Democrat Plan To Destroy America

In Political Hick's case, it's because shes fat.

That actually IS the best you can do..

Hate and Stupidity are the twin pillars of leftism - you have both in spades.

They seem to follow this asshole's thinking....U.S. growth contracted 2.9% in first quarter - Economic Report - MarketWatch

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just so we're all clear - there is no democratic plan to destroy america. what this thread presents is an anti-immigrant's position on why he hates immigration and what he believes will come of it. he's wrong, but he can have his opinion.
someone please explain to PC the purpose of ellipses so that she may in the future make her posts readable. if we could impart upon her the purpose of numbered points as well that would be even better.

You don't like the way I post?

You may consider me a solid wall of noncompliance.
someone please explain to PC the purpose of ellipses so that she may in the future make her posts readable. if we could impart upon her the purpose of numbered points as well that would be even better.

You must be one of those least educated folks. I understand PC's post perfectly.

you're welcome to think what you like. the fact is PC's style of random ellipses and numbered bullet points makes it difficult to discern her original thoughts (though i'll admit there often aren't any) from the myriad of quotations she's slapped together.

Now, know that isn't true.

It is simply your way of admitting that you cannot rebut the content.

Admit it.....confession is good for the soul.
just so we're all clear - there is no democratic plan to destroy america.

What you're saying then, is that you're as stupid as a pile of dog shit and cannot grasp information even when it is explained in detail?


This is the reason that you're a leftist.

what this thread presents is an anti-immigrant's position on why he hates immigration and what he believes will come of it. he's wrong, but he can have his opinion.

Of course, it is your duty to GLORIOUS PARTY to stifle any honest discussion of the issues by screaming "HERETIC."
just so we're all clear - there is no democratic plan to destroy america. what this thread presents is an anti-immigrant's position on why he hates immigration and what he believes will come of it. he's wrong, but he can have his opinion.

Bingo. PC uses a lot of words to make pointless points.
Republican plan:

put a republican in office so they can destroy America.

Second verse same as the first.
Obama is less popular than Bush because Conservatives hate Obama no matter what he does, and most Progressives can't stand him because he's so much like Bush.

From the pond scum that called the 1773 Boston Tea Party patriots RACIST *****, this piece of dog shit needs to be sent to N. Korea...his mindset is perfect....perhaps he can feed civilians over there to rabid dogs for Kim's pleasure.....
Why did the members of the Boston Tea Party dress up like Native Americans? To spark a conflict between England and the Natives. That is what is known today as a "false flag operation". The Boston Tea Party dressed up like Native Americans so that Native Americans would be blamed for the Tea Party's actions.

The United States of America was generally openly racist until the late 1960s. It still is generally racist because small minds can't evolve, but the Civil Rights Act helped immensely to force ignorant racists to shut their fucking mouths. Slavery was a reality during the Revolution, both before and after the war. Racism was alive and well in the ranks of the Boston Tea Party.

The members of the Boston Tea Party of 1773 were racist "subversives", just like the Teabagger wing of the Republican party today. Do you understand? Of course not.
just so we're all clear - there is no democratic plan to destroy america. what this thread presents is an anti-immigrant's position on why he hates immigration and what he believes will come of it. he's wrong, but he can have his opinion.

One can always pick out the liars, the 'reliable Democrat voters.' when they leave 'illegal' out of 'anti-illegal-immigrant.'

Raise your paw.
Dick Lamm was a colorful character.

Pro-choice (way before Roe v. Wade), pro right to die (way ahead of everyone else), big time environmentalist, anti-immigrant. Eventually, he quit the Democratic Party and joined up with Ross Perot and the Reform Party.

What's your point?

Ross Perot was a sideshow intended to take conservative votes from Bush Senior and usher in Bill Clinton
just so we're all clear - there is no democratic plan to destroy america. what this thread presents is an anti-immigrant's position on why he hates immigration and what he believes will come of it. he's wrong, but he can have his opinion.

Bingo. PC uses a lot of words to make pointless points.


Then, why are you so upset?
You must be one of those least educated folks. I understand PC's post perfectly.

you're welcome to think what you like. the fact is PC's style of random ellipses and numbered bullet points makes it difficult to discern her original thoughts (though i'll admit there often aren't any) from the myriad of quotations she's slapped together.

Now, know that isn't true.

It is simply your way of admitting that you cannot rebut the content.

Admit it.....confession is good for the soul.
the content? the content is a mess. as for lamm - he takes as fact that because a person might hold onto aspects of the culture they originated from they won't feel a part of their new nation. of course, we know that adoption of english is high in the children of immigrants, and nearly universal as the only language spoken by their children.
Bilingualism Persists, But English Still Dominates |

the rest of it is just pissing and moaning that other people don't act like him. he complains about diversity and ethnic heritage, but i doubt very much that he takes issue with kosher delis and spaghetterias. and while i doubt few people would argue that there are issues with education and minority groups i'd love to see where anyone is working to keep anyone ignorant.

You'd have to define "destroy".

Bring it down, leave it a shambles, effectively end it? No, of course not. Turn it into a pure socialist, Marxist or communist state? No, that's simplistic hyperbole that misses the point.

"Fundamentally transform" and "fundamentally change" (THEIR words) it into a Euro-social democracy? Bring it down a few steps to more closely resemble countries such as France, England, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain? Of course. And many, perhaps most, would admit to that.

But I wouldn't use the term "destroy".

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Rich people are getting richer. Explain "Euro-social democracy".

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