Democrat Plan To Destroy America

Great. Now we have two too many Michelle Malkins.

:lol: from 2008, no less...

I'm certain you can show your acumen by explaining how the date is significant.

Is it any less true today, or are you a dope?

aww if only i had more time to c&p old michelle malkin articles to demonstrate my awesome ACUMEN.. :lol:


BEWARE the "Democrat Plan To Destroy America" :eusa_shifty:

....any vote for the Democrat Party is a vote to destroy America

I love it when stuff like this is brought up. It makes me go look up what the person really said.

Like this:

In 1984, Lamm was dubbed "Governor Gloom" for his statement that elderly people on life support systems "had a duty to die and get out of the way." (Awww, come on, that's pure GOP sentiment)

AllPolitics - Dick Lamm : Life & Career

And here he revised his speech making it even worse:

Richard Lamm on Multiculturalism

But the best part of all was this from the first link:

He has said he left the Democratic party because of its demagoguery on the Medicare issue during the budget debate of 1995-96 and because of the tight rein special interest groups, especially trial lawyers, now have on the party. When asked why he didn't become a Republican, he said special interests, such as the Christian Coalition, also control the GOP.

Richard Lamm on Multiculturalism

See, the guy hasn't been a Democrat since 1996

Grade: F for FAIL


You grading my OP is like Dr. Kevorkian teaching the Heimlich Maneuver.

Doing the ol' two-step, huh?
...nothing to say about the truth of the OP?

The truth is that could have been written nearly every Republican. That's the only real "truth" I can see. The rest are "hysterical claims".
:lol: from 2008, no less...

I'm certain you can show your acumen by explaining how the date is significant.

Is it any less true today, or are you a dope?

aww if only i had more time to c&p old michelle malkin articles to demonstrate my awesome ACUMEN.. :lol:


BEWARE the "Democrat Plan To Destroy America" :eusa_shifty:

....any vote for the Democrat Party is a vote to destroy America


I nailed 'ya, huh?
I love it when stuff like this is brought up. It makes me go look up what the person really said.

Like this:

In 1984, Lamm was dubbed "Governor Gloom" for his statement that elderly people on life support systems "had a duty to die and get out of the way." (Awww, come on, that's pure GOP sentiment)

AllPolitics - Dick Lamm : Life & Career

And here he revised his speech making it even worse:

Richard Lamm on Multiculturalism

But the best part of all was this from the first link:

He has said he left the Democratic party because of its demagoguery on the Medicare issue during the budget debate of 1995-96 and because of the tight rein special interest groups, especially trial lawyers, now have on the party. When asked why he didn't become a Republican, he said special interests, such as the Christian Coalition, also control the GOP.

Richard Lamm on Multiculturalism

See, the guy hasn't been a Democrat since 1996

Grade: F for FAIL


You grading my OP is like Dr. Kevorkian teaching the Heimlich Maneuver.

Doing the ol' two-step, huh?
...nothing to say about the truth of the OP?

The truth is that could have been written nearly every Republican. That's the only real "truth" I can see. The rest are "hysterical claims".

And therein we see the truth of the aphorism:

There are none so blind as those who will not see.
As can be seen throughout this thread, the Left/Liberals/Democrats have been unable to confront...much less, rebut....the salient points.

Below is another one of those points....undeniable, indisputable, and is the central reason why open borders will be the end of America.

Milton Friedman commented on illegal immigration, and open borders. They existed until 1914, as workers came for jobs.
With the birth of the welfare state, open borders are a stake through the heart of the American economy.

"The paradox of illegal immigration contrasts the current problems compared to one hundred years ago. For decades, immigrants entered this country, got a health check up. passed a security clearance, filed paperwork, receive passports, and became US citizens. Up until 1914, no one in the United States complained about an immigration problem.

Today, there is nothing but uproar and race-bating over this issue. What happened?
The welfare state was born, with its growing entitlement burden. Citizens, born or naturalized, can take advantage of these subsidies, along with a growing class of dependents who have not received adequate training and preparation to get out and work."
Blog: Heed Friedman on Immigration - Arthur Christopher Schaper's Blog - South Gate-Lynwood, CA Patch

Is Obama too stupid to know this?
Certainly, his defenders are.

Rather, it seems that the ideologue in the White House knows all too well.
I could vote GOP again(heck I would actually vote in another presidential election) if the republicans weren't so beholden to protecting corporate America and the rich. We don't live in a democratic republic, we live in a "corporatocracy" uninterested in anything but the almighty dollar. What we have now is corporate power run amok and given every break in the book.
I could vote GOP again(heck I would actually vote in another presidential election) if the republicans weren't so beholden to protecting corporate America and the rich. We don't live in a democratic republic, we live in a "corporatocracy" uninterested in anything but the almighty dollar. What we have now is corporate power run amok and given every break in the book.

It appears you were too occupied to actually read any part of this thread.

Thanks for dropping by.
Dick Lamm was a colorful character.

Pro-choice (way before Roe v. Wade), pro right to die (way ahead of everyone else), big time environmentalist, anti-immigrant. Eventually, he quit the Democratic Party and joined up with Ross Perot and the Reform Party.

He was a fucking idiot. I met him in 1978 when I lived in South Dakota. He's also known for the following loving statement about the nation's elderly, channeling today's millennials:

“a duty to die and get out of the way... so that our kids can build a reasonable life."
You grading my OP is like Dr. Kevorkian teaching the Heimlich Maneuver.

Doing the ol' two-step, huh?
...nothing to say about the truth of the OP?

The truth is that could have been written nearly every Republican. That's the only real "truth" I can see. The rest are "hysterical claims".

And therein we see the truth of the aphorism:

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

You can be blind and still see a delusion. They must be easy to see. You seem to see them everywhere all the time.
Anyone who reads this thread will understand how racist Republicans are. This guy who quit the Democratic Party in 1996 spoke these words and everyone stopped talking in horrified silence.

If a Republicans had said this to a roomful of the GOP faithful, all you would have heard is a wildly cheering throng. In fact, how many right wingers on this site, including Political Chit would say, "Oh wow, I wish I'd said that"?

Then, why are you so upset?
im not upset. Just scratching my head over an immigrant championing an immigrant hater.

And another Democrat hiding behind smoke and mirrors.

Why did you choose to leave out "ILLEGAL-immigrants"?
how did you get to be legal? Oh right, we LET you. And now you join the xenophobes that want to keep the cultures you don't like out. The irony is tasty. I hope you don't eat Korean BBQ :lol:
As can be seen throughout this thread, the Left/Liberals/Democrats have been unable to confront...much less, rebut....the salient points.

Below is another one of those points....undeniable, indisputable, and is the central reason why open borders will be the end of America.

Milton Friedman commented on illegal immigration, and open borders. They existed until 1914, as workers came for jobs.
With the birth of the welfare state, open borders are a stake through the heart of the American economy.

"The paradox of illegal immigration contrasts the current problems compared to one hundred years ago. For decades, immigrants entered this country, got a health check up. passed a security clearance, filed paperwork, receive passports, and became US citizens. Up until 1914, no one in the United States complained about an immigration problem.

Today, there is nothing but uproar and race-bating over this issue. What happened?
The welfare state was born, with its growing entitlement burden. Citizens, born or naturalized, can take advantage of these subsidies, along with a growing class of dependents who have not received adequate training and preparation to get out and work."
Blog: Heed Friedman on Immigration - Arthur Christopher Schaper's Blog - South Gate-Lynwood, CA Patch

Is Obama too stupid to know this?
Certainly, his defenders are.

Rather, it seems that the ideologue in the White House knows all too well.

All Obama supporters need to do is ignore everything but the racial aspect of illegal immigration.

They figure the only reason anyone would try to prevent it is because they're racists. Never mind the simple fact that illegal immigration does so much damage to this country. All of that doesn't matter, because it doesn't win elections.

Many of them are one issue voters who disregard everything else, be it same-sex marriage, racial discrimination, income inequality, sex-discrimination, the 2nd Amendment, freedom of religion, etc. Everything else doesn't matter.
im not upset. Just scratching my head over an immigrant championing an immigrant hater.

And another Democrat hiding behind smoke and mirrors.

Why did you choose to leave out "ILLEGAL-immigrants"?
how did you get to be legal? Oh right, we LET you. And now you join the xenophobes that want to keep the cultures you don't like out. The irony is tasty. I hope you don't eat Korean BBQ :lol:

Everything in your post is a fabrication.

You Liberals really get incensed when the truth slaps you in the face.
You like pictures?



you may have noticed the "Mission Accomplished" sign IS on the ship.., and NOT tattooed across Bush's face.

the carrier and it's entire crew earned the "Mission Accomplished" sign and no one else. :up:

BUT ! you fucking liberfools fail to give a ship and it's crew the accolades it so richly deserved. :up:

BTW........, :fu:
You like pictures?



you may have noticed the "Mission Accomplished" sign IS on the ship.., and NOT tattooed across Bush's face.

the carrier and it's entire crew earned the "Mission Accomplished" sign and no one else. :up:

BUT ! you fucking liberfools fail to give a ship and it's crew the accolades it so richly deserved. :up:

BTW........, :fu:

That's because they didn't't leave their unit and join the Taliban or something. Only deserters get consideration from the left.
im not upset. Just scratching my head over an immigrant championing an immigrant hater.

And another Democrat hiding behind smoke and mirrors.

Why did you choose to leave out "ILLEGAL-immigrants"?
how did you get to be legal? Oh right, we LET you. And now you join the xenophobes that want to keep the cultures you don't like out. The irony is tasty. I hope you don't eat Korean BBQ :lol:

:lol: the whole article is a satirical fabrication...

2. I would then invent “multiculturalism” and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture. I would make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal: that there are no cultural differences that are important. I would declare it an article of faith that the black and Hispanic dropout rate is only due to prejudice and discrimination by the majority. Every other explanation is out-of-bounds.

^ :lol:
And another Democrat hiding behind smoke and mirrors.

Why did you choose to leave out "ILLEGAL-immigrants"?
how did you get to be legal? Oh right, we LET you. And now you join the xenophobes that want to keep the cultures you don't like out. The irony is tasty. I hope you don't eat Korean BBQ :lol:

Everything in your post is a fabrication.

You Liberals really get incensed when the truth slaps you in the face.
Are you now saying that you are not an immigrant to the US?
how did you get to be legal? Oh right, we LET you. And now you join the xenophobes that want to keep the cultures you don't like out. The irony is tasty. I hope you don't eat Korean BBQ :lol:

Everything in your post is a fabrication.

You Liberals really get incensed when the truth slaps you in the face.
Are you now saying that you are not an immigrant to the US?

she got hers, so forget about 'those' people...

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