Democrat Plan To Destroy America

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you may have noticed the "Mission Accomplished" sign IS on the ship.., and NOT tattooed across Bush's face.

the carrier and it's entire crew earned the "Mission Accomplished" sign and no one else.

BUT ! you fucking liberfools fail to give a ship and it's crew the accolades it so richly deserved.

BTW........, :fu:

That's because they didn't't leave their unit and join the Taliban or something. Only deserters get consideration from the left.
The carrier and its crew did nothing but follow illegal orders that killed thousands of civilians over lies. This is why the Soldier's Oath is to the Constitution, not to the President. Soldiers are supposed to disobey unlawful orders.

"BTW"..... declassified government documents say that the Bush administration lied to invade Iraq. The order to go to war on Iraq was based on lies, and therefore illegal, and therefore should be disobeyed by US soldiers loyal to the US Constitution.

U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD
The Record on CURVEBALL
Iraq: The Media War Plan
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART I:*The U.S. Prepares for Conflict, 2001
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART II: Was There Even a Decision?
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART III: Shaping the Debate

You sad little Republicans keep trying to transfer blame to everyone except for Bush. Why do you still defend him? Is it only party loyalty? You people seem to be convinced that it wasn't Bush's incompetence that led to the attacks on 9/11, that it wasn't Bush's incompetence that led to the Iraq quagmire, and that it wasn't Bush's incompetence that led to the financial crash of 2007. Bush's entire time in office was one colossal fuck-up after the next and he left office with two unfinished, unfinishable wars and the largest financial disaster since 1929, but it was all someone else's fault. Bush was totally innocent of any wrongdoing, right? Just like Dick Cheney is a good Christian, right?

Tell us how Democrats voted for the AUMF, as if that somehow means that declassified Bush administration documents don't implicate the Bush administration in a plan to lie to the world to invade Iraq.

Declassified government documents. Read them.
how did you get to be legal? Oh right, we LET you. And now you join the xenophobes that want to keep the cultures you don't like out. The irony is tasty. I hope you don't eat Korean BBQ :lol:

Everything in your post is a fabrication.

You Liberals really get incensed when the truth slaps you in the face.
Are you now saying that you are not an immigrant to the US?

You know what I'm saying: your post is web of lies.
And another Democrat hiding behind smoke and mirrors.

Why did you choose to leave out "ILLEGAL-immigrants"?
how did you get to be legal? Oh right, we LET you. And now you join the xenophobes that want to keep the cultures you don't like out. The irony is tasty. I hope you don't eat Korean BBQ :lol:

:lol: the whole article is a satirical fabrication...

2. I would then invent “multiculturalism” and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture. I would make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal: that there are no cultural differences that are important. I would declare it an article of faith that the black and Hispanic dropout rate is only due to prejudice and discrimination by the majority. Every other explanation is out-of-bounds.

^ :lol:

Without emoticons you'd be mute.

Not much of a loss.
Everything in your post is a fabrication.

You Liberals really get incensed when the truth slaps you in the face.
Are you now saying that you are not an immigrant to the US?

You know what I'm saying: your post is web of lies.
I think you have claimed in the past to be an immigrant from Korea. If this is wrong, feel free to correct me.

I don't have a problem with immigrants or multiculturalism. The US was built on multiculturalism. That we let in only those we "desire" to let in is ridiculous. There is no reason other than xenophobia that Mexicans need visas to visit the US.
Are you now saying that you are not an immigrant to the US?

You know what I'm saying: your post is web of lies.
I think you have claimed in the past to be an immigrant from Korea. If this is wrong, feel free to correct me.

I don't have a problem with immigrants or multiculturalism. The US was built on multiculturalism. That we let in only those we "desire" to let in is ridiculous. There is no reason other than xenophobia that Mexicans need visas to visit the US.

Lie #1:
"how did you get to be legal? Oh right, we LET you."

Only a fool would refuse to acknowledge that there is a world of difference between applying for status and sneaking across the border.

Are you a fool?

Lie #2:
"And now you join the xenophobes..."

How ironic! An immigrant such as myself having to school a native born such as you in the English language!

A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.
xenophobes - definition of xenophobes by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Certainly a lie if you knew me, and, worse, a slander, since you don't.

Lie #3:
"want to keep the cultures you don't like out."

I don't want to keep any out as long as they enter legally.

You, on the other hand, don't have the sense to judge the effects of loss of sovereignty, increase in diseases, costs of entitlements, etc.

You haven't proven to be too bright, so I may be wrong about this: but I bet you haven't removed your front door.....have you.

Warning: "I hope you don't eat Korean BBQ."

Don't be puttin' down Bulgogi!

That'd be like smokin' in the dynamite shed.
You know what I'm saying: your post is web of lies.
I think you have claimed in the past to be an immigrant from Korea. If this is wrong, feel free to correct me.

I don't have a problem with immigrants or multiculturalism. The US was built on multiculturalism. That we let in only those we "desire" to let in is ridiculous. There is no reason other than xenophobia that Mexicans need visas to visit the US.

Lie #1:
"how did you get to be legal? Oh right, we LET you."

Only a fool would refuse to acknowledge that there is a world of difference between applying for status and sneaking across the border.

Are you a fool?

Lie #2:
"And now you join the xenophobes..."

How ironic! An immigrant such as myself having to school a native born such as you in the English language!

A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.
xenophobes - definition of xenophobes by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Certainly a lie if you knew me, and, worse, a slander, since you don't.

Lie #3:
"want to keep the cultures you don't like out."

I don't want to keep any out as long as they enter legally.

You, on the other hand, don't have the sense to judge the effects of loss of sovereignty, increase in diseases, costs of entitlements, etc.

You haven't proven to be too bright, so I may be wrong about this: but I bet you haven't removed your front door.....have you.

Warning: "I hope you don't eat Korean BBQ."

Don't be puttin' down Bulgogi!

That'd be like smokin' in the dynamite shed.
Sweetheart, we let you in the country. That you applied and were granted status doesn't change that fact.

You have received special privileges that millions are denied or not even given a chance to try for.
And another Democrat hiding behind smoke and mirrors.

Why did you choose to leave out "ILLEGAL-immigrants"?
how did you get to be legal? Oh right, we LET you. And now you join the xenophobes that want to keep the cultures you don't like out. The irony is tasty. I hope you don't eat Korean BBQ :lol:

Everything in your post is a fabrication.

You Liberals really get incensed when the truth slaps you in the face.

If you oppose multi-culturalism you oppose the idea of people being able to retain their cultural identities and customs, but instead want them to homogenize into some sort of culturally 'American' identity.

Are you now denying that you oppose multi-culturalism?
I think you have claimed in the past to be an immigrant from Korea. If this is wrong, feel free to correct me.

I don't have a problem with immigrants or multiculturalism. The US was built on multiculturalism. That we let in only those we "desire" to let in is ridiculous. There is no reason other than xenophobia that Mexicans need visas to visit the US.

Lie #1:
"how did you get to be legal? Oh right, we LET you."

Only a fool would refuse to acknowledge that there is a world of difference between applying for status and sneaking across the border.

Are you a fool?

Lie #2:
"And now you join the xenophobes..."

How ironic! An immigrant such as myself having to school a native born such as you in the English language!

A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.
xenophobes - definition of xenophobes by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Certainly a lie if you knew me, and, worse, a slander, since you don't.

Lie #3:
"want to keep the cultures you don't like out."

I don't want to keep any out as long as they enter legally.

You, on the other hand, don't have the sense to judge the effects of loss of sovereignty, increase in diseases, costs of entitlements, etc.

You haven't proven to be too bright, so I may be wrong about this: but I bet you haven't removed your front door.....have you.

Warning: "I hope you don't eat Korean BBQ."

Don't be puttin' down Bulgogi!

That'd be like smokin' in the dynamite shed.
Sweetheart, we let you in the country. That you applied and were granted status doesn't change that fact.

You have received special privileges that millions are denied or not even given a chance to try for.

In the words of Chazz Palminteri, " Now youse can't leave."

1. "Sweetheart, we let you in the country."

You did no such thing, stop lying.
Since I am a part of the "we" who understands the meaning of sovereignty, I'm more an American than you are.

You're one of the simpletons who are willing to toss it away.

2. " That you applied and were granted status doesn't change that fact."

I asked earlier if you were a fool, and here you are verifying it!

None but a fool would claim that there is no difference between obeying the law and breaking the law.

3. I asked, as well, if you have removed your front door. No doubt you haven't because that would allow any who wished to to invade your property.

Yet you want the country to remove it's front door.

Did you leave the stove on? Cause you just got burned.
Lie #1:
"how did you get to be legal? Oh right, we LET you."

Only a fool would refuse to acknowledge that there is a world of difference between applying for status and sneaking across the border.

Are you a fool?

Lie #2:
"And now you join the xenophobes..."

How ironic! An immigrant such as myself having to school a native born such as you in the English language!

A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.
xenophobes - definition of xenophobes by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Certainly a lie if you knew me, and, worse, a slander, since you don't.

Lie #3:
"want to keep the cultures you don't like out."

I don't want to keep any out as long as they enter legally.

You, on the other hand, don't have the sense to judge the effects of loss of sovereignty, increase in diseases, costs of entitlements, etc.

You haven't proven to be too bright, so I may be wrong about this: but I bet you haven't removed your front door.....have you.

Warning: "I hope you don't eat Korean BBQ."

Don't be puttin' down Bulgogi!

That'd be like smokin' in the dynamite shed.
Sweetheart, we let you in the country. That you applied and were granted status doesn't change that fact.

You have received special privileges that millions are denied or not even given a chance to try for.

In the words of Chazz Palminteri, " Now youse can't leave."

1. "Sweetheart, we let you in the country."

You did no such thing, stop lying.
Since I am a part of the "we" who understands the meaning of sovereignty, I'm more an American than you are.

You're one of the simpletons who are willing to toss it away.

2. " That you applied and were granted status doesn't change that fact."

I asked earlier if you were a fool, and here you are verifying it!

None but a fool would claim that there is no difference between obeying the law and breaking the law.

3. I asked, as well, if you have removed your front door. No doubt you haven't because that would allow any who wished to to invade your property.

Yet you want the country to remove it's front door.

Did you leave the stove on? Cause you just got burned.
I see you are purposely being obtuse.

Enjoy your special status. Not that you earned it. It was merely an accident of birth.
Sweetheart, we let you in the country. That you applied and were granted status doesn't change that fact.

You have received special privileges that millions are denied or not even given a chance to try for.

In the words of Chazz Palminteri, " Now youse can't leave."

1. "Sweetheart, we let you in the country."

You did no such thing, stop lying.
Since I am a part of the "we" who understands the meaning of sovereignty, I'm more an American than you are.

You're one of the simpletons who are willing to toss it away.

2. " That you applied and were granted status doesn't change that fact."

I asked earlier if you were a fool, and here you are verifying it!

None but a fool would claim that there is no difference between obeying the law and breaking the law.

3. I asked, as well, if you have removed your front door. No doubt you haven't because that would allow any who wished to to invade your property.

Yet you want the country to remove it's front door.

Did you leave the stove on? Cause you just got burned.
I see you are purposely being obtuse.

Enjoy your special status. Not that you earned it. It was merely an accident of birth.

Have you taken off your front door? Why not? Those things that you might lose...."Not that you earned it. It was merely an accident of birth."

In each post you sound more moronic.

OK....ignore all of the salient points in my posts....

I'll leave it to those reading the exchange to decide.
In the words of Chazz Palminteri, " Now youse can't leave."

1. "Sweetheart, we let you in the country."

You did no such thing, stop lying.
Since I am a part of the "we" who understands the meaning of sovereignty, I'm more an American than you are.

You're one of the simpletons who are willing to toss it away.

2. " That you applied and were granted status doesn't change that fact."

I asked earlier if you were a fool, and here you are verifying it!

None but a fool would claim that there is no difference between obeying the law and breaking the law.

3. I asked, as well, if you have removed your front door. No doubt you haven't because that would allow any who wished to to invade your property.

Yet you want the country to remove it's front door.

Did you leave the stove on? Cause you just got burned.
I see you are purposely being obtuse.

Enjoy your special status. Not that you earned it. It was merely an accident of birth.

Have you taken off your front door? Why not? Those things that you might lose...."Not that you earned it. It was merely an accident of birth."

In each post you sound more moronic.

OK....ignore all of the salient points in my posts....

I'll leave it to those reading the exchange to decide.
I'm sure they already have. And no, you shouldn't eat Korean BBQ. That's deeply into multiculturalism. Even though it is mighty tasty.
Religion is an integral part of culture. Since conservatives tend to believe the US is a Christian nation, and since they tend to oppose multi-culturalism,

it's easy to see how they tend to fall off the religious freedom wagon on a regular basis,

despite their vociferous declarations of support for our Constitution.
:lol: the whole article is a satirical fabrication...

2. I would then invent “multiculturalism” and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture. I would make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal: that there are no cultural differences that are important. I would declare it an article of faith that the black and Hispanic dropout rate is only due to prejudice and discrimination by the majority. Every other explanation is out-of-bounds.

^ :lol:

You really are quite stupid, valeravi... Special Olympics kids point at you and say "what a fucking retard.."

you may have noticed the "Mission Accomplished" sign IS on the ship.., and NOT tattooed across Bush's face.

the carrier and it's entire crew earned the "Mission Accomplished" sign and no one else.

BUT ! you fucking liberfools fail to give a ship and it's crew the accolades it so richly deserved.

BTW........, :fu:

That's because they didn't't leave their unit and join the Taliban or something. Only deserters get consideration from the left.
The carrier and its crew did nothing but follow illegal orders that killed thousands of civilians over lies. This is why the Soldier's Oath is to the Constitution, not to the President. Soldiers are supposed to disobey unlawful orders.

"BTW"..... declassified government documents say that the Bush administration lied to invade Iraq. The order to go to war on Iraq was based on lies, and therefore illegal, and therefore should be disobeyed by US soldiers loyal to the US Constitution.

U.S. Intelligence and Iraq WMD
The Record on CURVEBALL
Iraq: The Media War Plan
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART I:*The U.S. Prepares for Conflict, 2001
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART II: Was There Even a Decision?
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART III: Shaping the Debate

You sad little Republicans keep trying to transfer blame to everyone except for Bush. Why do you still defend him? Is it only party loyalty? You people seem to be convinced that it wasn't Bush's incompetence that led to the attacks on 9/11, that it wasn't Bush's incompetence that led to the Iraq quagmire, and that it wasn't Bush's incompetence that led to the financial crash of 2007. Bush's entire time in office was one colossal fuck-up after the next and he left office with two unfinished, unfinishable wars and the largest financial disaster since 1929, but it was all someone else's fault. Bush was totally innocent of any wrongdoing, right? Just like Dick Cheney is a good Christian, right?

Tell us how Democrats voted for the AUMF, as if that somehow means that declassified Bush administration documents don't implicate the Bush administration in a plan to lie to the world to invade Iraq.

Declassified government documents. Read them.

The National Security Archive is horsecrap, a 501c non-profit, funded by the Ford Foundation, a pro-Democrat company. It is hardly a reliable source for information.

Over the course of its history, the foundation has been a target of political criticism, especially from populists who resented its elitism. Even more sustained criticism came from conservatives who resented its liberalism, including its support for voter registration drives among blacks in the southern United States and school redistricting in Manhattan.[46]

In 1968, the foundation began disbursing US$12 million to persuade law schools to make "law school clinics" part of their curriculum. Clinics were intended to give practical experience in law practice while providing pro bono representation to the poor. Many people,[who?] however, charge that the clinics have been used instead by professors to engage in political activism. Critics cite the financial involvement of the foundation as the turning point when these clinics began to change from giving practical experience to engaging in advocacy.[47]

In 1994, American author and former philosophy professor Christina Hoff Sommers alleged that the Ford Foundation funded "gender feminism", ideology that abandoned the feminist quest for equity in favour of a gender war against men.[48] Spanish judge Francisco Serrano Castro made similar claims in his 2012 book The Dictatorship of Gender.[49]

Joan Roelofs, in Foundations and Public Policy: The Mask of Pluralism (State University of New York Press, 2003) argues that Ford and similar foundations play a key role in co-opting opposition movements. "While dissent from ruling class ideas is labeled 'extremism' and is isolated, individual dissenters may be welcomed and transformed. Indeed, ruling class hegemony is more durable if it is not rigid and narrow, but is able dynamically to incorporate emergent trends". She reports that John J. McCloy, while chairman of the foundation's board of trustees from 1958 to 1965, "thought of the foundation as a quasi-extension of the U.S. government. It was his habit, for instance, to drop by the National Security Council (NSC) in Washington every couple of months and casually ask whether there were any overseas projects the NSC would like to see funded." Roelofs also charges that the foundation financed counter-insurgency programs in Indonesia and other countries.

In 2003, the foundation was critiqued by U.S. news service Jewish Telegraphic Agency, among others, for supporting Palestinian nongovernmental organizations that that were accused of promoting antisemitism at the 2001 World Conference Against Racism. Under pressure by several members of Congress, chief among them Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the foundation apologized and then prohibited the promotion of "violence, terrorism, bigotry or the destruction of any state" among its grantees. This move itself sparked protest among university provosts and various non-profit groups on free speech issues.[50]

In 2005, Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox began a probe of the foundation that ultimately backfired. Though the foundation is headquartered in New York City, it is chartered in Michigan, giving that state some jurisdiction. Cox focused on its governance, potential conflicts of interest among board members, and what he viewed as its poor record of giving to charities in Michigan. Between 1998 and 2002, the foundation gave Michigan charities about US$2.5 million per year, far less than many other charities its size. The foundation countered that an extensive review and report by the Gaither Study Committee in 1949 had recommended that the foundation broaden its scope beyond Michigan to national and international grant-making. The report was endorsed by the foundation's board of trustees, and they subsequently voted to move the foundation to New York City in 1953.[4][51][52]

The foundation's partnership with the New Israel Fund, which began in 2003, was frequently criticised regarding its choice of mostly liberal grantees and causes. This criticism came to light after the 2001 Durban Conference, where some nongovernmental organizations funded by the foundation backed resolutions equating Israeli policies as apartheid, and later, against those groups which support the delegitimization of Israel. In response, the foundation adopted stricter criteria for funding.[30]​

Ford Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Rightwing opposition to multi-culturalism is just an opening they took advantage of to give old fashioned racism a makeover, and make it presentable in the modern age.

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