Democrat Plan To Destroy America

Rightwing opposition to multi-culturalism is just an opening they took advantage of to give old fashioned racism a makeover, and make it presentable in the modern age.

It isn't often that one word can identify both the liars and the fools of this world...but you found it!

I get such a kick out of the liars/fools who self-identify by referring to imaginary "racism."

Coulter nailed it, here:
"Thrilled with their role as ‘white friend-of-the-blacks,’ many found that they could actually make a living at it! The part requires sneering at nonexistent racists, and memorizing one line:
“Goddam it, this may cost me my career but I’m going to speak up for racial equality and let the chips fall where they may!”

What a buffoon you are.

It's not racist to be intolerant of another race's culture? Explain yourself.
I sure hope PC doesn't like soccer, because Coulter considers it foreign and claims that no one whose great grandfather was born here would watch it. Damn multiculturalism strikes again!

Coulter is a racist. I didn't really think PC was one but this thread makes me wonder.
It isn't often that one word can identify both the liars and the fools of this world...but you found it!

I get such a kick out of the liars/fools who self-identify by referring to imaginary "racism."

Coulter nailed it, here:
"Thrilled with their role as ‘white friend-of-the-blacks,’ many found that they could actually make a living at it! The part requires sneering at nonexistent racists, and memorizing one line:
“Goddam it, this may cost me my career but I’m going to speak up for racial equality and let the chips fall where they may!”

What a buffoon you are.

It's not racist to be intolerant of another race's culture? Explain yourself.
I sure hope PC doesn't like soccer, because Coulter considers it foreign and claims that no one whose great grandfather was born here would watch it. Damn multiculturalism strikes again!

Coulter is a racist. I didn't really think PC was one but this thread makes me wonder.

Have you recognized, yet, the difference between legal immigration and sneaking across the border?

Or are you still laboring under the misapprehension that the difference is of no consideration.

After all, I can't force you to be right.
It's not racist to be intolerant of another race's culture? Explain yourself.
I sure hope PC doesn't like soccer, because Coulter considers it foreign and claims that no one whose great grandfather was born here would watch it. Damn multiculturalism strikes again!

Coulter is a racist. I didn't really think PC was one but this thread makes me wonder.

Have you recognized, yet, the difference between legal immigration and sneaking across the border?

Or are you still laboring under the misapprehension that the difference is of no consideration.

After all, I can't force you to be right.

for those complaining about multi-culturalism there is no difference.
I sure hope PC doesn't like soccer, because Coulter considers it foreign and claims that no one whose great grandfather was born here would watch it. Damn multiculturalism strikes again!

Coulter is a racist. I didn't really think PC was one but this thread makes me wonder.

Have you recognized, yet, the difference between legal immigration and sneaking across the border?

Or are you still laboring under the misapprehension that the difference is of no consideration.

After all, I can't force you to be right.

for those complaining about multi-culturalism there is no difference.

So....did you eat the fortune cookie after you posted it?
"FALFURRIAS - Sex offenders, murder suspects and gang members are making their way through the vast rangelands of Brooks County.

The Vickers ranch is one of the many land spreads affected by the surge in illegal immigration. What is more concerning to the ranch owners is the type of people trekking through their land.

Linda Vickers never wanders away from her house without her trusty canine companions - Blitz, Elsa, Schotten and Tinkerbell.

The dogs provide a sense of security in a land of insecurity.

"The safety factor out here has changed," Vickers said."
Brooks County Ranchers Worry About Criminal Immigrants | | CHANNEL 5 NEWS | Breaking News Breaking Stories
I sure hope PC doesn't like soccer, because Coulter considers it foreign and claims that no one whose great grandfather was born here would watch it. Damn multiculturalism strikes again!

Coulter is a racist. I didn't really think PC was one but this thread makes me wonder.

Have you recognized, yet, the difference between legal immigration and sneaking across the border?

Or are you still laboring under the misapprehension that the difference is of no consideration.

After all, I can't force you to be right.

for those complaining about multi-culturalism there is no difference.
True enough.

She can't really understand that she's gotten special privileges from the US government.
Have you recognized, yet, the difference between legal immigration and sneaking across the border?

Or are you still laboring under the misapprehension that the difference is of no consideration.

After all, I can't force you to be right.

for those complaining about multi-culturalism there is no difference.
True enough.

She can't really understand that she's gotten special privileges from the US government.

Post #185 is what you have brought on American citizens by your thoughtlessness.
Whether restriction on immigration would save America is a moot question. It is too late. America will be majority minority in a generation or so even if the borders were sealed like a can of fresh ground coffee tomorrow morning.

Most of the howling is coming from states that have experienced the least immigration but are now getting significant numbers of non-European newcomers for the first time. It is blowing the minds of the natives, many of whom are already threatened by social changes and a different economy.

They are scared and angry. They want their country back. Tough titty and get over it!
yes, it's like rain and sunshine being the same.....what amazing powers you have...

but rain or shine....the results are always the same....

the KR tried to establish a form of agrarian socialism.....socialism of any variety always seems to end up with poverty, starvation, and Cambodia 3,000,000 wound up dead in the killing fields...

i always use 'Democrat' as well.....nothing 'democratic' about them.....

1. Starting in April ’75, the Communist Khmer Rouge defeated Lon Nol in Cambodia. Democrats, starting with the 1974 budget, refused to allocate another penny, and forbade US military action “in or over” Indochina. Just as the right had warned, the communists began a systematic war on the entire populations of their nation, so savage, it is hard to comprehend. It is estimated that the number of dead numbered between 1.7 to 2.5 million out of a population of around 8 million. Killing Fields - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. Frequently found in totalitarian death cults, the Khmer Rouge cadres were mostly teenagers, some as young as ten or twelve, produced by cruelty and indoctrination. Consistent with other communist conquests, the Khmer Rouge began the massive and grotesque project of remaking society from scratch. They began by emptying the cities: every single person in Phnom Penh- including the lame, hospital patients on intravenous drips, the sick and the elderly, mothers who had just given birth, the pregnant, and infants, - everyone was forced to march. Khmer Rouge rule of Cambodia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. “The pedicab did not move to the side of the road so a soldier killed the driver with machine gun fire….A young soldier thrust his rifle through the window of the car, then shot the driver through the heart, and he crumpled in the arms of his wife…”I’m going to pick up my family,” Without warning, a soldier sprayed him with machine gun bullets….The frantic parents protested and sought to reclaim their children on the other side of the communist column. The patrol leader thereupon fired a volley of rifle shots, killing both mother and father.”
Barron and Paul, “Murder of a Gentle Land, “ p.26-28.

c. Later, to save bullets, the Khmer Rouge switched to other methods of execution, including clubbing, asphyxiation, and dousing the head with gasoline and setting it on fire. Courtois,, “The Black Book of Communism,” p. 611

Was there overwhelming public support for intervening militarily in Cambodia, in 1974?
It's not racist to be intolerant of another race's culture? Explain yourself.
I sure hope PC doesn't like soccer, because Coulter considers it foreign and claims that no one whose great grandfather was born here would watch it. Damn multiculturalism strikes again!

Coulter is a racist. I didn't really think PC was one but this thread makes me wonder.

Have you recognized, yet, the difference between legal immigration and sneaking across the border?

Or are you still laboring under the misapprehension that the difference is of no consideration.

After all, I can't force you to be right.

Have you recognized that soccer didn't come here illegally?
Sweetheart, we let you in the country. That you applied and were granted status doesn't change that fact.

You have received special privileges that millions are denied or not even given a chance to try for.

Hey, she dyed her hair blonde and had her eyes done, what more do you want?

Assimilation, American style.

I certainly hope that no one is taken in by your post, and assumes we've ever been within miles of each other!

The very thought makes my skin crawl.

Bet you get a lot of that....

Here's how girls from Korea assimilate:


As American as mock apple pie.


Please post your approval.
Hey, she dyed her hair blonde and had her eyes done, what more do you want?

Assimilation, American style.

I certainly hope that no one is taken in by your post, and assumes we've ever been within miles of each other!

The very thought makes my skin crawl.

Bet you get a lot of that....

Here's how girls from Korea assimilate:


As American as mock apple pie.


Please post your approval.

Me love you long time.

I have been assimilated by a Korean girl. Guilty as charged :D
Have you recognized, yet, the difference between legal immigration and sneaking across the border?

Or are you still laboring under the misapprehension that the difference is of no consideration.

After all, I can't force you to be right.

for those complaining about multi-culturalism there is no difference.

So....did you eat the fortune cookie after you posted it?

if your issue is with cultural differences in the united states it doesn't really matter to you how someone brought that culture in to the united states, does it?

i mean realistically if you're telling us that people with different customs and beliefs will be the end of the nation than those different customs and beliefs don't become less dangerous because someone has proper documentation, do they?
for those complaining about multi-culturalism there is no difference.

So....did you eat the fortune cookie after you posted it?

if your issue is with cultural differences in the united states it doesn't really matter to you how someone brought that culture in to the united states, does it?

i mean realistically if you're telling us that people with different customs and beliefs will be the end of the nation than those different customs and beliefs don't become less dangerous because someone has proper documentation, do they?

Your post has the identifying characteristics of a straw man.

Go back and read the OP more carefully.
So....did you eat the fortune cookie after you posted it?

if your issue is with cultural differences in the united states it doesn't really matter to you how someone brought that culture in to the united states, does it?

i mean realistically if you're telling us that people with different customs and beliefs will be the end of the nation than those different customs and beliefs don't become less dangerous because someone has proper documentation, do they?

Your post has the identifying characteristics of a straw man.

Go back and read the OP more carefully.

From the OP

"2. .... then invent “multiculturalism” and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture. I would make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal: that there are no cultural differences that are important. I would declare it an article of faith that the black and Hispanic dropout rate is only due to prejudice and discrimination by the majority...."

What part of Mexican culture do you wish to eliminate? Their religion? Their work ethic? Their family values? The fact that most of them are and will be voting Democrat?
if your issue is with cultural differences in the united states it doesn't really matter to you how someone brought that culture in to the united states, does it?

i mean realistically if you're telling us that people with different customs and beliefs will be the end of the nation than those different customs and beliefs don't become less dangerous because someone has proper documentation, do they?

Your post has the identifying characteristics of a straw man.

Go back and read the OP more carefully.

From the OP

"2. .... then invent “multiculturalism” and encourage immigrants to maintain their own culture. I would make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal: that there are no cultural differences that are important. I would declare it an article of faith that the black and Hispanic dropout rate is only due to prejudice and discrimination by the majority...."

What part of Mexican culture do you wish to eliminate? Their religion? Their work ethic? Their family values? The fact that most of them are and will be voting Democrat?

You can always invite the Taliban, and Al Qaeda to migrate to Dearbornistan also! Hell, they're just muslim's, right? Why invite trouble, so you assholes on the left CAN HAVE MORE DEMOCRAT VOTERS....just shows, Democrats are prone to be felons!

Latinos Form New Majority Of Those Sentenced To Federal Prison

Latinos Form New Majority Of Those Sentenced To Federal Prison
"Liberals care less - Pew divided their sample into different categories across the left-right political spectrum. When asked if respondents “often feel proud to be American,” a majority of strong liberals, 60 percent, said no. The only group that solidly agreed with the statement was conservatives, ranging from 72 percent to 81 percent."
Stunner: 44 percent not proud to be American |

The effect of these Liberal beliefs can be seen in several of the prior posts.
Illegal aliens? Guess who hires them: U.S. farmers and businesses. Yep, some of our top tier businesses are giving monetary incentives for illegal hordes to keep on coming and dancing to the tune of $24,billion. Democrats are pro-union for the most part, illegal immigration is not something they would collectively support. Want to see a listing of the culprits responsible for all this illegal entry into the U.S.? Check this out: Alien Employer Database brought to you by the FIRE Coalition
I read Michelle Malkin’s original article and came away with a better understanding of how duplicitous people like PC can be. Skilled at using innuendo and word twisting, PC has her USMB lapdogs believing that Dick Lamm’s allegory was an admission to some surreptitious plot by Democrats to destroy America. That is not true. Nowhere in the article did I see even a hint that he was alluding to that at all. While some of the issues Lamm addressed might have originated under the auspices of the Democrats, there are other issues, just as serious, emanating from the Republican side. Lamm’s allegory isn’t directed at one political party but at some group that seems to transcend party affiliation.


As I have shown above, those most likely to benefit from illegal immigration are Republicans or their constituents. These “patriots” pay $24biion a year as an incentive that drives illegal immigration.
Let’s examine Item #4 from the op:

.... I would make our fastest-growing demographic group the least educated.
Who is Lamm pointing the finger at here? It certainly isn’t at the Democrats. Perhaps the Republicans had the answer all along. Let’s fly to Louisiana and investigate:

Governor Bobby Jindal, true to his Republican ideals, implemented a voucher system in 2012 attempting to destroy the Louisiana public school system. As the more knowledgeable among you know, that would have a devastating impact on lower income children. Jindal knew that but he didn’t care. The trick was to divert public funds from public schools to private schools. That’s a good thing for the upper classes but the funding for public schools would be cut in half; thereby undercutting educational goals geared towards poor kids.

Furthermore, the voucher system would be an excellent conduit for feeding the coffers of the 1%. However, hallelujah, the Louisiana Supreme Court struck the voucher system down as being unconstitutional.

I would add a second underclass, unassimilated, undereducated and antagonistic to our population.
I think we have to revisit my first example with this one. Republicans and their constituents are the prime movers for this onslaught of illegal immigrants. Lamm is describing Republican masterminds here, not Democrats.

I would have this second underclass have a 50 percent dropout rate from school.
This task would be impossible to implement as there is no way to predict if a child will be a drop out or not. Statistics are made after the fact and are not reliable predictors for future occurrences. Nevertheless, the incentive for their parents to bring illegal children with them is financed by well off Americans who exploit the opportunity to use cheap labor. That responsibility rests with the Republicans, not the Democrats.
Illegal aliens? Guess who hires them: U.S. farmers and businesses. Yep, some of our top tier businesses are giving monetary incentives for illegal hordes to keep on coming and dancing to the tune of $24,billion. Democrats are pro-union for the most part, illegal immigration is not something they would collectively support. Want to see a listing of the culprits responsible for all this illegal entry into the U.S.? Check this out: Alien Employer Database brought to you by the FIRE Coalition
I read Michelle Malkin’s original article and came away with a better understanding of how duplicitous people like PC can be. Skilled at using innuendo and word twisting, PC has her USMB lapdogs believing that Dick Lamm’s allegory was an admission to some surreptitious plot by Democrats to destroy America. That is not true. Nowhere in the article did I see even a hint that he was alluding to that at all. While some of the issues Lamm addressed might have originated under the auspices of the Democrats, there are other issues, just as serious, emanating from the Republican side. Lamm’s allegory isn’t directed at one political party but at some group that seems to transcend party affiliation.


As I have shown above, those most likely to benefit from illegal immigration are Republicans or their constituents. These “patriots” pay $24biion a year as an incentive that drives illegal immigration.
Let’s examine Item #4 from the op:

.... I would make our fastest-growing demographic group the least educated.
Who is Lamm pointing the finger at here? It certainly isn’t at the Democrats. Perhaps the Republicans had the answer all along. Let’s fly to Louisiana and investigate:

Governor Bobby Jindal, true to his Republican ideals, implemented a voucher system in 2012 attempting to destroy the Louisiana public school system. As the more knowledgeable among you know, that would have a devastating impact on lower income children. Jindal knew that but he didn’t care. The trick was to divert public funds from public schools to private schools. That’s a good thing for the upper classes but the funding for public schools would be cut in half; thereby undercutting educational goals geared towards poor kids.

Furthermore, the voucher system would be an excellent conduit for feeding the coffers of the 1%. However, hallelujah, the Louisiana Supreme Court struck the voucher system down as being unconstitutional.

I would add a second underclass, unassimilated, undereducated and antagonistic to our population.
I think we have to revisit my first example with this one. Republicans and their constituents are the prime movers for this onslaught of illegal immigrants. Lamm is describing Republican masterminds here, not Democrats.

I would have this second underclass have a 50 percent dropout rate from school.
This task would be impossible to implement as there is no way to predict if a child will be a drop out or not. Statistics are made after the fact and are not reliable predictors for future occurrences. Nevertheless, the incentive for their parents to bring illegal children with them is financed by well off Americans who exploit the opportunity to use cheap labor. That responsibility rests with the Republicans, not the Democrats.

It was satire, you dope....

Lamm was spotlighting what was happening via Democrat policy, and pretending he just thought of it.

Wise up.

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