Democrat Plan To Destroy America


You'd have to define "destroy".

Bring it down, leave it a shambles, effectively end it? No, of course not. Turn it into a pure socialist, Marxist or communist state? No, that's simplistic hyperbole that misses the point.

"Fundamentally transform" and "fundamentally change" (THEIR words) it into a Euro-social democracy? Bring it down a few steps to more closely resemble countries such as France, England, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain? Of course. And many, perhaps most, would admit to that.

But I wouldn't use the term "destroy".


This transformation ends the Constitutional Republic defined by Madison, et al - so is that not destruction of America?
I guess you're saying the President didn't read Mexifornia?

Disassembling Mexifornia -

Comrade, do you deny that since your beloved USSR could not defeat America militarily, you (Communists) have scrambled to find another way to destroy the capitalist pigs? That destruction of the culture of America, the common bonds that unite the nation, has been and continues to be the primary goal of the left and their little dog, the DNC?

I criticize you constantly for your lack of ethics and the fact that you are devoid of integrity; but isn't part of your strategy the destruction of the notion of ethics, the concepts that there are social norms and shared values?

Multi-culturalism is but one weapon you employ in your war to end America, you fight a war to utterly destroy the culture of America, leaving a hollow shell of the once great nation. You have blitzkrieged for decades with no real resistance, and the nation is on the brink of collapse.

Some have chosen to resist. We may be too late, hell, we probably are, but you will be resisted - because government of the people, by the people, for the people, is something unique in history, and worthy of preserving.

I recognize that the slide into despotism that you work so hard for is nearly complete, but these last few inches will be the hardest ground for you to win.

Remember Comrade, we battled as Soviet forces landed in Nicaragua - you were certain that you had won, that America would capitulate to Communist forces marching up through Mexico - with 5th column traitor Jim Wright leading the capitulation in Congress. But then Reagan came and defeated you without firing a shot.

You are certain again that you have won, that America will fall to dictatorship under the elite you worship. But tides turn Comrade, liberty prevails from unexpected places.

Yes I deny that I have ever loved the former USSR.

Lying like you do, it is comical that you bring up ethics.

The nation is not on the brink of collapse.

Funny how say you despise dictatorships. Yet you seem to wish for the days when US backed dictators who were bribed to give favorable labor conditions (or resources) to US corporations such as the Nicaraguans and Somoza family.

I predict that there will be another bloodless transfer of power in 2016, and no one will replace our Republic with a Dictatorship any time soon.

Jim Wright was a WWII Vet and a Patriot. Then he turned into a politician.
Yes I deny that I have ever loved the former USSR.


You seethe with hatred of Reagan because he destroyed them, if that isn't love, I don't know what is.

Lying like you do, it is comical that you bring up ethics.

Boo, one of us lies on a constant basis, the other one is me.

The nation is not on the brink of collapse.


Then you better work hard.

But then, we actually are on the brink of collapse.

Post-shutdown America is on the verge of outright civil conflict - The Globe and Mail

Funny how say you despise dictatorships. Yet you seem to wish for the days when US backed dictators who were bribed to give favorable labor conditions (or resources) to US corporations such as the Nicaraguans and Somoza family.

Oh no, I actually opposed the Soviet Puppet Dictator, Daniel Ortega, that you fought for.

But then, Ortega was a means to an end for you, the establishment of a Soviet beach head on the North American Continent, from which to push North and threaten the Southern Border.

I predict that there will be another bloodless transfer of power in 2016, and no one will replace our Republic with a Dictatorship any time soon.

Jim Wright was a WWII Vet and a Patriot. Then he turned into a politician.

Jim Wright is the same level of "patriot" as Julius Rosenberg.
....any vote for the Democrat Party is a vote to destroy America
Quite the opposite actually. The ones that have truly succeeded in destroying America are the Republicans! They are obstructionists that have nothing to offer except the failed polices of the past and they always like to stand in the way of having President Obama accomplish his overall goals and objectives to move the country forward and since Conservatives cannot move the country forward themselves as they do not have a plan and have never had a plan with which to do that, they will simply stand in the way of the president in order to block his efforts, and then they have the gall to blame him for not doing anything! What a Shame! But it would be a cold day in Hell that they give ANY credit to this Democratic president for anything he does. People also now know and realize that unless they are quite wealthy, which leaves the vast majority of voting Americans out, they cannot continue to vote Republican as that would be suicide of the worst kind for you and your family and loved ones. They will Cut what you have worked for all of your life and rightfully deserve in order to give huge tax breaks to the rich. That is a real Shame, America! Conservatives cry and act wimpy over things not getting done when it is they that are holding the country hostage therefore, to put it plain and simple: A Vote For Republicans Is A Vote For America's Doom!

Here is an Excellent list for people to look at to see what Republicans are really good at and it's not for helping you or moving the country forward! Thanks Luddly!

Republicans: how does it feel to be wrong on basically everything? by Luddly Neddite.


(It's all Bush's fault)

We had to say it enough to get it through your thick skulls.

Bush always got the blame.

Obama never gets the blame.

Peeling paint at Walter Reed trumps the IRS targeting conservatives, the NSA spying on Americans without a warrant, the trading of Bergdahl for 5 terrorists, the BLM slaughtering of Bundy cattle, the Honduras invasion, the destroying of evidence by the IRS, his focusing on Global Warming while Iraq is being invaded, sitting back while Russia takes parts of Ukraine, , the disastrous rollout of Obama are, etc.

That's only a partial list.

Yet Bush is fucked up because he didn't't find enough WMDs or because the economy went into recession.
....any vote for the Democrat Party is a vote to destroy America
Quite the opposite actually. The ones that have truly succeeded in destroying America are the Republicans! They are obstructionists that have nothing to offer except the failed polices of the past and they always like to stand in the way of having President Obama accomplish his overall goals and objectives to move the country forward and since Conservatives cannot move the country forward themselves as they do not have a plan and have never had a plan with which to do that, they will simply stand in the way of the president in order to block his efforts, and then they have the gall to blame him for not doing anything! What a Shame! But it would be a cold day in Hell that they give ANY credit to this Democratic president for anything he does. People also now know and realize that unless they are quite wealthy, which leaves the vast majority of voting Americans out, they cannot continue to vote Republican as that would be suicide of the worst kind for you and your family and loved ones. They will Cut what you have worked for all of your life and rightfully deserve in order to give huge tax breaks to the rich. That is a real Shame, America! Conservatives cry and act wimpy over things not getting done when it is they that are holding the country hostage therefore, to put it plain and simple: A Vote For Republicans Is A Vote For America's Doom!

Here is an Excellent list for people to look at to see what Republicans are really good at and it's not for helping you or moving the country forward! Thanks Luddly!

Republicans: how does it feel to be wrong on basically everything? by Luddly Neddite.

Oh STFU!!!!
I guess you're saying the President didn't read Mexifornia?

Disassembling Mexifornia -

Comrade, do you deny that since your beloved USSR could not defeat America militarily, you (Communists) have scrambled to find another way to destroy the capitalist pigs? That destruction of the culture of America, the common bonds that unite the nation, has been and continues to be the primary goal of the left and their little dog, the DNC?

I criticize you constantly for your lack of ethics and the fact that you are devoid of integrity; but isn't part of your strategy the destruction of the notion of ethics, the concepts that there are social norms and shared values?

Multi-culturalism is but one weapon you employ in your war to end America, you fight a war to utterly destroy the culture of America, leaving a hollow shell of the once great nation. You have blitzkrieged for decades with no real resistance, and the nation is on the brink of collapse.

Some have chosen to resist. We may be too late, hell, we probably are, but you will be resisted - because government of the people, by the people, for the people, is something unique in history, and worthy of preserving.

I recognize that the slide into despotism that you work so hard for is nearly complete, but these last few inches will be the hardest ground for you to win.

Remember Comrade, we battled as Soviet forces landed in Nicaragua - you were certain that you had won, that America would capitulate to Communist forces marching up through Mexico - with 5th column traitor Jim Wright leading the capitulation in Congress. But then Reagan came and defeated you without firing a shot.

You are certain again that you have won, that America will fall to dictatorship under the elite you worship. But tides turn Comrade, liberty prevails from unexpected places.

Yes I deny that I have ever loved the former USSR.

Lying like you do, it is comical that you bring up ethics.

The nation is not on the brink of collapse.

Funny how say you despise dictatorships. Yet you seem to wish for the days when US backed dictators who were bribed to give favorable labor conditions (or resources) to US corporations such as the Nicaraguans and Somoza family.

I predict that there will be another bloodless transfer of power in 2016, and no one will replace our Republic with a Dictatorship any time soon.

Jim Wright was a WWII Vet and a Patriot. Then he turned into a politician.

It's not a matter of collapse.

It's a matter of weakening of the economy, gutting of the military, and disenfranchising of the citizenry.
Yes I deny that I have ever loved the former USSR.


You seethe with hatred of Reagan because he destroyed them, if that isn't love, I don't know what is.

Lying like you do, it is comical that you bring up ethics.

Boo, one of us lies on a constant basis, the other one is me.


Then you better work hard.

But then, we actually are on the brink of collapse.

Post-shutdown America is on the verge of outright civil conflict - The Globe and Mail

Funny how say you despise dictatorships. Yet you seem to wish for the days when US backed dictators who were bribed to give favorable labor conditions (or resources) to US corporations such as the Nicaraguans and Somoza family.

Oh no, I actually opposed the Soviet Puppet Dictator, Daniel Ortega, that you fought for.

But then, Ortega was a means to an end for you, the establishment of a Soviet beach head on the North American Continent, from which to push North and threaten the Southern Border.

I predict that there will be another bloodless transfer of power in 2016, and no one will replace our Republic with a Dictatorship any time soon.

Jim Wright was a WWII Vet and a Patriot. Then he turned into a politician.

Jim Wright is the same level of "patriot" as Julius Rosenberg.

Daniel Ortega had overwhelming support in his country and won the democratic election in 1984 by a wide margin. He also lost in 1990 and left office without becoming a dictator. The USSR would have collapsed regardless of who ran Nicaragua and they certainly couldn't afford more foreign adventurism.

Reagan was a corrupt Big Business, Big Government shill. His actions while President further increased our dependence on foreign sources of energy and reduced our National Security by doing so. But then again it was oilman Bush calling the shots behind the scene wasn't it?
....any vote for the Democrat Party is a vote to destroy America
Quite the opposite actually. The ones that have truly succeeded in destroying America are the Republicans! They are obstructionists that have nothing to offer except the failed polices of the past and they always like to stand in the way of having President Obama accomplish his overall goals and objectives to move the country forward and since Conservatives cannot move the country forward themselves as they do not have a plan and have never had a plan with which to do that, they will simply stand in the way of the president in order to block his efforts, and then they have the gall to blame him for not doing anything! What a Shame! But it would be a cold day in Hell that they give ANY credit to this Democratic president for anything he does. People also now know and realize that unless they are quite wealthy, which leaves the vast majority of voting Americans out, they cannot continue to vote Republican as that would be suicide of the worst kind for you and your family and loved ones. They will Cut what you have worked for all of your life and rightfully deserve in order to give huge tax breaks to the rich. That is a real Shame, America! Conservatives cry and act wimpy over things not getting done when it is they that are holding the country hostage therefore, to put it plain and simple: A Vote For Republicans Is A Vote For America's Doom!

Here is an Excellent list for people to look at to see what Republicans are really good at and it's not for helping you or moving the country forward! Thanks Luddly!

Republicans: how does it feel to be wrong on basically everything? by Luddly Neddite.

"....they always like to stand in the way of having President Obama accomplish his overall goals and objectives to move the country forward...."

"Bad to worse: US economy shrank more than expected in Q1

The U.S. economy contracted at a much steeper pace than previously estimated in the first quarter, but there are indications that growth has since rebounded strongly.

The Commerce Department said on Wednesday gross domestic product fell at a 2.9 percent annual rate, the economy's worst performance in five years, instead of the 1.0 percent pace it had reported last month."
Final US first quarter GDP contracts
Yes I deny that I have ever loved the former USSR.


You seethe with hatred of Reagan because he destroyed them, if that isn't love, I don't know what is.

Boo, one of us lies on a constant basis, the other one is me.


Then you better work hard.

But then, we actually are on the brink of collapse.

Post-shutdown America is on the verge of outright civil conflict - The Globe and Mail

Oh no, I actually opposed the Soviet Puppet Dictator, Daniel Ortega, that you fought for.

But then, Ortega was a means to an end for you, the establishment of a Soviet beach head on the North American Continent, from which to push North and threaten the Southern Border.

I predict that there will be another bloodless transfer of power in 2016, and no one will replace our Republic with a Dictatorship any time soon.

Jim Wright was a WWII Vet and a Patriot. Then he turned into a politician.

Jim Wright is the same level of "patriot" as Julius Rosenberg.

Daniel Ortega had overwhelming support in his country and won the democratic election in 1984 by a wide margin. He also lost in 1990 and left office without becoming a dictator. The USSR would have collapsed regardless of who ran Nicaragua and they certainly couldn't afford more foreign adventurism.

Reagan was a corrupt Big Business, Big Government shill. His actions while President further increased our dependence on foreign sources of energy and reduced our National Security by doing so. But then again it was oilman Bush calling the shots behind the scene wasn't it?

1. In An American Life, Reagan describes the barbarism of the Ortega-led Sandanistas.
…the brutal pro-Marxist rebels…were slaughtering innocent peasants, burning and pillaging their crops, destroying electrical power lines, and blowing up dams in their campaign to wrest control of the country… Unable to win the hearts of the people, they were depriving them of food, water, electricity, and the ability to earn a living and feed themselves.

2. Similar to the Khmer Rouge, forcibly relocated tens of thousands of Miskito Indians, and killed or imprisoned about fifteen thousand of them. Like Stalin, they used famine as a weapon against the ‘enemies of the people.’ Humberto Belli, “Breaking Faith,” p. 106-117.

a. By 1986, a vicious and violent “resettlement program” forced some two hundred thousand Nicaraguans into 145 “settlements” throughout the country. This monstrous social-engineering program included the designation of “free-fire” zones, in which government troops had carte blanche to shoot and kill any peasant they spotted. The Two Malcontents » Commie Pinkos
By contrast, do Republicans promote unity instead of diversity? If so, then why do Republicans think that unions are evil?

Why are Republicans incapable of thinking?

No one opposes Unions, Alfalfa. The issue is when government provides them with artificial power. That is what's wrong. Unions using market power are fine.

LOL, you don't know that and you say Republicans can't think?
Daniel Ortega had overwhelming support in his country and won the democratic election in 1984 by a wide margin.

But not as wide of a margin as Saddam had in 2000. I believe he had 100%, and Ortega only 99.6%.

.4% of Nicaraguan voters were never heard from again...

He also lost in 1990 and left office without becoming a dictator. The USSR would have collapsed regardless of who ran Nicaragua and they certainly couldn't afford more foreign adventurism.


Ortega jailed the husband of his challenger. Open elections ONLY occurred because resistance fighters put pressure on the Communists that they could not withstand.

Nicaragua represented the first country that had been conquered by the Soviet Union, only to escape. It destroyed the mystique of Soviet invulnerability. You 5th columnists did all you could to protect the Sandinistas and their Soviet Masters, but given arms, those who opposed Soviet rule were sufficient to force elections.

Reagan was a corrupt Big Business, Big Government shill. His actions while President further increased our dependence on foreign sources of energy and reduced our National Security by doing so. But then again it was oilman Bush calling the shots behind the scene wasn't it?

Yes, he was a running dog capitalist pig, I know.
By contrast, do Republicans promote unity instead of diversity? If so, then why do Republicans think that unions are evil?

Why are Republicans incapable of thinking?

I believe that unions had their time and improved the workplace but that was a very long time ago and unions aren't needed yet they have become one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the country.

And granted republicans have lobbying problems too it's just that the unions pander to democrats.
just so we're all clear - there is no democratic plan to destroy america. what this thread presents is an anti-immigrant's position on why he hates immigration and what he believes will come of it. he's wrong, but he can have his opinion.

Bingo. PC uses a lot of words to make pointless points.


Then, why are you so upset?
im not upset. Just scratching my head over an immigrant championing an immigrant hater.
I believe that unions had their time and improved the workplace but that was a very long time ago and unions aren't needed yet they have become one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the country.

And granted republicans have lobbying problems too it's just that the unions pander to democrats.

Sadly, REAL unions are desperately needed. In a free market, it is unions which offset corporations. Both are collectivist in nature, but the collaboration of management must be balanced by te collaboration of labor, for equilibrium to be achieved.

The problem we have in this nation is that there are no actual unions. We have instead a monopoly that is engaged in organized crime.
I love it when stuff like this is brought up. It makes me go look up what the person really said.

Like this:

In 1984, Lamm was dubbed "Governor Gloom" for his statement that elderly people on life support systems "had a duty to die and get out of the way." (Awww, come on, that's pure GOP sentiment)

AllPolitics - Dick Lamm : Life & Career

And here he revised his speech making it even worse:

Richard Lamm on Multiculturalism

But the best part of all was this from the first link:

He has said he left the Democratic party because of its demagoguery on the Medicare issue during the budget debate of 1995-96 and because of the tight rein special interest groups, especially trial lawyers, now have on the party. When asked why he didn't become a Republican, he said special interests, such as the Christian Coalition, also control the GOP.

Richard Lamm on Multiculturalism

See, the guy hasn't been a Democrat since 1996

Grade: F for FAIL

I love it when stuff like this is brought up. It makes me go look up what the person really said.

Like this:

In 1984, Lamm was dubbed "Governor Gloom" for his statement that elderly people on life support systems "had a duty to die and get out of the way." (Awww, come on, that's pure GOP sentiment)

AllPolitics - Dick Lamm : Life & Career

And here he revised his speech making it even worse:

Richard Lamm on Multiculturalism

But the best part of all was this from the first link:

He has said he left the Democratic party because of its demagoguery on the Medicare issue during the budget debate of 1995-96 and because of the tight rein special interest groups, especially trial lawyers, now have on the party. When asked why he didn't become a Republican, he said special interests, such as the Christian Coalition, also control the GOP.

Richard Lamm on Multiculturalism

See, the guy hasn't been a Democrat since 1996

Grade: F for FAIL


You grading my OP is like Dr. Kevorkian teaching the Heimlich Maneuver.

Doing the ol' two-step, huh?
...nothing to say about the truth of the OP?
Now, lest any believe that the Obama regime didn't plan on following the Lamm outline, consider this: back in January, they advertised for private transportation to move 65,000 illegal alien children.

Obama engineered the open border, the end of American sovereignty.

1. "According to a “help wanted” Request For Information (RFI) posted on, the feds were looking for vendors to help escort unaccompanied alien children (UAC) in JANUARY of this year.

2. ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] is seeking the services of a responsible vendor... [to] provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year.

3. .... to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air.

4. The question is, how in January, did the U.S. government know up to 65,000 unaccompanied illegal alien children would be arriving?"
Feds advertised for escort services for unaccompanied alien children in January | Allen B. West -

Did you vote Democrat? Are you stupid?
One answer to both.
Now, lest any believe that the Obama regime didn't plan on following the Lamm outline, consider this: back in January, they advertised for private transportation to move 65,000 illegal alien children.

Obama engineered the open border, the end of American sovereignty.

1. "According to a “help wanted” Request For Information (RFI) posted on, the feds were looking for vendors to help escort unaccompanied alien children (UAC) in JANUARY of this year.

2. ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] is seeking the services of a responsible vendor... [to] provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year.

3. .... to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air.

4. The question is, how in January, did the U.S. government know up to 65,000 unaccompanied illegal alien children would be arriving?"
Feds advertised for escort services for unaccompanied alien children in January | Allen B. West -

Did you vote Democrat? Are you stupid?
One answer to both.

inasmuch as your sophomoric question/s isn't a qualifier on an IQ test neither is constantly railing about the actions of the POTUS or democrats.

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