Democrat men think it is okay to murder politicians....but, we should give up our guns......insane.

No one is proposing giving up your guns...I mean, no one. They're looking for a ban on AR-15's..but that isn't gonna happen. Nor will simply raising the minimum age you can buy one to.

And again, let me point out the EXACT reasons you don't quote alt-right media. They lie to you. To keep people like you in a constant state of outrage. If you took the time to read through the SPLC link, you'll find that none of what you've copied here is the truth. However, this paragraph is taken directly from the link. And this is no surprise to anyone who has paid attention to the rise of the alt-right over the last decade plus.

"Those on the right appear more likely to approve of political violence. When asked whether they believed that “some violence might be necessary to protect the country from radical extremists,” 41% of Republicans agreed, compared to 34% of Democrats and 29% of independents. Over half of Republicans say the country seems headed toward a civil war in the near future, compared to 39% of Democrats".

You mean like hilary, the last democrat party candidate who supported Australian style gun banning and confiscation?

Clinton also didn't mention that the buyback was not optional – as it has been in some American cities – but mandatory. Although Australian citizens were compensated for their firearms (by increasing the tax on Medicare!), the government effectively confiscated hundreds of thousands of handguns, rifles and shotguns.

Most Australian citizens who were not in the military or law enforcement couldn't keep their guns even if they wanted to.

As far as "setting a different standard for gun purchases in the future," as Clinton put it, the Australian government stated that "personal protection" would not be regarded as a "genuine reason" for legally owning, possessing, or using a firearm – outlawing self defense as a reason to own a gun.

A small minority. Not a majority.

BTW, just out of curiosity, do you know the process for repealing an amendment to The Constitution?

Yes...the leadership of the democrat party from obama, biden, pelosi to schumer want to ban and confiscate guns.....

You can lie all day long....but you can't lie to us.....sell your crap to biden voters....
You mean like hilary, the last democrat party candidate who supported Australian style gun banning and confiscation?

Clinton also didn't mention that the buyback was not optional – as it has been in some American cities – but mandatory. Although Australian citizens were compensated for their firearms (by increasing the tax on Medicare!), the government effectively confiscated hundreds of thousands of handguns, rifles and shotguns.

Most Australian citizens who were not in the military or law enforcement couldn't keep their guns even if they wanted to.

As far as "setting a different standard for gun purchases in the future," as Clinton put it, the Australian government stated that "personal protection" would not be regarded as a "genuine reason" for legally owning, possessing, or using a firearm – outlawing self defense as a reason to own a gun.

None of which would have happened. It's a great campaign slogan. But that's all it is/was/will be until long after you and I are compost.
Yes...the leadership of the democrat party from obama, biden, pelosi to schumer want to ban and confiscate guns.....

You can lie all day long....but you can't lie to us.....sell your crap to biden voters....
Present legitimate links.
Hint, a seven year old article with a politician spouting campaign slogans..doesn't count.

Again...ANOTHER politician spouting campaign slogans. And one who had no legitimate shot at being President.

I'm really starting to think that conservatism REALLY is a bankrupt ideology.
Outrage is really all you people have left.
No one is proposing giving up your guns...I mean, no one. They're looking for a ban on AR-15's..but that isn't gonna happen. Nor will simply raising the minimum age you can buy one to.

And again, let me point out the EXACT reasons you don't quote alt-right media. They lie to you. To keep people like you in a constant state of outrage. If you took the time to read through the SPLC link, you'll find that none of what you've copied here is the truth. However, this paragraph is taken directly from the link. And this is no surprise to anyone who has paid attention to the rise of the alt-right over the last decade plus.

"Those on the right appear more likely to approve of political violence. When asked whether they believed that “some violence might be necessary to protect the country from radical extremists,” 41% of Republicans agreed, compared to 34% of Democrats and 29% of independents. Over half of Republicans say the country seems headed toward a civil war in the near future, compared to 39% of Democrats".

They're also trying to ban the most popular pistol in America.
And it's not the media telling us this,it's dem politicians.
And here we have a poll of Americans on political surprise here...we are seeing democrats becoming more and more violent...

According to a recently released poll, nearly half of male Democrats under the age of 50 (44 %) say it’s acceptable to assassinate a politician “who is harming the country or our democracy,” the highest percentage of any age/gender/party demographic.

Interesting take, but gleaned form PJ Media as to the subject of the poll, as a whole. You never struck me as a Southern Poverty Law Center, 2nd referencing kind of guy. The actual poll report breaks down like this:

The SPLC survey was not designed to simply measure prejudice or bigotry. Instead, we set out to examine to what degree people in certain groups feel threatened or persecuted by members of a defined “outgroup.” The belief that one group of people is inherently harmful to your own is foundational to extremism, as is the idea that the well-being and survival of the “in group” depends on taking hostile action against those who supposedly threaten it.
And here we have a poll of Americans on political surprise here...we are seeing democrats becoming more and more violent...

According to a recently released poll, nearly half of male Democrats under the age of 50 (44 %) say it’s acceptable to assassinate a politician “who is harming the country or our democracy,” the highest percentage of any age/gender/party demographic.

At this point, guns are clearly necessary to protect ourselves and our democracy against terrorists like Chuck Schumer, who are dispatching hit men to assassinate Supreme Court justices.

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