Democrat .. No Free Speech Zones

Libs embrace oppjsing views and encourage diversity? What are you smoking?!

Tell that to the libs like BLM who called for the murder of whites, to Bill Ayers marching with libs - who bombed his own country and killed those who did not agree with him, to the libs chaining themselves to cars and blicking traffic so people couldn't go see / hear Trump, to those who disrespectfully try to shout down speakers at rallies because they don't want to listen ir let others hear...

Diversity? Democrats are offering the least racially diverse candidates in this entire race.

I don't think anyone has something more false today if not this month....

Not all Liberals are the same. In fact most are individuals. Some people on the left aren't liberals. Communists aren't liberals. Liberals are those who range from center left to somewhere around Socialism, beyond that they're just not Liberal.

I'd say that conservatives are not fascists. Fascists don't want to conserve things as they are, they want to change them.

Far left and far right are not left or right, they're FAR- We simply use left or right to differentiate between two different types of far-

You can't be liberal and want to blow people up and take away people's liberty. It's like being a conservative and not wanting to keep things the same. It's just not possible.

On the left there are those who are not liberals and most liberals would not agree with them.

The Democrats didn't OFFER candidates, candidates came forwards, and no black candidates came forward. So what?

In the Republican race now it's just white men. In the Democrat race it's a white man and a white woman. At the end of the day there will only be two people in the main two parties.
Nope .. A different Point of View ... it's just not Allowed.

Where else will Trump not be allowed to speak in America without the liberal pc nazi's threatening violence and hate?

Nope .. A different Point of View ... it's just not Allowed.

Where else will Trump not be allowed to speak in America without the liberal pc nazi's threatening violence and hate?


Is it political correctness? No, i don't think it is.

What it is, is a complete lack of understanding of what things are. People are in a world where they require so much information to make decisions, but can't be bothered to go get that information.

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