.
So you're just some shabbos goy?'re just a cuck then?

Was that English? Don't they teach you proper English in prison? Your next original thought will be your first, you pussy.
I am tellin you. It is not gonna happen! Trump is gonna lose man. Late in the race a Democrat is gonna pop up. He/she is gonna take it.

Thank you for your thorough and scientific analysis on the matter.
Don't worry Moishe...whoever replaces him will still lovingly nuzzle that jew ass over in Israel.

Moishe? LMAO. I am not Israeli. I just dislike Jew hating inbred losers who root for shitty baseball teams.
So you're just some shabbos goy?'re just a cuck then?

Was that English? Don't they teach you proper English in prison? Your next original thought will be your first, you pussy.
-Shabbos Goy

Why don't you look those words up? It will give you something to do during your break as a Jew ball washer.
Thank you for your thorough and scientific analysis on the matter.
Don't worry Moishe...whoever replaces him will still lovingly nuzzle that jew ass over in Israel.

Moishe? LMAO. I am not Israeli. I just dislike Jew hating inbred losers who root for shitty baseball teams.
So you're just some shabbos goy?'re just a cuck then?

Was that English? Don't they teach you proper English in prison? Your next original thought will be your first, you pussy.
-Shabbos Goy

Why don't you look those words up? It will give you something to do during your break as a Jew ball washer.

I don't take advice from pussies on the Internet. Face to face you'd cower. I laugh at your weak ass expense. Why don't you man up for once in your pathetic life?
Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?
Looooool so Americans will vote against those that want to help them have a decent healthcare like the rest of the developed and some undeveloped countries?

Dims are promising something they can't deliver, and European healthcare sucks.
How European health care sucks ? They have higher life e expectancy they dont have to go bankrupt because of a medical emergency.
I have friends and family in Europe. Don4 be fooled we have the worst system.
It sucks because of long waits for treatment and there are many treatments you can't get in Europe. Socialized healthcare is rationed healthcare.
That's what they want. You to beleive wait times are fine some here in the US with amazing healthcare coverage can wait longer.
It has been debunked, they want you to beleive is crap in Europe, Australia, Canada so they can keep ripping you off.
They charge astronomical prices here for medication, hospital stays and doctor visits...not the case in Europe. And you get same care if not better.
34 million Americans are not insured let it sink in.
Thousands of Americans file for bankrupcy because of their medical bill. But the government has no problem fighting off billions of dollars to the rich and wealthy and assigning 54% of the budget to the armed forces.
Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?
It will be interesting to see how the MSM tries to put lipstick on that pig.
Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?

Rep. Tim Ryan is a moron.

But none the less, he is a resident of the Mahoning Valley in the Heartland, and is in a region with huge numbers of Deplorables.

Deplorable Americans don't want this proposed Abomination, Ryan is just woke to the fact.

If the D's continue on this spiral downward, they will be schlonged in 2020
Nothing says 'winning!' like taxing the middle class to give free healthcare to Illegals

They process and prepare our food. Why would you not want to make sure they are healthy?
That's a cute spin.

So currently they don't have free healthcare.... So you're saying they should be kept away from food preperation?

Good luck with that...

It isn't spin, it's fact.

This isn't the only place this is happening. It's happening all over. Do we not want to make sure these people are healthy? Are you really OK with people with little access to health care working in these jobs?
It isn't spin, it's fact.

This isn't the only place this is happening. It's happening all over. Do we not want to make sure these people are healthy? Are you really OK with people with little access to health care working in these jobs?
If it's a fact you must support rounding them up and shipping them off.

You leftist will say anything to defend the indefensible idiocy your party makes you agree to.
the Mondale campaign in 1984 did a poll that asked: "do you even think we should have an election"...90 percent said no. they knew then it was going to be a landslide.

the same will happen this time if we dont nominate Beto, my friends!
the Mondale campaign in 1984 did a poll that asked: "do you even think we should have an election"...90 percent said no. they knew then it was going to be a landslide.

the same will happen this time if we dont nominate Beto, my friends!
Beto? Seriously?

Trump will pulverized that idiot.
the Mondale campaign in 1984 did a poll that asked: "do you even think we should have an election"...90 percent said no. they knew then it was going to be a landslide.

the same will happen this time if we dont nominate Beto, my friends!
Beto? Seriously?

Trump will pulverized that idiot.
Beto es mas grande que Trump!

Beto will tell Trump ADIOS from the white house!
Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?
Looooool so Americans will vote against those that want to help them have a decent healthcare like the rest of the developed and some undeveloped countries?

The last dude all but destroyed healthcare
Any of those people would finish it off.

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