Democrat-Media Complex is now in full Dump Brandon mode


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
You can always count on dems to stab you in the back when you need them the most. Even if you're one of them! Maybe 'Especially' if you're one of them.


So now, the cabal, which includes Academia, 99% of the Media, ALL of Hollywood, wants to dump Joe. He's become a liability.

Like a pride of Lions that will attack and devour a weak or older member of their group.

So -- What else is new?

Another sign came Sunday that the Democrats are ready to send Old Joe Biden off to a permanent retirement at his taxpayer-funded, walled Delaware beach house. First, there was the inundation of establishment media handwringing over the senescent corruptocrat’s mental state after the same media outlets had stoutly insisted for three years that the sinister and befuddled old fool was sharp as a tack and constantly challenging the intellectual acuity of his aides. And now CNN has claimed that Kamala Harris, the first vice president ever to demonstrate unfitness for the world’s easiest job, is in calm, cool command, taking charge and reassuring Dems who are worried that they might not cheat effectively enough in November.


The accomplishments of an administration dedicated to governing, one that believes in the power of government to make life better for the American people, is a key reason we heartily endorse the reelection of President Joe Biden. The other reason, equally important, is to fend off the chaos, corruption and danger to the nation that would accompany the return of Donald Trump to the White House.

The president has his shortcomings, to be sure, but what his administration has managed to get done during the past three years is a potent reminder to his fellow Democrats, to independents and to those Republicans who have somehow resisted Trump’s cultish appeal that the nation has a viable alternative. Here is a sampling:

One of the clear advantages of a president as experienced as Biden is wisdom: in this case, the wisdom to get the heck out of the Fed's way as it masterfully applied the brakes to what could have been runaway inflation.

The economy has recovered from the perils of the pandemic and is now healthier than that of any other advanced nation. With unemployment approaching a 50-year low, companies large and small need workers. (Notice the “help wanted” signs in shop windows, the “We’re Hiring” signs outside huge warehouses and distribution centers just off I-10 east of Brookshire.)
Inflation is trending downward, somehow, despite all dire prophecies of economists, without the bitter medicine of a recession or a period of high unemployment. Food prices are still high, and hard-working Americans are still wincing at grocery store receipts, but gas prices have fallen, as the U.S. produces more oil than any country in history, including Saudi Arabia. In an ongoing effort to wean ourselves off fossil fuels, the administration is investing $7 billion in an ambitious solar-power project and is promoting other alternative energy projects, as well.
The stock market is percolating along and hitting record highs.

Now tell me how liberal the Houston Chronicle is .......
The accomplishments of an administration dedicated to governing, one that believes in the power of government to make life better for the American people, is a key reason we heartily endorse the reelection of President Joe Biden. The other reason, equally important, is to fend off the chaos, corruption and danger to the nation that would accompany the return of Donald Trump to the White House.

The president has his shortcomings, to be sure, but what his administration has managed to get done during the past three years is a potent reminder to his fellow Democrats, to independents and to those Republicans who have somehow resisted Trump’s cultish appeal that the nation has a viable alternative. Here is a sampling:

One of the clear advantages of a president as experienced as Biden is wisdom: in this case, the wisdom to get the heck out of the Fed's way as it masterfully applied the brakes to what could have been runaway inflation.

The economy has recovered from the perils of the pandemic and is now healthier than that of any other advanced nation. With unemployment approaching a 50-year low, companies large and small need workers. (Notice the “help wanted” signs in shop windows, the “We’re Hiring” signs outside huge warehouses and distribution centers just off I-10 east of Brookshire.)
Inflation is trending downward, somehow, despite all dire prophecies of economists, without the bitter medicine of a recession or a period of high unemployment. Food prices are still high, and hard-working Americans are still wincing at grocery store receipts, but gas prices have fallen, as the U.S. produces more oil than any country in history, including Saudi Arabia. In an ongoing effort to wean ourselves off fossil fuels, the administration is investing $7 billion in an ambitious solar-power project and is promoting other alternative energy projects, as well.
The stock market is percolating along and hitting record highs.

Now tell me how liberal the Houston Chronicle is .......
Right here is exhibit A on why the DISGUSTING FILTH is dying, dying, dying.

They support those who have no sense of reality. No sense of what Americans want. No sense -- At all.

Your ideas, your philosophy is dated, it is so -- 1950's.

The media? It is DEAD or it is dying. And they're so stupid, they don't even know why they're dying. All they kknow is, they don't like it. And they place the blame somewhere else. Never themselves, always sombody, somehwhere else. How could they possibly be wrong? They are so pure of heart, so fair in their observations! :auiqs.jpg:

Nearly a dozen mainstream media companies are gutting staff and scrambling to rescue their struggling businesses.

Several media companies are also trying to sell some of their most recognized brands in an effort to free up cash:
Right here is exhibit A on why the DISGUSTING FILTH is dying, dying, dying.

They support those who have no sense of reality. No sense of what Americans want. No sense -- At all.

Your ideas, your philosophy is dated, it is so -- 1950's.

The media? It is DEAD or it is dying. And they're so stupid, they don't even know why they're dying. All they kknow is, they don't like it. And they place the blame somewhere else. Never themselves, always sombody, somehwhere else. How could they possibly be wrong? They are so pure of heart, so fair in their observations! :auiqs.jpg:

"“Infrastructure week” became a punch line during the inept Trump administration, but the Biden administration in its first year managed to pass a bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that’s expected to add an estimated 1.5 million jobs per year for the next 10 years. This administration’s “infrastructure week” is investing in clean water and high-speed internet. It’s repairing roads and bridges, upgrading air- and seaports, modernizing our power infrastructure, investing in public transit and pahssenger rail and cleaning up Superfund and brownfield sites."
You can always count on dems to stab you in the back when you need them the most. Even if you're one of them! Maybe 'Especially' if you're one of them.

View attachment 905410

So now, the cabal, which includes Academia, 99% of the Media, ALL of Hollywood, wants to dump Joe. He's become a liability.

Like a pride of Lions that will attack and devour a weak or older member of their group.

So -- What else is new?

Another sign came Sunday that the Democrats are ready to send Old Joe Biden off to a permanent retirement at his taxpayer-funded, walled Delaware beach house. First, there was the inundation of establishment media handwringing over the senescent corruptocrat’s mental state after the same media outlets had stoutly insisted for three years that the sinister and befuddled old fool was sharp as a tack and constantly challenging the intellectual acuity of his aides. And now CNN has claimed that Kamala Harris, the first vice president ever to demonstrate unfitness for the world’s easiest job, is in calm, cool command, taking charge and reassuring Dems who are worried that they might not cheat effectively enough in November.



Most popular EVAH! No fraud necessary LOLOLololOLOLOL

When you can blatantly cheat in the tens of millions column, popularity just doesn't matter. The only problem with the Biden Body double is that he's pissed off the Islamists
Don't count your chickens. If the mainstream media suddenly became unbiased and honest you would see a lot more than a snide CNN bite.
That's just a 'Stalking Horse' article. Just some chum in the water to attract the other fish.

I've been watching the DISGUSTING FILTH for a long, long time and this is how they work. If they get any bites, if they can get a foothold, it will be 'on'.

Now, 'how' they do it will be something to watch. They can't be clumsy about it, they can't come out and use the 25th to dump him. I think they'll appeal to his better nature to ry to get him to step down voluntarily, citing health reasons or the usual, "I want to spend more time with my family" lies.

I also don't think he will step down voluntarily. Criminals never do. Ever. All of them either die in Office, a'la Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin or are forcefully removed, then die.

Sponge Brains Shits Pants simply can't leave Office voluntarily. He's a criminal and without power, he goes to prison. And so does his entire family.

THAT is what the fight is about. And Trump won't make any deals. So, it's literally life or death to them
Hot Air, quoting garbage tier propaganda mill Politico:

The New York Times Publisher A.G. Sulzberger said Monday that the White House is "extremely upset" about its coverage on President Joe Biden's age but the newspaper will "continue to report fully and fairly."

"We are going to continue to report fully and fairly, not just on Donald Trump but also on President Joe Biden," Sulzberger said in an interview with The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.

"He is a historically unpopular incumbent and the oldest man to ever hold this office. We've reported on both of those realities extensively, and the White House has been extremely upset about it."

I wouldn't say they 'reported on it extensively'. They covered it up until the Public no longer believed their disgusting lies
You can always count on dems to stab you in the back when you need them the most. Even if you're one of them! Maybe 'Especially' if you're one of them.

View attachment 905410

So now, the cabal, which includes Academia, 99% of the Media, ALL of Hollywood, wants to dump Joe. He's become a liability.

Like a pride of Lions that will attack and devour a weak or older member of their group.

So -- What else is new?

Another sign came Sunday that the Democrats are ready to send Old Joe Biden off to a permanent retirement at his taxpayer-funded, walled Delaware beach house. First, there was the inundation of establishment media handwringing over the senescent corruptocrat’s mental state after the same media outlets had stoutly insisted for three years that the sinister and befuddled old fool was sharp as a tack and constantly challenging the intellectual acuity of his aides. And now CNN has claimed that Kamala Harris, the first vice president ever to demonstrate unfitness for the world’s easiest job, is in calm, cool command, taking charge and reassuring Dems who are worried that they might not cheat effectively enough in November.


Good lord. As destructive and damaging as Biden has been for Americans in almost every facet of their lives, I prefer him to cackling Kamala. God help us if she becomes President.
Good lord. As destructive and damaging as Biden has been for Americans in almost every facet of their lives, I prefer him to cackling Kamala. God help us if she becomes President.
Yeah, she was supposedly a tough-on-crime persecutor in Kaliphony but can't seem to get much done as Veep.

I tend to believe it's because, in Kaliphony, her Staff did all the work -- Everything, while she just took the credit.

As Veep, that don't work. IMO, it's why she can't keep Staff. They keep quitting en masse. She is an incompetent bitch and her Veep Staff isn't going to do things for her that might come back on them. It's a different game and she doesn't understand that. So she blows up at them, and they quit.

Intelligent people are less dangerous that stupid people and less prone to irrational outbursts of anger. Just a fact.

I trust an intelligent dog over a stupid dog. Every time. The dumber the person/dog, the more likely they are to be irrational.

Kamal Toe is one stupid bitch. And it's telling that, she's the best they got. The entire DNC and Kamal Toe is all they can come up with.

You can always count on dems to stab you in the back when you need them the most. Even if you're one of them! Maybe 'Especially' if you're one of them.

View attachment 905410

So now, the cabal, which includes Academia, 99% of the Media, ALL of Hollywood, wants to dump Joe. He's become a liability.

Like a pride of Lions that will attack and devour a weak or older member of their group.

So -- What else is new?

Another sign came Sunday that the Democrats are ready to send Old Joe Biden off to a permanent retirement at his taxpayer-funded, walled Delaware beach house. First, there was the inundation of establishment media handwringing over the senescent corruptocrat’s mental state after the same media outlets had stoutly insisted for three years that the sinister and befuddled old fool was sharp as a tack and constantly challenging the intellectual acuity of his aides. And now CNN has claimed that Kamala Harris, the first vice president ever to demonstrate unfitness for the world’s easiest job, is in calm, cool command, taking charge and reassuring Dems who are worried that they might not cheat effectively enough in November.


Who would you rather be president Michelle Obama or Kamala?
You can always count on dems to stab you in the back when you need them the most. Even if you're one of them! Maybe 'Especially' if you're one of them.

View attachment 905410

So now, the cabal, which includes Academia, 99% of the Media, ALL of Hollywood, wants to dump Joe. He's become a liability.

Like a pride of Lions that will attack and devour a weak or older member of their group.

So -- What else is new?

Another sign came Sunday that the Democrats are ready to send Old Joe Biden off to a permanent retirement at his taxpayer-funded, walled Delaware beach house. First, there was the inundation of establishment media handwringing over the senescent corruptocrat’s mental state after the same media outlets had stoutly insisted for three years that the sinister and befuddled old fool was sharp as a tack and constantly challenging the intellectual acuity of his aides. And now CNN has claimed that Kamala Harris, the first vice president ever to demonstrate unfitness for the world’s easiest job, is in calm, cool command, taking charge and reassuring Dems who are worried that they might not cheat effectively enough in November.



‘PJ Media”

Then be honest. It really doesn't matter who we nominate.

You on the other hand could nominate someone normal but you will only nominate a criminal conspiracy theorist. So, we will win. Thank you.
No, you're not going to win. Not unless you cheat so bad, you cause an armed revolution.

Had you not cheated in '20, think about it. Trump's reign would be coming to an end, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media might not be in the sewer, our side could be promoting DeSantis whle your side might be promoting Newsome. And the world might be normal.

There would almost certainly not be a War in Ukraine, nor in Israel, Iran wouldn't be making Nukes and you could carry on about trying make Blacks lives better, while actually making them worse, carping about genitalia, and doing whateveer scum dims do.

But, nope! Your side saw an opportunity and took it. Like the kid that saw the unguarded bicycle, you took it. Like the thief that saw keys left in a car's ignition, like any number of other scenarios where a criminal sees an opportunity and takes it -- Like the rapist that sees a woman walking alone, like the mugger that sees an old woman....

That's what your side is. Criminals, thieves and scumbags.

And now? Now you've got to pay the price.


I'd wish you luck but, it would be dishonest.
No, you're not going to win. Not unless you cheat so bad, you cause an armed revolution.

Had you not cheated in '20, think about it. Trump's reign would be coming to an end, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media might not be in the sewer, our side could be promoting DeSantis whle your side might be promoting Newsome. And the world might be normal.

There would almost certainly not be a War in Ukraine, nor in Israel, Iran wouldn't be making Nukes and you could carry on about trying make Blacks lives better, while actually making them worse, carping about genitalia, and doing whateveer scum dims do.

But, nope! Your side saw an opportunity and took it. Like the kid that saw the unguarded bicycle, you took it. Like the thief that saw keys left in a car's ignition, like any number of other scenarios where a criminal sees an opportunity and takes it -- Like the rapist that sees a woman walking alone, like the mugger that sees an old woman....

That's what your side is. Criminals, thieves and scumbags.

And now? Now you've got to pay the price.


I'd wish you luck but, it would be dishonest.
Please insurrect the next time you lose. We're prepared this time.

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