Democrat Law Professor (Turley) Calls on Pelosi to Resign!!!

Her antics are an effort to appease her base and garner their support. She knows the Ds failed miserably. She’s just trying to save face as the election approaches.

Seems her antics were to take the spotlight off Trump and his speech and make herself the story.

And it worked to perfection.
She should have streaked naked through the chamber
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Strong arming a ally for help in the election is okay. OMG but gasp, tearing up his holiness's script! Sacrilege! Off with her head!

"If you accept that the accusations I REALLY want to believe are true, then it's obvious that anything I approve of is acceptable!"

Yeah, Sparkles, we'll get right on adjusting to that mindset . . . just as soon as we can get our heads that far up our asses.
Nah. that's Hillary saying: "Hey Vlad, I got some good Uranium ore for sale. Cheap! You in?
Nah it was probably more like...

Now that you got Ukraine to get rid of their missiles, and Obama said he'd have more flexibility, can I have The Crimea and Invade Ukraine like Obama promised I could?

He promised all he would send them are blankets & NOT bullets,.....right?

And don't forget to send that $150 Billion to my ally Iran for them to buy Obama Bombs from us with Obama Bucks.

And thanks for The Russian Reset which allowed us to get our hooks in to US Tech companies, and thanks for 20% of US Uranium, and The Aleutian Islands too, COMRADE!

Now you're just dumbly winging it by jumbling history. Hillary was SoS for the first 4 years of Obama's terms. The Ukrainians didn't throw off the fucking Russian Pussies until 2014.

This was much earlier, right after the US bought all that enriched uranium from the old decommission Soviet warheads. She conned him into buy some low producing Dirt mines in the desert. That's why he hated her so much. "I gave her 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium and all I got was some US Dirt mines in the desert"

Whenever left wingers are this angry, something really really good must have happened.....

This is a thread about the anger of the Trumpublicans at Tear-able Nancy for ripping up her copy of the script of Trumpybears SOTU showcase and Prize give away.

I'm just playing with the Amalgam Tree

After Joe Wilson yelled during Obama's SOTU, he apologized afterwards. Do you suppose we will see the same curtesy by Nancy????



None of which ever spoke to Trump directly about it. They all assumed.....except Sondland of course, and he testified that Trump told him he wanted no quid pro quo.

Of course he exclaimed "No QPQ" after the whistle blowers complaint was finally reported. Sondland also testified they were all in on the scheme. "No announcement of investigations, no aid, no meeting."

What I don't understand is why they didn't subpoena all the other principles and immediately challenge their refusal to cooperate in court. I think they'd have been in a better position to get the Senate to join with their subpoenas.

But they didn't ask me.

Wait a minute, I thought the Democrats had everything they needed for a justified impeachment. I thought they told us it was a slam dunk. If they really thought Trump was out to extort Zelensky, why didn't they sit quietly and wait for him to actually do it?

The truth of the matter is it's all made up. They knew that's not what Trump was up to. He was looking into their favorite contender for the nomination. They wanted to do something.....anything to try and stop him. As for the witnesses they wanted, they can't even state what they were looking for. They were just hoping that they would run into something by accident. They could have called any witness they liked, and when Trump refused to let them testify, take it to court like the Republicans did when DumBama refused to hand over documents in the Fast and Furious case. That's the way it's supposed to be done.

The Dems under estimated the Trumpublicans fealty to the Trumpybear.

To imagine it's all made up however is like pole vaulting from the calculus of reason into a pit of abstract chaos.
Lolz at the Party that walked off the cliff lockstep behind Iran Nan
Nah. that's Hillary saying: "Hey Vlad, I got some good Uranium ore for sale. Cheap! You in?
Nah it was probably more like...

Now that you got Ukraine to get rid of their missiles, and Obama said he'd have more flexibility, can I have The Crimea and Invade Ukraine like Obama promised I could?

He promised all he would send them are blankets & NOT bullets,.....right?

And don't forget to send that $150 Billion to my ally Iran for them to buy Obama Bombs from us with Obama Bucks.

And thanks for The Russian Reset which allowed us to get our hooks in to US Tech companies, and thanks for 20% of US Uranium, and The Aleutian Islands too, COMRADE!

Now you're just dumbly winging it by jumbling history. Hillary was SoS for the first 4 years of Obama's terms. The Ukrainians didn't throw off the fucking Russian Pussies until 2014.

This was much earlier, right after the US bought all that enriched uranium from the old decommission Soviet warheads. She conned him into buy some low producing Dirt mines in the desert. That's why he hated her so much. "I gave her 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium and all I got was some US Dirt mines in the desert"

Whenever left wingers are this angry, something really really good must have happened.....

This is a thread about the anger of the Trumpublicans at Tear-able Nancy for ripping up her copy of the script of Trumpybears SOTU showcase and Prize give away.

I'm just playing with the Amalgam Tree

After Joe Wilson yelled during Obama's SOTU, he apologized afterwards. Do you suppose we will see the same curtesy by Nancy????

How many times had Obama verbally denigrated Joe Wilson prior to his outburst. Had they been fighting a lot?

I think most all decorum we use to see between the parties has ceased to be in this age. It didn't start with Trumpybear but it has accelerated exponentially with him in office.
George Washington University Law professor and self described Democrat Jonathan Turley is calling for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to resign if she can't maintain the dignity of her position.

"While many will celebrate her trolling of the president, she tore up something far more important than a speech. Pelosi has shredded decades of tradition, decorum, and civility that the nation could use now more than ever. The House speaker is more than a political partisan, particularly when carrying out functions such as the State of the Union address. A president appears in the House as a guest of both chambers of Congress. The House speaker represents not her party or herself but the entirety of the chamber. At that moment, she must transcend her own political ambitions and loyalties," Turley writes at The Hill. "If Trump made the State of the Union look like Oprah, then Pelosi made it look like Jerry Springer."

In his piece, Turley chides the Speaker for failing to use proper titles while introducing President Trump and called her decision to rip up the text of his speech "revolting." Pelosi justified her behavior by saying it was the "courteous thing to do."

"Pelosi has demolished decades of tradition with this poorly considered moment. Of course, many will celebrate her conduct and be thrilled by the insult to Trump. However, even those of us who disagree with his policies should consider what Pelosi destroyed in her moment of rage. She shredded the pretense of governing with civility and dignity in the House. Notably, she did not wait to rip up her copy of the speech until after she left the House floor. Pelosi wanted to do it at the end of the speech, in front of the camera, with the president still in the chamber," he continued.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


comduct that warrants her removal.

she planned it all along. we have the video of her practicing and doing the microtears during the speech.

"Pelosi justified her behavior by saying it was the "courteous thing to do."

That is white hot bitter hatred. Seething hatred.

Far too much hate to see clearly.

Far too much hate to carry out her duties professionally.

Far too much hate that it will blind her, and the Democrats, to making the many mistakes that will ultimately lead to their shocking losses again this fall.

Trump is that big bully to them that always got the pretty girls, always was captain of the team, always was the teacher's pet, always was the star pupil, always cheated, always kicked sand in their face, always stole their test answers, and always got away with it!

And when they tattled on him, it somehow backfired they got the blame! :lmao:

They just really really HATE Donald. I'm sure they've discussed shooting him and which one will take the blame. Maybe they can get to the White House chef and food taster. :laughing0301:

She tore up Trump's lies to the American people, just as Trumpists have torn up the Constitution. Pelosi is an American hero.
Nah it was probably more like...

Now that you got Ukraine to get rid of their missiles, and Obama said he'd have more flexibility, can I have The Crimea and Invade Ukraine like Obama promised I could?

He promised all he would send them are blankets & NOT bullets,.....right?

And don't forget to send that $150 Billion to my ally Iran for them to buy Obama Bombs from us with Obama Bucks.

And thanks for The Russian Reset which allowed us to get our hooks in to US Tech companies, and thanks for 20% of US Uranium, and The Aleutian Islands too, COMRADE!

Now you're just dumbly winging it by jumbling history. Hillary was SoS for the first 4 years of Obama's terms. The Ukrainians didn't throw off the fucking Russian Pussies until 2014.

This was much earlier, right after the US bought all that enriched uranium from the old decommission Soviet warheads. She conned him into buy some low producing Dirt mines in the desert. That's why he hated her so much. "I gave her 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium and all I got was some US Dirt mines in the desert"

Whenever left wingers are this angry, something really really good must have happened.....

This is a thread about the anger of the Trumpublicans at Tear-able Nancy for ripping up her copy of the script of Trumpybears SOTU showcase and Prize give away.

I'm just playing with the Amalgam Tree

After Joe Wilson yelled during Obama's SOTU, he apologized afterwards. Do you suppose we will see the same curtesy by Nancy????

How many times had Obama verbally denigrated Joe Wilson prior to his outburst. Had they been fighting a lot?

I think most all decorum we use to see between the parties has ceased to be in this age. It didn't start with Trumpybear but it has accelerated exponentially with him in office.
How many people did Obama Kill with his support of, financing and arming of terrorists?

Telling Nancy she is a corrupt embezzling bribe taking dishonest hag who cares only about ripping taxpayers off and selling her soul, I will take any day than over what the Shucking AND Jiving Bamboozling Obama Bin Lying did, while bathing in the blood of millions of innocent lives.
After Joe Wilson yelled during Obama's SOTU, he apologized afterwards. Do you suppose we will see the same curtesy by Nancy????

She'd be a fool to apologize: to apologize is an invitation for all the enemies to destroy the person who apologizes. "He says he was wrong, so destroy him!!"

One of the most important rules in politics is Never Apologize, Never Explain. Trump doesn't. Nancy won't either, I bet. After all, the point was to say in body language, "This whole speech was nonsense!" She won't want to take that back.
George Washington University Law professor and self described Democrat Jonathan Turley is calling for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to resign if she can't maintain the dignity of her position.

"While many will celebrate her trolling of the president, she tore up something far more important than a speech. Pelosi has shredded decades of tradition, decorum, and civility that the nation could use now more than ever. The House speaker is more than a political partisan, particularly when carrying out functions such as the State of the Union address. A president appears in the House as a guest of both chambers of Congress. The House speaker represents not her party or herself but the entirety of the chamber. At that moment, she must transcend her own political ambitions and loyalties," Turley writes at The Hill. "If Trump made the State of the Union look like Oprah, then Pelosi made it look like Jerry Springer."

In his piece, Turley chides the Speaker for failing to use proper titles while introducing President Trump and called her decision to rip up the text of his speech "revolting." Pelosi justified her behavior by saying it was the "courteous thing to do."

"Pelosi has demolished decades of tradition with this poorly considered moment. Of course, many will celebrate her conduct and be thrilled by the insult to Trump. However, even those of us who disagree with his policies should consider what Pelosi destroyed in her moment of rage. She shredded the pretense of governing with civility and dignity in the House. Notably, she did not wait to rip up her copy of the speech until after she left the House floor. Pelosi wanted to do it at the end of the speech, in front of the camera, with the president still in the chamber," he continued.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


comduct that warrants her removal.

she planned it all along. we have the video of her practicing and doing the microtears during the speech.

"Pelosi justified her behavior by saying it was the "courteous thing to do."

That is white hot bitter hatred. Seething hatred.

Far too much hate to see clearly.

Far too much hate to carry out her duties professionally.

Far too much hate that it will blind her, and the Democrats, to making the many mistakes that will ultimately lead to their shocking losses again this fall.

Trump is that big bully to them that always got the pretty girls, always was captain of the team, always was the teacher's pet, always was the star pupil, always cheated, always kicked sand in their face, always stole their test answers, and always got away with it!

And when they tattled on him, it somehow backfired they got the blame! :lmao:

They just really really HATE Donald. I'm sure they've discussed shooting him and which one will take the blame. Maybe they can get to the White House chef and food taster. :laughing0301:

She tore up Trump's lies to the American people, just as Trumpists have torn up the Constitution. Pelosi is an American hero.
She tore up house rules
She tore up The Constitution
She tore up Decorum
She tore up the names of The Americans The President Honored.

You are dishonored with her, and are a disgrace to this country.
After Joe Wilson yelled during Obama's SOTU, he apologized afterwards. Do you suppose we will see the same curtesy by Nancy????

She'd be a fool to apologize: to apologize is an invitation for all the enemies to destroy the person who apologizes. "He says he was wrong, so destroy him!!"

One of the most important rules in politics is Never Apologize, Never Explain. Trump doesn't. Nancy won't either, I bet. After all, the point was to say in body language, "This whole speech was nonsense!" She won't want to take that back.
The Holy One of Israel says to apologize when you have wrongly offended someone.

In this case, it was America.

If that old hag calls the President's citizenship or patriotism into question, she should be deported. Or forced to live out her days on a ship that never sets port in America!
Who is accepting help from Russia in 2020? It is Trump and his supporters. You are the Communist. You also qualify as a DEMON an a RAT so you must be a DEMONRAT.


Podesta's email password was P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D. So the emails got hacked under DumBama, but blame the civilian not in government like Trump.
If you call hiring Pakistani hackers with criminal records and giving them Admin Rights to Podesta's Emails, especially when the password was password....probably reset by The Pakistanis, Hacking, then I am a hacker.

Seth Rich was friends with this group and they were Sanders fans, and that is how Assange got Podesta's Emails....via a Thumb Drive.

Now Where is Assange? Same place Guccifer is.

Locked away and SILENCED FOREVER!

Whatever happened to the right to a speedy trial?

Why wasn't Mueller ever interested in Assange, The Death of Seth Rich, or talking to The Pakistani Hackers?


The way I understood it is that Rich's laptop was confiscated by the local police department, and then erased like Hillary's server. I also read that if the Russians downloaded those emails, there would have been a trace on it in the server itself. All uploads and downloads leave a record, and there was no record of such a transfer on the DNC server. Therefore you are correct, it was an inside job; somebody that had permission to get into that room with the server.

There was no server in a room.
How many people did Obama Kill with his.....

Not nearly as many as President Bush did when he invaded and occupied Iraq.
George Washington University Law professor and self described Democrat Jonathan Turley is calling for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to resign if she can't maintain the dignity of her position.

"While many will celebrate her trolling of the president, she tore up something far more important than a speech. Pelosi has shredded decades of tradition, decorum, and civility that the nation could use now more than ever. The House speaker is more than a political partisan, particularly when carrying out functions such as the State of the Union address. A president appears in the House as a guest of both chambers of Congress. The House speaker represents not her party or herself but the entirety of the chamber. At that moment, she must transcend her own political ambitions and loyalties," Turley writes at The Hill. "If Trump made the State of the Union look like Oprah, then Pelosi made it look like Jerry Springer."

In his piece, Turley chides the Speaker for failing to use proper titles while introducing President Trump and called her decision to rip up the text of his speech "revolting." Pelosi justified her behavior by saying it was the "courteous thing to do."

"Pelosi has demolished decades of tradition with this poorly considered moment. Of course, many will celebrate her conduct and be thrilled by the insult to Trump. However, even those of us who disagree with his policies should consider what Pelosi destroyed in her moment of rage. She shredded the pretense of governing with civility and dignity in the House. Notably, she did not wait to rip up her copy of the speech until after she left the House floor. Pelosi wanted to do it at the end of the speech, in front of the camera, with the president still in the chamber," he continued.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


comduct that warrants her removal.

she planned it all along. we have the video of her practicing and doing the microtears during the speech.

"Pelosi justified her behavior by saying it was the "courteous thing to do."

That is white hot bitter hatred. Seething hatred.

Far too much hate to see clearly.

Far too much hate to carry out her duties professionally.

Far too much hate that it will blind her, and the Democrats, to making the many mistakes that will ultimately lead to their shocking losses again this fall.

Trump is that big bully to them that always got the pretty girls, always was captain of the team, always was the teacher's pet, always was the star pupil, always cheated, always kicked sand in their face, always stole their test answers, and always got away with it!

And when they tattled on him, it somehow backfired they got the blame! :lmao:

They just really really HATE Donald. I'm sure they've discussed shooting him and which one will take the blame. Maybe they can get to the White House chef and food taster. :laughing0301:

She tore up Trump's lies to the American people, just as Trumpists have torn up the Constitution. Pelosi is an American hero.
She tore up house rules
She tore up The Constitution
She tore up Decorum
She tore up the names of The Americans The President Honored.

You are dishonored with her, and are a disgrace to this country.

Dragon lives in Canada.
Strong arming a ally for help in the election is okay. OMG but gasp, tearing up his holiness's script! Sacrilege! Off with her head!

Who strong armed anybody? And who ever did what that pig did?

"The president asked a foreign government to investigate his political rival. The president withheld vital military funds from that government to press it to do so. The president delayed funds for an American ally at war with Russian invaders. The president’s purpose was personal and political. Accordingly, the president is guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust.

What he did was not perfect. No, it was a flagrant assault on our electoral rights, our national security and our fundamental values. Corrupting an election to keep oneself in office is perhaps the most abusive and destructive violation of one’s oath of office that I can imagine."


"I sought to hear testimony from John Bolton, not only because I believed he could add context to the charges, but also because I hoped that what he might say could raise reasonable doubt and thus remove from me the awful obligation to vote for impeachment."

<Mitts speach> NY time paywall.....

It was a first for the "Pig" as you say, to weaponize foreign aid money against the opposing party. No other president has done that.

Oh, so now Mitt Romney is your hero and shining example of wisdom and veracity, simply because you like what he said?

Color me shocked.
After Joe Wilson yelled during Obama's SOTU, he apologized afterwards. Do you suppose we will see the same curtesy by Nancy????

She'd be a fool to apologize: to apologize is an invitation for all the enemies to destroy the person who apologizes. "He says he was wrong, so destroy him!!"

One of the most important rules in politics is Never Apologize, Never Explain. Trump doesn't. Nancy won't either, I bet. After all, the point was to say in body language, "This whole speech was nonsense!" She won't want to take that back.

If they pressure her to, it would probably kill her.
George Washington University Law professor and self described Democrat Jonathan Turley is calling for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to resign if she can't maintain the dignity of her position.

"While many will celebrate her trolling of the president, she tore up something far more important than a speech. Pelosi has shredded decades of tradition, decorum, and civility that the nation could use now more than ever. The House speaker is more than a political partisan, particularly when carrying out functions such as the State of the Union address. A president appears in the House as a guest of both chambers of Congress. The House speaker represents not her party or herself but the entirety of the chamber. At that moment, she must transcend her own political ambitions and loyalties," Turley writes at The Hill. "If Trump made the State of the Union look like Oprah, then Pelosi made it look like Jerry Springer."

In his piece, Turley chides the Speaker for failing to use proper titles while introducing President Trump and called her decision to rip up the text of his speech "revolting." Pelosi justified her behavior by saying it was the "courteous thing to do."

"Pelosi has demolished decades of tradition with this poorly considered moment. Of course, many will celebrate her conduct and be thrilled by the insult to Trump. However, even those of us who disagree with his policies should consider what Pelosi destroyed in her moment of rage. She shredded the pretense of governing with civility and dignity in the House. Notably, she did not wait to rip up her copy of the speech until after she left the House floor. Pelosi wanted to do it at the end of the speech, in front of the camera, with the president still in the chamber," he continued.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


comduct that warrants her removal.

she planned it all along. we have the video of her practicing and doing the microtears during the speech.
/—-/ I heard it mentioned Piglosi broke a federal law by destroying the document. I’m not a lawyer and don’t know if it’s true.
Not nearly as many as President Bush did when he invaded and occupied Iraq

Two of the four worst traitors to ever occupy the Oval Office, the other two being LBJ and Andrew Johnson (both Johnsons)







Podesta's email password was P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D. So the emails got hacked under DumBama, but blame the civilian not in government like Trump.
If you call hiring Pakistani hackers with criminal records and giving them Admin Rights to Podesta's Emails, especially when the password was password....probably reset by The Pakistanis, Hacking, then I am a hacker.

Seth Rich was friends with this group and they were Sanders fans, and that is how Assange got Podesta's Emails....via a Thumb Drive.

Now Where is Assange? Same place Guccifer is.

Locked away and SILENCED FOREVER!

Whatever happened to the right to a speedy trial?

Why wasn't Mueller ever interested in Assange, The Death of Seth Rich, or talking to The Pakistani Hackers?


The way I understood it is that Rich's laptop was confiscated by the local police department, and then erased like Hillary's server. I also read that if the Russians downloaded those emails, there would have been a trace on it in the server itself. All uploads and downloads leave a record, and there was no record of such a transfer on the DNC server. Therefore you are correct, it was an inside job; somebody that had permission to get into that room with the server.

There was no server in a room.
How many people did Obama Kill with his.....

Not nearly as many as President Bush did when he invaded and occupied Iraq.
Nah it was probably more like...

Now that you got Ukraine to get rid of their missiles, and Obama said he'd have more flexibility, can I have The Crimea and Invade Ukraine like Obama promised I could?

He promised all he would send them are blankets & NOT bullets,.....right?

And don't forget to send that $150 Billion to my ally Iran for them to buy Obama Bombs from us with Obama Bucks.

And thanks for The Russian Reset which allowed us to get our hooks in to US Tech companies, and thanks for 20% of US Uranium, and The Aleutian Islands too, COMRADE!

Now you're just dumbly winging it by jumbling history. Hillary was SoS for the first 4 years of Obama's terms. The Ukrainians didn't throw off the fucking Russian Pussies until 2014.

This was much earlier, right after the US bought all that enriched uranium from the old decommission Soviet warheads. She conned him into buy some low producing Dirt mines in the desert. That's why he hated her so much. "I gave her 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium and all I got was some US Dirt mines in the desert"

Whenever left wingers are this angry, something really really good must have happened.....

This is a thread about the anger of the Trumpublicans at Tear-able Nancy for ripping up her copy of the script of Trumpybears SOTU showcase and Prize give away.

I'm just playing with the Amalgam Tree

After Joe Wilson yelled during Obama's SOTU, he apologized afterwards. Do you suppose we will see the same curtesy by Nancy????

How many times had Obama verbally denigrated Joe Wilson prior to his outburst. Had they been fighting a lot?

I think most all decorum we use to see between the parties has ceased to be in this age. It didn't start with Trumpybear but it has accelerated exponentially with him in office.

That's pretty much a two way street with Trump and Piglosi, don't you think?

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