Democrat Plan To Destroy America

Obama is less popular than Bush because Conservatives hate Obama no matter what he does, and most Progressives can't stand him because he's so much like Bush.

From the pond scum that called the 1773 Boston Tea Party patriots RACIST *****, this piece of dog shit needs to be sent to N. Korea...his mindset is perfect....perhaps he can feed civilians over there to rabid dogs for Kim's pleasure.....
Why did the members of the Boston Tea Party dress up like Native Americans? To spark a conflict between England and the Natives. That is what is known today as a "false flag operation". The Boston Tea Party dressed up like Native Americans so that Native Americans would be blamed for the Tea Party's actions.

The United States of America was generally openly racist until the late 1960s. It still is generally racist because small minds can't evolve, but the Civil Rights Act helped immensely to force ignorant racists to shut their fucking mouths. Slavery was a reality during the Revolution, both before and after the war. Racism was alive and well in the ranks of the Boston Tea Party.

The members of the Boston Tea Party of 1773 were racist "subversives", just like the Teabagger wing of the Republican party today. Do you understand? Of course not.

Your interpretation of facts is right up there with your misguided ideals. The members of the Boston Tea Party 1773, had no intention of creating any rift between the British and the American Indians. They disguised themselves to throw the British off the track. It would have been virtually impossible for the British to track down indians. Not so hard to track down the patriots.

Yes, White America was generally openly racist prior to the 1970's. And, they were fairly antagonistic toward imigrants. Much of this was based on fear for jobs and cultural change. Honest human emotions. As each wave of imigration assimilated, this fear diminished. White America is still somewhat racist and anti-imigrant, but they no longer speak their disapproval openly.

The Tea party wing of the Republican party is nothing more than the silent majority ceasing to be silent any longer. They want their America back, from those who are attempting, through ignorance or design, to fundementally change it into another Europe, and in doing so, are transforming it into a third world dictatorship.

The Communist party, USA, is pretty well a shadow of its former self, but you left wing, Liberal/socialists, are still doing their bidding. Their objective was the destruction of the United States of America. You are following in their footsteps, and expect something different? Ignorance, or just plain stupidity?
Daniel Ortega had overwhelming support in his country and won the democratic election in 1984 by a wide margin.

But not as wide of a margin as Saddam had in 2000. I believe he had 100%, and Ortega only 99.6%.

.4% of Nicaraguan voters were never heard from again...

He also lost in 1990 and left office without becoming a dictator. The USSR would have collapsed regardless of who ran Nicaragua and they certainly couldn't afford more foreign adventurism.


Ortega jailed the husband of his challenger. Open elections ONLY occurred because resistance fighters put pressure on the Communists that they could not withstand.

Nicaragua represented the first country that had been conquered by the Soviet Union, only to escape. It destroyed the mystique of Soviet invulnerability. You 5th columnists did all you could to protect the Sandinistas and their Soviet Masters, but given arms, those who opposed Soviet rule were sufficient to force elections.

Reagan was a corrupt Big Business, Big Government shill. His actions while President further increased our dependence on foreign sources of energy and reduced our National Security by doing so. But then again it was oilman Bush calling the shots behind the scene wasn't it?

Yes, he was a running dog capitalist pig, I know.

Well no it was more like 66%. But why bother telling the truth now? Keep on with your fantasy or RayGun Dream.

You seethe with hatred of Reagan because he destroyed them, if that isn't love, I don't know what is.

Boo, one of us lies on a constant basis, the other one is me.


Then you better work hard.

But then, we actually are on the brink of collapse.

Post-shutdown America is on the verge of outright civil conflict - The Globe and Mail

Oh no, I actually opposed the Soviet Puppet Dictator, Daniel Ortega, that you fought for.

But then, Ortega was a means to an end for you, the establishment of a Soviet beach head on the North American Continent, from which to push North and threaten the Southern Border.

Jim Wright is the same level of "patriot" as Julius Rosenberg.

Daniel Ortega had overwhelming support in his country and won the democratic election in 1984 by a wide margin. He also lost in 1990 and left office without becoming a dictator. The USSR would have collapsed regardless of who ran Nicaragua and they certainly couldn't afford more foreign adventurism.

Reagan was a corrupt Big Business, Big Government shill. His actions while President further increased our dependence on foreign sources of energy and reduced our National Security by doing so. But then again it was oilman Bush calling the shots behind the scene wasn't it?

1. In An American Life, Reagan describes the barbarism of the Ortega-led Sandanistas.
…the brutal pro-Marxist rebels…were slaughtering innocent peasants, burning and pillaging their crops, destroying electrical power lines, and blowing up dams in their campaign to wrest control of the country… Unable to win the hearts of the people, they were depriving them of food, water, electricity, and the ability to earn a living and feed themselves.

2. Similar to the Khmer Rouge, forcibly relocated tens of thousands of Miskito Indians, and killed or imprisoned about fifteen thousand of them. Like Stalin, they used famine as a weapon against the ‘enemies of the people.’ Humberto Belli, “Breaking Faith,” p. 106-117.

a. By 1986, a vicious and violent “resettlement program” forced some two hundred thousand Nicaraguans into 145 “settlements” throughout the country. This monstrous social-engineering program included the designation of “free-fire” zones, in which government troops had carte blanche to shoot and kill any peasant they spotted. The Two Malcontents » Commie Pinkos

Reagan's tell all.......:badgrin:
Dude's a racist. Odd you agree with him, PC.

I wish I had a dollar for every time you've peddled out that pathetic old worn out race card of your's.

For Christ sake, at least make a feeble attempt to update yourself and not look so petty and stupid.
So if suppressing multiculturalism is the answer,

does that mean we should support keeping the gays out of the St. Patrick's Day parade?

...or should we support getting rid of the St. Patrick's Day parade altogether?
So if suppressing multiculturalism is the answer,

does that mean we should support keeping the gays out of the St. Patrick's Day parade?

...or should we support getting rid of the St. Patrick's Day parade altogether?

No one needs to "suppress" anything. Returning to the concept of a "melting pot" is sorely needed, however.
So if suppressing multiculturalism is the answer,

does that mean we should support keeping the gays out of the St. Patrick's Day parade?

...or should we support getting rid of the St. Patrick's Day parade altogether?


I so dearly love it when a Leftist doesn't realize that they are revealing their fascist bias.

A Liberal with that redundant?.....can't imagine the correct solution.

Get this: one need not ban anything that "offends" you.

Simply leave it up to the folks who run the parade.

Then, if their actions don't meet with your approval.......don't attend.
So if suppressing multiculturalism is the answer,

does that mean we should support keeping the gays out of the St. Patrick's Day parade?

...or should we support getting rid of the St. Patrick's Day parade altogether?

why is it you guys are always about the perverts....?

oh wait.....the Democrat Plan is to Pervert America....
So if suppressing multiculturalism is the answer,

does that mean we should support keeping the gays out of the St. Patrick's Day parade?

...or should we support getting rid of the St. Patrick's Day parade altogether?


I so dearly love it when a Leftist doesn't realize that they are revealing their fascist bias.

A Liberal with that redundant?.....can't imagine the correct solution.

Get this: one need not ban anything that "offends" you.

Simply leave it up to the folks who run the parade.

Then, if their actions don't meet with your approval.......don't attend.

So you admit that multiculturalism is none of your business.

Good, argue with the author of this thread.
So if suppressing multiculturalism is the answer,

does that mean we should support keeping the gays out of the St. Patrick's Day parade?

...or should we support getting rid of the St. Patrick's Day parade altogether?

why is it you guys are always about the perverts....?

oh wait.....the Democrat Plan is to Pervert America....

See? Some people STILL hate the Irish.

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