Democrat Plan To Destroy America

I was trying to ignore that you've equated Mexicans with sex offenders and murders.

How sad.

Wanna know sad???

Several things have been revealed by your post. Some, disappointing, and sad.

1. That I am not only smarter than you are, but that I have a far greater respect and love for this country than you.

2. That having nothing but your dislike of this nation to base your argument on, you do something which I eschew: you lie.

a. I am not xenophobic, not do I hate other culture.

b. I have accrued no special favors other than what is due for following the law.

c. I have not said all Mexicans are criminals, but have posted a news article from the border area, stating that a number are such.

Subsequent to your posts, I came across the Pew study, post #198, which showed a majority of Liberals have no pride in their country.

That's sad.
"Liberals care less - Pew divided their sample into different categories across the left-right political spectrum. When asked if respondents “often feel proud to be American,” a majority of strong liberals, 60 percent, said no. The only group that solidly agreed with the statement was conservatives, ranging from 72 percent to 81 percent."
Stunner: 44 percent not proud to be American |

The effect of these Liberal beliefs can be seen in several of the prior posts.

"Pride goeth before destruction,and a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18
"FALFURRIAS - Sex offenders, murder suspects and gang members are making their way through the vast rangelands of Brooks County.

The Vickers ranch is one of the many land spreads affected by the surge in illegal immigration. What is more concerning to the ranch owners is the type of people trekking through their land.

Linda Vickers never wanders away from her house without her trusty canine companions - Blitz, Elsa, Schotten and Tinkerbell.

The dogs provide a sense of security in a land of insecurity.

"The safety factor out here has changed," Vickers said."
Brooks County Ranchers Worry About Criminal Immigrants | | CHANNEL 5 NEWS | Breaking News Breaking Stories

Oh look! Korean gangs in America!!!!!!

Korean Pride: Gangs and the Korean Community

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Illegal aliens? Guess who hires them: U.S. farmers and businesses. Yep, some of our top tier businesses are giving monetary incentives for illegal hordes to keep on coming and dancing to the tune of $24,billion. Democrats are pro-union for the most part, illegal immigration is not something they would collectively support. Want to see a listing of the culprits responsible for all this illegal entry into the U.S.? Check this out: Alien Employer Database brought to you by the FIRE Coalition
I read Michelle Malkin’s original article and came away with a better understanding of how duplicitous people like PC can be. Skilled at using innuendo and word twisting, PC has her USMB lapdogs believing that Dick Lamm’s allegory was an admission to some surreptitious plot by Democrats to destroy America. That is not true. Nowhere in the article did I see even a hint that he was alluding to that at all. While some of the issues Lamm addressed might have originated under the auspices of the Democrats, there are other issues, just as serious, emanating from the Republican side. Lamm’s allegory isn’t directed at one political party but at some group that seems to transcend party affiliation.


As I have shown above, those most likely to benefit from illegal immigration are Republicans or their constituents. These “patriots” pay $24biion a year as an incentive that drives illegal immigration.
Let’s examine Item #4 from the op:

.... I would make our fastest-growing demographic group the least educated.
Who is Lamm pointing the finger at here? It certainly isn’t at the Democrats. Perhaps the Republicans had the answer all along. Let’s fly to Louisiana and investigate:

Governor Bobby Jindal, true to his Republican ideals, implemented a voucher system in 2012 attempting to destroy the Louisiana public school system. As the more knowledgeable among you know, that would have a devastating impact on lower income children. Jindal knew that but he didn’t care. The trick was to divert public funds from public schools to private schools. That’s a good thing for the upper classes but the funding for public schools would be cut in half; thereby undercutting educational goals geared towards poor kids.

Furthermore, the voucher system would be an excellent conduit for feeding the coffers of the 1%. However, hallelujah, the Louisiana Supreme Court struck the voucher system down as being unconstitutional.

I think we have to revisit my first example with this one. Republicans and their constituents are the prime movers for this onslaught of illegal immigrants. Lamm is describing Republican masterminds here, not Democrats.

I would have this second underclass have a 50 percent dropout rate from school.
This task would be impossible to implement as there is no way to predict if a child will be a drop out or not. Statistics are made after the fact and are not reliable predictors for future occurrences. Nevertheless, the incentive for their parents to bring illegal children with them is financed by well off Americans who exploit the opportunity to use cheap labor. That responsibility rests with the Republicans, not the Democrats.

It was satire, you dope....

Lamm was spotlighting what was happening via Democrat policy, and pretending he just thought of it.

Wise up.

If you had bothered to look up the word allegory you might have saved your image and delayed donning the well-fitting cloak of a profane fool. I used the word several times in my post but I guess you can’t handle the big words. Heh heh heh…Ok I’ll have to dumb down to your level.

Allegory-a work in which the characters and events are to be understood as representing other things and symbolically expressing a deeper, often spiritual, moral, or political meaning

There was nothing satirical about your response to Lamm’s satire. You used it to convey the idea that Lamm’s “plan to destroy America” was real and prefaced that premise with the notion that Democrats were the agents, unwitting or otherwise, solely dedicated to carrying it out. I merely stepped in to correct you. He wasn’t talking only about Democrats. Conservatives of both parties, Republicans and Democrats alike, share the blame. Now, you can re-read my original post with much better understanding.
"FALFURRIAS - Sex offenders, murder suspects and gang members are making their way through the vast rangelands of Brooks County.

The Vickers ranch is one of the many land spreads affected by the surge in illegal immigration. What is more concerning to the ranch owners is the type of people trekking through their land.

Linda Vickers never wanders away from her house without her trusty canine companions - Blitz, Elsa, Schotten and Tinkerbell.

The dogs provide a sense of security in a land of insecurity.

"The safety factor out here has changed," Vickers said."
Brooks County Ranchers Worry About Criminal Immigrants | | CHANNEL 5 NEWS | Breaking News Breaking Stories

Oh look! Korean gangs in America!!!!!!

Korean Pride: Gangs and the Korean Community

Wow. Perhaps we should limit immigration from Korea and think about deportations.
"FALFURRIAS - Sex offenders, murder suspects and gang members are making their way through the vast rangelands of Brooks County.

The Vickers ranch is one of the many land spreads affected by the surge in illegal immigration. What is more concerning to the ranch owners is the type of people trekking through their land.

Linda Vickers never wanders away from her house without her trusty canine companions - Blitz, Elsa, Schotten and Tinkerbell.

The dogs provide a sense of security in a land of insecurity.

"The safety factor out here has changed," Vickers said."
Brooks County Ranchers Worry About Criminal Immigrants | | CHANNEL 5 NEWS | Breaking News Breaking Stories

Oh look! Korean gangs in America!!!!!!

Korean Pride: Gangs and the Korean Community

Wow. Perhaps we should limit immigration from Korea and think about deportations.

Racism from Democrats/Liberals?

Seems some of you Democrats never change:

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…”
Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425
Oh look! Korean gangs in America!!!!!!

Korean Pride: Gangs and the Korean Community

Wow. Perhaps we should limit immigration from Korea and think about deportations.

Racism from Democrats/Liberals?

Seems some of you Democrats never change:

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…”
Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425
why do you hate America PC? After all we've given you....
Democracy & the Fall of the Athenian Republic -- Alexander Tyler

About the time our original 13 states adopted their new constitution, in
1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of
Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some
2000 years prior:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a
permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until
the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from
the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for
the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury,
with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose
fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship."
"The average age of the worlds greatest civilizations from the beginning
of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these
nations always progressed through the following sequence:
1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
3. From courage to liberty;
4. From liberty to abundance;
5. From abundance to complacency;
6. From complacency to apathy;
7. From apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage "
Principle Number One: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions | Psychology Today

The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions. I absolutely love this maxim. Whoever came up with it is an incredible genius. It helps explain most of the problems in the world.

Very few people have bad intentions. But most of the problems in the world are caused by good intentions. They may not seem good to us, but they seem good to the one taking the action. Good intentions alone are not enough to make our actions moral.

All of us justify our actions to ourselves. It is human nature to do so. Leon Felsinger's theory of Cognitive Dissonance posits that we feel psychic distress when we do things that consciously violate our own values, so we create justifications for what we do, allowing us to comfortably live with ourselves. Even Hitler, the modern symbol of ultimate evil, had good intentions, as did his followers. Otherwise, he would not have been able to convince intelligent, educated, enlightened Europeans that the world would be a better place without Jews and other impure people like homosexuals, Gypsies, blacks and intellectually deficient people. However, his good intentions spawned the most horrific genocidal crusade in human history.

During the Middle Ages and afterwards, well-intentioned witch hunters in Europe and America burned tens of thousands of women alive at the stake in the hope of ending epidemics, and they instilled paranoia in the populace, for anyone could be suspected of being a witch or a consorter with witches.

Worst recovery ever.
Record poverty levels.
The World is on fire.

Obama is such a great leader isn't he...........
And the left wants more Gov't.....................
Brain Damage.

Worst recovery ever.
Record poverty levels.
The World is on fire.

Obama is such a great leader isn't he...........
And the left wants more Gov't.....................
Brain Damage.

poor baby.... stock market through the roof
top 1% wealth through the roof...

over 200,000 jobs a month created... while when baby bush was pres we had a loss of what? 800,000?

middle class wages flatlined and middle class jobs dying...

maybe if the teatards got out of the way, hmmm?

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Worst recovery ever.
Record poverty levels.
The World is on fire.

Obama is such a great leader isn't he...........
And the left wants more Gov't.....................
Brain Damage.

poor baby.... stock market through the roof
top 1% wealth through the roof...

over 200,000 jobs a month created... while when baby bush was pres we had a loss of what? 800,000?

middle class wages flatlined and middle class jobs dying...

maybe if the teatards got out of the way, hmmm?


So the Democrats are the party of the RICH, Bankers, Corporate elitists, and the 1%, thanks, HillBillyJilly for admitting what we have known for years!:eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

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