Democrat Fears 48-State Loss to Trump

Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?
Depends on how much "likeability" is a factor-it hurt Hillary, but could help Biden.
Since that's not their position...
Democrats say blacks will get reparations but still have to pay for healthcare that Democrats give away to any foreign national who comes and goes unchecked and unregulated at will into our country. The foreign nationals invading America get the most free goodies from Democrats paid for by Americans.

I know what democrats say. Completely. You don't. So I don't need an alt right republican piece of trash to give me it's version.
You're a Democrat. That pretty much means you're a POS. You don't know shit about nothing and if you do, you're lying to cover up what you know Democrats believe.

Democrats are for reparations... true

Democrats force Americans to buy healthcare... true

Democrats give that healthcare to foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated at will.... true

I know more than you do. None of the shit you said is true. I'm black and I am for reparations. Your punk ass little 35 percent racist sub group has no power. Whites have been given everything they have today because of the government, so take your little 9nth grade argument elsewhere.
Any time a poster must anoint himself more knowledgeable simply reveals he doesn't know his bunghole from a doughnut hole.

That's because libtards think they taste the same!
34 million Americans are not insured let it sink in.
Thousands of Americans file for bankrupcy because of their medical bill. But the government has no problem fighting off billions of dollars to the rich and wealthy and assigning 54% of the budget to the armed forces.
43 million Americans could have all the healthcare they need, all free, if they join the MILITARY.

Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?
Looooool so Americans will vote against those that want to help them have a decent healthcare like the rest of the developed and some undeveloped countries?
Medicare for all you damn right I don't want it.
34 million Americans are not insured let it sink in.
Thousands of Americans file for bankrupcy because of their medical bill. But the government has no problem fighting off billions of dollars to the rich and wealthy and assigning 54% of the budget to the armed forces.
43 million Americans could have all the healthcare they need, all free, if they join the MILITARY.


Well, other than the fact they have to:

a) be able to read.
b) have a pulse
c) not be 5 feet tall and 5 feet wide
d) not be a tweaker, crack head or meth head
e) not have a rap sheet as long as their arm
f) not be older than dirt
g) have tattoos that look like the Sunday newspaper comics all over their faces, neck, and hands

Those qualifications alone would keep 90-95% out of consideration.

Did you know that any marijuana possession or domestic violence arrests are disqualifying for the Army?
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Well, other than the fact they have to:

a) be able to read.
b) have a pulse
c) not be 5 feet tall and 5 feet wide
d) not be a tweaker, crack head or meth head
e) not have a rap sheet as long as their arm
f) not be older than dirt
g) have tattoos that look like the Sunday newspaper comics all over their faces, neck, and hands

Those qualifications alone would keep 90-95% out of consideration.

Did you knw that any marijuana possession or domestic violence arrests are disqualifying for the Army?
There would still be a lot of the 34 million who would qualify for one of the 5 forces. Democrats cannot claim that THOSE people have no medical care option.

And the Army could reduce some of its disqualifications. If any troopers engage in illegitimate violence, they should be put in a jail cell wallpapered with nude pictures of Hillary Clinton,
Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?

Of the entire lot of them, I see only Yang and Gabbard as people who I would think COULD do a reasonable and creative job in the WH.

I don't see ANY of them beating Trump, especially if he keeps his promises. They have no ideas about China or the southern border that put America First. They have foolishly looked at USMCA as negative and Paris Accord as a positive.

Trump wins in a landslide in 2020. All they have now is "race division" in a desire to prevent his inroads into minority voters.

Insightful. The Democrats pivot to all out anti-white, anti-Christian , Anti-American and everything-free Marxism seems odd and self destructive until you look at it is a result of this fear. They can’t beat Trump. Now they just want to hang on to their minorities and various smaller grievance groups.
That’s another reason for their wailing and teeth grinding over Trump telling the truth about Cumming’s district. Now of all times they can’t afford truth.
Well, other than the fact they have to:

a) be able to read.
b) have a pulse
c) not be 5 feet tall and 5 feet wide
d) not be a tweaker, crack head or meth head
e) not have a rap sheet as long as their arm
f) not be older than dirt
g) have tattoos that look like the Sunday newspaper comics all over their faces, neck, and hands

Those qualifications alone would keep 90-95% out of consideration.

Did you know that any marijuana possession or domestic violence arrests are disqualifying for the Army?
There would still be a lot of the 34 million who would qualify for one of the 5 forces. Democrats cannot claim that THOSE people have no medical care option.

And the Army could reduce some of its disqualifications. If any troopers engage in illegitimate violence, they should be put in a jail cell wallpapered with nude pictures of Hillary Clinton,

Reduce its disqualifications? Bullshit! These standards were recently raised!
Looooool so Americans will vote against those that want to help them have a decent healthcare like the rest of the developed and some undeveloped countries?
The problem (for Democrats) is having a decent healthcare for millons$$$ who are NOT AMERICANS.

Again, Democrats gooney globalism coming back to bite them in the ass.
And Republicans have no problem handing billions of dollars to Israel, and defense contractors while millions of Americans are dying without decent health care.
34 million Americans are not insured let it sink in.
Thousands of Americans file for bankrupcy because of their medical bill. But the government has no problem fighting off billions of dollars to the rich and wealthy and assigning 54% of the budget to the armed forces.
43 million Americans could have all the healthcare they need, all free, if they join the MILITARY.

Military swallows a swooping 52% or so of the gove4nments budget as if we have war with the whole galaxy. Americans pay taxes for useless army bases in thousands of locations I think they deserve a good health care with their own money.
34 million Americans are not insured let it sink in.
Thousands of Americans file for bankrupcy because of their medical bill. But the government has no problem fighting off billions of dollars to the rich and wealthy and assigning 54% of the budget to the armed forces.
43 million Americans could have all the healthcare they need, all free, if they join the MILITARY.

Military swallows a swooping 52% or so of the gove4nments budget as if we have war with the whole galaxy. Americans pay taxes for useless army bases in thousands of locations I think they deserve a good health care with their own money.
Did you mean to say "15%" or did you intentionally LIE?

Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go?
Rep. Tim Ryan said Wednesday Democrats will lose in 48 states, if presidential candidates continue with their call for "Medicare for All" healthcare plans.

This is particularly if they result in the loss of negotiated benefits for union workers, like the ones he represents in Ohio. Other moderate Democrats have expressed opposition to Medicare for All and echoed Ryan’s fear that pushing such a policy would clear the path for defeat in 2020. Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney called the plan “bad policy” and said it “will just get President Trump reelected.”

Well Democrats. What do you have to say about THAT ?
Looooool so Americans will vote against those that want to help them have a decent healthcare like the rest of the developed and some undeveloped countries?

I will.
34 million Americans are not insured let it sink in.
Thousands of Americans file for bankrupcy because of their medical bill. But the government has no problem fighting off billions of dollars to the rich and wealthy and assigning 54% of the budget to the armed forces.
43 million Americans could have all the healthcare they need, all free, if they join the MILITARY.

Military swallows a swooping 52% or so of the gove4nments budget as if we have war with the whole galaxy. Americans pay taxes for useless army bases in thousands of locations I think they deserve a good health care with their own money.
Did you mean to say "15%" or did you intentionally LIE?

Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go?

He intentionally lied. Or haven’t you dealt with liberals before?
I don't see Dims losing anywhere near 48 states, no matter what.

BUT, if they continue this push for healthcare for illegals, and ending private insurance, they'll definitely lose more than they think they'll gain.
I'd like to see something completely different and thinking outside the box. I believe the Democrats only chance is to place on the ballot a favorite son/daughter in each state to best shoot for electoral votes. That is a separate candidate in each state.. If successful they could then pick their president-elect before the real presidential vote on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December.
They process and prepare our food. Why would you not want to make sure they are healthy?
Because they won't be here, after ICE deports them. :biggrin: The idea of them preparing and processing our food is sickening. How many foreign diseases are they spreading that way ? This is how the Entero 68 virus epidemic began in Colorado.

Yes they are still going to be here. I do not understand those who reply like you do . You know as well as anyone that the vast majority are not going anywhere and the small percentage that do get deported simply have their job awaiting their return.
But that isn't going to happen so my question stands. You are OK with those processing and preparing your food not being healthy?
What makes you thin deportation isn't going to happen ? Is this more of the goofey stuff CNN has been feeding you guys ?

Democrats aren't in charge of enforcing immigration. Trump is doing nothing about those employing them so back to my question.
No president has done much to go after employers of illegals. It is a very underprosecuted crime, because it is complicated and difficult to prove that employers hired illegals KNOWINGLY, especially since computers have made false documentation easy and undetectable.

Courts consider such cases a waste of time, energy and taxpayer money.

You answer your own question here. With this being the case, why do we not want to make sure those who process and prepare our food are healthy?
It isn't spin, it's fact.

This isn't the only place this is happening. It's happening all over. Do we not want to make sure these people are healthy? Are you really OK with people with little access to health care working in these jobs?
If it's a fact you must support rounding them up and shipping them off.

That doesn't solve the issue. Ship them off but then they turn around and return to their waiting job.

You leftist will say anything to defend the indefensible idiocy your party makes you agree to.

What party would that be? I do not belong to one and what makes me a leftist? Because I'm pro-life? Because I support the 2nd Amendment? Because I support a balanced budget amendment? Because I think those who hire illegals should be arrested?
As you're not a leftist, I apologise.

But free healthcare for illegals is a way left policy.

It is and I'm asking questions concerning the policy. Why does everyone avoid the questions?

Illegals are working in our food processing plants. They are working in our restaurants preparing our meals.

Should we not want to make sure they are healthy and can afford time off if they are sick?
No. Absolutely not. They should be packed up and sent back to wherever they came from..

Another absolutely useless reply. Simply willing to stick your head in the ground. What you say should happen is never going to happen. So back to my question.

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