Democrat .. Respect for Life

If you think republican women don't get abortions you're an idiot.

And until the day you have a fetus inside you for nine months, you really have no say with what a woman does with her body.
As long as taxpayers are paying taxes they have a say. As long as you pay insurance premiums you have a say. As long as the Democratic Party represents death, you will be reminded....

Taxpayers aren't paying for abortions, and for the most part, insurance policies don't cover it either unless you pay extra for the coverage.

I also get a little tired of the right wing screaming about children when they are in the womb trying to snatch food out of their mouths when they are outside the womb to give tax cuts to rich people.
Settle down Joe .. you're making plenty of noise but not much sense.
Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control, and lets talk about VD, HIV and cervical ca and how much the ignorance of people who know how to have sex is costing the medical society, us taxpayers. There is very little reasons for abortion.
Liberal think:

A woman has the unconditional right to kill her unborn child.

But....she should not have the right to smoke tobacco in public, to drink large sodas, to buy incandescent light bulbs, carry a handgun, keep her doctor, smoke marijuana, operate a lemonade stand without permit, drain wet land, preach the gospel in public, etc.....
Reaches almost 58 million deaths...just in America since Roe vs Wade

Number of Abortions in US Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

And only Democrats have abortions, right Einstein?

Thanks but .. I'm no Einstein .. and yup everybodys doing it but alas Democrats remain the party of death by the numbers, tough luck.

btw. is your name Forest?

d be happy if th
Liberal think:

A woman has the unconditional right to kill her unborn child.

But....she should not have the right to smoke tobacco in public, to drink large sodas, to buy incandescent light bulbs, carry a handgun, keep her doctor, smoke marijuana, operate a lemonade stand without permit, drain wet land, preach the gospel in public, etc.....
Hardly is it unconditional, step in their shoes and see what means to have to choose..
Funny that a lot of people who are "pro-life" as they put it, meaning against abortions, are pro-executions as well.

How can you be pro-life and support executions?
Do you understand the concept of innocence?

You've moved away from the point.

The point is, if you are PRO-LIFE doesn't that mean ALL LIFE?

It's not pro-life, it's not even pro-human life.

It's anti-abortion.

It doesn't matter whether a person is innocent or not. If you're "pro-life" then you should be supporting LIFE. Not the life that you choose.
When you murder innocent beings you forfeit your own right to life. the end.
Is that what you tell veterans of foreign wars?
If you think republican women don't get abortions you're an idiot.

And until the day you have a fetus inside you for nine months, you really have no say with what a woman does with her body.
As long as taxpayers are paying taxes they have a say. As long as you pay insurance premiums you have a say. As long as the Democratic Party represents death, you will be reminded....
I noticed the GOP did away with abortion when they were in power, hypocrite much?
You seem confused on the facts .. as well as conclusions, Humor me .. much?
Are you playing stoopid on purpose, or is it all natural?
Liberal think:

A woman has the unconditional right to kill her unborn child.

But....she should not have the right to smoke tobacco in public, to drink large sodas, to buy incandescent light bulbs, carry a handgun, keep her doctor, smoke marijuana, operate a lemonade stand without permit, drain wet land, preach the gospel in public, etc.....
Hardly is it unconditional, step in their shoes and see what means to have to choose..

You get dumber with every post.

We are debating the RIGHT to kill a in governmental right...not a woman's psychological state.
Funny that a lot of people who are "pro-life" as they put it, meaning against abortions, are pro-executions as well.

How can you be pro-life and support executions?
Do you understand the concept of innocence?

You've moved away from the point.

The point is, if you are PRO-LIFE doesn't that mean ALL LIFE?

It's not pro-life, it's not even pro-human life.

It's anti-abortion.

It doesn't matter whether a person is innocent or not. If you're "pro-life" then you should be supporting LIFE. Not the life that you choose.
When you murder innocent beings you forfeit your own right to life. the end.
Is that what you tell veterans of foreign wars?
Not likely .. you should start a new thread on the subject and appear a complete ass there as well.
If you think republican women don't get abortions you're an idiot.

And until the day you have a fetus inside you for nine months, you really have no say with what a woman does with her body.
As long as taxpayers are paying taxes they have a say. As long as you pay insurance premiums you have a say. As long as the Democratic Party represents death, you will be reminded....
I noticed the GOP did away with abortion when they were in power, hypocrite much?
You seem confused on the facts .. as well as conclusions, Humor me .. much?
Are you playing stoopid on purpose, or is it all natural?
Natural for you, obviously .. :itsok:

.. for me, not sooOoo much..
If you think republican women don't get abortions you're an idiot.

And until the day you have a fetus inside you for nine months, you really have no say with what a woman does with her body.
As long as taxpayers are paying taxes they have a say. As long as you pay insurance premiums you have a say. As long as the Democratic Party represents death, you will be reminded....

Taxpayers aren't paying for abortions, and for the most part, insurance policies don't cover it either unless you pay extra for the coverage.

I also get a little tired of the right wing screaming about children when they are in the womb trying to snatch food out of their mouths when they are outside the womb to give tax cuts to rich people.
Funny that a lot of people who are "pro-life" as they put it, meaning against abortions, are pro-executions as well.

How can you be pro-life and support executions?
Do you understand the concept of innocence?

You've moved away from the point.

The point is, if you are PRO-LIFE doesn't that mean ALL LIFE?

It's not pro-life, it's not even pro-human life.

It's anti-abortion.

It doesn't matter whether a person is innocent or not. If you're "pro-life" then you should be supporting LIFE. Not the life that you choose.
When you murder innocent beings you forfeit your own right to life. the end.
Is that what you tell veterans of foreign wars?
WOW if you were thinking that you tell me why you call vets of foreign war are murders?
I would suggest that you rethink what you are saying war deaths are not murder, all killings are not murder.
Killing unarmed civilians not in combative rolls would be murder.
So you want to pull something else out of your ass other than why you think vets of foreign war are murders.
If you think republican women don't get abortions you're an idiot.

And until the day you have a fetus inside you for nine months, you really have no say with what a woman does with her body.
As long as taxpayers are paying taxes they have a say. As long as you pay insurance premiums you have a say. As long as the Democratic Party represents death, you will be reminded....
I noticed the GOP did away with abortion when they were in power, hypocrite much?
You seem confused on the facts .. as well as conclusions, Humor me .. much?
Are you playing stoopid on purpose, or is it all natural?
Natural for you, obviously .. :itsok:
The GOP had control of 2/3rds of the govt in 2003, why did they not outlaw abortion?
If you think republican women don't get abortions you're an idiot.

And until the day you have a fetus inside you for nine months, you really have no say with what a woman does with her body.
As long as taxpayers are paying taxes they have a say. As long as you pay insurance premiums you have a say. As long as the Democratic Party represents death, you will be reminded....

Taxpayers aren't paying for abortions, and for the most part, insurance policies don't cover it either unless you pay extra for the coverage.

I also get a little tired of the right wing screaming about children when they are in the womb trying to snatch food out of their mouths when they are outside the womb to give tax cuts to rich people.
Funny that a lot of people who are "pro-life" as they put it, meaning against abortions, are pro-executions as well.

How can you be pro-life and support executions?
Do you understand the concept of innocence?

You've moved away from the point.

The point is, if you are PRO-LIFE doesn't that mean ALL LIFE?

It's not pro-life, it's not even pro-human life.

It's anti-abortion.

It doesn't matter whether a person is innocent or not. If you're "pro-life" then you should be supporting LIFE. Not the life that you choose.
When you murder innocent beings you forfeit your own right to life. the end.
Is that what you tell veterans of foreign wars?
WOW if you were thinking that you tell me why you call vets of foreign war are murders?
I would suggest that you rethink what you are saying war deaths are not murder, all killings are not murder.
Killing unarmed civilians not in combative rolls would be murder.
So you want to pull something else out of your ass other than why you think vets of foreign war are murders.

:salute: .. well said and thank you.
If you think republican women don't get abortions you're an idiot.

And until the day you have a fetus inside you for nine months, you really have no say with what a woman does with her body.
As long as taxpayers are paying taxes they have a say. As long as you pay insurance premiums you have a say. As long as the Democratic Party represents death, you will be reminded....

Taxpayers aren't paying for abortions, and for the most part, insurance policies don't cover it either unless you pay extra for the coverage.

I also get a little tired of the right wing screaming about children when they are in the womb trying to snatch food out of their mouths when they are outside the womb to give tax cuts to rich people.
Funny that a lot of people who are "pro-life" as they put it, meaning against abortions, are pro-executions as well.

How can you be pro-life and support executions?
Do you understand the concept of innocence?

You've moved away from the point.

The point is, if you are PRO-LIFE doesn't that mean ALL LIFE?

It's not pro-life, it's not even pro-human life.

It's anti-abortion.

It doesn't matter whether a person is innocent or not. If you're "pro-life" then you should be supporting LIFE. Not the life that you choose.
When you murder innocent beings you forfeit your own right to life. the end.
Is that what you tell veterans of foreign wars?
WOW if you were thinking that you tell me why you call vets of foreign war are murders?
I would suggest that you rethink what you are saying war deaths are not murder, all killings are not murder.
Killing unarmed civilians not in combative rolls would be murder.
So you want to pull something else out of your ass other than why you think vets of foreign war are murders.
Since innocent people die from US military actions then they should be classified the same as abortionist and those obtaining abortions, to include paramilitary forces that kill innocent civilians in our own nation..They too according to your standards should be labeled...
Reaches almost 58 million deaths...just in America since Roe vs Wade

Number of Abortions in US Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

And only Democrats have abortions, right Einstein?

Thanks but .. I'm no Einstein .. and yup everybodys doing it but alas Democrats remain the party of death by the numbers, tough luck.

btw. is your name Forest?

d be happy if thView attachment 34553

Hey Einstein, if abortions were outlawed, would it end abortions, or only end safe abortions, or only end abortions for girls whose parents weren't wealthy enough to send their daughter "away" to "camp"?
If you think republican women don't get abortions you're an idiot.

And until the day you have a fetus inside you for nine months, you really have no say with what a woman does with her body.
you liberscum are the most stupid :asshole:S on this planet, it is NOT her fucking body that she is killing, it is the body of another human being that she is KILLING !! :up:

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