Democrat Racism

While that does not match what your world view would reveal.

If half the managers are supposedly racist, but the OTHER half are signed on to diversity and equality and such shit, you would expect that at least half the companies would be following the plan of hiring all the minorities so at least a solid Third would be there.

Sounds like some other factor must be the cause of the discrepancy you see.

Do you remember the other day I asked you if you agreed that it sucks that companies don't hire people without experience? This happens to white guys too. How do you break into marketing with your marketing degree if you have no experience?

So it is true it's a lot easier to find qualified white dudes with experience than it is to find a black with experience.

But remember my brother was never a VP before they gave him the job. And the woman who took over for him doesn't have any experience either. This is where they have to take a chance on more blacks and women. They have to stop thinking the woman is going to quit once she has a family and they have to stop thinking the black is lazy and stupid.

And one more thing. You cry because of AA and the results haven't hardly affected you at all. The fact is very few women and black CEO's. Now imagine if in a year from now 25% of CEO's are blacks or women. You will absolutely lose your shit. You can't even stand it that less than 5% of CEO's are black. That's too high you say. So imagine if it were 25%

1. Thank you for admitting that it is easier to find qualified white guys than qualified minorities. Now consider that you are now asking for different standards of treatment for candidates based on their skin color and gender, with white males being judged more harshly.

2. You assume that this has not effected me. I asked you if the white vp candidates were told that they were never even in the running because of their skin color and gender. You did not answer. Will you answer that now?

3. Your prediction about assumptions about my reactions to more minorities ceos' is so divorced from the reality of my position that it does not merit a response. Please try some other hypothetical, or perhaps you could ask a question about what I think or feel.

This is what it's like talking to you conservatives.

A congressional hearing on hate crimes and the rise of white nationalism was derailed by conservatives questioning whether white supremacy exists today at all, with some urging the committee to focus instead on “all hate speech.”

Instead, the floor was repeatedly given to conservative witness Candace Owens, a Trump-supporting Infowars and Fox News contributor who recently said Hitler would have been fine if he had simply remained a nationalist in Germany. The focus of the meeting quickly shifted from the rising death toll in the name of white supremacy to Owens’ main talking point: that discussing white nationalism at all is a Democratic ploy to win elections.

Owens’ talking point gave Republicans on the committee an avenue of deflection ― a way of implying that Democrats are instead unfairly targeting conservative voices. One after another, Republicans bit on Owens’ prompt, and one after the other, they proved they didn’t come to talk about the rise in white nationalism at all.

Instead, they victimized themselves. Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) asked a Facebook representative why the platform is so hard on “my friends, Diamond and Silk,” referring to the pro-Trump social media stars. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) complained Democrats showed hostility by listing Owens as a “conservative".

“It isn’t that there isn’t hate speech, it’s that we need to condemn all hate speech,” he said, to which Owens responded, “I agree.”

These exchanges turned into an argument over whether white supremacy exists and whether Owens plays a part in its proliferation, despite being a black woman. When Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was given the floor, he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

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Hate crimes against white people are the only hate crimes actually rising.

Let’s talk about the continued increase of black and brown nationalists and their sympathizers who dominate the entire Democratic Party and whose votes they cannot afford to reject.


You know what would have really made that post? You could have challenged him to back up his shit.

But, you were afraid to do that. Because you fear that he could easily do it.

Which are you more of? A coward, or a liar?
STFU. This is the same old white racist gibberish repeated by republicans here every day.

So, outing racists is now considered ‘racist?’ The jig is up, it’s time for decent folks reject the Democrat Plantation.

IM2 says I am wrong when I say this about black people: Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality"

He says I have no right because I'm not black. Well Owens is.

I would love it if black conservatives would debate black liberals in front of us all.

And Candice Owens is wrong.

Why in the FUCK do whites try using a comment from one black person to claim they are right but if we use a comment from one white person it doesn't count?

And why should black liberals and conservatives put on a fucking show for whites to watch? Candace Owens doesn't know her ass from her vagina. Blacks are the last people anybody can describe as victims. And just because a black person says some stupid shit whites want to believe, it doesn't make that comment correct.
STFU. This is the same old white racist gibberish repeated by republicans here every day.

So, outing racists is now considered ‘racist?’ The jig is up, it’s time for decent folks reject the Democrat Plantation.

IM2 says I am wrong when I say this about black people: Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality"

He says I have no right because I'm not black. Well Owens is.

I would love it if black conservatives would debate black liberals in front of us all.

And Candice Owens is wrong.

Why in the FUCK do whites try using a comment from one black person to claim they are right but if we use a comment from one white person it doesn't count?

And why should black liberals and conservatives put on a fucking show for whites to watch? Candace Owens doesn't know her ass from her vagina. Blacks are the last people anybody can describe as victims. And just because a black person says some stupid shit whites want to believe, it doesn't make that comment correct.

Generally when we cons are quoting a black person, we are doing that because we believe that the black person in question, said something insightful.

You are welcome to challenge his or her point if you wish.



STFU. This is the same old white racist gibberish repeated by republicans here every day.

So, outing racists is now considered ‘racist?’ The jig is up, it’s time for decent folks reject the Democrat Plantation.

IM2 says I am wrong when I say this about black people: Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality"

He says I have no right because I'm not black. Well Owens is.

I would love it if black conservatives would debate black liberals in front of us all.

And Candice Owens is wrong.

Why in the FUCK do whites try using a comment from one black person to claim they are right but if we use a comment from one white person it doesn't count?

And why should black liberals and conservatives put on a fucking show for whites to watch? Candace Owens doesn't know her ass from her vagina. Blacks are the last people anybody can describe as victims. And just because a black person says some stupid shit whites want to believe, it doesn't make that comment correct.

Generally when we cons are quoting a black person, we are doing that because we believe that the black person in question, said something insightful.

You are welcome to challenge his or her point if you wish.



She not saying anything you guys haven’t already said and we’ve already explained why you are wrong so it doesn’t matter that you found one idiot black to repeat the shit you say.

But, a part of me does agree with her the black community does have victim mentality
STFU. This is the same old white racist gibberish repeated by republicans here every day.

So, outing racists is now considered ‘racist?’ The jig is up, it’s time for decent folks reject the Democrat Plantation.

IM2 says I am wrong when I say this about black people: Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality"

He says I have no right because I'm not black. Well Owens is.

I would love it if black conservatives would debate black liberals in front of us all.

And Candice Owens is wrong.

Why in the FUCK do whites try using a comment from one black person to claim they are right but if we use a comment from one white person it doesn't count?

And why should black liberals and conservatives put on a fucking show for whites to watch? Candace Owens doesn't know her ass from her vagina. Blacks are the last people anybody can describe as victims. And just because a black person says some stupid shit whites want to believe, it doesn't make that comment correct.
Well then have the debate in private and leave us whites out of it. You won’t take any advice or opposing opinions. Not even from your own people.

Bill Cosby wasn’t completely out of line with his comments. And if you understood what victim mentality was you’d understand you have it.

Did you hear about the nice brother who was picking up peoples checks and giving out $20s at a Florida Waffle House? Another brother got mad that he didn’t buy his dinner so he got his glock and shot him in the head. They ended up being distant cousins.

Ah the safe black community
STFU. This is the same old white racist gibberish repeated by republicans here every day.

So, outing racists is now considered ‘racist?’ The jig is up, it’s time for decent folks reject the Democrat Plantation.

IM2 says I am wrong when I say this about black people: Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality"

He says I have no right because I'm not black. Well Owens is.

I would love it if black conservatives would debate black liberals in front of us all.

And Candice Owens is wrong.

Why in the FUCK do whites try using a comment from one black person to claim they are right but if we use a comment from one white person it doesn't count?

And why should black liberals and conservatives put on a fucking show for whites to watch? Candace Owens doesn't know her ass from her vagina. Blacks are the last people anybody can describe as victims. And just because a black person says some stupid shit whites want to believe, it doesn't make that comment correct.

Generally when we cons are quoting a black person, we are doing that because we believe that the black person in question, said something insightful.

You are welcome to challenge his or her point if you wish.



She not saying anything you guys haven’t already said and we’ve already explained why you are wrong so it doesn’t matter that you found one idiot black to repeat the shit you say.

But, a part of me does agree with her the black community does have victim mentality

And that part of you is wrong. You have not been black. And no matter what immigrant tale you have, Greeks are white. I get tired of reading the dumb fuck opinions of some of you whites in here. Every white here has benefitted from a system that provided whites preference and yet we have to hear your lectures on how we should do things. We should not depend on the government while every 4 years whites vote for the candidate that will give them more from the government.

We descend from people who worked long hours for nothing. We did the work, the white man got the money. And today the descendants of people too fucking lazy to work the free land they got are lecturing us about work.

We are victims of a system built and maintained on a group mentality of white racial superiority, and the very people who maintain this system tell us we need to stop thinking of ourselves as a group. The system was built and maintains advantages to whites based on skin color and those who benefit from it today tell us that we need to stop seeing each other as black or by race.

When will you white people shut the fuck up trying to tell us to do things your white asses have never done?
STFU. This is the same old white racist gibberish repeated by republicans here every day.

So, outing racists is now considered ‘racist?’ The jig is up, it’s time for decent folks reject the Democrat Plantation.

IM2 says I am wrong when I say this about black people: Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality"

He says I have no right because I'm not black. Well Owens is.

I would love it if black conservatives would debate black liberals in front of us all.

And Candice Owens is wrong.

Why in the FUCK do whites try using a comment from one black person to claim they are right but if we use a comment from one white person it doesn't count?

And why should black liberals and conservatives put on a fucking show for whites to watch? Candace Owens doesn't know her ass from her vagina. Blacks are the last people anybody can describe as victims. And just because a black person says some stupid shit whites want to believe, it doesn't make that comment correct.
Well then have the debate in private and leave us whites out of it. You won’t take any advice or opposing opinions. Not even from your own people.

Bill Cosby wasn’t completely out of line with his comments. And if you understood what victim mentality was you’d understand you have it.

Did you hear about the nice brother who was picking up peoples checks and giving out $20s at a Florida Waffle House? Another brother got mad that he didn’t buy his dinner so he got his glock and shot him in the head. They ended up being distant cousins.

Ah the safe black community

I understand what victim mentality is white boy. It's a term made up by a white boy used to describe blacks who oppose white racism. Bill Cosby was way out of line.

I take plenty of advice. And from whites. But I worked in the hood every day while you were selling whatever it is you sell. I've seen the crippling effects racism can have on people . You don't understand what living with that daily can do to people. A white boy named Ryan Leaf got addicted to prescription drugs because he couldn't deal with not making it in the NFL. He made several million dollars but the pressure of not being able to play football made him do drugs.

Now compare that to a man who did not play sports, gets his girlfriend who he loves pregnant but gets turned down for job after job. Yet he sees whites getting hired for those same jobs. You've never faced that but you run your mouth. And no, you have never faced that. You bring up blacks who kill somebody, yet on the same day the black person you talked about was killing somebody, a white person was committing murder too.

I worked in the hood. You don't seem to grasp what that means. Why should I take advice from a suburban white boy who doesn't work in the hood as opposed to the 80 year old black grandma or grandpa who was around when we could not vote who has lived in that neighborhood unscathed for most of their lives. I'm telling your white ass that the amount of violence in these communities is overblown by whites like you. 40 million blacks live here in this nation. 4,000 were arrested for murder. That number does not justify your opinion.

Whites have led America in violent crimes for the past 25 years I have looked at the stats. From 1990 until 2008 at least 58 percent of gang crime was committed by whites. The office of juvenile justice wrote a paper not long ago detailing a long decline in black youth violence. I study these thing you nor Candace Owens do so.

Anecdotal stuff doesn't cut it when we are discussing an issue at the macro level. Far too many times whites like you do this. Your area of expertise is sales. And like I said before, I'd be a fool to argue with you about the products you sell or successful sales strategy based on my opinion, what I believe and then throw out some anecdotes thinking it means I'm right. This is my area of expertise.

So why should I listen and accept what I know to be misinformation just because you want to believe a lie?
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I understand what victim mentality is white boy. It's a term made up by a white boy used to describe blacks who oppose white racism. Bill Cosby was way out of line.

I take plenty of advice. And from whites. But I worked in the hood every day while you were selling whatever it is you sell. I've seen the crippling effects racism can have on people . You don't understand what living with that daily can do to people. A white boy named Ryan Leaf got addicted to prescription drugs because he couldn't deal with not making it in the NFL. He made several million dollars but the pressure of not being able to play football made him do drugs.

Now compare that to a man who did not play sports, gets his girlfriend who he loves pregnant but gets turned down for job after job. Yet he sees whites getting hired for those same jobs. You've never faced that but you run your mouth. And no, you have never faced that. You bring up blacks who kill somebody, yet on the same day the black person you talked about was killing somebody, a white person was committing murder too.

I worked in the hood. You don't seem to grasp what that means. Why should I take advice from a suburban white boy who doesn't work in the hood as opposed to the 80 year old black grandma or grandpa who was around when we could not vote who has lived in that neighborhood unscathed for most of their lives. I'm telling your white ass that the amount of violence in these communities is overblown by whites like you. 40 million blacks live here in this nation. 4,000 were arrested for murder. That number does not justify your opinion.

Whites have led America in violent crimes for the past 25 years I have looked at the stats. From 1990 until 2008 at least 58 percent of gang crime was committed by whites. The office of juvenile justice wrote a paper not long ago detailing a long decline in black youth violence. I study these thing you nor Candace Owens do so.

Anecdotal stuff doesn't cut it when we are discussing an issue at the macro level. Far too many times whites like you do this. Your area of expertise is sales. And like I said before, I'd be a fool to argue with you about the products you sell or successful sales strategy based on my opinion, what I believe and then throw out some anecdotes thinking it means I'm right. This is my area of expertise.

So why should I listen and accept what I know to be misinformation just because you want to believe a lie?

That there in red.......Why would you get your 'girlfriend' pregnant and not have a job? WTF are some of you thinking? What self-respecting woman would get herself pregnant by a man with no job? Answer that.....I don't give a fuck if you live in the 'hood' that's just stupid. Are you saying people in the 'hood' are stupid?
Last edited:
So, outing racists is now considered ‘racist?’ The jig is up, it’s time for decent folks reject the Democrat Plantation.

IM2 says I am wrong when I say this about black people: Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality"

He says I have no right because I'm not black. Well Owens is.

I would love it if black conservatives would debate black liberals in front of us all.

And Candice Owens is wrong.

Why in the FUCK do whites try using a comment from one black person to claim they are right but if we use a comment from one white person it doesn't count?

And why should black liberals and conservatives put on a fucking show for whites to watch? Candace Owens doesn't know her ass from her vagina. Blacks are the last people anybody can describe as victims. And just because a black person says some stupid shit whites want to believe, it doesn't make that comment correct.

Generally when we cons are quoting a black person, we are doing that because we believe that the black person in question, said something insightful.

You are welcome to challenge his or her point if you wish.



She not saying anything you guys haven’t already said and we’ve already explained why you are wrong so it doesn’t matter that you found one idiot black to repeat the shit you say.

But, a part of me does agree with her the black community does have victim mentality

And that part of you is wrong. You have not been black. And no matter what immigrant tale you have, Greeks are white. I get tired of reading the dumb fuck opinions of some of you whites in here. Every white here has benefitted from a system that provided whites preference and yet we have to hear your lectures on how we should do things. We should not depend on the government while every 4 years whites vote for the candidate that will give them more from the government.

We descend from people who worked long hours for nothing. We did the work, the white man got the money. And today the descendants of people too fucking lazy to work the free land they got are lecturing us about work.

We are victims of a system built and maintained on a group mentality of white racial superiority, and the very people who maintain this system tell us we need to stop thinking of ourselves as a group. The system was built and maintains advantages to whites based on skin color and those who benefit from it today tell us that we need to stop seeing each other as black or by race.

When will you white people shut the fuck up trying to tell us to do things your white asses have never done?
We will probably never have to deal with what your people dealt with. But remember I agree the system is rigged against you so any advice I give is to try to help you overcome that. So don’t have kids you won’t raise. How many blacks in poverty have kids they aren’t raising right?

And yes, poor whites do it too. That doesn’t make it right and it’s probably why they’re stuck in poverty too. And chances are they didn’t take school seriously too.

And the government isn’t doing anything for their poor communities either.

Why? Because 80% of the poor don’t vote.

A hell of a lot of blacks don’t vote. So what politician is going to give a fuck about them?
STFU. This is the same old white racist gibberish repeated by republicans here every day.

So, outing racists is now considered ‘racist?’ The jig is up, it’s time for decent folks reject the Democrat Plantation.

IM2 says I am wrong when I say this about black people: Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality"

He says I have no right because I'm not black. Well Owens is.

I would love it if black conservatives would debate black liberals in front of us all.

And Candice Owens is wrong.

Why in the FUCK do whites try using a comment from one black person to claim they are right but if we use a comment from one white person it doesn't count?

And why should black liberals and conservatives put on a fucking show for whites to watch? Candace Owens doesn't know her ass from her vagina. Blacks are the last people anybody can describe as victims. And just because a black person says some stupid shit whites want to believe, it doesn't make that comment correct.

Generally when we cons are quoting a black person, we are doing that because we believe that the black person in question, said something insightful.

You are welcome to challenge his or her point if you wish.



She not saying anything you guys haven’t already said and we’ve already explained why you are wrong so it doesn’t matter that you found one idiot black to repeat the shit you say.

But, a part of me does agree with her the black community does have victim mentality

So, you agree with her, but still have to attack her?

Dude. Seriously. What does it take to get you to wake up?
IM2 says I am wrong when I say this about black people: Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality"

He says I have no right because I'm not black. Well Owens is.

I would love it if black conservatives would debate black liberals in front of us all.

And Candice Owens is wrong.

Why in the FUCK do whites try using a comment from one black person to claim they are right but if we use a comment from one white person it doesn't count?

And why should black liberals and conservatives put on a fucking show for whites to watch? Candace Owens doesn't know her ass from her vagina. Blacks are the last people anybody can describe as victims. And just because a black person says some stupid shit whites want to believe, it doesn't make that comment correct.

Generally when we cons are quoting a black person, we are doing that because we believe that the black person in question, said something insightful.

You are welcome to challenge his or her point if you wish.



She not saying anything you guys haven’t already said and we’ve already explained why you are wrong so it doesn’t matter that you found one idiot black to repeat the shit you say.

But, a part of me does agree with her the black community does have victim mentality

And that part of you is wrong. You have not been black. And no matter what immigrant tale you have, Greeks are white. I get tired of reading the dumb fuck opinions of some of you whites in here. Every white here has benefitted from a system that provided whites preference and yet we have to hear your lectures on how we should do things. We should not depend on the government while every 4 years whites vote for the candidate that will give them more from the government.

We descend from people who worked long hours for nothing. We did the work, the white man got the money. And today the descendants of people too fucking lazy to work the free land they got are lecturing us about work.

We are victims of a system built and maintained on a group mentality of white racial superiority, and the very people who maintain this system tell us we need to stop thinking of ourselves as a group. The system was built and maintains advantages to whites based on skin color and those who benefit from it today tell us that we need to stop seeing each other as black or by race.

When will you white people shut the fuck up trying to tell us to do things your white asses have never done?
We will probably never have to deal with what your people dealt with. But remember I agree the system is rigged against you so any advice I give is to try to help you overcome that. So don’t have kids you won’t raise. How many blacks in poverty have kids they aren’t raising right?

And yes, poor whites do it too. That doesn’t make it right and it’s probably why they’re stuck in poverty too. And chances are they didn’t take school seriously too.

And the government isn’t doing anything for their poor communities either.

Why? Because 80% of the poor don’t vote.

A hell of a lot of blacks don’t vote. So what politician is going to give a fuck about them?

He is judging you by your skin color and dismissing what you say, because of it.

That is your future, in Minority Majority America.

Shut your mouth and get to the back of the line.
IM2 says I am wrong when I say this about black people: Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality"

He says I have no right because I'm not black. Well Owens is.

I would love it if black conservatives would debate black liberals in front of us all.

And Candice Owens is wrong.

Why in the FUCK do whites try using a comment from one black person to claim they are right but if we use a comment from one white person it doesn't count?

And why should black liberals and conservatives put on a fucking show for whites to watch? Candace Owens doesn't know her ass from her vagina. Blacks are the last people anybody can describe as victims. And just because a black person says some stupid shit whites want to believe, it doesn't make that comment correct.

Generally when we cons are quoting a black person, we are doing that because we believe that the black person in question, said something insightful.

You are welcome to challenge his or her point if you wish.



She not saying anything you guys haven’t already said and we’ve already explained why you are wrong so it doesn’t matter that you found one idiot black to repeat the shit you say.

But, a part of me does agree with her the black community does have victim mentality

And that part of you is wrong. You have not been black. And no matter what immigrant tale you have, Greeks are white. I get tired of reading the dumb fuck opinions of some of you whites in here. Every white here has benefitted from a system that provided whites preference and yet we have to hear your lectures on how we should do things. We should not depend on the government while every 4 years whites vote for the candidate that will give them more from the government.

We descend from people who worked long hours for nothing. We did the work, the white man got the money. And today the descendants of people too fucking lazy to work the free land they got are lecturing us about work.

We are victims of a system built and maintained on a group mentality of white racial superiority, and the very people who maintain this system tell us we need to stop thinking of ourselves as a group. The system was built and maintains advantages to whites based on skin color and those who benefit from it today tell us that we need to stop seeing each other as black or by race.

When will you white people shut the fuck up trying to tell us to do things your white asses have never done?
We will probably never have to deal with what your people dealt with. But remember I agree the system is rigged against you so any advice I give is to try to help you overcome that. So don’t have kids you won’t raise. How many blacks in poverty have kids they aren’t raising right?

And yes, poor whites do it too. That doesn’t make it right and it’s probably why they’re stuck in poverty too. And chances are they didn’t take school seriously too.

And the government isn’t doing anything for their poor communities either.

Why? Because 80% of the poor don’t vote.

A hell of a lot of blacks don’t vote. So what politician is going to give a fuck about them?

You were shown that the whitebread claim of having kids you can't raise is a bullshit meritless claim. Blacks not voting is not the problem as a hell of a lot of whites don't vote either. Opinions are like assholes sealy, you have not done the work necessary to understand my position. And drop the you need to be grateful to me because I agree with you shit. You have no advice to give me. We blacks know how to fight the system politically. What you have consistently failed to understand is that the issue for blacks today is economic equity.
I understand what victim mentality is white boy. It's a term made up by a white boy used to describe blacks who oppose white racism. Bill Cosby was way out of line.

I take plenty of advice. And from whites. But I worked in the hood every day while you were selling whatever it is you sell. I've seen the crippling effects racism can have on people . You don't understand what living with that daily can do to people. A white boy named Ryan Leaf got addicted to prescription drugs because he couldn't deal with not making it in the NFL. He made several million dollars but the pressure of not being able to play football made him do drugs.

Now compare that to a man who did not play sports, gets his girlfriend who he loves pregnant but gets turned down for job after job. Yet he sees whites getting hired for those same jobs. You've never faced that but you run your mouth. And no, you have never faced that. You bring up blacks who kill somebody, yet on the same day the black person you talked about was killing somebody, a white person was committing murder too.

I worked in the hood. You don't seem to grasp what that means. Why should I take advice from a suburban white boy who doesn't work in the hood as opposed to the 80 year old black grandma or grandpa who was around when we could not vote who has lived in that neighborhood unscathed for most of their lives. I'm telling your white ass that the amount of violence in these communities is overblown by whites like you. 40 million blacks live here in this nation. 4,000 were arrested for murder. That number does not justify your opinion.

Whites have led America in violent crimes for the past 25 years I have looked at the stats. From 1990 until 2008 at least 58 percent of gang crime was committed by whites. The office of juvenile justice wrote a paper not long ago detailing a long decline in black youth violence. I study these thing you nor Candace Owens do so.

Anecdotal stuff doesn't cut it when we are discussing an issue at the macro level. Far too many times whites like you do this. Your area of expertise is sales. And like I said before, I'd be a fool to argue with you about the products you sell or successful sales strategy based on my opinion, what I believe and then throw out some anecdotes thinking it means I'm right. This is my area of expertise.

So why should I listen and accept what I know to be misinformation just because you want to believe a lie?

That there in red.......Why would you get your 'girlfriend' pregnant and not have a job? WTF are some of you thinking? What self-respecting woman would get herself pregnant by a man with no job? Answer that.....I don't give a fuck if you live in the 'hood' that's just stupid. Are you saying people in the 'hood' are stupid?

We're thinking the same thing white men with girlfriends think when their dick is hard.

I was married to a white woman who had a child with a white man when they were teenagers. The man never worked and he beat this woman until she ran away. The boy was less than 1 years old and still today he has never seen his father. He's 31 years old.

And he is not the only white man who has done this. Whites do the same thing. So again, stop trying to lecture us about things your white asses never do.
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And Candice Owens is wrong.

Why in the FUCK do whites try using a comment from one black person to claim they are right but if we use a comment from one white person it doesn't count?

And why should black liberals and conservatives put on a fucking show for whites to watch? Candace Owens doesn't know her ass from her vagina. Blacks are the last people anybody can describe as victims. And just because a black person says some stupid shit whites want to believe, it doesn't make that comment correct.

Generally when we cons are quoting a black person, we are doing that because we believe that the black person in question, said something insightful.

You are welcome to challenge his or her point if you wish.



She not saying anything you guys haven’t already said and we’ve already explained why you are wrong so it doesn’t matter that you found one idiot black to repeat the shit you say.

But, a part of me does agree with her the black community does have victim mentality

And that part of you is wrong. You have not been black. And no matter what immigrant tale you have, Greeks are white. I get tired of reading the dumb fuck opinions of some of you whites in here. Every white here has benefitted from a system that provided whites preference and yet we have to hear your lectures on how we should do things. We should not depend on the government while every 4 years whites vote for the candidate that will give them more from the government.

We descend from people who worked long hours for nothing. We did the work, the white man got the money. And today the descendants of people too fucking lazy to work the free land they got are lecturing us about work.

We are victims of a system built and maintained on a group mentality of white racial superiority, and the very people who maintain this system tell us we need to stop thinking of ourselves as a group. The system was built and maintains advantages to whites based on skin color and those who benefit from it today tell us that we need to stop seeing each other as black or by race.

When will you white people shut the fuck up trying to tell us to do things your white asses have never done?
We will probably never have to deal with what your people dealt with. But remember I agree the system is rigged against you so any advice I give is to try to help you overcome that. So don’t have kids you won’t raise. How many blacks in poverty have kids they aren’t raising right?

And yes, poor whites do it too. That doesn’t make it right and it’s probably why they’re stuck in poverty too. And chances are they didn’t take school seriously too.

And the government isn’t doing anything for their poor communities either.

Why? Because 80% of the poor don’t vote.

A hell of a lot of blacks don’t vote. So what politician is going to give a fuck about them?

You were shown that the whitebread claim of having kids you can't raise is a bullshit meritless claim. Blacks not voting is not the problem as a hell of a lot of whites don't vote either. Opinions are like assholes sealy, you have not done the work necessary to understand my position. And drop the you need to be grateful to me because I agree with you shit. You have no advice to give me. We blacks know how to fight the system politically. What you have consistently failed to understand is that the issue for blacks today is economic equity.

There are lots of poor white americans who suffer from income inequality too. This is probably what Bill Cosby meant by pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Or what that black woman meant when she said the black community has victim mentality. They are sick of all the excuses from the black community because they know there isn’t much blacks can do about whites discriminating against blacks when so many blacks in the poor communities feed into the stereotypes by having kids you won’t raise, don’t speak well, pull your pants down low and don’t take school seriously.

When we look in poor communities black or white we see them doing things that aren’t helping themselves.

Serious question. Do you really look at poor white communities and not have any advice you could give them?
And Candice Owens is wrong.

Why in the FUCK do whites try using a comment from one black person to claim they are right but if we use a comment from one white person it doesn't count?

And why should black liberals and conservatives put on a fucking show for whites to watch? Candace Owens doesn't know her ass from her vagina. Blacks are the last people anybody can describe as victims. And just because a black person says some stupid shit whites want to believe, it doesn't make that comment correct.

Generally when we cons are quoting a black person, we are doing that because we believe that the black person in question, said something insightful.

You are welcome to challenge his or her point if you wish.



She not saying anything you guys haven’t already said and we’ve already explained why you are wrong so it doesn’t matter that you found one idiot black to repeat the shit you say.

But, a part of me does agree with her the black community does have victim mentality

And that part of you is wrong. You have not been black. And no matter what immigrant tale you have, Greeks are white. I get tired of reading the dumb fuck opinions of some of you whites in here. Every white here has benefitted from a system that provided whites preference and yet we have to hear your lectures on how we should do things. We should not depend on the government while every 4 years whites vote for the candidate that will give them more from the government.

We descend from people who worked long hours for nothing. We did the work, the white man got the money. And today the descendants of people too fucking lazy to work the free land they got are lecturing us about work.

We are victims of a system built and maintained on a group mentality of white racial superiority, and the very people who maintain this system tell us we need to stop thinking of ourselves as a group. The system was built and maintains advantages to whites based on skin color and those who benefit from it today tell us that we need to stop seeing each other as black or by race.

When will you white people shut the fuck up trying to tell us to do things your white asses have never done?
We will probably never have to deal with what your people dealt with. But remember I agree the system is rigged against you so any advice I give is to try to help you overcome that. So don’t have kids you won’t raise. How many blacks in poverty have kids they aren’t raising right?

And yes, poor whites do it too. That doesn’t make it right and it’s probably why they’re stuck in poverty too. And chances are they didn’t take school seriously too.

And the government isn’t doing anything for their poor communities either.

Why? Because 80% of the poor don’t vote.

A hell of a lot of blacks don’t vote. So what politician is going to give a fuck about them?

He is judging you by your skin color and dismissing what you say, because of it.

That is your future, in Minority Majority America.

Shut your mouth and get to the back of the line.

I asked him a good question. If he were to walk into a poor white community would he have any advice for those poor people on what they need to do to get out of poverty? Or is it entirely someone else’s fault.

Let me tell you how affirmative action works. I want to see your reaction to this. My brother had a black woman secretary when he worked at ford. She was horrible. Unprofessional, late, bad attitude, didn’t know the computer. I said why doesn’t ford fire her and he said affirmative action is not just for her it’s for her kids. If they fire her they ruin her life and her kids lives.

Besides they don’t want her to sue them. That’s another thing blacks do. They cry racism when racism has nothing to do with it.

I will agree with im2 until I don’t.
I understand what victim mentality is white boy. It's a term made up by a white boy used to describe blacks who oppose white racism. Bill Cosby was way out of line.

I take plenty of advice. And from whites. But I worked in the hood every day while you were selling whatever it is you sell. I've seen the crippling effects racism can have on people . You don't understand what living with that daily can do to people. A white boy named Ryan Leaf got addicted to prescription drugs because he couldn't deal with not making it in the NFL. He made several million dollars but the pressure of not being able to play football made him do drugs.

Now compare that to a man who did not play sports, gets his girlfriend who he loves pregnant but gets turned down for job after job. Yet he sees whites getting hired for those same jobs. You've never faced that but you run your mouth. And no, you have never faced that. You bring up blacks who kill somebody, yet on the same day the black person you talked about was killing somebody, a white person was committing murder too.

I worked in the hood. You don't seem to grasp what that means. Why should I take advice from a suburban white boy who doesn't work in the hood as opposed to the 80 year old black grandma or grandpa who was around when we could not vote who has lived in that neighborhood unscathed for most of their lives. I'm telling your white ass that the amount of violence in these communities is overblown by whites like you. 40 million blacks live here in this nation. 4,000 were arrested for murder. That number does not justify your opinion.

Whites have led America in violent crimes for the past 25 years I have looked at the stats. From 1990 until 2008 at least 58 percent of gang crime was committed by whites. The office of juvenile justice wrote a paper not long ago detailing a long decline in black youth violence. I study these thing you nor Candace Owens do so.

Anecdotal stuff doesn't cut it when we are discussing an issue at the macro level. Far too many times whites like you do this. Your area of expertise is sales. And like I said before, I'd be a fool to argue with you about the products you sell or successful sales strategy based on my opinion, what I believe and then throw out some anecdotes thinking it means I'm right. This is my area of expertise.

So why should I listen and accept what I know to be misinformation just because you want to believe a lie?

That there in red.......Why would you get your 'girlfriend' pregnant and not have a job? WTF are some of you thinking? What self-respecting woman would get herself pregnant by a man with no job? Answer that.....I don't give a fuck if you live in the 'hood' that's just stupid. Are you saying people in the 'hood' are stupid?

We're thinking the same thing white men with girlfriends think when their dick is hard.

I was married to a white woman who had a child with a white man when they were teenagers. The man never worked and he beat this woman until she ran away. The boy was less than 1 years old and still today he has never seen his father. He's 31 years old.

And he is not the only white man who has done this. Whites do the same thing. So again, stop trying to lecture us about things your white asses never do.
How did this woman’s kid turn out?

You see, we are lecturing you about things we do. And I think you’ll find the most successful people in your community had two parents. We know white kids with two parents do better than kids with 1 parent so we know what we are saying.

Ps. You dated a white woman? That proves you aren’t racist. The other day the right wingers posted a pic of Donald and his black girlfriend and said that means he isn’t a racist so that must be true about you too right?
We're thinking the same thing white men with girlfriends think when their dick is hard.

I was married to a white woman who had a child with a white man when they were teenagers. The man never worked and he beat this woman until she ran away. The boy was less than 1 years old and still today he has never seen his father. He's 31 years old.

And he is not the only white man who has done this. Whites do the same thing. So again, stop trying to lecture us about things your white asses never do.

Stupidity is not relegated to skin color.
Generally when we cons are quoting a black person, we are doing that because we believe that the black person in question, said something insightful.

You are welcome to challenge his or her point if you wish.



She not saying anything you guys haven’t already said and we’ve already explained why you are wrong so it doesn’t matter that you found one idiot black to repeat the shit you say.

But, a part of me does agree with her the black community does have victim mentality

And that part of you is wrong. You have not been black. And no matter what immigrant tale you have, Greeks are white. I get tired of reading the dumb fuck opinions of some of you whites in here. Every white here has benefitted from a system that provided whites preference and yet we have to hear your lectures on how we should do things. We should not depend on the government while every 4 years whites vote for the candidate that will give them more from the government.

We descend from people who worked long hours for nothing. We did the work, the white man got the money. And today the descendants of people too fucking lazy to work the free land they got are lecturing us about work.

We are victims of a system built and maintained on a group mentality of white racial superiority, and the very people who maintain this system tell us we need to stop thinking of ourselves as a group. The system was built and maintains advantages to whites based on skin color and those who benefit from it today tell us that we need to stop seeing each other as black or by race.

When will you white people shut the fuck up trying to tell us to do things your white asses have never done?
We will probably never have to deal with what your people dealt with. But remember I agree the system is rigged against you so any advice I give is to try to help you overcome that. So don’t have kids you won’t raise. How many blacks in poverty have kids they aren’t raising right?

And yes, poor whites do it too. That doesn’t make it right and it’s probably why they’re stuck in poverty too. And chances are they didn’t take school seriously too.

And the government isn’t doing anything for their poor communities either.

Why? Because 80% of the poor don’t vote.

A hell of a lot of blacks don’t vote. So what politician is going to give a fuck about them?

You were shown that the whitebread claim of having kids you can't raise is a bullshit meritless claim. Blacks not voting is not the problem as a hell of a lot of whites don't vote either. Opinions are like assholes sealy, you have not done the work necessary to understand my position. And drop the you need to be grateful to me because I agree with you shit. You have no advice to give me. We blacks know how to fight the system politically. What you have consistently failed to understand is that the issue for blacks today is economic equity.

There are lots of poor white americans who suffer from income inequality too. This is probably what Bill Cosby meant by pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Or what that black woman meant when she said the black community has victim mentality. They are sick of all the excuses from the black community because they know there isn’t much blacks can do about whites discriminating against blacks when so many blacks in the poor communities feed into the stereotypes by having kids you won’t raise, don’t speak well, pull your pants down low and don’t take school seriously.

When we look in poor communities black or white we see them doing things that aren’t helping themselves.

Serious question. Do you really look at poor white communities and not have any advice you could give them?

He won't listen, because you have white skin.
She not saying anything you guys haven’t already said and we’ve already explained why you are wrong so it doesn’t matter that you found one idiot black to repeat the shit you say.

But, a part of me does agree with her the black community does have victim mentality

And that part of you is wrong. You have not been black. And no matter what immigrant tale you have, Greeks are white. I get tired of reading the dumb fuck opinions of some of you whites in here. Every white here has benefitted from a system that provided whites preference and yet we have to hear your lectures on how we should do things. We should not depend on the government while every 4 years whites vote for the candidate that will give them more from the government.

We descend from people who worked long hours for nothing. We did the work, the white man got the money. And today the descendants of people too fucking lazy to work the free land they got are lecturing us about work.

We are victims of a system built and maintained on a group mentality of white racial superiority, and the very people who maintain this system tell us we need to stop thinking of ourselves as a group. The system was built and maintains advantages to whites based on skin color and those who benefit from it today tell us that we need to stop seeing each other as black or by race.

When will you white people shut the fuck up trying to tell us to do things your white asses have never done?
We will probably never have to deal with what your people dealt with. But remember I agree the system is rigged against you so any advice I give is to try to help you overcome that. So don’t have kids you won’t raise. How many blacks in poverty have kids they aren’t raising right?

And yes, poor whites do it too. That doesn’t make it right and it’s probably why they’re stuck in poverty too. And chances are they didn’t take school seriously too.

And the government isn’t doing anything for their poor communities either.

Why? Because 80% of the poor don’t vote.

A hell of a lot of blacks don’t vote. So what politician is going to give a fuck about them?

You were shown that the whitebread claim of having kids you can't raise is a bullshit meritless claim. Blacks not voting is not the problem as a hell of a lot of whites don't vote either. Opinions are like assholes sealy, you have not done the work necessary to understand my position. And drop the you need to be grateful to me because I agree with you shit. You have no advice to give me. We blacks know how to fight the system politically. What you have consistently failed to understand is that the issue for blacks today is economic equity.

There are lots of poor white americans who suffer from income inequality too. This is probably what Bill Cosby meant by pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Or what that black woman meant when she said the black community has victim mentality. They are sick of all the excuses from the black community because they know there isn’t much blacks can do about whites discriminating against blacks when so many blacks in the poor communities feed into the stereotypes by having kids you won’t raise, don’t speak well, pull your pants down low and don’t take school seriously.

When we look in poor communities black or white we see them doing things that aren’t helping themselves.

Serious question. Do you really look at poor white communities and not have any advice you could give them?

He won't listen, because you have white skin.
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.
And that part of you is wrong. You have not been black. And no matter what immigrant tale you have, Greeks are white. I get tired of reading the dumb fuck opinions of some of you whites in here. Every white here has benefitted from a system that provided whites preference and yet we have to hear your lectures on how we should do things. We should not depend on the government while every 4 years whites vote for the candidate that will give them more from the government.

We descend from people who worked long hours for nothing. We did the work, the white man got the money. And today the descendants of people too fucking lazy to work the free land they got are lecturing us about work.

We are victims of a system built and maintained on a group mentality of white racial superiority, and the very people who maintain this system tell us we need to stop thinking of ourselves as a group. The system was built and maintains advantages to whites based on skin color and those who benefit from it today tell us that we need to stop seeing each other as black or by race.

When will you white people shut the fuck up trying to tell us to do things your white asses have never done?
We will probably never have to deal with what your people dealt with. But remember I agree the system is rigged against you so any advice I give is to try to help you overcome that. So don’t have kids you won’t raise. How many blacks in poverty have kids they aren’t raising right?

And yes, poor whites do it too. That doesn’t make it right and it’s probably why they’re stuck in poverty too. And chances are they didn’t take school seriously too.

And the government isn’t doing anything for their poor communities either.

Why? Because 80% of the poor don’t vote.

A hell of a lot of blacks don’t vote. So what politician is going to give a fuck about them?

You were shown that the whitebread claim of having kids you can't raise is a bullshit meritless claim. Blacks not voting is not the problem as a hell of a lot of whites don't vote either. Opinions are like assholes sealy, you have not done the work necessary to understand my position. And drop the you need to be grateful to me because I agree with you shit. You have no advice to give me. We blacks know how to fight the system politically. What you have consistently failed to understand is that the issue for blacks today is economic equity.

There are lots of poor white americans who suffer from income inequality too. This is probably what Bill Cosby meant by pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Or what that black woman meant when she said the black community has victim mentality. They are sick of all the excuses from the black community because they know there isn’t much blacks can do about whites discriminating against blacks when so many blacks in the poor communities feed into the stereotypes by having kids you won’t raise, don’t speak well, pull your pants down low and don’t take school seriously.

When we look in poor communities black or white we see them doing things that aren’t helping themselves.

Serious question. Do you really look at poor white communities and not have any advice you could give them?

He won't listen, because you have white skin.
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.
IM2 is a racist idiot and only considered “intelligent” in clown world.

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