Democrat presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, has no problem with taking 90% of your income

Fortunately Obama's (alleged) daddy is dead so can't run for president. He was big on a 100% tax rate. The one socialist dream FROM
His father Our Kenyan Emperor hasn't acted on -not YET!
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When we had a 90% tax rate we were building the interstate highway system with all those bridges.
Now the bridges are falling down and we don't seem to have the funds to fix them.

When we had a 90% tax rate middle class mothers didn't have to work. They could stay home and raise their children.
Now everyone must work and kids are raised by wolves.

Their once was a 90% tax rate for the super rich.
Now a stock market speculator Pays a lower rate than a coal miner. Deferred compensation laws allow a millionaire like Romney to get by with paying 12%.

I remember the world before 1980 unlike, it seems, the right wingers who post here. It was better then.
When we had a 90% tax rate we were building the interstate highway system with all those bridges.
Now the bridges are falling down and we don't seem to have the funds to fix them.

When we had a 90% tax rate middle class mothers didn't have to work. They could stay home and raise their children.
Now everyone must work and kids are raised by wolves.

Their once was a 90% tax rate for the super rich.
Now a stock market speculator Pays a lower rate than a coal miner. Deferred compensation laws allow a millionaire like Romney to get by with paying 12%.

I remember the world before 1980 unlike, it seems, the right wingers who post here. It was better then.

omg, no thanks. as if all our bridges are falling down.
with that 90% tax rate MOTHERS were forced to go to work because they couldn't MAKE on one paycheck. so that stock market doesn't pay all YOUR Democrats who are MILLIONAIRS? nothing stopping you from volunteering to pay 90%TAXES. get on your high horse and ride to the Guberment to pay it
When we had a 90% tax rate we were building the interstate highway system with all those bridges.
Now the bridges are falling down and we don't seem to have the funds to fix them.

When we had a 90% tax rate middle class mothers didn't have to work. They could stay home and raise their children.
Now everyone must work and kids are raised by wolves.

Their once was a 90% tax rate for the super rich.
Now a stock market speculator Pays a lower rate than a coal miner. Deferred compensation laws allow a millionaire like Romney to get by with paying 12%.

I remember the world before 1980 unlike, it seems, the right wingers who post here. It was better then.

omg, no thanks. as if all our bridges are falling down.
with that 90% tax rate MOTHERS were forced to go to work because they couldn't MAKE on one paycheck. so that stock market doesn't pay all YOUR Democrats who are MILLIONAIRS? nothing stopping you from volunteering to pay 90%TAXES. get on your high horse and ride to the Guberment to pay it

poor steffie... :cuckoo:

As of 2010, of the 604,493 bridges in the U.S., 12.8 percent were functionally obsolete (77,375 bridges) and 11.5 percent were structurally deficient (69,517 bridges).1 Across the nation, our bridges are, on average, 42 years old, and have an estimated $76 billion in total needs to address repair and replacement.2 Average commuting times in major U.S. cities already exceed those in nearly every European country.3 Outdated sewer and wastewater systems can overflow after heavy rains, resulting in untreated sewage flowing into rivers, lakes, and streams, contaminating drinking water sources and creating other health hazards for communities.

In its 2013 study, “Report Card for America’s Infrastructure,” the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) estimated that roughly $3.6 trillion in total investment is needed by 2020 to return the nation’s facilities to good repair, which ASCE defines as safe and reliable with minimal capacity issues and minimal risk.4 The Report Card assigned a classroom letter grade to our overall infrastructure, pegging our national performance at a “D+.”5 Our schools, roads, and dams, as well as our wastewater, transit, hazardous waste, drinking water, and aviation systems received a “D.”6 The nation’s surface transportation systems are facing a funding gap of about $94 billion per year under current projected spending level

Repairing Our Infrastructure - Senate Budget Committee
When we had a 90% tax rate we were building the interstate highway system with all those bridges.
Now the bridges are falling down and we don't seem to have the funds to fix them.

When we had a 90% tax rate middle class mothers didn't have to work. They could stay home and raise their children.
Now everyone must work and kids are raised by wolves.

Their once was a 90% tax rate for the super rich.
Now a stock market speculator Pays a lower rate than a coal miner. Deferred compensation laws allow a millionaire like Romney to get by with paying 12%.

I remember the world before 1980 unlike, it seems, the right wingers who post here. It was better then.

When we were building those interstate highways (for defense purposes) the combined cost of government in the US was about 20% of GNP. Nowadays the combined cost of government in this damn country is over 40% with a $18 trillion in debt.

There is no limit to Liberal greed when it comes to taking money from the people that earned it and giving to the shitasses that didn't earn it.
When we had a 90% tax rate we were building the interstate highway system with all those bridges.
Now the bridges are falling down and we don't seem to have the funds to fix them.

When we had a 90% tax rate middle class mothers didn't have to work. They could stay home and raise their children.
Now everyone must work and kids are raised by wolves.

Their once was a 90% tax rate for the super rich.
Now a stock market speculator Pays a lower rate than a coal miner. Deferred compensation laws allow a millionaire like Romney to get by with paying 12%.

I remember the world before 1980 unlike, it seems, the right wingers who post here. It was better then.

When we were building those interstate highways (for defense purposes) the combined cost of government in the US was about 20% of GNP. Nowadays the combined cost of government in this damn country is over 40% with a $18 trillion in debt.

There is no limit to Liberal greed when it comes to taking money from the people that earned it and giving to the shitasses that didn't earn it.

Where the vast majority of that money is going is to social security and medicare. Those are the shitasses you are talking about?
The tax rates don't apply to your income. They apply to your taxable income.

If you want to know what % you paid in federal income tax, divide your taxes you paid by your gross income.

Where the vast majority of that money is going is to social security and medicare. Those are the shitasses you are talking about?

We are spending almost $4 trillion a year in just Federal spending alone with an almost equal amount by the State and local government. That means that over 40% of the GNP is going to just pay for the cost of government.

That is more than the GNP of all but just one other country on the face of the earth but that is not enough for the greedy Liberals who wants it to be more and more and more. Enough is never enough .

Social Security was always a dumbass Ponzi scheme destined to bankrupt this country and when the Liberals added in the welfare of disability payments it became even worse. Add Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare subsidies, food stamps, free housing, federal level education (welfare for the teacher's unions) and everything else for this filthy ass welfare state then you have a bloated, high cost, high debt out of control government.

The welfare rolls are the highest they have ever been but yet the poverty level is at an all time high while family income is decreasing. We spend more money on education than any other country on earth but yet have some of the worse results. Big government produces a bad economy. That is the legacy of big government and the stupid ass Liberals want to make it even bigger.

The shitasses that are on welfare are the ones that are too sorry to pay their own bills and demand that somebody else pay for them and that is despicable. That is using the government for thievery.

Ron Paul came up with a plan in 2012 to reduce Federal spending by a trillion a year. It continued funding for Social Security, Medicare, Defense and other necessary government functions like the courts, federal law enforcement etc. It cut out a lot of the bullshit welfare money and unnecessary spending.The Liberals didn't want to do the right thing and be fiscally responsible so the budget proposal was not accepted. Meanwhile the debt increases and the cost of the government increases and we wonder why there are no jobs.

Government in the US is a monstrosity that is going to destroy us all. The problem that Bernie Sanders and the other other dumbasss Liberals have a very difficult time understanding is that we are not in trouble because we don't tax enough. We are in trouble because we spend too much.

Bernie Sanders needs to concentrate more on stimulating capitalism so the economy will really grow and less on stealing money from the people that earn it and giving it to the shitasses that didn't earn it.

Where the vast majority of that money is going is to social security and medicare. Those are the shitasses you are talking about?

We are spending almost $4 trillion a year in just Federal spending alone with an almost equal amount by the State and local government. That means that over 40% of the GNP is going to just pay for the cost of government.

That is more than the GNP of all but just one other country on the face of the earth but that is not enough for the greedy Liberals who wants it to be more and more and more. Enough is never enough .

Social Security was always a dumbass Ponzi scheme destined to bankrupt this country and when the Liberals added in the welfare of disability payments it became even worse. Add Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare subsidies, food stamps, free housing, federal level education (welfare for the teacher's unions) and everything else for this filthy ass welfare state then you have a bloated, high cost, high debt out of control government.

The welfare rolls are the highest they have ever been but yet the poverty level is at an all time high while family income is decreasing. We spend more money on education than any other country on earth but yet have some of the worse results. Big government produces a bad economy. That is the legacy of big government and the stupid ass Liberals want to make it even bigger.

The shitasses that are on welfare are the ones that are too sorry to pay their own bills and demand that somebody else pay for them and that is despicable. That is using the government for thievery.

Ron Paul came up with a plan in 2012 to reduce Federal spending by a trillion a year. It continued funding for Social Security, Medicare, Defense and other necessary government functions like the courts, federal law enforcement etc. It cut out a lot of the bullshit welfare money and unnecessary spending.The Liberals didn't want to do the right thing and be fiscally responsible so the budget proposal was not accepted. Meanwhile the debt increases and the cost of the government increases and we wonder why there are no jobs.

Government in the US is a monstrosity that is going to destroy us all. The problem that Bernie Sanders and the other other dumbasss Liberals have a very difficult time understanding is that we are not in trouble because we don't tax enough. We are in trouble because we spend too much.

Bernie Sanders needs to concentrate more on stimulating capitalism so the economy will really grow and less on stealing money from the people that earn it and giving it to the shitasses that didn't earn it.

Welfare is an insignificant percentage of the budget. About 3%. If you cut it completely it has no real impact. But I am not sure where Mr. Rand gets his numbers. 65% of the budget goes to social security and medicare. 6% goes to interest on the debt. That leaves 29%. 55% of that is military, which leaves 13%. The budget is 3.9 trillion and 13% of that is .5 trillion. So even if he cut everything in the budget except SS, medicare and the military, he would only reduce the budget by half of what he said he would. That would include such unneeded things as NASA, the CDC, border patrol, etc. I think once you actually total up the stuff which are truly unnecessary, you are going to find you have cut very little.

This is a major, first world society. It isn't cheap to run.

Where the vast majority of that money is going is to social security and medicare. Those are the shitasses you are talking about?

We are spending almost $4 trillion a year in just Federal spending alone with an almost equal amount by the State and local government. That means that over 40% of the GNP is going to just pay for the cost of government.

That is more than the GNP of all but just one other country on the face of the earth but that is not enough for the greedy Liberals who wants it to be more and more and more. Enough is never enough .

Social Security was always a dumbass Ponzi scheme destined to bankrupt this country and when the Liberals added in the welfare of disability payments it became even worse. Add Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare subsidies, food stamps, free housing, federal level education (welfare for the teacher's unions) and everything else for this filthy ass welfare state then you have a bloated, high cost, high debt out of control government.

The welfare rolls are the highest they have ever been but yet the poverty level is at an all time high while family income is decreasing. We spend more money on education than any other country on earth but yet have some of the worse results. Big government produces a bad economy. That is the legacy of big government and the stupid ass Liberals want to make it even bigger.

The shitasses that are on welfare are the ones that are too sorry to pay their own bills and demand that somebody else pay for them and that is despicable. That is using the government for thievery.

Ron Paul came up with a plan in 2012 to reduce Federal spending by a trillion a year. It continued funding for Social Security, Medicare, Defense and other necessary government functions like the courts, federal law enforcement etc. It cut out a lot of the bullshit welfare money and unnecessary spending.The Liberals didn't want to do the right thing and be fiscally responsible so the budget proposal was not accepted. Meanwhile the debt increases and the cost of the government increases and we wonder why there are no jobs.

Government in the US is a monstrosity that is going to destroy us all. The problem that Bernie Sanders and the other other dumbasss Liberals have a very difficult time understanding is that we are not in trouble because we don't tax enough. We are in trouble because we spend too much.

Bernie Sanders needs to concentrate more on stimulating capitalism so the economy will really grow and less on stealing money from the people that earn it and giving it to the shitasses that didn't earn it.

Welfare is an insignificant percentage of the budget. About 3%. If you cut it completely it has no real impact. But I am not sure where Mr. Rand gets his numbers. 65% of the budget goes to social security and medicare. 6% goes to interest on the debt. That leaves 29%. 55% of that is military, which leaves 13%. The budget is 3.9 trillion and 13% of that is .5 trillion. So even if he cut everything in the budget except SS, medicare and the military, he would only reduce the budget by half of what he said he would. That would include such unneeded things as NASA, the CDC, border patrol, etc. I think once you actually total up the stuff which are truly unnecessary, you are going to find you have cut very little.

This is a major, first world society. It isn't cheap to run.

It isn't cheap to run because we waste so much money on unnecessary things and the entitlement portion of that is not insignificant by any measurements when you look at all the programs combined. According to the CIA Factbook we spend more money on the cost of government than all but the GNP of one other country on earth. Even if you just look at the Federal expenditures it only adds a couple or three other countries to the list.

Nobody should have any problems with a small government that concentrates on the necessary government functions like defense, courts, police, etc.

However, tt gets out of hand when you factor in the cost of foreign interventionism (welfare for foreign countries like Hillary Clinton is selling nowadays), pork expenditures and the welfare state, which are horrendous.

If you are confused about this I will be glad to once again post the list of wasteful and unproductive government programs. I didn't post it this time because Moon Bats usually just ignore the list because it doesn't tell them what they want to hear.

This corrupt and inefficient government has become a big monster that is devouring our productive economy and that is why poverty is increasing, the welfare rolls are increasing, family income is decreasing and the debt is over $18 trillion, just on the federal level.

Idiots like Sanders want to grow this government even more. They want to fund more entitlements by stealing money from those that earn it and give it to the shithasses that didn't earn it. That is not right. The role of the government should not be take money from those that earn it and give it to those that didn't earn it. Especially when you know that the government people that do the stealing are elected by special interest groups.
Did it occur to anyone that our government spending includes the half dozen wars we are waging for no good reason?

Take those away and we might be able to cut the national debt without reducing welfare or SS.
Did it occur to anyone that our government spending includes the half dozen wars we are waging for no good reason?

Take those away and we might be able to cut the national debt without reducing welfare or SS.

Then join me in advocating in doing away with all welfare, including foreign.

No more welfare, subsidies, bailouts, foreign aid or fighting other people's wars for them.

American welfare is just not restricted to the inner city ghetto shitheads or illegals. We give away money to rich countries like Israel, Saudi Arabia and South Korea, just to mention a few.

If you want to know why we give money to other countries just go ask Hillary Clinton. She has learned how to scam American government support for foreign countries in order for her to get rich. Just ask her about the Russian uranium deal and the money that Bill got for speaking, as an example.
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Where the vast majority of that money is going is to social security and medicare. Those are the shitasses you are talking about?

We are spending almost $4 trillion a year in just Federal spending alone with an almost equal amount by the State and local government. That means that over 40% of the GNP is going to just pay for the cost of government.

That is more than the GNP of all but just one other country on the face of the earth but that is not enough for the greedy Liberals who wants it to be more and more and more. Enough is never enough .

Social Security was always a dumbass Ponzi scheme destined to bankrupt this country and when the Liberals added in the welfare of disability payments it became even worse. Add Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare subsidies, food stamps, free housing, federal level education (welfare for the teacher's unions) and everything else for this filthy ass welfare state then you have a bloated, high cost, high debt out of control government.

The welfare rolls are the highest they have ever been but yet the poverty level is at an all time high while family income is decreasing. We spend more money on education than any other country on earth but yet have some of the worse results. Big government produces a bad economy. That is the legacy of big government and the stupid ass Liberals want to make it even bigger.

The shitasses that are on welfare are the ones that are too sorry to pay their own bills and demand that somebody else pay for them and that is despicable. That is using the government for thievery.

Ron Paul came up with a plan in 2012 to reduce Federal spending by a trillion a year. It continued funding for Social Security, Medicare, Defense and other necessary government functions like the courts, federal law enforcement etc. It cut out a lot of the bullshit welfare money and unnecessary spending.The Liberals didn't want to do the right thing and be fiscally responsible so the budget proposal was not accepted. Meanwhile the debt increases and the cost of the government increases and we wonder why there are no jobs.

Government in the US is a monstrosity that is going to destroy us all. The problem that Bernie Sanders and the other other dumbasss Liberals have a very difficult time understanding is that we are not in trouble because we don't tax enough. We are in trouble because we spend too much.

Bernie Sanders needs to concentrate more on stimulating capitalism so the economy will really grow and less on stealing money from the people that earn it and giving it to the shitasses that didn't earn it.

Welfare is an insignificant percentage of the budget. About 3%. If you cut it completely it has no real impact. But I am not sure where Mr. Rand gets his numbers. 65% of the budget goes to social security and medicare. 6% goes to interest on the debt. That leaves 29%. 55% of that is military, which leaves 13%. The budget is 3.9 trillion and 13% of that is .5 trillion. So even if he cut everything in the budget except SS, medicare and the military, he would only reduce the budget by half of what he said he would. That would include such unneeded things as NASA, the CDC, border patrol, etc. I think once you actually total up the stuff which are truly unnecessary, you are going to find you have cut very little.

This is a major, first world society. It isn't cheap to run.

It isn't cheap to run because we waste so much money on unnecessary things and the entitlement portion of that is not insignificant by any measurements when you look at all the programs combined. According to the CIA Factbook we spend more money on the cost of government than all but the GNP of one other country on earth. Even if you just look at the Federal expenditures it only adds a couple or three other countries to the list.

Nobody should have any problems with a small government that concentrates on the necessary government functions like defense, courts, police, etc.

However, tt gets out of hand when you factor in the cost of foreign interventionism (welfare for foreign countries like Hillary Clinton is selling nowadays), pork expenditures and the welfare state, which are horrendous.

If you are confused about this I will be glad to once again post the list of wasteful and unproductive government programs. I didn't post it this time because Moon Bats usually just ignore the list because it doesn't tell them what they want to hear.

This corrupt and inefficient government has become a big monster that is devouring our productive economy and that is why poverty is increasing, the welfare rolls are increasing, family income is decreasing and the debt is over $18 trillion, just on the federal level.

Idiots like Sanders want to grow this government even more. They want to fund more entitlements by stealing money from those that earn it and give it to the shithasses that didn't earn it. That is not right. The role of the government should not be take money from those that earn it and give it to those that didn't earn it. Especially when you know that the government people that do the stealing are elected by special interest groups.

I believe I've seen your list, but I am going on memory. Did your list provide the cost of each program and give a total? Simply saying this program or that isn't necessary doesn't really tell us anything unless we know the impact.

During the fifties we did pretty much what Sanders is suggesting, and it was a monumental success. We have been using the philosophy of cutting taxes and programs the last few decades, and it has been a failure. I have trouble buying more of what has failed will work while what has worked will fail. I don't think it is a bad idea, but I also don't think Sanders is the man who can accomplish it. We had Eisenhower before. Unfortunately, we don't have anyone even close to that quality now.
Wheee! He's talking about Billionaires! Whee!!!!!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Billionaires will just hide their money stupid ass.

Ask bill gates where he hides his money. Private prisons where he gets Microsoft products made for free with no taxes.

Or Warren "I don't pay enough in taxes, but I hid all my assets in a tax free trust" Buffett

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