Democrat Plan To Destroy America

Worst recovery ever.
Record poverty levels.
The World is on fire.

Obama is such a great leader isn't he...........
And the left wants more Gov't.....................
Brain Damage.

poor baby.... stock market through the roof
top 1% wealth through the roof...

over 200,000 jobs a month created... while when baby bush was pres we had a loss of what? 800,000?

middle class wages flatlined and middle class jobs dying...

maybe if the teatards got out of the way, hmmm?


Margin debt through the roof.
Poverty highest ever.
Record debt.

Poor baby..............Your attacks on business don't create jobs.........they kill them.........

Gov't doesn't create it takes.........from those who pay and create real jobs.......

Your side and the GOP are passing on a debt that is destructive............No amount of emotional BS is going to change that. The ending will not be pretty.

So go back to your ignorance.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Poverty highest ever.

And yet there are more billionaires than ever before. Strange how that works, isn't it?

Whose in charge now...........What are you doing about that.............

Nothing.................Your side are full of it and full of rich elite people............

But people like you never say a dang thing to them. You just push your pravda and that is all.
Poverty highest ever.

And yet there are more billionaires than ever before. Strange how that works, isn't it?

Democrats, the party of the 1%...Thanks KNoBhead for confirming what HillBillyJilly just confirmed, you bastards have been lying about NOT being the party of the rich for years, and all the while, you scum have been! Almost 6 years of Obomanomics and it finally REARS ITS UGLY HEAD!
Why do you keep insisting that I am a Democrat? Is it because I hate Republicans? You're not smart enough to understand how stupid you are.

Both parties are the party of the rich, and you Conservative talking monkeys have spent the last 6 years complaining that wealthy "job creators" making more money than ever before is "Socialism". Why is the recovery so slow if billionaires are making more money than ever before? Why is unemployment so high if "job creators" are making more money than ever before? Can rich "job creators" afford to create more jobs, thereby lowering unemployment? Yes, they can but they don't because that does not benefit the job creators who are currently making more money than ever before.

Both parties are the party of the rich.

“Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it.” - Alan Moore, V For Vendetta
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Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record - Washington Times

Although the president often rails against income inequality in America, his policies have had little impact overall on poverty. A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office.

The poverty rate has stood at 15 percent for three consecutive years, the first time that has happened since the mid-1960s. The poverty rate in 1965 was 17.3 percent; it was 12.5 percent in 2007, before the Great Recession.

About 50 million Americans live below the poverty line, which the federal government defined in 2012 as an annual income of $23,492 for a family of four.

President Obama’s anti-poverty efforts “are basically to give more people more free stuff,” said Robert Rector, a specialist on welfare and poverty at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

“That’s exactly the opposite of what Johnson said,” Mr. Rector said. “Johnson’s goal was to make people prosperous and self-sufficient.”
Why do you keep insisting that I am a Democrat? Is it because I hate Republicans? You're not smart enough to understand how stupid you are.

Both parties are the party of the rich, and you Conservative talking monkeys have spent the last 6 years complaining that wealthy "job creators" making more money than ever before is "Socialism". Why is the recovery so slow if billionaires are making more money than ever before? Why is unemployment so high if "job creators" are making more money than ever before? Can rich "job creators" afford to create more jobs, thereby lowering unemployment? Yes, they can but they don't because that does not benefit the job creators who are currently making more money than ever before.

Both parties are the party of the rich.

“Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it.” - Alan Moore, V For Vendetta

I call you a fucking subversive, a Communist, A socialist, a Marxist, a Fascist, BECAUSE you want to DESTROY AMERICA as it is, you fucking retarded ape! From your last sentence, apparently you do NOT breathe!

You have NO knowledge, all you have is Communist talking points, and rely occasionally on something Bernie Sanders says, that scumbucket!
And you want to cut their food stamps.

Your a kook. How about getting with team America buddy............

Obama's policies suck and are not creating jobs........Even after spending Trillions.

A dang 5 year old could do a better job. They've bailed out the assholes who crashed the economy. Inflated the markets through QE, and are destroying the standard of living here, and the dollar.

Obama is an epic fail.
Those up the Markets asses are epic fail.
Free Trade is Epic Fail.
and the Gov't is too damn big for its britches.
And you want to cut their food stamps.

Of course we want to cut food stamps. Without the INCENTIVE to WORK, people NATURALLY will NOT WORK, and in our countries case, even take a low paying job, or 2, or 3 in this fucking economy to make a living for themselves and their families. Things a re rough, and going to get rougher over the next 2+ years of this Subversive ideologue in the WH! ....Damn, you are just about the dumbest bastard here, especially with your RACIST ***** comment referring to the original patriots of the Boston Tea party.... you are despicable scum, go to Cuba, where they might give you a job picking bananas!:cuckoo:
Why do you keep insisting that I am a Democrat? Is it because I hate Republicans? You're not smart enough to understand how stupid you are.

Both parties are the party of the rich, and you Conservative talking monkeys have spent the last 6 years complaining that wealthy "job creators" making more money than ever before is "Socialism". Why is the recovery so slow if billionaires are making more money than ever before? Why is unemployment so high if "job creators" are making more money than ever before? Can rich "job creators" afford to create more jobs, thereby lowering unemployment? Yes, they can but they don't because that does not benefit the job creators who are currently making more money than ever before.

Both parties are the party of the rich.

“Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it.” - Alan Moore, V For Vendetta

I call you a fucking subversive, a Communist, A socialist, a Marxist, a Fascist, BECAUSE you want to DESTROY AMERICA as it is, you fucking retarded ape! From your last sentence, apparently you do NOT breathe!

You have NO knowledge, all you have is Communist talking points, and rely occasionally on something Bernie Sanders says, that scumbucket!
You don't know what any of those terms mean. I can't be both a subversive and a Fascist. A subversive, like the character in your profile picture, would fight against Fascists. That's the entire point of the story that you've never read.

"Since mankind's dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so, they took our power. By doing nothing, we gave it away. We've seen where their way leads, through camps and wars, towards the slaughterhouse.” - Alan Moore, V For Vendetta

This is free-market Capitalism:
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Why do you keep insisting that I am a Democrat? Is it because I hate Republicans? You're not smart enough to understand how stupid you are.

Both parties are the party of the rich, and you Conservative talking monkeys have spent the last 6 years complaining that wealthy "job creators" making more money than ever before is "Socialism". Why is the recovery so slow if billionaires are making more money than ever before? Why is unemployment so high if "job creators" are making more money than ever before? Can rich "job creators" afford to create more jobs, thereby lowering unemployment? Yes, they can but they don't because that does not benefit the job creators who are currently making more money than ever before.

Both parties are the party of the rich.

“Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it.” - Alan Moore, V For Vendetta

I call you a fucking subversive, a Communist, A socialist, a Marxist, a Fascist, BECAUSE you want to DESTROY AMERICA as it is, you fucking retarded ape! From your last sentence, apparently you do NOT breathe!

You have NO knowledge, all you have is Communist talking points, and rely occasionally on something Bernie Sanders says, that scumbucket!
You don't know what any of those terms mean. I can't be both a subversive and a Fascist. A subversive, like the character in your profile picture, would fight against Fascists. That's the entire point of the story that you've never read.

"Since mankind's dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so, they took our power. By doing nothing, we gave it away. We've seen where their way leads, through camps and wars, towards the slaughterhouse.” - Alan Moore, V For Vendetta

This is free-market Capitalism:

I should have remembered it's near impossible to argue politely, yet alone disparage a complete asshole that is a RED DIAPER DOPER BABY! His brain, whatever there was of it, has been eaten away by THE HEMP!

The Vigilante in my avatar would have like nothing better than to have dispatched you into small bite sized pieces, but you still won't understand the significance! Can't even laugh at this fool anymore! :cuckoo:
You really just love to hear yourself, don't you? You should try listening to yourself instead.



will cripple the Fascists. Fascists keep Cannabis illegal so that they can put People in cages instead of allowing the People to have jobs, sustainable energy, and a sustainable economy. It is more cost-effective for the wealthy elite to keep everyone on the government dole than to provide a decent wage. This is why there is high unemployment during a period of record corporate profits.

As for the vigilante in your picture, don't. Just don't. You don't know shit about the story or the character so just don't. Seriously, why haven't you read that yet? You don't have a job, you're not in school. Playing dumb on an internet messageboard is all that you do. Do you have the internet? Then you can probably find V For Vendetta page by page for free. You don't have any excuse for being this ignorant. This is just downright pathetic.

Try harder or stop trying.
You really just love to hear yourself, don't you? You should try listening to yourself instead.



will cripple the Fascists. Fascists keep Cannabis illegal so that they can put People in cages instead of allowing the People to have jobs, sustainable energy, and a sustainable economy. It is more cost-effective for the wealthy elite to keep everyone on the government dole than to provide a decent wage. This is why there is high unemployment during a period of record corporate profits.

As for the vigilante in your picture, don't. Just don't. You don't know shit about the story or the character so just don't. Seriously, why haven't you read that yet? You don't have a job, you're not in school. Playing dumb on an internet messageboard is all that you do. Do you have the internet? Then you can probably find V For Vendetta page by page for free. You don't have any excuse for being this ignorant. This is just downright pathetic.

Try harder or stop trying.

Do you OCD this much over any other fictional character....Mickey Mouse, Scooby Do, The Cat in the Hat? This is what the left now offers as one of it's stalwarts! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Notice how the far left does want to regulate everything under the sun except for voting and mary j.

Who signed the USAPATRIOT Act? A liberal Socialist? How stupid do you people want to be?

Guess what the USAPATRIOT Act is. It's big government REGULATION. It's not only big government regulation, it's the BIGGEST government regulation that has come along in a very long time. Who came up with that? Conservative liberal Socialist Fascist Nazi subversives in the GOP, signed by the vigilante cowboy subversive genius and amazing artist, George Wmd Bush.

Repeal the USAPATRIOT Act or shut up about "liberal fascist control".

And Vagilante, your lack of understanding about the character in your profile picture is an example of your lack of understanding on every other subject. You can't even get a comic book right and people are supposed to listen to you about national and global affairs?

Sit down in your sandbox and read the fucking book. Learn. LEARN.
Notice how the far left does want to regulate everything under the sun except for voting and mary j.

Who signed the USAPATRIOT Act? A liberal Socialist? How stupid do you people want to be?

Guess what the USAPATRIOT Act is. It's big government REGULATION. It's not only big government regulation, it's the BIGGEST government regulation that has come along in a very long time. Who came up with that? Conservative liberal Socialist Fascist Nazi subversives in the GOP, signed by the vigilante cowboy subversive genius and amazing artist, George Wmd Bush.

Repeal the USAPATRIOT Act or shut up about "liberal fascist control".

And Vagilante, your lack of understanding about the character in your profile picture is an example of your lack of understanding on every other subject. You can't even get a comic book right and people are supposed to listen to you about national and global affairs?

Sit down in your sandbox and read the fucking book. Learn. LEARN.


Learn from you.

Wow dude, you want a hit..............that's some good shit man.............If they'd make Mary J legal it'd be all cool man......................

Learn from history:

[ame=]Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube[/ame]

Can you do that? Can you learn from your own history? Are you capable of learning?

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