Democrat Racism

I have had the privilege of working at a business hotel. I saw all the white collar people coming in. They were all white men. Now you may be able to go back to the home office and show me how they hired some administrative blacks or janitor blacks or maybe one or two blacks but mostly these companies are 97% white.

Don't give us that shit "from the experiences I have had as an employee". How many companies have you worked for?

Now when I go to a trade show with thousands of exhibitors and attendees and I see all white people, there's a problem. Only the people who work at the convention center are black. Security, janitors, maids, people who work the toll booth.... Blacks are still being treated like 2nd class citizens if you ask me. From my perspective that is.

While that does not match what your world view would reveal.

If half the managers are supposedly racist, but the OTHER half are signed on to diversity and equality and such shit, you would expect that at least half the companies would be following the plan of hiring all the minorities so at least a solid Third would be there.

Sounds like some other factor must be the cause of the discrepancy you see.

Do you remember the other day I asked you if you agreed that it sucks that companies don't hire people without experience? This happens to white guys too. How do you break into marketing with your marketing degree if you have no experience?

So it is true it's a lot easier to find qualified white dudes with experience than it is to find a black with experience.

But remember my brother was never a VP before they gave him the job. And the woman who took over for him doesn't have any experience either. This is where they have to take a chance on more blacks and women. They have to stop thinking the woman is going to quit once she has a family and they have to stop thinking the black is lazy and stupid.

And one more thing. You cry because of AA and the results haven't hardly affected you at all. The fact is very few women and black CEO's. Now imagine if in a year from now 25% of CEO's are blacks or women. You will absolutely lose your shit. You can't even stand it that less than 5% of CEO's are black. That's too high you say. So imagine if it were 25%

1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

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I have seen a lot of liberals claiming that "White nationalism" is on the rise.

I have seen no numbers supporting this, other than a very soft rise in the number of "Groups", which could just as easily be the same small number of basement dwellers talking more easily online.

It is a completely reasonable concern that any attempt to focus on this, is nothing but a political ploy from the left, trying to terrorize minorities into turning out, and to rile up liberals.
No, it is simply the continuing dehumanization of white people who stand up for their own self interests and white people as a whole. White nationalists are not “basement dwellers”, they are the best of the best in this country.

If you idiots didn’t constantly help the left the alt-right would have destroyed them already. But instead you wish to appeal the actual basement dwellers, the followers of Sharpton and Farrakhan who hate you every bit as much as the Democrats do.
Maybe in some New England town with 97% white, or some family based business.

But otherwise, he is mostly correct, based on everything I have seen either as an employee, or even as a customer.

I have had the privilege of working at a business hotel. I saw all the white collar people coming in. They were all white men. Now you may be able to go back to the home office and show me how they hired some administrative blacks or janitor blacks or maybe one or two blacks but mostly these companies are 97% white.

Don't give us that shit "from the experiences I have had as an employee". How many companies have you worked for?

Now when I go to a trade show with thousands of exhibitors and attendees and I see all white people, there's a problem. Only the people who work at the convention center are black. Security, janitors, maids, people who work the toll booth.... Blacks are still being treated like 2nd class citizens if you ask me. From my perspective that is.

While that does not match what your world view would reveal.

If half the managers are supposedly racist, but the OTHER half are signed on to diversity and equality and such shit, you would expect that at least half the companies would be following the plan of hiring all the minorities so at least a solid Third would be there.

Sounds like some other factor must be the cause of the discrepancy you see.

Do you remember the other day I asked you if you agreed that it sucks that companies don't hire people without experience? This happens to white guys too. How do you break into marketing with your marketing degree if you have no experience?

So it is true it's a lot easier to find qualified white dudes with experience than it is to find a black with experience.

But remember my brother was never a VP before they gave him the job. And the woman who took over for him doesn't have any experience either. This is where they have to take a chance on more blacks and women. They have to stop thinking the woman is going to quit once she has a family and they have to stop thinking the black is lazy and stupid.

And one more thing. You cry because of AA and the results haven't hardly affected you at all. The fact is very few women and black CEO's. Now imagine if in a year from now 25% of CEO's are blacks or women. You will absolutely lose your shit. You can't even stand it that less than 5% of CEO's are black. That's too high you say. So imagine if it were 25%

1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

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Hate crimes against white people are the only hate crimes actually rising.

Let’s talk about the continued increase of black and brown nationalists and their sympathizers who dominate the entire Democratic Party and whose votes they cannot afford to reject.
I have had the privilege of working at a business hotel. I saw all the white collar people coming in. They were all white men. Now you may be able to go back to the home office and show me how they hired some administrative blacks or janitor blacks or maybe one or two blacks but mostly these companies are 97% white.

Don't give us that shit "from the experiences I have had as an employee". How many companies have you worked for?

Now when I go to a trade show with thousands of exhibitors and attendees and I see all white people, there's a problem. Only the people who work at the convention center are black. Security, janitors, maids, people who work the toll booth.... Blacks are still being treated like 2nd class citizens if you ask me. From my perspective that is.

While that does not match what your world view would reveal.

If half the managers are supposedly racist, but the OTHER half are signed on to diversity and equality and such shit, you would expect that at least half the companies would be following the plan of hiring all the minorities so at least a solid Third would be there.

Sounds like some other factor must be the cause of the discrepancy you see.

Do you remember the other day I asked you if you agreed that it sucks that companies don't hire people without experience? This happens to white guys too. How do you break into marketing with your marketing degree if you have no experience?

So it is true it's a lot easier to find qualified white dudes with experience than it is to find a black with experience.

But remember my brother was never a VP before they gave him the job. And the woman who took over for him doesn't have any experience either. This is where they have to take a chance on more blacks and women. They have to stop thinking the woman is going to quit once she has a family and they have to stop thinking the black is lazy and stupid.

And one more thing. You cry because of AA and the results haven't hardly affected you at all. The fact is very few women and black CEO's. Now imagine if in a year from now 25% of CEO's are blacks or women. You will absolutely lose your shit. You can't even stand it that less than 5% of CEO's are black. That's too high you say. So imagine if it were 25%

1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

View attachment 254943

I have seen a lot of liberals claiming that "White nationalism" is on the rise.

I have seen no numbers supporting this, other than a very soft rise in the number of "Groups", which could just as easily be the same small number of basement dwellers talking more easily online.

It is a completely reasonable concern that any attempt to focus on this, is nothing but a political ploy from the left, trying to terrorize minorities into turning out, and to rile up liberals.
Of course it’s a political ploy. Your side works guys like you up and I want blacks and women to show up and tell your side you are full of shit.

Notice the only women here who agree with your side about women are total right wing nut jobs? Totally anti abortion anti global warming anti evolution types?

Our problem is a lot of the Americans who agree with us don’t vote. So yes we want to get out the vote.

America is already doomed with trumps two supreme picks. The middle class is toast. Like global warming it’s probably too late. I know it’s now every man for himself and don’t count on social security and Medicare.

Conservatives control the Supreme Court. They’ll win every argument
I have had the privilege of working at a business hotel. I saw all the white collar people coming in. They were all white men. Now you may be able to go back to the home office and show me how they hired some administrative blacks or janitor blacks or maybe one or two blacks but mostly these companies are 97% white.

Don't give us that shit "from the experiences I have had as an employee". How many companies have you worked for?

Now when I go to a trade show with thousands of exhibitors and attendees and I see all white people, there's a problem. Only the people who work at the convention center are black. Security, janitors, maids, people who work the toll booth.... Blacks are still being treated like 2nd class citizens if you ask me. From my perspective that is.

While that does not match what your world view would reveal.

If half the managers are supposedly racist, but the OTHER half are signed on to diversity and equality and such shit, you would expect that at least half the companies would be following the plan of hiring all the minorities so at least a solid Third would be there.

Sounds like some other factor must be the cause of the discrepancy you see.

Do you remember the other day I asked you if you agreed that it sucks that companies don't hire people without experience? This happens to white guys too. How do you break into marketing with your marketing degree if you have no experience?

So it is true it's a lot easier to find qualified white dudes with experience than it is to find a black with experience.

But remember my brother was never a VP before they gave him the job. And the woman who took over for him doesn't have any experience either. This is where they have to take a chance on more blacks and women. They have to stop thinking the woman is going to quit once she has a family and they have to stop thinking the black is lazy and stupid.

And one more thing. You cry because of AA and the results haven't hardly affected you at all. The fact is very few women and black CEO's. Now imagine if in a year from now 25% of CEO's are blacks or women. You will absolutely lose your shit. You can't even stand it that less than 5% of CEO's are black. That's too high you say. So imagine if it were 25%

1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

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She is an opportunist. Her time will come to be cast aside one day like every tool who outlives their usefulness.

The way she fought back against the libtard who lied about what she said on Hitler? That woman is one of US, and will always be, so you can shove your race baiting shit back where it came from.
Yea you are a little evil. I'm sure your priest wouldn't condone your talk would he?
I don’t have a priest. I am not religious.

I am sure your priest would get a kick out of your “white devil” bullshit though.

Advocating for the rights of white people is not evil.

Whites have rights. So what exactly are you advocating for?
The right to organize. The right and freedom of disassociation. The right for indigenous Europeans to control their own nations. The right to representation in the government.

The right to organize. You mean like Black Lives Matter?

Indigenous Europeans? What a nice way to say a racist thing. I love how you guys have cleaned up your hate speech.

He needs to move to Europe and live with the indigenous Europeans. Because Europeans are not indigenous to this country, Canada, South America, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa.

I read this and thought of you

The Exceptional Life of Paul Coates

But Washington was cool with second-class citizenship. He wouldn’t fight for equal rights. He was basically running around telling people to pull their pants up.

The thing is, “pull your pants up” runs through the whole black nationalist movement. This is one of the differences my son and I have. His breakout article was on Bill Cosby and the pound cake routine, right? [2] Speaking at an NAACP ceremony in 2004, Cosby blamed the culture in poor black communities for their disadvantages. “These people are going around stealing Coca-Cola,” he said. “People getting shot in the back of the head over a piece of pound cake.” A few days later, Ta-Nehisi responded in The Village Voice, dismissing the speech as “a relentless attack on poor and working-class African Americans” and dubbing Cosby “the patron saint of black elitists.”Folks want to attack Bill Cosby for hating black people in that speech. But people from my generation understood what Bill Cosby was saying. He would have been on the side of Booker T. Washington, yes. But I’d have been there, too.

Did you rebel against your parents as you got older?
After my father dropped us off that one time, I never saw him again.

That’s right. It was hard, because he had promised to come back. But he was an alcoholic. He had no way of taking care of himself, so I can understand it through that lens. My brother told me that he used to watch us at a distance. He met my sister and one of my older brothers a number of times on the street.

He just ran into them?
Yeah, but I didn’t know that until many years later. I never saw him. It felt like a broken promise. But I didn't want to be a part of all the conversations where the family ran him down. I didn't feel that way about him. I loved him. I really loved him.

What was the neighborhood like?
It was between gangs, so if you went this way, you'd be in one gang territory; if you went that way, you’d be in another gang’s; and if you went another way, you’d be in a whole other gang’s territory.

I walked into another room and saw the book Black Boy, by Richard Wright, sitting out. I thought they had set me up. I had read some Baldwin and other black books, but I had never heard of Black Boy. I picked it up and saw that it was a real book, so I started reading it. That really did something to me. It became clear that I didn’t know a goddamn thing about black folks.
While that does not match what your world view would reveal.

If half the managers are supposedly racist, but the OTHER half are signed on to diversity and equality and such shit, you would expect that at least half the companies would be following the plan of hiring all the minorities so at least a solid Third would be there.

Sounds like some other factor must be the cause of the discrepancy you see.

Do you remember the other day I asked you if you agreed that it sucks that companies don't hire people without experience? This happens to white guys too. How do you break into marketing with your marketing degree if you have no experience?

So it is true it's a lot easier to find qualified white dudes with experience than it is to find a black with experience.

But remember my brother was never a VP before they gave him the job. And the woman who took over for him doesn't have any experience either. This is where they have to take a chance on more blacks and women. They have to stop thinking the woman is going to quit once she has a family and they have to stop thinking the black is lazy and stupid.

And one more thing. You cry because of AA and the results haven't hardly affected you at all. The fact is very few women and black CEO's. Now imagine if in a year from now 25% of CEO's are blacks or women. You will absolutely lose your shit. You can't even stand it that less than 5% of CEO's are black. That's too high you say. So imagine if it were 25%

1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

View attachment 254943

She is an opportunist. Her time will come to be cast aside one day like every tool who outlives their usefulness.

The way she fought back against the libtard who lied about what she said on Hitler? That woman is one of US, and will always be, so you can shove your race baiting shit back where it came from.

"One of US"...ROFLMAO. She will change her loyalty as soon as the opportunity to further her own agenda surfaces.

Are you so ignorant that you cannot see that?
Do you remember the other day I asked you if you agreed that it sucks that companies don't hire people without experience? This happens to white guys too. How do you break into marketing with your marketing degree if you have no experience?

So it is true it's a lot easier to find qualified white dudes with experience than it is to find a black with experience.

But remember my brother was never a VP before they gave him the job. And the woman who took over for him doesn't have any experience either. This is where they have to take a chance on more blacks and women. They have to stop thinking the woman is going to quit once she has a family and they have to stop thinking the black is lazy and stupid.

And one more thing. You cry because of AA and the results haven't hardly affected you at all. The fact is very few women and black CEO's. Now imagine if in a year from now 25% of CEO's are blacks or women. You will absolutely lose your shit. You can't even stand it that less than 5% of CEO's are black. That's too high you say. So imagine if it were 25%

1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

View attachment 254943

She is an opportunist. Her time will come to be cast aside one day like every tool who outlives their usefulness.

The way she fought back against the libtard who lied about what she said on Hitler? That woman is one of US, and will always be, so you can shove your race baiting shit back where it came from.

"One of US"...ROFLMAO. She will change her loyalty as soon as the opportunity to further her own agenda surfaces.

Are you so ignorant that you cannot see that?

How did we lie about what she said?

he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

So she was ok with a country being nationalistic just as long as they don't spread that bullshit to other nations. But why not? Why not unite all the whites of the world for the eventual race war.
1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

View attachment 254943

She is an opportunist. Her time will come to be cast aside one day like every tool who outlives their usefulness.

The way she fought back against the libtard who lied about what she said on Hitler? That woman is one of US, and will always be, so you can shove your race baiting shit back where it came from.

"One of US"...ROFLMAO. She will change her loyalty as soon as the opportunity to further her own agenda surfaces.

Are you so ignorant that you cannot see that?

How did we lie about what she said?

he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

So she was ok with a country being nationalistic just as long as they don't spread that bullshit to other nations. But why not? Why not unite all the whites of the world for the eventual race war.

No one lied about anything. If there is an eventual race war, the nuts who are engaged in it will view her as just another black face.

By election time, she will likely be the subject matter in a "Whatever happened to" documentary.
  • Thanks
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This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

View attachment 254943

She is an opportunist. Her time will come to be cast aside one day like every tool who outlives their usefulness.

The way she fought back against the libtard who lied about what she said on Hitler? That woman is one of US, and will always be, so you can shove your race baiting shit back where it came from.

"One of US"...ROFLMAO. She will change her loyalty as soon as the opportunity to further her own agenda surfaces.

Are you so ignorant that you cannot see that?

How did we lie about what she said?

he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

So she was ok with a country being nationalistic just as long as they don't spread that bullshit to other nations. But why not? Why not unite all the whites of the world for the eventual race war.

No one lied about anything. If there is an eventual race war, the nuts who are engaged in it will view her as just another black face.

By election time, she will likely be the subject matter in a "Whatever happened to" documentary.

And who is this woman anyways?

In 2007, while a senior in high school, Owens received threatening racist phone calls that were traced to a car in which the 14-year-old son of then mayor Dannel Malloy was present. Owens' family sued the Stamford Board of Education in federal court alleging that the city did not protect her rights, resulting in a $37,500 settlement.

I bet not one white USMB Republican would have sided with her in the case.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year. In 2012, she took a job as an administrative assistant for a private equity firm.

What fucking qualifies her to speak about anything??? She's a college drop out. A token for the Republicans now. She has found her calling.

Owens blamed, with scant evidence, the doxing on progressives involved in the Gamergate controversy.[2][14] After this, she earned the support of conservatives involved in the Gamergate controversy, including right-wing political commentators and Trump supporters Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike Cernovich.[2] After this, Owens became a conservative, saying in 2017, "I became a conservative overnight ... I realized that liberals were actually the racists. Liberals were actually the trolls ... Social Autopsy is why I'm conservative"

So Correll will be happy to know some blacks will fall for his spin on who the actual racists are.

By 2017, Owens had become known in conservative circles for her pro-Trump commentary and for criticizing liberal rhetoric regarding structural racism, systemic inequality, and identity politics.[5][6][7] In 2017, she began posting politically themed videos to YouTube.[5]She launched Red Pill Black, a website and YouTube channel that promotes black conservatism in the United States.[16][17]

On November 21, 2017, at the MAGA Rally and Expo in Rockford, Illinois, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk announced her appointment as the organization's director of urban engagement.[18] Turning Point's hiring of Owens occurred in the wake of allegations of racism at Turning Point.[5]

In April 2018, Kanye West tweeted "I love the way Candace Owens thinks."[19] The tweet was met with derision among some of West's fans.[20] In May 2018, President Donald Trump stated that Owens "is having a big impact on politics in our country. She represents an ever expanding group of very smart 'thinkers,' and it is wonderful to watch and hear the dialogue going good for our Country!"[21]

Owens has appeared on fringe conspiracy websites, such as InfoWars.[2][11][6] In 2018, she was a guest host on Fox News.[2] After finding mainstream success, Owens distanced herself from the far-right conspiracy websites, although she refused to criticize InfoWars or its hosts.[2]

In May 2018, Owens suggested that "something bio-chemically happens" to women who do not marry or have children, and she linked to the Twitter handles of Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler and Kathy Griffin, saying that they were "evidentiary support" of this theory.[22][23] Silverman responded: "It seems to me that by tweeting this, you would like to maybe make us feel badly. I'd say this is evidenced by ur effort to use our twitter handles so we would see. My heart breaks for you, Candy. I hope you find happiness in whatever form that takes."[22] Owens responded, accusing Silverman of supporting terrorists and crime gangs.[22]
She is an opportunist. Her time will come to be cast aside one day like every tool who outlives their usefulness.

The way she fought back against the libtard who lied about what she said on Hitler? That woman is one of US, and will always be, so you can shove your race baiting shit back where it came from.

"One of US"...ROFLMAO. She will change her loyalty as soon as the opportunity to further her own agenda surfaces.

Are you so ignorant that you cannot see that?

How did we lie about what she said?

he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

So she was ok with a country being nationalistic just as long as they don't spread that bullshit to other nations. But why not? Why not unite all the whites of the world for the eventual race war.

No one lied about anything. If there is an eventual race war, the nuts who are engaged in it will view her as just another black face.

By election time, she will likely be the subject matter in a "Whatever happened to" documentary.

And who is this woman anyways?

In 2007, while a senior in high school, Owens received threatening racist phone calls that were traced to a car in which the 14-year-old son of then mayor Dannel Malloy was present. Owens' family sued the Stamford Board of Education in federal court alleging that the city did not protect her rights, resulting in a $37,500 settlement.

I bet not one white USMB Republican would have sided with her in the case.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year. In 2012, she took a job as an administrative assistant for a private equity firm.

What fucking qualifies her to speak about anything??? She's a college drop out. A token for the Republicans now. She has found her calling.

Owens blamed, with scant evidence, the doxing on progressives involved in the Gamergate controversy.[2][14] After this, she earned the support of conservatives involved in the Gamergate controversy, including right-wing political commentators and Trump supporters Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike Cernovich.[2] After this, Owens became a conservative, saying in 2017, "I became a conservative overnight ... I realized that liberals were actually the racists. Liberals were actually the trolls ... Social Autopsy is why I'm conservative"

So Correll will be happy to know some blacks will fall for his spin on who the actual racists are.

By 2017, Owens had become known in conservative circles for her pro-Trump commentary and for criticizing liberal rhetoric regarding structural racism, systemic inequality, and identity politics.[5][6][7] In 2017, she began posting politically themed videos to YouTube.[5]She launched Red Pill Black, a website and YouTube channel that promotes black conservatism in the United States.[16][17]

On November 21, 2017, at the MAGA Rally and Expo in Rockford, Illinois, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk announced her appointment as the organization's director of urban engagement.[18] Turning Point's hiring of Owens occurred in the wake of allegations of racism at Turning Point.[5]

In April 2018, Kanye West tweeted "I love the way Candace Owens thinks."[19] The tweet was met with derision among some of West's fans.[20] In May 2018, President Donald Trump stated that Owens "is having a big impact on politics in our country. She represents an ever expanding group of very smart 'thinkers,' and it is wonderful to watch and hear the dialogue going good for our Country!"[21]

Owens has appeared on fringe conspiracy websites, such as InfoWars.[2][11][6] In 2018, she was a guest host on Fox News.[2] After finding mainstream success, Owens distanced herself from the far-right conspiracy websites, although she refused to criticize InfoWars or its hosts.[2]

In May 2018, Owens suggested that "something bio-chemically happens" to women who do not marry or have children, and she linked to the Twitter handles of Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler and Kathy Griffin, saying that they were "evidentiary support" of this theory.[22][23] Silverman responded: "It seems to me that by tweeting this, you would like to maybe make us feel badly. I'd say this is evidenced by ur effort to use our twitter handles so we would see. My heart breaks for you, Candy. I hope you find happiness in whatever form that takes."[22] Owens responded, accusing Silverman of supporting terrorists and crime gangs.[22]

She is exactly what she appears to be.
An opportunist....enjoying her 15 minutes of fame, courtesy of some gullible alt righters.
The way she fought back against the libtard who lied about what she said on Hitler? That woman is one of US, and will always be, so you can shove your race baiting shit back where it came from.

"One of US"...ROFLMAO. She will change her loyalty as soon as the opportunity to further her own agenda surfaces.

Are you so ignorant that you cannot see that?

How did we lie about what she said?

he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

So she was ok with a country being nationalistic just as long as they don't spread that bullshit to other nations. But why not? Why not unite all the whites of the world for the eventual race war.

No one lied about anything. If there is an eventual race war, the nuts who are engaged in it will view her as just another black face.

By election time, she will likely be the subject matter in a "Whatever happened to" documentary.

And who is this woman anyways?

In 2007, while a senior in high school, Owens received threatening racist phone calls that were traced to a car in which the 14-year-old son of then mayor Dannel Malloy was present. Owens' family sued the Stamford Board of Education in federal court alleging that the city did not protect her rights, resulting in a $37,500 settlement.

I bet not one white USMB Republican would have sided with her in the case.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year. In 2012, she took a job as an administrative assistant for a private equity firm.

What fucking qualifies her to speak about anything??? She's a college drop out. A token for the Republicans now. She has found her calling.

Owens blamed, with scant evidence, the doxing on progressives involved in the Gamergate controversy.[2][14] After this, she earned the support of conservatives involved in the Gamergate controversy, including right-wing political commentators and Trump supporters Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike Cernovich.[2] After this, Owens became a conservative, saying in 2017, "I became a conservative overnight ... I realized that liberals were actually the racists. Liberals were actually the trolls ... Social Autopsy is why I'm conservative"

So Correll will be happy to know some blacks will fall for his spin on who the actual racists are.

By 2017, Owens had become known in conservative circles for her pro-Trump commentary and for criticizing liberal rhetoric regarding structural racism, systemic inequality, and identity politics.[5][6][7] In 2017, she began posting politically themed videos to YouTube.[5]She launched Red Pill Black, a website and YouTube channel that promotes black conservatism in the United States.[16][17]

On November 21, 2017, at the MAGA Rally and Expo in Rockford, Illinois, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk announced her appointment as the organization's director of urban engagement.[18] Turning Point's hiring of Owens occurred in the wake of allegations of racism at Turning Point.[5]

In April 2018, Kanye West tweeted "I love the way Candace Owens thinks."[19] The tweet was met with derision among some of West's fans.[20] In May 2018, President Donald Trump stated that Owens "is having a big impact on politics in our country. She represents an ever expanding group of very smart 'thinkers,' and it is wonderful to watch and hear the dialogue going good for our Country!"[21]

Owens has appeared on fringe conspiracy websites, such as InfoWars.[2][11][6] In 2018, she was a guest host on Fox News.[2] After finding mainstream success, Owens distanced herself from the far-right conspiracy websites, although she refused to criticize InfoWars or its hosts.[2]

In May 2018, Owens suggested that "something bio-chemically happens" to women who do not marry or have children, and she linked to the Twitter handles of Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler and Kathy Griffin, saying that they were "evidentiary support" of this theory.[22][23] Silverman responded: "It seems to me that by tweeting this, you would like to maybe make us feel badly. I'd say this is evidenced by ur effort to use our twitter handles so we would see. My heart breaks for you, Candy. I hope you find happiness in whatever form that takes."[22] Owens responded, accusing Silverman of supporting terrorists and crime gangs.[22]

She is exactly what she appears to be.
An opportunist....enjoying her 15 minutes of fame, courtesy of some gullible alt righters.

They aren't gullible they are using her.
STFU. This is the same old white racist gibberish repeated by republicans here every day.

So, outing racists is now considered ‘racist?’ The jig is up, it’s time for decent folks reject the Democrat Plantation.

IM2 says I am wrong when I say this about black people: Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality"

He says I have no right because I'm not black. Well Owens is.

I would love it if black conservatives would debate black liberals in front of us all.
The way she fought back against the libtard who lied about what she said on Hitler? That woman is one of US, and will always be, so you can shove your race baiting shit back where it came from.

"One of US"...ROFLMAO. She will change her loyalty as soon as the opportunity to further her own agenda surfaces.

Are you so ignorant that you cannot see that?

How did we lie about what she said?

he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

So she was ok with a country being nationalistic just as long as they don't spread that bullshit to other nations. But why not? Why not unite all the whites of the world for the eventual race war.

No one lied about anything. If there is an eventual race war, the nuts who are engaged in it will view her as just another black face.

By election time, she will likely be the subject matter in a "Whatever happened to" documentary.

And who is this woman anyways?

In 2007, while a senior in high school, Owens received threatening racist phone calls that were traced to a car in which the 14-year-old son of then mayor Dannel Malloy was present. Owens' family sued the Stamford Board of Education in federal court alleging that the city did not protect her rights, resulting in a $37,500 settlement.

I bet not one white USMB Republican would have sided with her in the case.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year. In 2012, she took a job as an administrative assistant for a private equity firm.

What fucking qualifies her to speak about anything??? She's a college drop out. A token for the Republicans now. She has found her calling.

Owens blamed, with scant evidence, the doxing on progressives involved in the Gamergate controversy.[2][14] After this, she earned the support of conservatives involved in the Gamergate controversy, including right-wing political commentators and Trump supporters Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike Cernovich.[2] After this, Owens became a conservative, saying in 2017, "I became a conservative overnight ... I realized that liberals were actually the racists. Liberals were actually the trolls ... Social Autopsy is why I'm conservative"

So Correll will be happy to know some blacks will fall for his spin on who the actual racists are.

By 2017, Owens had become known in conservative circles for her pro-Trump commentary and for criticizing liberal rhetoric regarding structural racism, systemic inequality, and identity politics.[5][6][7] In 2017, she began posting politically themed videos to YouTube.[5]She launched Red Pill Black, a website and YouTube channel that promotes black conservatism in the United States.[16][17]

On November 21, 2017, at the MAGA Rally and Expo in Rockford, Illinois, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk announced her appointment as the organization's director of urban engagement.[18] Turning Point's hiring of Owens occurred in the wake of allegations of racism at Turning Point.[5]

In April 2018, Kanye West tweeted "I love the way Candace Owens thinks."[19] The tweet was met with derision among some of West's fans.[20] In May 2018, President Donald Trump stated that Owens "is having a big impact on politics in our country. She represents an ever expanding group of very smart 'thinkers,' and it is wonderful to watch and hear the dialogue going good for our Country!"[21]

Owens has appeared on fringe conspiracy websites, such as InfoWars.[2][11][6] In 2018, she was a guest host on Fox News.[2] After finding mainstream success, Owens distanced herself from the far-right conspiracy websites, although she refused to criticize InfoWars or its hosts.[2]

In May 2018, Owens suggested that "something bio-chemically happens" to women who do not marry or have children, and she linked to the Twitter handles of Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler and Kathy Griffin, saying that they were "evidentiary support" of this theory.[22][23] Silverman responded: "It seems to me that by tweeting this, you would like to maybe make us feel badly. I'd say this is evidenced by ur effort to use our twitter handles so we would see. My heart breaks for you, Candy. I hope you find happiness in whatever form that takes."[22] Owens responded, accusing Silverman of supporting terrorists and crime gangs.[22]

She is exactly what she appears to be.
An opportunist....enjoying her 15 minutes of fame, courtesy of some gullible alt righters.

This woman sounds exactly like Correll. It's almost as if they've been sent their talking points

Owens is known for her criticism of Black Lives Matter. She has described Black Lives Matter protesters as "a bunch of whiny toddlers, pretending to be oppressed for attention".[38] Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality" and often refers to the Democratic Party as a "plantation". She has argued that the American left "like black people to be government-dependent".[39] Owens has argued that black people have been brainwashed to vote for Democrats.[6] She has argued that police violence against black people is not about racism. Owens has referred to police killings of black people as a trivial matter to African Americans. She has characterized abortion as a tool for "the extermination' of black babies."[2]

She has said, "Black Americans are doing worse off economically today than we were doing in the 1950s under Jim Crow," adding that this is because "we've only been voting for one party since then."[34] She has attributed economic improvements for African Americans to Trump's presidency, even though fact-checkers have noted that economic outcomes improved for African Americans throughout President Barack Obama's tenure.[34] When asked if it was problematic that white supremacist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, support Trump, Owens answered that Antifa was more prevalent than the KKK. In 2018, Owens dismissed reports of a resurgence in hate crimes, saying "All of the violence this year primarily happened because of people on the left." An analysis by The Washington Post showed that at least 20 people died in suspected right-wing attacks, whereas only one person died in suspected left-wing attacks.[34]

After the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Owens said that concern over rising white nationalism was "stupid"
While that does not match what your world view would reveal.

If half the managers are supposedly racist, but the OTHER half are signed on to diversity and equality and such shit, you would expect that at least half the companies would be following the plan of hiring all the minorities so at least a solid Third would be there.

Sounds like some other factor must be the cause of the discrepancy you see.

Do you remember the other day I asked you if you agreed that it sucks that companies don't hire people without experience? This happens to white guys too. How do you break into marketing with your marketing degree if you have no experience?

So it is true it's a lot easier to find qualified white dudes with experience than it is to find a black with experience.

But remember my brother was never a VP before they gave him the job. And the woman who took over for him doesn't have any experience either. This is where they have to take a chance on more blacks and women. They have to stop thinking the woman is going to quit once she has a family and they have to stop thinking the black is lazy and stupid.

And one more thing. You cry because of AA and the results haven't hardly affected you at all. The fact is very few women and black CEO's. Now imagine if in a year from now 25% of CEO's are blacks or women. You will absolutely lose your shit. You can't even stand it that less than 5% of CEO's are black. That's too high you say. So imagine if it were 25%

1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

View attachment 254943

I have seen a lot of liberals claiming that "White nationalism" is on the rise.

I have seen no numbers supporting this, other than a very soft rise in the number of "Groups", which could just as easily be the same small number of basement dwellers talking more easily online.

It is a completely reasonable concern that any attempt to focus on this, is nothing but a political ploy from the left, trying to terrorize minorities into turning out, and to rile up liberals.
Of course it’s a political ploy.

Thank you for admitting that. I agree that there is no real issue here to be investigated and it was just a political ploy.

Your side works guys like you up and I want blacks and women to show up and tell your side you are full of shit.

"Guys like me? And it is interesting that you focus on blacks and women.

Notice the only women here who agree with your side about women are total right wing nut jobs? Totally anti abortion anti global warming anti evolution types?

No, I have not noticed that. I've noticed a lot of bat shit crazy people on your side. Indeed, that way that you can call for different standards based on skin color and then deny that it is racist discrimination,

is not completely sane, seely. With all due respect.

Our problem is a lot of the Americans who agree with us don’t vote. So yes we want to get out the vote.

Sorry, that's a non starter with me, on many levels. If some one is judging that they themselves should not vote, for whatever reason, I am not going to argue with them. THey know themselves very well. Better than I could. That you want to go after them, regardless of how informed or not informed they are, shows a lack of trust in the democratic process, imo.

America is already doomed with trumps two supreme picks. The middle class is toast. Like global warming it’s probably too late. I know it’s now every man for himself and don’t count on social security and Medicare.

Excellent example of emotional demagoguery. I take it that you guys are dropping that line of attack against Trump as you plan to use it youself?

Or do you think you can get away with using demagoguery while attacking your enemy for supposedly doing the same?

Conservatives control the Supreme Court. They’ll win every argument

I've seen no sign of that. Conservatives tend to be actual judges, instead of political ideologues who are there to advance an agenda regardless of the law.
Do you remember the other day I asked you if you agreed that it sucks that companies don't hire people without experience? This happens to white guys too. How do you break into marketing with your marketing degree if you have no experience?

So it is true it's a lot easier to find qualified white dudes with experience than it is to find a black with experience.

But remember my brother was never a VP before they gave him the job. And the woman who took over for him doesn't have any experience either. This is where they have to take a chance on more blacks and women. They have to stop thinking the woman is going to quit once she has a family and they have to stop thinking the black is lazy and stupid.

And one more thing. You cry because of AA and the results haven't hardly affected you at all. The fact is very few women and black CEO's. Now imagine if in a year from now 25% of CEO's are blacks or women. You will absolutely lose your shit. You can't even stand it that less than 5% of CEO's are black. That's too high you say. So imagine if it were 25%

1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

View attachment 254943

I have seen a lot of liberals claiming that "White nationalism" is on the rise.

I have seen no numbers supporting this, other than a very soft rise in the number of "Groups", which could just as easily be the same small number of basement dwellers talking more easily online.

It is a completely reasonable concern that any attempt to focus on this, is nothing but a political ploy from the left, trying to terrorize minorities into turning out, and to rile up liberals.
Of course it’s a political ploy.

Thank you for admitting that. I agree that there is no real issue here to be investigated and it was just a political ploy.

Your side works guys like you up and I want blacks and women to show up and tell your side you are full of shit.

"Guys like me? And it is interesting that you focus on blacks and women.

Notice the only women here who agree with your side about women are total right wing nut jobs? Totally anti abortion anti global warming anti evolution types?

No, I have not noticed that. I've noticed a lot of bat shit crazy people on your side. Indeed, that way that you can call for different standards based on skin color and then deny that it is racist discrimination,

is not completely sane, seely. With all due respect.

Our problem is a lot of the Americans who agree with us don’t vote. So yes we want to get out the vote.

Sorry, that's a non starter with me, on many levels. If some one is judging that they themselves should not vote, for whatever reason, I am not going to argue with them. THey know themselves very well. Better than I could. That you want to go after them, regardless of how informed or not informed they are, shows a lack of trust in the democratic process, imo.

America is already doomed with trumps two supreme picks. The middle class is toast. Like global warming it’s probably too late. I know it’s now every man for himself and don’t count on social security and Medicare.

Excellent example of emotional demagoguery. I take it that you guys are dropping that line of attack against Trump as you plan to use it youself?

Or do you think you can get away with using demagoguery while attacking your enemy for supposedly doing the same?

Conservatives control the Supreme Court. They’ll win every argument

I've seen no sign of that. Conservatives tend to be actual judges, instead of political ideologues who are there to advance an agenda regardless of the law.

I want them to vote because they agree with me. If I asked them a few questions and they sounded like they liked Trump I would stop encouraging them to vote.

I didn't say there is no truth to what we are saying. I'm just saying yes it's a political tactic to point out how bad the GOP is for all poor and working Americans.
Do you remember the other day I asked you if you agreed that it sucks that companies don't hire people without experience? This happens to white guys too. How do you break into marketing with your marketing degree if you have no experience?

So it is true it's a lot easier to find qualified white dudes with experience than it is to find a black with experience.

But remember my brother was never a VP before they gave him the job. And the woman who took over for him doesn't have any experience either. This is where they have to take a chance on more blacks and women. They have to stop thinking the woman is going to quit once she has a family and they have to stop thinking the black is lazy and stupid.

And one more thing. You cry because of AA and the results haven't hardly affected you at all. The fact is very few women and black CEO's. Now imagine if in a year from now 25% of CEO's are blacks or women. You will absolutely lose your shit. You can't even stand it that less than 5% of CEO's are black. That's too high you say. So imagine if it were 25%

1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

View attachment 254943

I have seen a lot of liberals claiming that "White nationalism" is on the rise.

I have seen no numbers supporting this, other than a very soft rise in the number of "Groups", which could just as easily be the same small number of basement dwellers talking more easily online.

It is a completely reasonable concern that any attempt to focus on this, is nothing but a political ploy from the left, trying to terrorize minorities into turning out, and to rile up liberals.
Of course it’s a political ploy.

Thank you for admitting that. I agree that there is no real issue here to be investigated and it was just a political ploy.

Your side works guys like you up and I want blacks and women to show up and tell your side you are full of shit.

"Guys like me? And it is interesting that you focus on blacks and women.

Notice the only women here who agree with your side about women are total right wing nut jobs? Totally anti abortion anti global warming anti evolution types?

No, I have not noticed that. I've noticed a lot of bat shit crazy people on your side. Indeed, that way that you can call for different standards based on skin color and then deny that it is racist discrimination,

is not completely sane, seely. With all due respect.

Our problem is a lot of the Americans who agree with us don’t vote. So yes we want to get out the vote.

Sorry, that's a non starter with me, on many levels. If some one is judging that they themselves should not vote, for whatever reason, I am not going to argue with them. THey know themselves very well. Better than I could. That you want to go after them, regardless of how informed or not informed they are, shows a lack of trust in the democratic process, imo.

America is already doomed with trumps two supreme picks. The middle class is toast. Like global warming it’s probably too late. I know it’s now every man for himself and don’t count on social security and Medicare.

Excellent example of emotional demagoguery. I take it that you guys are dropping that line of attack against Trump as you plan to use it youself?

Or do you think you can get away with using demagoguery while attacking your enemy for supposedly doing the same?

Conservatives control the Supreme Court. They’ll win every argument

I've seen no sign of that. Conservatives tend to be actual judges, instead of political ideologues who are there to advance an agenda regardless of the law.

You've seen no sign of that? So much for the media being liberal if you've seen/heard no signs of it

Study: Roberts and Alito Most Pro-Corporate Justices in 65 Years

We write frequently about the extraordinarily pro-corporate leanings of the current Supreme Court, where the Justices bend the law and twist logic in order to rule in favor of large corporate interests and against the rights of individuals harmed by those interests. In the past week, two new studies have provided powerful numbers to back up the trend.

In a report released on Thursday, the Constitutional Accountability Center found that the corporate lobbying group U.S. Chamber of Commerce has won a stunning two-thirds of the cases that it has been involved with before the Roberts Court.

And this is before Trump's picks. GEEZ
Do you remember the other day I asked you if you agreed that it sucks that companies don't hire people without experience? This happens to white guys too. How do you break into marketing with your marketing degree if you have no experience?

So it is true it's a lot easier to find qualified white dudes with experience than it is to find a black with experience.

But remember my brother was never a VP before they gave him the job. And the woman who took over for him doesn't have any experience either. This is where they have to take a chance on more blacks and women. They have to stop thinking the woman is going to quit once she has a family and they have to stop thinking the black is lazy and stupid.

And one more thing. You cry because of AA and the results haven't hardly affected you at all. The fact is very few women and black CEO's. Now imagine if in a year from now 25% of CEO's are blacks or women. You will absolutely lose your shit. You can't even stand it that less than 5% of CEO's are black. That's too high you say. So imagine if it were 25%

1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

View attachment 254943

She is an opportunist. Her time will come to be cast aside one day like every tool who outlives their usefulness.

The way she fought back against the libtard who lied about what she said on Hitler? That woman is one of US, and will always be, so you can shove your race baiting shit back where it came from.

"One of US"...ROFLMAO. She will change her loyalty as soon as the opportunity to further her own agenda surfaces.

Are you so ignorant that you cannot see that?

I'm judging her by her words and actions. I have no reason to doubt her sincerity.

You are an asshole.
1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

View attachment 254943

She is an opportunist. Her time will come to be cast aside one day like every tool who outlives their usefulness.

The way she fought back against the libtard who lied about what she said on Hitler? That woman is one of US, and will always be, so you can shove your race baiting shit back where it came from.

"One of US"...ROFLMAO. She will change her loyalty as soon as the opportunity to further her own agenda surfaces.

Are you so ignorant that you cannot see that?

How did we lie about what she said?

By taking what she said out of context and lying about her intent.
1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

View attachment 254943

I have seen a lot of liberals claiming that "White nationalism" is on the rise.

I have seen no numbers supporting this, other than a very soft rise in the number of "Groups", which could just as easily be the same small number of basement dwellers talking more easily online.

It is a completely reasonable concern that any attempt to focus on this, is nothing but a political ploy from the left, trying to terrorize minorities into turning out, and to rile up liberals.
Of course it’s a political ploy.

Thank you for admitting that. I agree that there is no real issue here to be investigated and it was just a political ploy.

Your side works guys like you up and I want blacks and women to show up and tell your side you are full of shit.

"Guys like me? And it is interesting that you focus on blacks and women.

Notice the only women here who agree with your side about women are total right wing nut jobs? Totally anti abortion anti global warming anti evolution types?

No, I have not noticed that. I've noticed a lot of bat shit crazy people on your side. Indeed, that way that you can call for different standards based on skin color and then deny that it is racist discrimination,

is not completely sane, seely. With all due respect.

Our problem is a lot of the Americans who agree with us don’t vote. So yes we want to get out the vote.

Sorry, that's a non starter with me, on many levels. If some one is judging that they themselves should not vote, for whatever reason, I am not going to argue with them. THey know themselves very well. Better than I could. That you want to go after them, regardless of how informed or not informed they are, shows a lack of trust in the democratic process, imo.

America is already doomed with trumps two supreme picks. The middle class is toast. Like global warming it’s probably too late. I know it’s now every man for himself and don’t count on social security and Medicare.

Excellent example of emotional demagoguery. I take it that you guys are dropping that line of attack against Trump as you plan to use it youself?

Or do you think you can get away with using demagoguery while attacking your enemy for supposedly doing the same?

Conservatives control the Supreme Court. They’ll win every argument

I've seen no sign of that. Conservatives tend to be actual judges, instead of political ideologues who are there to advance an agenda regardless of the law.

You've seen no sign of that? So much for the media being liberal if you've seen/heard no signs of it

Study: Roberts and Alito Most Pro-Corporate Justices in 65 Years

We write frequently about the extraordinarily pro-corporate leanings of the current Supreme Court, where the Justices bend the law and twist logic in order to rule in favor of large corporate interests and against the rights of individuals harmed by those interests. In the past week, two new studies have provided powerful numbers to back up the trend.

In a report released on Thursday, the Constitutional Accountability Center found that the corporate lobbying group U.S. Chamber of Commerce has won a stunning two-thirds of the cases that it has been involved with before the Roberts Court.

And this is before Trump's picks. GEEZ
1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

View attachment 254943

I have seen a lot of liberals claiming that "White nationalism" is on the rise.

I have seen no numbers supporting this, other than a very soft rise in the number of "Groups", which could just as easily be the same small number of basement dwellers talking more easily online.

It is a completely reasonable concern that any attempt to focus on this, is nothing but a political ploy from the left, trying to terrorize minorities into turning out, and to rile up liberals.
Of course it’s a political ploy.

Thank you for admitting that. I agree that there is no real issue here to be investigated and it was just a political ploy.

Your side works guys like you up and I want blacks and women to show up and tell your side you are full of shit.

"Guys like me? And it is interesting that you focus on blacks and women.

Notice the only women here who agree with your side about women are total right wing nut jobs? Totally anti abortion anti global warming anti evolution types?

No, I have not noticed that. I've noticed a lot of bat shit crazy people on your side. Indeed, that way that you can call for different standards based on skin color and then deny that it is racist discrimination,

is not completely sane, seely. With all due respect.

Our problem is a lot of the Americans who agree with us don’t vote. So yes we want to get out the vote.

Sorry, that's a non starter with me, on many levels. If some one is judging that they themselves should not vote, for whatever reason, I am not going to argue with them. THey know themselves very well. Better than I could. That you want to go after them, regardless of how informed or not informed they are, shows a lack of trust in the democratic process, imo.

America is already doomed with trumps two supreme picks. The middle class is toast. Like global warming it’s probably too late. I know it’s now every man for himself and don’t count on social security and Medicare.

Excellent example of emotional demagoguery. I take it that you guys are dropping that line of attack against Trump as you plan to use it youself?

Or do you think you can get away with using demagoguery while attacking your enemy for supposedly doing the same?

Conservatives control the Supreme Court. They’ll win every argument

I've seen no sign of that. Conservatives tend to be actual judges, instead of political ideologues who are there to advance an agenda regardless of the law.

You've seen no sign of that? So much for the media being liberal if you've seen/heard no signs of it

Study: Roberts and Alito Most Pro-Corporate Justices in 65 Years

We write frequently about the extraordinarily pro-corporate leanings of the current Supreme Court, where the Justices bend the law and twist logic in order to rule in favor of large corporate interests and against the rights of individuals harmed by those interests. In the past week, two new studies have provided powerful numbers to back up the trend.

In a report released on Thursday, the Constitutional Accountability Center found that the corporate lobbying group U.S. Chamber of Commerce has won a stunning two-thirds of the cases that it has been involved with before the Roberts Court.

And this is before Trump's picks. GEEZ

So, you dont' make any distinctions between "every argument" and "two thirds"?

Interesting. That fits with the theory that liberals don't have any concept of actual meanings for words. That they are all about form, with no understanding of content at all.
I have had the privilege of working at a business hotel. I saw all the white collar people coming in. They were all white men. Now you may be able to go back to the home office and show me how they hired some administrative blacks or janitor blacks or maybe one or two blacks but mostly these companies are 97% white.

Don't give us that shit "from the experiences I have had as an employee". How many companies have you worked for?

Now when I go to a trade show with thousands of exhibitors and attendees and I see all white people, there's a problem. Only the people who work at the convention center are black. Security, janitors, maids, people who work the toll booth.... Blacks are still being treated like 2nd class citizens if you ask me. From my perspective that is.

While that does not match what your world view would reveal.

If half the managers are supposedly racist, but the OTHER half are signed on to diversity and equality and such shit, you would expect that at least half the companies would be following the plan of hiring all the minorities so at least a solid Third would be there.

Sounds like some other factor must be the cause of the discrepancy you see.

Do you remember the other day I asked you if you agreed that it sucks that companies don't hire people without experience? This happens to white guys too. How do you break into marketing with your marketing degree if you have no experience?

So it is true it's a lot easier to find qualified white dudes with experience than it is to find a black with experience.

But remember my brother was never a VP before they gave him the job. And the woman who took over for him doesn't have any experience either. This is where they have to take a chance on more blacks and women. They have to stop thinking the woman is going to quit once she has a family and they have to stop thinking the black is lazy and stupid.

And one more thing. You cry because of AA and the results haven't hardly affected you at all. The fact is very few women and black CEO's. Now imagine if in a year from now 25% of CEO's are blacks or women. You will absolutely lose your shit. You can't even stand it that less than 5% of CEO's are black. That's too high you say. So imagine if it were 25%

1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

View attachment 254943
Hate crimes against white people are the only hate crimes actually rising.

Let’s talk about the continued increase of black and brown nationalists and their sympathizers who dominate the entire Democratic Party and whose votes they cannot afford to reject.


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