Democrat .. Respect for Life

If you think republican women don't get abortions you're an idiot.

And until the day you have a fetus inside you for nine months, you really have no say with what a woman does with her body.
you liberscum are the most stupid :asshole:S on this planet, it is NOT her fucking body that she is killing, it is the body of another human being that she is KILLING !! :up:
They know that.

Psychiatrists make millions treating them after they had abortions.
As long as taxpayers are paying taxes they have a say. As long as you pay insurance premiums you have a say. As long as the Democratic Party represents death, you will be reminded....
I noticed the GOP did away with abortion when they were in power, hypocrite much?
You seem confused on the facts .. as well as conclusions, Humor me .. much?
Are you playing stoopid on purpose, or is it all natural?
Natural for you, obviously .. :itsok:
The GOP had control of 2/3rds of the govt in 2003, why did they not outlaw abortion?
Abortion won't be outlawed anytime soon, the best we could hope for now is allowing the ethical, humanitarian and scientific realities of a human life be fully understood.
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There is always the Cartoon Network when religion is finally sacrificed for the well being of the future human race...
Funny that a lot of people who are "pro-life" as they put it, meaning against abortions, are pro-executions as well.

How can you be pro-life and support executions?
Do you understand the concept of innocence?

You've moved away from the point.

The point is, if you are PRO-LIFE doesn't that mean ALL LIFE?

It's not pro-life, it's not even pro-human life.

It's anti-abortion.

It doesn't matter whether a person is innocent or not. If you're "pro-life" then you should be supporting LIFE. Not the life that you choose.

I "moved away from the point", you're doing it twice in a row ... sheesh

No .. and your thinking is screwy, well, way different than mine at least....:bs1:

You moved away from the point because the point is about life, not about innocence.

Do you think all life should be kept? Or do you just think that those under 18 should be kept?

What about life in Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya, Iran, and other countries the US war machine goes, went or wants to go to?
Funny that a lot of people who are "pro-life" as they put it, meaning against abortions, are pro-executions as well.

How can you be pro-life and support executions?
typical liberscum (OOOOH ! not just you, ALL fucking liberrectums) if you do not know the difference between an innocent little baby and a fucking hardened criminal/murderer you need help....., well...., maybe not, do us all a favor and try retroactive abortion on yourself :up: ... :lmao:
Funny that a lot of people who are "pro-life" as they put it, meaning against abortions, are pro-executions as well.

How can you be pro-life and support executions?
Do you understand the concept of innocence?

You've moved away from the point.

The point is, if you are PRO-LIFE doesn't that mean ALL LIFE?

It's not pro-life, it's not even pro-human life.

It's anti-abortion.

It doesn't matter whether a person is innocent or not. If you're "pro-life" then you should be supporting LIFE. Not the life that you choose.

I "moved away from the point", you're doing it twice in a row ... sheesh

No .. and your thinking is screwy, well, way different than mine at least....:bs1:

You moved away from the point because the point is about life, not about innocence.

Do you think all life should be kept? Or do you just think that those under 18 should be kept?

What about life in Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya, Iran, and other countries the US war machine goes, went or wants to go to?

The right passionately care about gestated eggs, it's the crawling and walking they have no use for.
Funny that a lot of people who are "pro-life" as they put it, meaning against abortions, are pro-executions as well.

How can you be pro-life and support executions?
typical liberscum (OOOOH ! not just you, ALL fucking liberrectums) if you do not know the difference between an innocent little baby and a fucking hardened criminal/murderer you need help....., well...., maybe not, do us all a favor and try retroactive abortion on yourself :up: ... :lmao:

Wait, this has nothing to do with innocence. This has to do with LIFE.

Pro-life is pro-life or not?

Either you're pro-life and you are in favor of life in all forms, or you're not pro-life.

This is like saying you're pro-Democrats except when you're voting for Republicans.

So which is it? You're pro-life because you support death, or you're pro-life because you support life?

Enough of this "but, a criminal's not innocent", what the hell does innocence have to do with whether someone takes a life or not? If you take a life, you're taking a life, and it's not pro-life.
The right passionately care about gestated eggs, it's the crawling and walking they have no use for.

Well yeah, but at the moment I have a problem with their usage of words. Let's see if anyone will admit that supporting the killing of a person is not pro-life or whether they'll stick by their help to sleep easy at night phrases.
Reaches almost 58 million deaths...just in America since Roe vs Wade

Number of Abortions in US Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

And only Democrats have abortions, right Einstein?

Thanks but .. I'm no Einstein .. and yup everybodys doing it but alas Democrats remain the party of death by the numbers, tough luck.

btw. is your name Forest?

d be happy if thView attachment 34553

Hey Einstein, if abortions were outlawed, would it end abortions, or only end safe abortions, or only end abortions for girls whose parents weren't wealthy enough to send their daughter "away" to "camp"?

Yada Yada Yada.. anything new .. you haven't tried coat hangers yet. The number of abortions in a civilized world is appalling.
Reaches almost 58 million deaths...just in America since Roe vs Wade

Number of Abortions in US Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

And only Democrats have abortions, right Einstein?

Thanks but .. I'm no Einstein .. and yup everybodys doing it but alas Democrats remain the party of death by the numbers, tough luck.

btw. is your name Forest?

d be happy if thView attachment 34553

Hey Einstein, if abortions were outlawed, would it end abortions, or only end safe abortions, or only end abortions for girls whose parents weren't wealthy enough to send their daughter "away" to "camp"?

Yada Yada Yada.. anything new .. you haven't tried coat hangers yet. The number of abortions in a civilized world is appalling.
Abortion was not made safe, legal and rare.

Abortion was made safe, legal and easy to get, and is used as birth control for those too irresponsible to practice it before the act.
Reaches almost 58 million deaths...just in America since Roe vs Wade

Number of Abortions in US Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

And only Democrats have abortions, right Einstein?

Thanks but .. I'm no Einstein .. and yup everybodys doing it but alas Democrats remain the party of death by the numbers, tough luck.

btw. is your name Forest?

d be happy if thView attachment 34553

Hey Einstein, if abortions were outlawed, would it end abortions, or only end safe abortions, or only end abortions for girls whose parents weren't wealthy enough to send their daughter "away" to "camp"?

Yada Yada Yada.. anything new .. you haven't tried coat hangers yet. The number of abortions in a civilized world is appalling.
Abortion was not made safe, legal and rare.

Abortion was made safe, legal and easy to get, and is used as birth control for those too irresponsible to practice it before the act.
I made them gargle....
Reaches almost 58 million deaths...just in America since Roe vs Wade

Number of Abortions in US Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

And only Democrats have abortions, right Einstein?

Thanks but .. I'm no Einstein .. and yup everybodys doing it but alas Democrats remain the party of death by the numbers, tough luck.

btw. is your name Forest?

d be happy if thView attachment 34553

Hey Einstein, if abortions were outlawed, would it end abortions, or only end safe abortions, or only end abortions for girls whose parents weren't wealthy enough to send their daughter "away" to "camp"?

Yada Yada Yada.. anything new .. you haven't tried coat hangers yet. The number of abortions in a civilized world is appalling.

The number of killings over oil is even worse.

Iraq has a population 10 times smaller than the USA.

In three years 2003 to 2005 there were about 2.5 million abortions.

In Iraq there were estimated about 600,000, possibly a lot more, deaths in Iraq due to the US balls up after the invasion. 600,000 * 10 is 6 million.

So that's more than double the number of deaths and apparently, the guys who did it, Bush etc, are PRO-LIFE. You've got to be kidding me.

4,500 US troops died in Iraq. How many in Afghanistan? How many maimed and seriously injured, they estimate one death for every 10 serious injuries of troops.

Pro-life, apparently.
Funny that a lot of people who are "pro-life" as they put it, meaning against abortions, are pro-executions as well.

How can you be pro-life and support executions?
Do you understand the concept of innocence?

You've moved away from the point.

The point is, if you are PRO-LIFE doesn't that mean ALL LIFE?

It's not pro-life, it's not even pro-human life.

It's anti-abortion.

It doesn't matter whether a person is innocent or not. If you're "pro-life" then you should be supporting LIFE. Not the life that you choose.

I "moved away from the point", you're doing it twice in a row ... sheesh

No .. and your thinking is screwy, well, way different than mine at least....:bs1:

You moved away from the point because the point is about life, not about innocence.

Do you think all life should be kept? Or do you just think that those under 18 should be kept?

What about life in Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya, Iran, and other countries the US war machine goes, went or wants to go to?

If a job opens up for a person that can change the subject while changing the subject .. take the job...

Yes the point is life and it's value in humanity. Innocent life being unborn life.

It's really not about relative equivalences at all, that would be a different thread that perhaps you'd like to start.
Funny that a lot of people who are "pro-life" as they put it, meaning against abortions, are pro-executions as well.

How can you be pro-life and support executions?
Do you understand the concept of innocence?

You've moved away from the point.

The point is, if you are PRO-LIFE doesn't that mean ALL LIFE?

It's not pro-life, it's not even pro-human life.

It's anti-abortion.

It doesn't matter whether a person is innocent or not. If you're "pro-life" then you should be supporting LIFE. Not the life that you choose.

I "moved away from the point", you're doing it twice in a row ... sheesh

No .. and your thinking is screwy, well, way different than mine at least....:bs1:

You moved away from the point because the point is about life, not about innocence.

Do you think all life should be kept? Or do you just think that those under 18 should be kept?

What about life in Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya, Iran, and other countries the US war machine goes, went or wants to go to?

If a job opens up for a person that can change the subject while changing the subject .. take the job...

Yes the point is life and it's value in humanity. Innocent life being unborn life.

It's really not about relative equivalences at all, that would be a different thread that perhaps you'd like to start.

I'll try again.

Is it pro-life to support the death of a human being?
To Valerie ...:wink_2:

If you think republican women don't get abortions you're an idiot.

And until the day you have a fetus inside you for nine months, you really have no say with what a woman does with her body.
As long as taxpayers are paying taxes they have a say. As long as you pay insurance premiums you have a say. As long as the Democratic Party represents death, you will be reminded....

Taxpayers aren't paying for abortions, and for the most part, insurance policies don't cover it either unless you pay extra for the coverage.

I also get a little tired of the right wing screaming about children when they are in the womb trying to snatch food out of their mouths when they are outside the womb to give tax cuts to rich people.
Do you understand the concept of innocence?

You've moved away from the point.

The point is, if you are PRO-LIFE doesn't that mean ALL LIFE?

It's not pro-life, it's not even pro-human life.

It's anti-abortion.

It doesn't matter whether a person is innocent or not. If you're "pro-life" then you should be supporting LIFE. Not the life that you choose.
When you murder innocent beings you forfeit your own right to life. the end.
Is that what you tell veterans of foreign wars?
WOW if you were thinking that you tell me why you call vets of foreign war are murders?
I would suggest that you rethink what you are saying war deaths are not murder, all killings are not murder.
Killing unarmed civilians not in combative rolls would be murder.
So you want to pull something else out of your ass other than why you think vets of foreign war are murders.
Since innocent people die from US military actions then they should be classified the same as abortionist and those obtaining abortions, to include paramilitary forces that kill innocent civilians in our own nation..They too according to your standards should be labeled...
If it was an intentional killing of a civilian not in aggression against our troops it is murder. If it's an accidental killing it is not
Same goes for the death of a civilian in the act of aggression against our troops it is not murder.
Glad I could clear this up for you.
don't let real life facts get in the way of your sanctimonious emotional appeals to demean real life women...

• Fifty-one percent of women who have abortions had used a contraceptive method in the month they got pregnant, most commonly condoms (27%) or a hormonal method (17%).[7]

In September 2000, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved mifepristone to be marketed in the United States as an alternative to surgical abortion.

• Early medication abortions have increased from 6% of all abortions in 2001 to 23% in 2011, even while the overall number of abortions continued to decline. Data from the CDC show abortions shifting earlier within the first trimester, likely due, in part, to the availability of medication abortion services. [2]

• A first-trimester abortion is one of the safest medical procedures, with minimal risk—less than 0.05%—of major complications that might need hospital care.[9]

In the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, the Supreme Court ruled that women, in consultation with their physician, have a constitutionally protected right to have an abortion in the early stages of pregnancy—that is, before viability—free from government interference.

In 1992, the Court reaffirmed the right to abortion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

Induced Abortion in the United States

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