Democrat Panic As It's Revealed AG Barr Is Overseas Collecting Evidence In Russia Probe Origins

One would have to be a biased blind tool to not see what went on here...oh that would describe you...I am not going to convince you to take my word for it that Biden is dirty....but all I can say is Flynn will didn't agree with me there either...or Trump didn't collude with didn't take my word then either....maybe one day you will realize I've been right all sit back and watch all of your political heroes go down in flames while Flynn sues the dems to death.....and President Trump wins a second term.....Buuuuaaahahahahaha

You poor, demented loser; Flynn has nothing to do with this.

You actually claimed Shokin was investigating Burisma Holdings when he was fired. Now the forum sees you were full of shit since you have zero proof to back that bullshit up.

Doesn't bode well for trump.

It shows I'm always right and you have been wrong...Trump is still president...Flynn will not go to jail....and Mueller wouldn't find that Trump colluded...remember all of those debates you had with me over that?....I'm just saying you might want to not disregard my opinion so quickly....

Joe is done....
Bernie is done...
and Pocahontas is your gal....Buuuuaaaaahahahahahahaha
Stay tuned Faunny....

You're demented. Flynn hasn't walked and I never said Mueller would find Trump colluded with Russia.

Your deflections aside, you failed to show Shokin was actively investigating Burisma Holdings when he was fired. Which means you're also wrong when you idiotically called called Biden's actions, "blackmail."
Wrong again commie fuck....:21:
That's all ya got?.....Buuuuaaahahahahaha....

You poor, demented loser; Flynn has nothing to do with this.

You actually claimed Shokin was investigating Burisma Holdings when he was fired. Now the forum sees you were full of shit since you have zero proof to back that bullshit up.

Doesn't bode well for trump.

It shows I'm always right and you have been wrong...Trump is still president...Flynn will not go to jail....and Mueller wouldn't find that Trump colluded...remember all of those debates you had with me over that?....I'm just saying you might want to not disregard my opinion so quickly....

Joe is done....
Bernie is done...
and Pocahontas is your gal....Buuuuaaaaahahahahahahaha
Stay tuned Faunny....

You're demented. Flynn hasn't walked and I never said Mueller would find Trump colluded with Russia.

Your deflections aside, you failed to show Shokin was actively investigating Burisma Holdings when he was fired. Which means you're also wrong when you idiotically called called Biden's actions, "blackmail."
Wrong again commie fuck....:21:
That's all ya got?.....Buuuuaaahahahahaha....
That's all I needed.
A powerful white man and a gorgeous white woman, the hateful liberal double play.
And now the stupid lol's after you get your face smashed into your pile of shit again. Hey jackass, Biden's kid got a lot of money from Ukraine and China. Due to? Daddy and his position. So to you, getting a lot of money is not getting enriched. Biden ADMITTED to this. But of course little yellow cowards like you are so uneducated that you keep denying things that have been proven multiple times. You lose. Again. As always.

Dumbfuck, earning a lot of money is not a crime. You yahoo's have failed miserably to show that Joe Biden enriched either himself or his son being at Burisma.

So now I laugh at you too.

You laugh because you're a little yellow coward who's getting his ass kicked again. Look dumbestfuck, making a lot of money enriches a person, thus destroying your argument in one fell swoop. Yet you claim Biden and his cokehead son did not get enriched. Your lack of education is showing as you don't know a simple definition. :290968001256257790-final:

Great, dumbduck.... show me where Joe Biden enriched Hunter Biden in all of this.....

LOLOLoL! Moving the goal posts like a good little yellow coward. You lose. Again. All that money dropped into that cokehead's lap because he was such a great guy huh? Nope. As a direct result of daddy's position. You can't even deny it, just spin until you dig to China.
And again, there's nothing wrong with what either Biden did. Getting paid well because of family connections is not a crime. Just ask the Trumps.

Keep backpedaling. Keep moving those goal posts. You're just embarrassing yourself again.
Here's more panic ....

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Trump ... citing an unscientific online poll on

Oh my god. That's priceless.

Apprentice President Trump continually demonstrates he is the dumbest, most gullible president we have ever had.

And you continue to show you are one of the biggest retards on the planet daily.

At least you admit you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Isn't that right, cloudstrike.
No its obvious that you didn't read what I posted...and cloudstrike was a local company...honest mistake...but go ahead retard make a big deal over nothing...that seems to be the call of the day for dems....big deal over nothing...
Yes, loon, I read what you wrote. You don't know anything about cloudstrikeCrowdStrike and so you're hoping and waiting Barr & Giuliani find something good and spoonfeed you the deets.


But guess what, tard? The only thing they're gonna find is what they themselves manufacture because trump, as usual, fell for an Internet rightwingnut conspiracy. The DNC server is not in Ukraine. CrowdStrike is not connected to Ukraine. The 2016 hacking came from Russia.


Wrong as always jackass. It has been proven time and again that the DNC "hack" was an INSIDE JOB. The time frame and amount of information "stolen" could not be done by an outside source. Guess what little yellow coward? You look like an idiot again. hahahaha!
If that had been proven you would have posted a link, or some kind of evidence.

Lying wingnut lies again.

Your compete idiocy and inability to use Google are not my problem. This was covered for a long while. Post a link you'll never look at (being illiterate as you are) and instantly claim is "right wing propaganda". By your sides own standards, PROVE IT WASN'T AN INSIDE JOB.

Dumbfuck, earning a lot of money is not a crime. You yahoo's have failed miserably to show that Joe Biden enriched either himself or his son being at Burisma.

So now I laugh at you too.

You laugh because you're a little yellow coward who's getting his ass kicked again. Look dumbestfuck, making a lot of money enriches a person, thus destroying your argument in one fell swoop. Yet you claim Biden and his cokehead son did not get enriched. Your lack of education is showing as you don't know a simple definition. :290968001256257790-final:

Great, dumbduck.... show me where Joe Biden enriched Hunter Biden in all of this.....

LOLOLoL! Moving the goal posts like a good little yellow coward. You lose. Again. All that money dropped into that cokehead's lap because he was such a great guy huh? Nope. As a direct result of daddy's position. You can't even deny it, just spin until you dig to China.
And again, there's nothing wrong with what either Biden did. Getting paid well because of family connections is not a crime. Just ask the Trumps.

Keep backpedaling. Keep moving those goal posts. You're just embarrassing yourself again.

You're brain-dead to think that's backpedaling.
You laugh because you're a little yellow coward who's getting his ass kicked again. Look dumbestfuck, making a lot of money enriches a person, thus destroying your argument in one fell swoop. Yet you claim Biden and his cokehead son did not get enriched. Your lack of education is showing as you don't know a simple definition. :290968001256257790-final:

Great, dumbduck.... show me where Joe Biden enriched Hunter Biden in all of this.....

LOLOLoL! Moving the goal posts like a good little yellow coward. You lose. Again. All that money dropped into that cokehead's lap because he was such a great guy huh? Nope. As a direct result of daddy's position. You can't even deny it, just spin until you dig to China.
And again, there's nothing wrong with what either Biden did. Getting paid well because of family connections is not a crime. Just ask the Trumps.

Keep backpedaling. Keep moving those goal posts. You're just embarrassing yourself again.

You're brain-dead to think that's backpedaling.

Really? All I see is you running away and moving goal posts like the little yellow coward you are. Slapping you around is so easy lately.....

Great, dumbduck.... show me where Joe Biden enriched Hunter Biden in all of this.....

LOLOLoL! Moving the goal posts like a good little yellow coward. You lose. Again. All that money dropped into that cokehead's lap because he was such a great guy huh? Nope. As a direct result of daddy's position. You can't even deny it, just spin until you dig to China.
And again, there's nothing wrong with what either Biden did. Getting paid well because of family connections is not a crime. Just ask the Trumps.

Keep backpedaling. Keep moving those goal posts. You're just embarrassing yourself again.

You're brain-dead to think that's backpedaling.

Really? All I see is you running away and moving goal posts like the little yellow coward you are. Slapping you around is so easy lately.....
So you see things that aren't there. There is no cure for your dementia.

Meanwhile, you still have no evidence Biden did anything wrong. Yet more issues you deal with because of your dementia.

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