Democrat leaders outraged at weekend ICE raids

Democrats hate the idea of anyone tampering with their stash of illegal voters as much as they hate Trump. Democrats are unfit to rule.
Do you agree with the Mayor of Chicago?

Entirely. Anything that opposes Trump is valid and legitimate. This is what you do to tyrannical governments the people didn't choose.

More to the point, this is typical Trump. He makes a bellicose threat, people oppose him, he then says, "Let's sit down and negotiate", and when he doesn't get what he wants, he pouts. He's already backed down from his threat to round people up because he knew he'd look foolish when they came up largely empty.
So enforcing our immigration law is "tyrannical". Lol. Idiot.
the DISGUSTING FILTH in this Country truly IS The Enemy Of The People.

They keep things from you that you should know, then lie about things you already know.

They are worthless beyond description

Illegal alien rapist released by sanctuary city allegedly attacks same disabled victim three days later

Illegal alien rapist released by sanctuary city allegedly attacks same disabled victim three days later

....Here is the twist. Typically, lawyers for illegal aliens try to cover their immigration status so they are not deported. In this case, the lawyers openly used his immigration status to avoid probation supervision upon release. His lawyer suggested that because he was homeless in King County and planned to board the next flight to Mexico, there was no need for further involvement in the American justice system. Having it both ways, the judge granted him full release on condition he register as a sex offender and provide proof that he left the country by June 25. Thus, the entire leniency was predicated on him being a Mexican citizen, but at the same time, neither the judge, the prosecutor, nor any local law enforcement notified ICE that this man was released.

Sanctuary city officials often contend that they have no interest in performing immigration work, yet in order to release this man without any supervision, the judge actually engaged in her own “self-deport” deal without getting ICE involved.

The result? Carranza-Ramirez didn’t fly to Mexico. He violated the protection order by coming within 1,000 feet of the victim just two days later on June 15. The next day, King County sheriff’s detectives say, he came to the victim’s home, knocked her out of her wheelchair, and attempted to strangle her in front of her three-year-old son. Sheriff’s deputies found her Sunday night on the ground with cuts and bruises and her wheelchair overturned. She was treated in a local hospital for a seizure and concussion and then released to a hiding place...

The sick part, the disgusting part, is even though this woman should have some female advocates in the dimocrap scum party, those filthy, smelly, scabby, crusty vermin won't say a word.

Serving their Masters is even more important than the 'sisterhood' as far as they're concerned.

Sorry to use up USMB's valuable bandwidth on something that is, I'm sure, all over the Front Pages and the Lead Story on Nightly News Casts. You're probably tired of hearing/reading about it, AMIRIGHT??

P.S. dimocraps are scum
the DISGUSTING FILTH in this Country truly IS The Enemy Of The People.

They keep things from you that you should know, then lie about things you already know.

They are worthless beyond description

Illegal alien rapist released by sanctuary city allegedly attacks same disabled victim three days later

Illegal alien rapist released by sanctuary city allegedly attacks same disabled victim three days later

....Here is the twist. Typically, lawyers for illegal aliens try to cover their immigration status so they are not deported. In this case, the lawyers openly used his immigration status to avoid probation supervision upon release. His lawyer suggested that because he was homeless in King County and planned to board the next flight to Mexico, there was no need for further involvement in the American justice system. Having it both ways, the judge granted him full release on condition he register as a sex offender and provide proof that he left the country by June 25. Thus, the entire leniency was predicated on him being a Mexican citizen, but at the same time, neither the judge, the prosecutor, nor any local law enforcement notified ICE that this man was released.

Sanctuary city officials often contend that they have no interest in performing immigration work, yet in order to release this man without any supervision, the judge actually engaged in her own “self-deport” deal without getting ICE involved.

The result? Carranza-Ramirez didn’t fly to Mexico. He violated the protection order by coming within 1,000 feet of the victim just two days later on June 15. The next day, King County sheriff’s detectives say, he came to the victim’s home, knocked her out of her wheelchair, and attempted to strangle her in front of her three-year-old son. Sheriff’s deputies found her Sunday night on the ground with cuts and bruises and her wheelchair overturned. She was treated in a local hospital for a seizure and concussion and then released to a hiding place...

The sick part, the disgusting part, is even though this woman should have some female advocates in the dimocrap scum party, those filthy, smelly, scabby, crusty vermin won't say a word.

Serving their Masters is even more important than the 'sisterhood' as far as they're concerned.

Sorry to use up USMB's valuable bandwidth on something that is, I'm sure, all over the Front Pages and the Lead Story on Nightly News Casts. You're probably tired of hearing/reading about it, AMIRIGHT??

P.S. dimocraps are scum

And take notice how the MSM avoided talking about the Pittsburgh terrorist plot to attack a Christian church. Few know that this clown was a Syrian refugee who entered the country when Trump announced his travel ban, which as we all know, the leftist activist courts stopped.

Even if he was able to carry out that attack, the media would have been mum outside of the first day of reporting.
Democrats hate the idea of anyone tampering with their stash of illegal voters as much as they hate Trump. Democrats are unfit to rule.

We Republicans brought it on ourselves. :dunno:

See..... We believe in uplifting everybody. Whites, Blacks, Latino(a)s, Asians..... Everybody.

dimocrap SCUM can not exist without victims and since we've greatly reduced the victim pool by giving them jobs, self-respect, the ability to raise a family, etc dimocrap FILTH have to import victims. By the million.

All these scum do is try to create victimhood. Look at their speeches at the dimocrap scum deal in SC. Listen for a minute (if you can keep from throwing up).

It's all they ever talk about -- Victims and their status. Never get between a dimocrap scumbag and his/her victimhood. Never.

Without victims, there would be no dimocrap scum party. It's all they got.

But since we Republicans have managed to alleviate a great deal of the poverty and oppression in this Country, dimocrap FILTH have to import more victims.

You may not like how I say it, but I speak the truth.

get over it
Democrats hate the idea of anyone tampering with their stash of illegal voters as much as they hate Trump. Democrats are unfit to rule.

We Republicans brought it on ourselves. :dunno:

See..... We believe in uplifting everybody. Whites, Blacks, Latino(a)s, Asians..... Everybody.

dimocrap SCUM can not exist without victims and since we've greatly reduced the victim pool by giving them jobs, self-respect, the ability to raise a family, etc dimocrap FILTH have to import victims. By the million.

All these scum do is try to create victimhood. Look at their speeches at the dimocrap scum deal in SC. Listen for a minute (if you can keep from throwing up).

It's all they ever talk about -- Victims and their status. Never get between a dimocrap scumbag and his/her victimhood. Never.

Without victims, there would be no dimocrap scum party. It's all they got.

But since we Republicans have managed to alleviate a great deal of the poverty and oppression in this Country, dimocrap FILTH have to import more victims.

You may not like how I say it, but I speak the truth.

get over it

Certainly. Victims love Democrats and Democrats love victims.

It's why they want to disarm law abiding people. If they could do that, we would all be victims of crime because only the police and criminals would have the guns. Democrats don't mind guns, what they hate is the idea that we can use them to defend ourselves. Those of us that can defend ourselves don't need government around to do it for us.
A solid law enforcement operation just dashes liberal weak and weepy sentiments.
“Trump is doing great on the economy and appointing judges, he is just failing on immigration.” This is like saying, “Your hearing is great and your vision is 20/20, your heart is just failing.” Your heart is foundational to everything else and if it fails, nothing else matters.
Words do not even describe how pathetic this is. Trump just sent the message to the entire world that not only can you enter our country illegally—you can even fail to show up for court, fail to get asylum, and we won’t even pretend we’re going to try to remove you.
He has not done one single thing at the request of the 62 million people who voted for him. His presidency is a second-rate simulation. “At the request of Democrats, I have delayed the Illegal Immigration Removal Process for two weeks”
Words do not even describe how pathetic this is. Trump just sent the message to the entire world that not only can you enter our country illegally—you can even fail to show up for court, fail to get asylum, and we won’t even pretend we’re going to try to remove you.

one word describes it perfectly - you were punked


Some Democrats like AOC have been giving offenders ways to evade Law Enforcement. Democrats don’t believe illegals need to obey Immigration Laws. Perhaps some believe that any Laws aside from Open Borders are unethical and therefore OK with people ignoring or breaking the Immigration Laws.

What if pro Lifers calculate how much of their taxes go to fund abortion and refuse to pay it? Then, when the Democrats send law enforcement to arrest them, Republicans are providing guidance how to evade?

Liberals have no idea what precedents they set sometimes.
No surprise here, the Trump train keeps on a rolling, and Democrats are furious.

ICE expected to launch massive immigration raids in 10 US cities

(CNN) – Raids targeting immigrant families could be carried out as soon as this weekend.

President Donald Trump on Monday sent out a warning on Twitter, hinting that something big was about to go down involving undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Now, a senior immigration official has confirmed that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is set to launch raids in 10 U.S. cities beginning this Sunday, targeting about 2,000 people.

Democratic leaders are responding, calling the planned raids “shameful,” “a reelection stunt” and “a despicable act of racism.”

ICE expected to launch massive immigration raids in 10 US cities

Removing people that came here illegally is racism according to the left. Is this who you want leading the country in 2020?

Update. The Trump train just derailed. Putting off the raids.

Actually the Trump Train is rolling faster than ever.

Pelosi called begging the raids to be delayed so Congress could get comprehensive immigration reform.

Nancy Pelosi Called Trump to Have Him Call Off ICE Raids

It appears that the Dems will be having some serious issues when ICE goes into these sanctuary cities and hauls
out folks who already have been served with deportation notices.

He got the Dems to the table pretty quick like.

There are right at 1 million illegals in this country that have been ordered deported by the Courts. They've already had their
due process. All that remains is ICE hauling them to the border or putting them on a plane to their home country.

Trump is holding all the aces. "Nancy, go get those asylum laws changed and the loopholes got 14 days."

"Oh yeah...and don't forget to add money for the rest of the wall in September's budget."."

The snowflakes need to tell themselves it was Trump that backed down. Trump had this planned all along is my guess. They can have their fun now believing whatever the want to believe. But in two weeks, it's going to be........

View attachment 265943

I don't know if he had it planned all along, but somewhere along the line I believe he did plan it.

He has given them 2 weeks to fix a simple problem. To the illegals that are married to American women or have fathered
children in this country, which make the children American, that family is gonna place all the blame at the Democrats doorstep, if hubby
gets deported. They won't be listening to any bullshit when Daddy is being hauled out the door.

Trump put the problem in the dems lap. Plus this must be repeated for the snowflakes...These individuals have already had due
process. ICE is clear to deport them. That makes them criminals. They did not show up for their asylum hearings so they will not
get any sympathy from Independent voters. This is a losing political issue for the dems trying to get elected.
No surprise here, the Trump train keeps on a rolling, and Democrats are furious.

ICE expected to launch massive immigration raids in 10 US cities

(CNN) – Raids targeting immigrant families could be carried out as soon as this weekend.

President Donald Trump on Monday sent out a warning on Twitter, hinting that something big was about to go down involving undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Now, a senior immigration official has confirmed that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is set to launch raids in 10 U.S. cities beginning this Sunday, targeting about 2,000 people.

Democratic leaders are responding, calling the planned raids “shameful,” “a reelection stunt” and “a despicable act of racism.”

ICE expected to launch massive immigration raids in 10 US cities

Removing people that came here illegally is racism according to the left. Is this who you want leading the country in 2020?

Update. The Trump train just derailed. Putting off the raids.

Actually the Trump Train is rolling faster than ever.

Pelosi called begging the raids to be delayed so Congress could get comprehensive immigration reform.

Nancy Pelosi Called Trump to Have Him Call Off ICE Raids

It appears that the Dems will be having some serious issues when ICE goes into these sanctuary cities and hauls
out folks who already have been served with deportation notices.

He got the Dems to the table pretty quick like.

There are right at 1 million illegals in this country that have been ordered deported by the Courts. They've already had their
due process. All that remains is ICE hauling them to the border or putting them on a plane to their home country.

Trump is holding all the aces. "Nancy, go get those asylum laws changed and the loopholes got 14 days."

"Oh yeah...and don't forget to add money for the rest of the wall in September's budget."."

The snowflakes need to tell themselves it was Trump that backed down. Trump had this planned all along is my guess. They can have their fun now believing whatever the want to believe. But in two weeks, it's going to be........

View attachment 265943

I don't know if he had it planned all along, but somewhere along the line I believe he did plan it.

He has given them 2 weeks to fix a simple problem. To the illegals that are married to American women or have fathered
children in this country, which make the children American, that family is gonna place all the blame at the Democrats doorstep, if hubby
gets deported. They won't be listening to any bullshit when Daddy is being hauled out the door.

Trump put the problem in the dems lap. Plus this must be repeated for the snowflakes...These individuals have already had due
process. ICE is clear to deport them. That makes them criminals. They did not show up for their asylum hearings so they will not
get any sympathy from Independent voters. This is a losing political issue for the dems trying to get elected.

Whether Trump planned it or not, the result is how the Democrats responded. Using the same old racism, xenophobe argument. It's clear what their position is on immigration. They couldn't make it any clearer.

Trump is trying to plug the hole instead of bailing out the water faster. But if that hole can't be plugged because of Democrats, then Trump can only do the latter.

The Democrats don't want to lose any foreigners. Those foreigners are the key for them to make this a single-party nation forever. Desperate indigent people are what keeps that party going. Since they are running out of those people in our country, they need to bring those kind of people in from other countries.
No surprise here, the Trump train keeps on a rolling, and Democrats are furious.

ICE expected to launch massive immigration raids in 10 US cities

(CNN) – Raids targeting immigrant families could be carried out as soon as this weekend.

President Donald Trump on Monday sent out a warning on Twitter, hinting that something big was about to go down involving undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Now, a senior immigration official has confirmed that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is set to launch raids in 10 U.S. cities beginning this Sunday, targeting about 2,000 people.

Democratic leaders are responding, calling the planned raids “shameful,” “a reelection stunt” and “a despicable act of racism.”

ICE expected to launch massive immigration raids in 10 US cities

Removing people that came here illegally is racism according to the left. Is this who you want leading the country in 2020?

The raids were delayed and this is why:

Trump announces delay of mass immigration raids that were to start Sunday

Better to figure out the immigration laws on both sides of the aisle.
No surprise here, the Trump train keeps on a rolling, and Democrats are furious.

ICE expected to launch massive immigration raids in 10 US cities

(CNN) – Raids targeting immigrant families could be carried out as soon as this weekend.

President Donald Trump on Monday sent out a warning on Twitter, hinting that something big was about to go down involving undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Now, a senior immigration official has confirmed that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is set to launch raids in 10 U.S. cities beginning this Sunday, targeting about 2,000 people.

Democratic leaders are responding, calling the planned raids “shameful,” “a reelection stunt” and “a despicable act of racism.”

ICE expected to launch massive immigration raids in 10 US cities

Removing people that came here illegally is racism according to the left. Is this who you want leading the country in 2020?

The raids were delayed and this is why:

Trump announces delay of mass immigration raids that were to start Sunday

Better to figure out the immigration laws on both sides of the aisle.

I don't really buy it.

I think that Trump is smart on this. First he exposed the Democrats real intention here. For years they cried that immigrants should have their day in court. Well, these people did have their day in court, and the courts told them to get out of the country. They refused.

But knowing how the MSM works, let's try to imagine what would have happened if Trump carried through on Sunday.

Of course the media would be covering as many families that they could; showing little Juan crying hysterically because he and his family were forced to leave. Little Juan made friends where he lived and planned on going to school there in the fall.


In the report, they would tell their audiences how Nancy tried to work with Trump on stopping the raids, but Trump wanted nothing to do with talking to anybody. He just wanted these people gone.

Now that Trump chose this route instead, it disables the media from running tear jerking stories like that. Trump left it in the hands of Piglosi and her minions in Congress, and they failed to get anything done, so Trump carried through with his promise.
No surprise here, the Trump train keeps on a rolling, and Democrats are furious.

ICE expected to launch massive immigration raids in 10 US cities

(CNN) – Raids targeting immigrant families could be carried out as soon as this weekend.

President Donald Trump on Monday sent out a warning on Twitter, hinting that something big was about to go down involving undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Now, a senior immigration official has confirmed that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is set to launch raids in 10 U.S. cities beginning this Sunday, targeting about 2,000 people.

Democratic leaders are responding, calling the planned raids “shameful,” “a reelection stunt” and “a despicable act of racism.”

ICE expected to launch massive immigration raids in 10 US cities

Removing people that came here illegally is racism according to the left. Is this who you want leading the country in 2020?
How can anyone find fault with US law enforcement agencies doing their job, and enforcing US law ? There is just one answer. They are DERANGED.

No surprise here, the Trump train keeps on a rolling, and Democrats are furious.

ICE expected to launch massive immigration raids in 10 US cities

(CNN) – Raids targeting immigrant families could be carried out as soon as this weekend.

President Donald Trump on Monday sent out a warning on Twitter, hinting that something big was about to go down involving undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Now, a senior immigration official has confirmed that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is set to launch raids in 10 U.S. cities beginning this Sunday, targeting about 2,000 people.

Democratic leaders are responding, calling the planned raids “shameful,” “a reelection stunt” and “a despicable act of racism.”

ICE expected to launch massive immigration raids in 10 US cities

Removing people that came here illegally is racism according to the left. Is this who you want leading the country in 2020?

Good news. Soon breathing will be racist for those who refuse to worship with political correctness.
It already is. I've been called a racist by IM2 and other idiots like him, simply because I don't suck on BLM's dick. Because I appreciate MLK's dream about equality and don't twist it into a dream about black power. So yea, my being alive and not appreciating political correctness apparently makes me a racist according to dipshits like him.

IM2 I the biggest racist here and he knows it.


and an unemployed parasite
Trump plan is to capture them, put them in confinement, and sort out who is legit who who is too legit to quit.

Hey it work with the Indians

His base will go ohhh, ahhhh, and throw him flowers but in the end he will lose reelection

Everyone being targeted in these raids already has a court-order for deportation. Suck it up, libtard!

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