Democrat Racism

You were shown that the whitebread claim of having kids you can't raise is a bullshit meritless claim. Blacks not voting is not the problem as a hell of a lot of whites don't vote either. Opinions are like assholes sealy, you have not done the work necessary to understand my position. And drop the you need to be grateful to me because I agree with you shit. You have no advice to give me. We blacks know how to fight the system politically. What you have consistently failed to understand is that the issue for blacks today is economic equity.

There are lots of poor white americans who suffer from income inequality too. This is probably what Bill Cosby meant by pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Or what that black woman meant when she said the black community has victim mentality. They are sick of all the excuses from the black community because they know there isn’t much blacks can do about whites discriminating against blacks when so many blacks in the poor communities feed into the stereotypes by having kids you won’t raise, don’t speak well, pull your pants down low and don’t take school seriously.

When we look in poor communities black or white we see them doing things that aren’t helping themselves.

Serious question. Do you really look at poor white communities and not have any advice you could give them?

He won't listen, because you have white skin.
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.

He won't listen to you because of your skin color. I don't NOT listen to ANYONE, because of skin color.

And you think he is more right than me?

Sure, I'm sure there are some white racists out there, who are in positions to hire, and I am sure some of them are in positions where they at least THINK, they are safe from scrutiny, and dare to act on it, despite the massive taboo against it, and the massive forces arrayed to fall on them like a ton of bricks, if they get caught.

Those individuals are vastly outnumbered by people like your brother and that one example of his boss you gave.

We had a nice black woman who came in to interview. I don’t decide who gets hired but I thought she was going to get the job. Instead we hired a druggy white girl. She probably bullshitted better than the black girl because she was more comfortable interviewing with the whites who interviewed her.

Long story short is the white drugged out bitch lasted 3 weeks. We should have given that black girl the job.

I bet the racist Chaldean Knut who did the hiring back then was racist.

Anyways, my point is this happens all the time all over America to blacks. They interview for jobs they are qualified for and some white asshole racist didn’t hire them.

Have you ever looked for a job? Very frustrating to not get a job you know you were qualified to do.

If, as you speculated, that the white druggie bitch interviewed better than the black girl,

then it is not fair to assume that the interviewer was racist.

Is it?
There are lots of poor white americans who suffer from income inequality too. This is probably what Bill Cosby meant by pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Or what that black woman meant when she said the black community has victim mentality. They are sick of all the excuses from the black community because they know there isn’t much blacks can do about whites discriminating against blacks when so many blacks in the poor communities feed into the stereotypes by having kids you won’t raise, don’t speak well, pull your pants down low and don’t take school seriously.

When we look in poor communities black or white we see them doing things that aren’t helping themselves.

Serious question. Do you really look at poor white communities and not have any advice you could give them?

He won't listen, because you have white skin.
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.

He won't listen to you because of your skin color. I don't NOT listen to ANYONE, because of skin color.

And you think he is more right than me?

Sure, I'm sure there are some white racists out there, who are in positions to hire, and I am sure some of them are in positions where they at least THINK, they are safe from scrutiny, and dare to act on it, despite the massive taboo against it, and the massive forces arrayed to fall on them like a ton of bricks, if they get caught.

Those individuals are vastly outnumbered by people like your brother and that one example of his boss you gave.

We had a nice black woman who came in to interview. I don’t decide who gets hired but I thought she was going to get the job. Instead we hired a druggy white girl. She probably bullshitted better than the black girl because she was more comfortable interviewing with the whites who interviewed her.

Long story short is the white drugged out bitch lasted 3 weeks. We should have given that black girl the job.

I bet the racist Chaldean Knut who did the hiring back then was racist.

Anyways, my point is this happens all the time all over America to blacks. They interview for jobs they are qualified for and some white asshole racist didn’t hire them.

Have you ever looked for a job? Very frustrating to not get a job you know you were qualified to do.

If, as you speculated, that the white druggie bitch interviewed better than the black girl,

then it is not fair to assume that the interviewer was racist.

Is it?
I am convinced this guy is a drug addict and constantly under the influence.

His posts usually lack coherence and often contradict each other.
He won't listen, because you have white skin.
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.

He won't listen to you because of your skin color. I don't NOT listen to ANYONE, because of skin color.

And you think he is more right than me?

Sure, I'm sure there are some white racists out there, who are in positions to hire, and I am sure some of them are in positions where they at least THINK, they are safe from scrutiny, and dare to act on it, despite the massive taboo against it, and the massive forces arrayed to fall on them like a ton of bricks, if they get caught.

Those individuals are vastly outnumbered by people like your brother and that one example of his boss you gave.

We had a nice black woman who came in to interview. I don’t decide who gets hired but I thought she was going to get the job. Instead we hired a druggy white girl. She probably bullshitted better than the black girl because she was more comfortable interviewing with the whites who interviewed her.

Long story short is the white drugged out bitch lasted 3 weeks. We should have given that black girl the job.

I bet the racist Chaldean Knut who did the hiring back then was racist.

Anyways, my point is this happens all the time all over America to blacks. They interview for jobs they are qualified for and some white asshole racist didn’t hire them.

Have you ever looked for a job? Very frustrating to not get a job you know you were qualified to do.

If, as you speculated, that the white druggie bitch interviewed better than the black girl,

then it is not fair to assume that the interviewer was racist.

Is it?
I am convinced this guy is a drug addict and constantly under the influence.

His posts usually lack coherence and often contradict each other.

I find him more coherent than the vast majority of liberals. Indeed, he is just about the only one of this site, you can actually get more than one or two actual responses to in a row from.

That being said, yes, there is often contradictions, but I think that is a result of normal liberal ideology being bat shit crazy.

Seely actually believes in this stuff and will actually reply on topic.

MOst of the rest of the lefties, know on some level what they say is bs, and will purposefully derail the thread, to avoid giving any real responses.
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.

He won't listen to you because of your skin color. I don't NOT listen to ANYONE, because of skin color.

And you think he is more right than me?

Sure, I'm sure there are some white racists out there, who are in positions to hire, and I am sure some of them are in positions where they at least THINK, they are safe from scrutiny, and dare to act on it, despite the massive taboo against it, and the massive forces arrayed to fall on them like a ton of bricks, if they get caught.

Those individuals are vastly outnumbered by people like your brother and that one example of his boss you gave.

We had a nice black woman who came in to interview. I don’t decide who gets hired but I thought she was going to get the job. Instead we hired a druggy white girl. She probably bullshitted better than the black girl because she was more comfortable interviewing with the whites who interviewed her.

Long story short is the white drugged out bitch lasted 3 weeks. We should have given that black girl the job.

I bet the racist Chaldean Knut who did the hiring back then was racist.

Anyways, my point is this happens all the time all over America to blacks. They interview for jobs they are qualified for and some white asshole racist didn’t hire them.

Have you ever looked for a job? Very frustrating to not get a job you know you were qualified to do.

If, as you speculated, that the white druggie bitch interviewed better than the black girl,

then it is not fair to assume that the interviewer was racist.

Is it?
I am convinced this guy is a drug addict and constantly under the influence.

His posts usually lack coherence and often contradict each other.

I find him more coherent than the vast majority of liberals. Indeed, he is just about the only one of this site, you can actually get more than one or two actual responses to in a row from.

That being said, yes, there is often contradictions, but I think that is a result of normal liberal ideology being bat shit crazy.

Seely actually believes in this stuff and will actually reply on topic.

MOst of the rest of the lefties, know on some level what they say is bs, and will purposefully derail the thread, to avoid giving any real responses.
But that is the thing. The other Democrats “know” when to run or deflect. He contradicts himself in the same post, and even in the same paragraphs and then when you point it out to him he just responds with another contradiction.
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.
IM2 is a racist idiot and only considered “intelligent” in clown world.
Why don’t you show us you aren’t a one sided bigoted idiot who has empathy and an understanding for the other sides position?

Oh I forgot you’re 100% right and he’s 100% wrong. Can’t argue with someone like you or him.
The “other sides position” is that white people stop resisting our genocide. You can’t empathize with that if you are actually an intelligent person.
No genocide. It’s just not right that white males own and control everything. I’m sorry, it is right because we earned it. But this is now a very diverse nation and women and minorities are now a big part of our economy. Have been for decades. So I get why in 2000 95% of CEOs and VPs are white men. But in the last 20 years lots of blacks and women have done everything you said they needed to do. They/we see th good old boy network at play. Not fair. Look at aunt Becky. That is a great example of how the system is rigged.

Fuck white or black or man or woman. In the future the best person should get the job. That’s not happening now. Now white men are getting all the jobs still. Affirmative action is trying to counter that unfair advantage white men still hold.

15% of CEOs and VPs should be minorities or women. Until that’s true, somethings wrong.

I mentioned both the education gap and self fulfilling prophecy as possible reasons. You did not address either.
There’s some truth to what you say. But you need to first admit that white bias favors us. Then when we understand you understand reality, blacks won’t have an argument. Right now they do because you deny that white hiring managers have bias
We will probably never have to deal with what your people dealt with. But remember I agree the system is rigged against you so any advice I give is to try to help you overcome that. So don’t have kids you won’t raise. How many blacks in poverty have kids they aren’t raising right?

And yes, poor whites do it too. That doesn’t make it right and it’s probably why they’re stuck in poverty too. And chances are they didn’t take school seriously too.

And the government isn’t doing anything for their poor communities either.

Why? Because 80% of the poor don’t vote.

A hell of a lot of blacks don’t vote. So what politician is going to give a fuck about them?

You were shown that the whitebread claim of having kids you can't raise is a bullshit meritless claim. Blacks not voting is not the problem as a hell of a lot of whites don't vote either. Opinions are like assholes sealy, you have not done the work necessary to understand my position. And drop the you need to be grateful to me because I agree with you shit. You have no advice to give me. We blacks know how to fight the system politically. What you have consistently failed to understand is that the issue for blacks today is economic equity.

There are lots of poor white americans who suffer from income inequality too. This is probably what Bill Cosby meant by pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Or what that black woman meant when she said the black community has victim mentality. They are sick of all the excuses from the black community because they know there isn’t much blacks can do about whites discriminating against blacks when so many blacks in the poor communities feed into the stereotypes by having kids you won’t raise, don’t speak well, pull your pants down low and don’t take school seriously.

When we look in poor communities black or white we see them doing things that aren’t helping themselves.

Serious question. Do you really look at poor white communities and not have any advice you could give them?

He won't listen, because you have white skin.
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.

He won't listen to you because of your skin color. I don't NOT listen to ANYONE, because of skin color.

And you think he is more right than me?

Sure, I'm sure there are some white racists out there, who are in positions to hire, and I am sure some of them are in positions where they at least THINK, they are safe from scrutiny, and dare to act on it, despite the massive taboo against it, and the massive forces arrayed to fall on them like a ton of bricks, if they get caught.

Those individuals are vastly outnumbered by people like your brother and that one example of his boss you gave.
You listen but do you hear?
There are lots of poor white americans who suffer from income inequality too. This is probably what Bill Cosby meant by pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Or what that black woman meant when she said the black community has victim mentality. They are sick of all the excuses from the black community because they know there isn’t much blacks can do about whites discriminating against blacks when so many blacks in the poor communities feed into the stereotypes by having kids you won’t raise, don’t speak well, pull your pants down low and don’t take school seriously.

When we look in poor communities black or white we see them doing things that aren’t helping themselves.

Serious question. Do you really look at poor white communities and not have any advice you could give them?

He won't listen, because you have white skin.
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.

He won't listen to you because of your skin color. I don't NOT listen to ANYONE, because of skin color.

And you think he is more right than me?

Sure, I'm sure there are some white racists out there, who are in positions to hire, and I am sure some of them are in positions where they at least THINK, they are safe from scrutiny, and dare to act on it, despite the massive taboo against it, and the massive forces arrayed to fall on them like a ton of bricks, if they get caught.

Those individuals are vastly outnumbered by people like your brother and that one example of his boss you gave.

Very frustrating to not get a job you know you were qualified to do.
Happens every day to white people.
Yea but it doesn’t happen because they are white. White hiring managers don’t hire blacks because of bias. That’s the reason aa exists. So you’re smarter than all the business people and Harvard studies who admit this bias exists?
There are lots of poor white americans who suffer from income inequality too. This is probably what Bill Cosby meant by pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Or what that black woman meant when she said the black community has victim mentality. They are sick of all the excuses from the black community because they know there isn’t much blacks can do about whites discriminating against blacks when so many blacks in the poor communities feed into the stereotypes by having kids you won’t raise, don’t speak well, pull your pants down low and don’t take school seriously.

When we look in poor communities black or white we see them doing things that aren’t helping themselves.

Serious question. Do you really look at poor white communities and not have any advice you could give them?

He won't listen, because you have white skin.
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.

He won't listen to you because of your skin color. I don't NOT listen to ANYONE, because of skin color.

And you think he is more right than me?

Sure, I'm sure there are some white racists out there, who are in positions to hire, and I am sure some of them are in positions where they at least THINK, they are safe from scrutiny, and dare to act on it, despite the massive taboo against it, and the massive forces arrayed to fall on them like a ton of bricks, if they get caught.

Those individuals are vastly outnumbered by people like your brother and that one example of his boss you gave.

We had a nice black woman who came in to interview. I don’t decide who gets hired but I thought she was going to get the job. Instead we hired a druggy white girl. She probably bullshitted better than the black girl because she was more comfortable interviewing with the whites who interviewed her.

Long story short is the white drugged out bitch lasted 3 weeks. We should have given that black girl the job.

I bet the racist Chaldean Knut who did the hiring back then was racist.

Anyways, my point is this happens all the time all over America to blacks. They interview for jobs they are qualified for and some white asshole racist didn’t hire them.

Have you ever looked for a job? Very frustrating to not get a job you know you were qualified to do.

If, as you speculated, that the white druggie bitch interviewed better than the black girl,

then it is not fair to assume that the interviewer was racist.

Is it?
Except I know Chaldean people are very racist. You can say I don’t know it was racial bias but I’m not blind. They should have given the black the job especially when our company at the time was 100% white.

This is why I say we need to go out of our way.

But then blacks who don’t work out shouldn’t be able to sue the company if it’s not working out.

This is something blacks do that whites don’t. We get fired we move on. They get fired they lawyer up and that makes whites not want to hire them.

Now im2 will tell me why I’m completely wrong.
IM2 is a racist idiot and only considered “intelligent” in clown world.
Why don’t you show us you aren’t a one sided bigoted idiot who has empathy and an understanding for the other sides position?

Oh I forgot you’re 100% right and he’s 100% wrong. Can’t argue with someone like you or him.
The “other sides position” is that white people stop resisting our genocide. You can’t empathize with that if you are actually an intelligent person.
No genocide. It’s just not right that white males own and control everything. I’m sorry, it is right because we earned it. But this is now a very diverse nation and women and minorities are now a big part of our economy. Have been for decades. So I get why in 2000 95% of CEOs and VPs are white men. But in the last 20 years lots of blacks and women have done everything you said they needed to do. They/we see th good old boy network at play. Not fair. Look at aunt Becky. That is a great example of how the system is rigged.

Fuck white or black or man or woman. In the future the best person should get the job. That’s not happening now. Now white men are getting all the jobs still. Affirmative action is trying to counter that unfair advantage white men still hold.

15% of CEOs and VPs should be minorities or women. Until that’s true, somethings wrong.

I mentioned both the education gap and self fulfilling prophecy as possible reasons. You did not address either.
There’s some truth to what you say. But you need to first admit that white bias favors us. Then when we understand you understand reality, blacks won’t have an argument. Right now they do because you deny that white hiring managers have bias

ANy "white bias" is utterly buried under the opposing force of people like you and your brother, and the laws and fears and policies that discriminate against us.
You were shown that the whitebread claim of having kids you can't raise is a bullshit meritless claim. Blacks not voting is not the problem as a hell of a lot of whites don't vote either. Opinions are like assholes sealy, you have not done the work necessary to understand my position. And drop the you need to be grateful to me because I agree with you shit. You have no advice to give me. We blacks know how to fight the system politically. What you have consistently failed to understand is that the issue for blacks today is economic equity.

There are lots of poor white americans who suffer from income inequality too. This is probably what Bill Cosby meant by pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Or what that black woman meant when she said the black community has victim mentality. They are sick of all the excuses from the black community because they know there isn’t much blacks can do about whites discriminating against blacks when so many blacks in the poor communities feed into the stereotypes by having kids you won’t raise, don’t speak well, pull your pants down low and don’t take school seriously.

When we look in poor communities black or white we see them doing things that aren’t helping themselves.

Serious question. Do you really look at poor white communities and not have any advice you could give them?

He won't listen, because you have white skin.
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.

He won't listen to you because of your skin color. I don't NOT listen to ANYONE, because of skin color.

And you think he is more right than me?

Sure, I'm sure there are some white racists out there, who are in positions to hire, and I am sure some of them are in positions where they at least THINK, they are safe from scrutiny, and dare to act on it, despite the massive taboo against it, and the massive forces arrayed to fall on them like a ton of bricks, if they get caught.

Those individuals are vastly outnumbered by people like your brother and that one example of his boss you gave.
You listen but do you hear?

He won't listen, because you have white skin.
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.

He won't listen to you because of your skin color. I don't NOT listen to ANYONE, because of skin color.

And you think he is more right than me?

Sure, I'm sure there are some white racists out there, who are in positions to hire, and I am sure some of them are in positions where they at least THINK, they are safe from scrutiny, and dare to act on it, despite the massive taboo against it, and the massive forces arrayed to fall on them like a ton of bricks, if they get caught.

Those individuals are vastly outnumbered by people like your brother and that one example of his boss you gave.

Very frustrating to not get a job you know you were qualified to do.
Happens every day to white people.
Yea but it doesn’t happen because they are white. White hiring managers don’t hire blacks because of bias. That’s the reason aa exists. So you’re smarter than all the business people and Harvard studies who admit this bias exists?

You have given an example yourself of a white hiring manager not hiring a white because they are white.
He won't listen, because you have white skin.
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.

He won't listen to you because of your skin color. I don't NOT listen to ANYONE, because of skin color.

And you think he is more right than me?

Sure, I'm sure there are some white racists out there, who are in positions to hire, and I am sure some of them are in positions where they at least THINK, they are safe from scrutiny, and dare to act on it, despite the massive taboo against it, and the massive forces arrayed to fall on them like a ton of bricks, if they get caught.

Those individuals are vastly outnumbered by people like your brother and that one example of his boss you gave.

We had a nice black woman who came in to interview. I don’t decide who gets hired but I thought she was going to get the job. Instead we hired a druggy white girl. She probably bullshitted better than the black girl because she was more comfortable interviewing with the whites who interviewed her.

Long story short is the white drugged out bitch lasted 3 weeks. We should have given that black girl the job.

I bet the racist Chaldean Knut who did the hiring back then was racist.

Anyways, my point is this happens all the time all over America to blacks. They interview for jobs they are qualified for and some white asshole racist didn’t hire them.

Have you ever looked for a job? Very frustrating to not get a job you know you were qualified to do.

If, as you speculated, that the white druggie bitch interviewed better than the black girl,

then it is not fair to assume that the interviewer was racist.

Is it?
Except I know Chaldean people are very racist. You can say I don’t know it was racial bias but I’m not blind. They should have given the black the job especially when our company at the time was 100% white.

This is why I say we need to go out of our way.

But then blacks who don’t work out shouldn’t be able to sue the company if it’s not working out.

This is something blacks do that whites don’t. We get fired we move on. They get fired they lawyer up and that makes whites not want to hire them.

Now im2 will tell me why I’m completely wrong.

The make up on the company at that time, is no reason to punish the white girl for.
There are lots of poor white americans who suffer from income inequality too. This is probably what Bill Cosby meant by pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. Or what that black woman meant when she said the black community has victim mentality. They are sick of all the excuses from the black community because they know there isn’t much blacks can do about whites discriminating against blacks when so many blacks in the poor communities feed into the stereotypes by having kids you won’t raise, don’t speak well, pull your pants down low and don’t take school seriously.

When we look in poor communities black or white we see them doing things that aren’t helping themselves.

Serious question. Do you really look at poor white communities and not have any advice you could give them?

He won't listen, because you have white skin.
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.

He won't listen to you because of your skin color. I don't NOT listen to ANYONE, because of skin color.

And you think he is more right than me?

Sure, I'm sure there are some white racists out there, who are in positions to hire, and I am sure some of them are in positions where they at least THINK, they are safe from scrutiny, and dare to act on it, despite the massive taboo against it, and the massive forces arrayed to fall on them like a ton of bricks, if they get caught.

Those individuals are vastly outnumbered by people like your brother and that one example of his boss you gave.
You listen but do you hear?

Here is another time I will defend whites.

My brother and I grew up poor in Detroit. We know Detroit is a shithole even if im2 denies it. We knew the differences between the white community and black. We know it isn’t fair but we also see what the black community is doing wrong. Im2 won’t hear it.

Anyways, so my brother went from being poor to rich in 40 years. Now he has money and sends his kids to the best schools. So, should he feel guilty? He worked his ass off. He feels like blacks are saying he should feel guilty he made something of himself.

He knows all the work it took to become a success. So, I can imagine guys like him and Ben Carson might have some harsh advice for the poor black, and white communities.
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.

He won't listen to you because of your skin color. I don't NOT listen to ANYONE, because of skin color.

And you think he is more right than me?

Sure, I'm sure there are some white racists out there, who are in positions to hire, and I am sure some of them are in positions where they at least THINK, they are safe from scrutiny, and dare to act on it, despite the massive taboo against it, and the massive forces arrayed to fall on them like a ton of bricks, if they get caught.

Those individuals are vastly outnumbered by people like your brother and that one example of his boss you gave.

Very frustrating to not get a job you know you were qualified to do.
Happens every day to white people.
Yea but it doesn’t happen because they are white. White hiring managers don’t hire blacks because of bias. That’s the reason aa exists. So you’re smarter than all the business people and Harvard studies who admit this bias exists?

You have given an example yourself of a white hiring manager not hiring a white because they are white.
Yea but that’s to make up for all the whites who don’t hire blacks because of bias
I think im2 is a very intelligent man. I think he is more right than you are when it comes to racism. But, he reminds me of the jews when you tell them they aren’t right sometimes when they fuck with the Palestinians. You will never get a Jew to admit they are wrong about anything they do when it comes to that. They steal the Palestinians land, treat them like 2nd class citizens, etc. Now I’m not saying the Jews are more wrong than the Palestinians but they won’t even admit 1% blame for the current situation. How can you talk to people like that.

Do you admit bias in the workplace is an issue? I’m not talking about affirmative action I’m talking about all the white hiring managers in america discriminating against blacks? If not then you are just as impossible as the Jews are.

He won't listen to you because of your skin color. I don't NOT listen to ANYONE, because of skin color.

And you think he is more right than me?

Sure, I'm sure there are some white racists out there, who are in positions to hire, and I am sure some of them are in positions where they at least THINK, they are safe from scrutiny, and dare to act on it, despite the massive taboo against it, and the massive forces arrayed to fall on them like a ton of bricks, if they get caught.

Those individuals are vastly outnumbered by people like your brother and that one example of his boss you gave.

We had a nice black woman who came in to interview. I don’t decide who gets hired but I thought she was going to get the job. Instead we hired a druggy white girl. She probably bullshitted better than the black girl because she was more comfortable interviewing with the whites who interviewed her.

Long story short is the white drugged out bitch lasted 3 weeks. We should have given that black girl the job.

I bet the racist Chaldean Knut who did the hiring back then was racist.

Anyways, my point is this happens all the time all over America to blacks. They interview for jobs they are qualified for and some white asshole racist didn’t hire them.

Have you ever looked for a job? Very frustrating to not get a job you know you were qualified to do.

If, as you speculated, that the white druggie bitch interviewed better than the black girl,

then it is not fair to assume that the interviewer was racist.

Is it?
Except I know Chaldean people are very racist. You can say I don’t know it was racial bias but I’m not blind. They should have given the black the job especially when our company at the time was 100% white.

This is why I say we need to go out of our way.

But then blacks who don’t work out shouldn’t be able to sue the company if it’s not working out.

This is something blacks do that whites don’t. We get fired we move on. They get fired they lawyer up and that makes whites not want to hire them.

Now im2 will tell me why I’m completely wrong.

The make up on the company at that time, is no reason to punish the white girl for.
No. But acknowledge that you don’t have any blacks working at your company and that bias might be why. If the black is qualified I go out of my way and don’t worry about the white girl blacks only make up 15% of the population so she’s got nothing to worry about.
STFU. This is the same old white racist gibberish repeated by republicans here every day.

So, outing racists is now considered ‘racist?’ The jig is up, it’s time for decent folks reject the Democrat Plantation.

IM2 says I am wrong when I say this about black people: Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality"

He says I have no right because I'm not black. Well Owens is.

I would love it if black conservatives would debate black liberals in front of us all.

Owens cashed in to the tune of 37,500, by "being a victim
"One of US"...ROFLMAO. She will change her loyalty as soon as the opportunity to further her own agenda surfaces.

Are you so ignorant that you cannot see that?

How did we lie about what she said?

he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

So she was ok with a country being nationalistic just as long as they don't spread that bullshit to other nations. But why not? Why not unite all the whites of the world for the eventual race war.

No one lied about anything. If there is an eventual race war, the nuts who are engaged in it will view her as just another black face.

By election time, she will likely be the subject matter in a "Whatever happened to" documentary.

And who is this woman anyways?

In 2007, while a senior in high school, Owens received threatening racist phone calls that were traced to a car in which the 14-year-old son of then mayor Dannel Malloy was present. Owens' family sued the Stamford Board of Education in federal court alleging that the city did not protect her rights, resulting in a $37,500 settlement.

I bet not one white USMB Republican would have sided with her in the case.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year. In 2012, she took a job as an administrative assistant for a private equity firm.

What fucking qualifies her to speak about anything??? She's a college drop out. A token for the Republicans now. She has found her calling.

Owens blamed, with scant evidence, the doxing on progressives involved in the Gamergate controversy.[2][14] After this, she earned the support of conservatives involved in the Gamergate controversy, including right-wing political commentators and Trump supporters Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike Cernovich.[2] After this, Owens became a conservative, saying in 2017, "I became a conservative overnight ... I realized that liberals were actually the racists. Liberals were actually the trolls ... Social Autopsy is why I'm conservative"

So Correll will be happy to know some blacks will fall for his spin on who the actual racists are.

By 2017, Owens had become known in conservative circles for her pro-Trump commentary and for criticizing liberal rhetoric regarding structural racism, systemic inequality, and identity politics.[5][6][7] In 2017, she began posting politically themed videos to YouTube.[5]She launched Red Pill Black, a website and YouTube channel that promotes black conservatism in the United States.[16][17]

On November 21, 2017, at the MAGA Rally and Expo in Rockford, Illinois, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk announced her appointment as the organization's director of urban engagement.[18] Turning Point's hiring of Owens occurred in the wake of allegations of racism at Turning Point.[5]

In April 2018, Kanye West tweeted "I love the way Candace Owens thinks."[19] The tweet was met with derision among some of West's fans.[20] In May 2018, President Donald Trump stated that Owens "is having a big impact on politics in our country. She represents an ever expanding group of very smart 'thinkers,' and it is wonderful to watch and hear the dialogue going good for our Country!"[21]

Owens has appeared on fringe conspiracy websites, such as InfoWars.[2][11][6] In 2018, she was a guest host on Fox News.[2] After finding mainstream success, Owens distanced herself from the far-right conspiracy websites, although she refused to criticize InfoWars or its hosts.[2]

In May 2018, Owens suggested that "something bio-chemically happens" to women who do not marry or have children, and she linked to the Twitter handles of Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler and Kathy Griffin, saying that they were "evidentiary support" of this theory.[22][23] Silverman responded: "It seems to me that by tweeting this, you would like to maybe make us feel badly. I'd say this is evidenced by ur effort to use our twitter handles so we would see. My heart breaks for you, Candy. I hope you find happiness in whatever form that takes."[22] Owens responded, accusing Silverman of supporting terrorists and crime gangs.[22]

She is exactly what she appears to be.
An opportunist....enjoying her 15 minutes of fame, courtesy of some gullible alt righters.

This woman sounds exactly like Correll. It's almost as if they've been sent their talking points

Owens is known for her criticism of Black Lives Matter. She has described Black Lives Matter protesters as "a bunch of whiny toddlers, pretending to be oppressed for attention".[38] Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality" and often refers to the Democratic Party as a "plantation". She has argued that the American left "like black people to be government-dependent".[39] Owens has argued that black people have been brainwashed to vote for Democrats.[6] She has argued that police violence against black people is not about racism. Owens has referred to police killings of black people as a trivial matter to African Americans. She has characterized abortion as a tool for "the extermination' of black babies."[2]

She has said, "Black Americans are doing worse off economically today than we were doing in the 1950s under Jim Crow," adding that this is because "we've only been voting for one party since then."[34] She has attributed economic improvements for African Americans to Trump's presidency, even though fact-checkers have noted that economic outcomes improved for African Americans throughout President Barack Obama's tenure.[34] When asked if it was problematic that white supremacist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, support Trump, Owens answered that Antifa was more prevalent than the KKK. In 2018, Owens dismissed reports of a resurgence in hate crimes, saying "All of the violence this year primarily happened because of people on the left." An analysis by The Washington Post showed that at least 20 people died in suspected right-wing attacks, whereas only one person died in suspected left-wing attacks.[34]

After the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Owens said that concern over rising white nationalism was "stupid"

She has likely spent many hours of her relatively young life studying the talking points that she spews like a well trained parrot.

She's an opportunist, who will change like a chameleon based on what the situation calls for.....or even more so, what she is told to say.
"One of US"...ROFLMAO. She will change her loyalty as soon as the opportunity to further her own agenda surfaces.

Are you so ignorant that you cannot see that?

How did we lie about what she said?

he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

So she was ok with a country being nationalistic just as long as they don't spread that bullshit to other nations. But why not? Why not unite all the whites of the world for the eventual race war.

No one lied about anything. If there is an eventual race war, the nuts who are engaged in it will view her as just another black face.

By election time, she will likely be the subject matter in a "Whatever happened to" documentary.

And who is this woman anyways?

In 2007, while a senior in high school, Owens received threatening racist phone calls that were traced to a car in which the 14-year-old son of then mayor Dannel Malloy was present. Owens' family sued the Stamford Board of Education in federal court alleging that the city did not protect her rights, resulting in a $37,500 settlement.

I bet not one white USMB Republican would have sided with her in the case.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year. In 2012, she took a job as an administrative assistant for a private equity firm.

What fucking qualifies her to speak about anything??? She's a college drop out. A token for the Republicans now. She has found her calling.

Owens blamed, with scant evidence, the doxing on progressives involved in the Gamergate controversy.[2][14] After this, she earned the support of conservatives involved in the Gamergate controversy, including right-wing political commentators and Trump supporters Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike Cernovich.[2] After this, Owens became a conservative, saying in 2017, "I became a conservative overnight ... I realized that liberals were actually the racists. Liberals were actually the trolls ... Social Autopsy is why I'm conservative"

So Correll will be happy to know some blacks will fall for his spin on who the actual racists are.

By 2017, Owens had become known in conservative circles for her pro-Trump commentary and for criticizing liberal rhetoric regarding structural racism, systemic inequality, and identity politics.[5][6][7] In 2017, she began posting politically themed videos to YouTube.[5]She launched Red Pill Black, a website and YouTube channel that promotes black conservatism in the United States.[16][17]

On November 21, 2017, at the MAGA Rally and Expo in Rockford, Illinois, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk announced her appointment as the organization's director of urban engagement.[18] Turning Point's hiring of Owens occurred in the wake of allegations of racism at Turning Point.[5]

In April 2018, Kanye West tweeted "I love the way Candace Owens thinks."[19] The tweet was met with derision among some of West's fans.[20] In May 2018, President Donald Trump stated that Owens "is having a big impact on politics in our country. She represents an ever expanding group of very smart 'thinkers,' and it is wonderful to watch and hear the dialogue going good for our Country!"[21]

Owens has appeared on fringe conspiracy websites, such as InfoWars.[2][11][6] In 2018, she was a guest host on Fox News.[2] After finding mainstream success, Owens distanced herself from the far-right conspiracy websites, although she refused to criticize InfoWars or its hosts.[2]

In May 2018, Owens suggested that "something bio-chemically happens" to women who do not marry or have children, and she linked to the Twitter handles of Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler and Kathy Griffin, saying that they were "evidentiary support" of this theory.[22][23] Silverman responded: "It seems to me that by tweeting this, you would like to maybe make us feel badly. I'd say this is evidenced by ur effort to use our twitter handles so we would see. My heart breaks for you, Candy. I hope you find happiness in whatever form that takes."[22] Owens responded, accusing Silverman of supporting terrorists and crime gangs.[22]

She is exactly what she appears to be.
An opportunist....enjoying her 15 minutes of fame, courtesy of some gullible alt righters.

They aren't gullible they are using her.

Maybe they are using each other. Just 2 years ago, she was heading up an anti conservative website called "Degree 180", which was highly critical of #45.

She has an identity crisis, and is still trying (in vain) to figure out who she really is.
STFU. This is the same old white racist gibberish repeated by republicans here every day.

So, outing racists is now considered ‘racist?’ The jig is up, it’s time for decent folks reject the Democrat Plantation.

IM2 says I am wrong when I say this about black people: Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality"

He says I have no right because I'm not black. Well Owens is.

I would love it if black conservatives would debate black liberals in front of us all.

Owens cashed in to the tune of 37,500, by "being a victim
How did we lie about what she said?

he used his phone to play back Owens’ quote about Hitler becoming too global, which she said in February in front of members of conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, of which she is the communications director.

So she was ok with a country being nationalistic just as long as they don't spread that bullshit to other nations. But why not? Why not unite all the whites of the world for the eventual race war.

No one lied about anything. If there is an eventual race war, the nuts who are engaged in it will view her as just another black face.

By election time, she will likely be the subject matter in a "Whatever happened to" documentary.

And who is this woman anyways?

In 2007, while a senior in high school, Owens received threatening racist phone calls that were traced to a car in which the 14-year-old son of then mayor Dannel Malloy was present. Owens' family sued the Stamford Board of Education in federal court alleging that the city did not protect her rights, resulting in a $37,500 settlement.

I bet not one white USMB Republican would have sided with her in the case.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year. In 2012, she took a job as an administrative assistant for a private equity firm.

What fucking qualifies her to speak about anything??? She's a college drop out. A token for the Republicans now. She has found her calling.

Owens blamed, with scant evidence, the doxing on progressives involved in the Gamergate controversy.[2][14] After this, she earned the support of conservatives involved in the Gamergate controversy, including right-wing political commentators and Trump supporters Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike Cernovich.[2] After this, Owens became a conservative, saying in 2017, "I became a conservative overnight ... I realized that liberals were actually the racists. Liberals were actually the trolls ... Social Autopsy is why I'm conservative"

So Correll will be happy to know some blacks will fall for his spin on who the actual racists are.

By 2017, Owens had become known in conservative circles for her pro-Trump commentary and for criticizing liberal rhetoric regarding structural racism, systemic inequality, and identity politics.[5][6][7] In 2017, she began posting politically themed videos to YouTube.[5]She launched Red Pill Black, a website and YouTube channel that promotes black conservatism in the United States.[16][17]

On November 21, 2017, at the MAGA Rally and Expo in Rockford, Illinois, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk announced her appointment as the organization's director of urban engagement.[18] Turning Point's hiring of Owens occurred in the wake of allegations of racism at Turning Point.[5]

In April 2018, Kanye West tweeted "I love the way Candace Owens thinks."[19] The tweet was met with derision among some of West's fans.[20] In May 2018, President Donald Trump stated that Owens "is having a big impact on politics in our country. She represents an ever expanding group of very smart 'thinkers,' and it is wonderful to watch and hear the dialogue going good for our Country!"[21]

Owens has appeared on fringe conspiracy websites, such as InfoWars.[2][11][6] In 2018, she was a guest host on Fox News.[2] After finding mainstream success, Owens distanced herself from the far-right conspiracy websites, although she refused to criticize InfoWars or its hosts.[2]

In May 2018, Owens suggested that "something bio-chemically happens" to women who do not marry or have children, and she linked to the Twitter handles of Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler and Kathy Griffin, saying that they were "evidentiary support" of this theory.[22][23] Silverman responded: "It seems to me that by tweeting this, you would like to maybe make us feel badly. I'd say this is evidenced by ur effort to use our twitter handles so we would see. My heart breaks for you, Candy. I hope you find happiness in whatever form that takes."[22] Owens responded, accusing Silverman of supporting terrorists and crime gangs.[22]

She is exactly what she appears to be.
An opportunist....enjoying her 15 minutes of fame, courtesy of some gullible alt righters.

This woman sounds exactly like Correll. It's almost as if they've been sent their talking points

Owens is known for her criticism of Black Lives Matter. She has described Black Lives Matter protesters as "a bunch of whiny toddlers, pretending to be oppressed for attention".[38] Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality" and often refers to the Democratic Party as a "plantation". She has argued that the American left "like black people to be government-dependent".[39] Owens has argued that black people have been brainwashed to vote for Democrats.[6] She has argued that police violence against black people is not about racism. Owens has referred to police killings of black people as a trivial matter to African Americans. She has characterized abortion as a tool for "the extermination' of black babies."[2]

She has said, "Black Americans are doing worse off economically today than we were doing in the 1950s under Jim Crow," adding that this is because "we've only been voting for one party since then."[34] She has attributed economic improvements for African Americans to Trump's presidency, even though fact-checkers have noted that economic outcomes improved for African Americans throughout President Barack Obama's tenure.[34] When asked if it was problematic that white supremacist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, support Trump, Owens answered that Antifa was more prevalent than the KKK. In 2018, Owens dismissed reports of a resurgence in hate crimes, saying "All of the violence this year primarily happened because of people on the left." An analysis by The Washington Post showed that at least 20 people died in suspected right-wing attacks, whereas only one person died in suspected left-wing attacks.[34]

After the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Owens said that concern over rising white nationalism was "stupid"

She has likely spent many hours of her relatively young life studying the talking points that she spews like a well trained parrot.

She's an opportunist, who will change like a chameleon based on what the situation calls for.....or even more so, what she is told to say.

Candice Owens is a beautiful, strong, black lady who refuses to be a Democrat victim. You can't stand that. Hey look, 'funny boy' Stevie don't like strong black women. Wimp...
Last edited:
STFU. This is the same old white racist gibberish repeated by republicans here every day.

So, outing racists is now considered ‘racist?’ The jig is up, it’s time for decent folks reject the Democrat Plantation.

IM2 says I am wrong when I say this about black people: Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality"

He says I have no right because I'm not black. Well Owens is.

I would love it if black conservatives would debate black liberals in front of us all.

Owens cashed in to the tune of 37,500, by "being a victim
No one lied about anything. If there is an eventual race war, the nuts who are engaged in it will view her as just another black face.

By election time, she will likely be the subject matter in a "Whatever happened to" documentary.

And who is this woman anyways?

In 2007, while a senior in high school, Owens received threatening racist phone calls that were traced to a car in which the 14-year-old son of then mayor Dannel Malloy was present. Owens' family sued the Stamford Board of Education in federal court alleging that the city did not protect her rights, resulting in a $37,500 settlement.

I bet not one white USMB Republican would have sided with her in the case.

Owens was pursuing an undergraduate degree in journalism at the University of Rhode Island but left school after her junior year. In 2012, she took a job as an administrative assistant for a private equity firm.

What fucking qualifies her to speak about anything??? She's a college drop out. A token for the Republicans now. She has found her calling.

Owens blamed, with scant evidence, the doxing on progressives involved in the Gamergate controversy.[2][14] After this, she earned the support of conservatives involved in the Gamergate controversy, including right-wing political commentators and Trump supporters Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike Cernovich.[2] After this, Owens became a conservative, saying in 2017, "I became a conservative overnight ... I realized that liberals were actually the racists. Liberals were actually the trolls ... Social Autopsy is why I'm conservative"

So Correll will be happy to know some blacks will fall for his spin on who the actual racists are.

By 2017, Owens had become known in conservative circles for her pro-Trump commentary and for criticizing liberal rhetoric regarding structural racism, systemic inequality, and identity politics.[5][6][7] In 2017, she began posting politically themed videos to YouTube.[5]She launched Red Pill Black, a website and YouTube channel that promotes black conservatism in the United States.[16][17]

On November 21, 2017, at the MAGA Rally and Expo in Rockford, Illinois, Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk announced her appointment as the organization's director of urban engagement.[18] Turning Point's hiring of Owens occurred in the wake of allegations of racism at Turning Point.[5]

In April 2018, Kanye West tweeted "I love the way Candace Owens thinks."[19] The tweet was met with derision among some of West's fans.[20] In May 2018, President Donald Trump stated that Owens "is having a big impact on politics in our country. She represents an ever expanding group of very smart 'thinkers,' and it is wonderful to watch and hear the dialogue going good for our Country!"[21]

Owens has appeared on fringe conspiracy websites, such as InfoWars.[2][11][6] In 2018, she was a guest host on Fox News.[2] After finding mainstream success, Owens distanced herself from the far-right conspiracy websites, although she refused to criticize InfoWars or its hosts.[2]

In May 2018, Owens suggested that "something bio-chemically happens" to women who do not marry or have children, and she linked to the Twitter handles of Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler and Kathy Griffin, saying that they were "evidentiary support" of this theory.[22][23] Silverman responded: "It seems to me that by tweeting this, you would like to maybe make us feel badly. I'd say this is evidenced by ur effort to use our twitter handles so we would see. My heart breaks for you, Candy. I hope you find happiness in whatever form that takes."[22] Owens responded, accusing Silverman of supporting terrorists and crime gangs.[22]

She is exactly what she appears to be.
An opportunist....enjoying her 15 minutes of fame, courtesy of some gullible alt righters.

This woman sounds exactly like Correll. It's almost as if they've been sent their talking points

Owens is known for her criticism of Black Lives Matter. She has described Black Lives Matter protesters as "a bunch of whiny toddlers, pretending to be oppressed for attention".[38] Owens has argued that African Americans have a "victim mentality" and often refers to the Democratic Party as a "plantation". She has argued that the American left "like black people to be government-dependent".[39] Owens has argued that black people have been brainwashed to vote for Democrats.[6] She has argued that police violence against black people is not about racism. Owens has referred to police killings of black people as a trivial matter to African Americans. She has characterized abortion as a tool for "the extermination' of black babies."[2]

She has said, "Black Americans are doing worse off economically today than we were doing in the 1950s under Jim Crow," adding that this is because "we've only been voting for one party since then."[34] She has attributed economic improvements for African Americans to Trump's presidency, even though fact-checkers have noted that economic outcomes improved for African Americans throughout President Barack Obama's tenure.[34] When asked if it was problematic that white supremacist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan, support Trump, Owens answered that Antifa was more prevalent than the KKK. In 2018, Owens dismissed reports of a resurgence in hate crimes, saying "All of the violence this year primarily happened because of people on the left." An analysis by The Washington Post showed that at least 20 people died in suspected right-wing attacks, whereas only one person died in suspected left-wing attacks.[34]

After the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, Owens said that concern over rising white nationalism was "stupid"

She has likely spent many hours of her relatively young life studying the talking points that she spews like a well trained parrot.

She's an opportunist, who will change like a chameleon based on what the situation calls for.....or even more so, what she is told to say.

Candice Owens is a beautiful, strong, black lady who refuses to be a Democrat victim. You can't stand that.

You are absolutely wrong. I don't really care one way or another what she does or says.

Her history of vacillating is as obvious as it is hilarious, given that the very people that she was slamming less than 2 years ago, are now enamored with her.

But her actions dictate who and what she is....and she is not amything new, that I have not seen before.

Give her time. She will change her stripes.....yet again.
You are absolutely wrong. I don't really care one way or another what she does or says.

Her history of vacillating is as obvious as it is hilarious, given that the very people that she was slamming less than 2 years ago, are now enamored with her.

But her actions dictate who and what she is....and she is not amything new, that I have not seen before.

Give her time. She will change her stripes.....yet again.

I couldn't get your link to work however, if you are referring to her conservative shift from 2015 to 2017 I really don't see it that way. She probably just realized that the Democrat party has become radical, socialist, leftist, neo-marxist. Maybe she had an epiphany.

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