Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein Introduces Bill to Ban Assault Weapons, High-Capacity Magazines

The news article:

Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein Introduces Bill to Ban Assault Weapons, High-Capacity Magazines Hours After House Dems Pass Gun Control Bill

From the article:

"87-year-old Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein (CA) and Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI) on Thursday introduced a bill to ban “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines just hours after the Democrat-controlled House passed a gun control bill.

The Democrats introduced the Assault Weapons Ban, an updated bill to ban the sale, transfer, manufacture and importation of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines, like were used in the massacre in Dayton, Ohio where the shooter had a hundred-round magazine attached to an assault rifle. – Feinstein said in her announcement on Thursday.

“It’s been 17 years since the original Assault Weapons Ban expired, and the plague of gun violence continues to grow in this country,” said Senator Feinstein. “To be clear, this bill saves lives. When it was in place from 1994-2004, gun massacres declined by 37 percent compared with the decade before. After the ban expired, the number of massacres rose by 183 percent. We’re now seeing a rise in domestic terrorism, and military-style assault weapons are increasingly becoming the guns of choice for these dangerous groups. I’m hopeful that with the new administration and Democratic control of the Senate, we can finally pass commonsense gun reforms to remove these deadly weapons from our communities.”"

OP Commentary:

The democrats have decided to blame nearly two decades of exponentially increasing criminal violence in democrat politician controlled cities on the expiration of the so-called Assault Weapons Ban, a part of the 1994 Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act. This despite the well publicized fact that illegally obtained "street" handguns are used in far greater numbers of violent crimes than any so-called "assault" rifle.

Americans owe it to their families and themselves to purchase, train with, and keep at the ready carbines and rifles capable of both protecting their loved ones from criminal ingress and putting food on their tables in the event of food shortages due to natural disasters or a breakdown of supply chains. Further, an American populace armed with reliable high capacity semi-auto carbines/rifles is a much freer society as a whole, and is a society much less likely to suffer democide at the hands of a corrupt federal/state government.

A rabidly popular catch-phrase of the day "This isn't the hill to die on" seems to be uttered incessantly by so-called patriotic Americans. Any ban on "black" rifles must be such a hill to fight on, against and never surrender an inch of. If the democrats and their RHINO traitors in Congress ban "capable" semi-auto rifles then We The People could and likely shall become a ready, defenseless herd of cattle undeserving of calling ourselves American or free.
This woman has got to be the ugliest woman in America and must hate everyone else because of it.
The news article:

Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein Introduces Bill to Ban Assault Weapons, High-Capacity Magazines Hours After House Dems Pass Gun Control Bill

From the article:

"87-year-old Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein (CA) and Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI) on Thursday introduced a bill to ban “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines just hours after the Democrat-controlled House passed a gun control bill.

The Democrats introduced the Assault Weapons Ban, an updated bill to ban the sale, transfer, manufacture and importation of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines, like were used in the massacre in Dayton, Ohio where the shooter had a hundred-round magazine attached to an assault rifle. – Feinstein said in her announcement on Thursday.

“It’s been 17 years since the original Assault Weapons Ban expired, and the plague of gun violence continues to grow in this country,” said Senator Feinstein. “To be clear, this bill saves lives. When it was in place from 1994-2004, gun massacres declined by 37 percent compared with the decade before. After the ban expired, the number of massacres rose by 183 percent. We’re now seeing a rise in domestic terrorism, and military-style assault weapons are increasingly becoming the guns of choice for these dangerous groups. I’m hopeful that with the new administration and Democratic control of the Senate, we can finally pass commonsense gun reforms to remove these deadly weapons from our communities.”"

OP Commentary:

The democrats have decided to blame nearly two decades of exponentially increasing criminal violence in democrat politician controlled cities on the expiration of the so-called Assault Weapons Ban, a part of the 1994 Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act. This despite the well publicized fact that illegally obtained "street" handguns are used in far greater numbers of violent crimes than any so-called "assault" rifle.

Americans owe it to their families and themselves to purchase, train with, and keep at the ready carbines and rifles capable of both protecting their loved ones from criminal ingress and putting food on their tables in the event of food shortages due to natural disasters or a breakdown of supply chains. Further, an American populace armed with reliable high capacity semi-auto carbines/rifles is a much freer society as a whole, and is a society much less likely to suffer democide at the hands of a corrupt federal/state government.

A rabidly popular catch-phrase of the day "This isn't the hill to die on" seems to be uttered incessantly by so-called patriotic Americans. Any ban on "black" rifles must be such a hill to fight on, against and never surrender an inch of. If the democrats and their RHINO traitors in Congress ban "capable" semi-auto rifles then We The People could and likely shall become a ready, defenseless herd of cattle undeserving of calling ourselves American or free.
This woman has got to be the ugliest woman in America and must hate everyone else because of it.
View attachment 500438

Dianne Feinstein is a senile old bat who needs to be taken, 'round the barn and put down. She serves no useful purpose.

Feinstein's legislation would ban the top rifle in this photo. It's a standard AR-15:

View attachment 467294

Sure looks scary, doesn't it?

The problem, though, is that the second rifle is, a Ruger Mini-14, is essentially the exact same weapon as the AR-15, and would not be banned by Feinstein's legislation. Like most idiot liberals, though, Feinstein knows dick about firearms. I'm sure the good Senator would be surprised to learn that both rifles use .223 ammunition and have the exact same rate of fire. Both have a muzzle velocity of about 3,100 fps. Both have readily available 30 round magazines.

The Ruger, commonly referred to as a "ranch rifle" is a common site on farms for killing varmints and for protecting livestock and, let's face it, looks like something you'd see at a Boy Scout summer camp.

Feinstein's as idiot who's outlived her usefulness...

Indeed. I own both.....basically the same rifle. I love the Ranch Rifle.
I personally don't think there is need for assault weapons, guns and hunting rifles is all one needs.
Who cares what you "personally" think? Your rights don't depend on my beliefs and mine don't depend on your beliefs.
This is a preview for their main goal. The Democrats will eventually call for Gun and rifle confiscation.
This assault weapons ban should not be passed. This bill is the begining of their new world order agenda.
And when banning firearms doesn't stop violence, they'll ban knives. Then hammers and clubs. Look at the UK to see where the "bans" will be going.
I personally don't think there is need for assault weapons, guns and hunting rifles is all one needs. you don't care if we own AR-15s then...right? Since they are in no way "Assault Rifles," or any other kind of "Assault" thing...right?

I'm against semi assault weapons and large mags. You should only be able to buy bullets 10 at a time and account for the bullets you used.

I'm against ignorant people having the right to vote...but there you are.
The news article:

Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein Introduces Bill to Ban Assault Weapons, High-Capacity Magazines Hours After House Dems Pass Gun Control Bill

From the article:

"87-year-old Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein (CA) and Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI) on Thursday introduced a bill to ban “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines just hours after the Democrat-controlled House passed a gun control bill.

The Democrats introduced the Assault Weapons Ban, an updated bill to ban the sale, transfer, manufacture and importation of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines, like were used in the massacre in Dayton, Ohio where the shooter had a hundred-round magazine attached to an assault rifle. – Feinstein said in her announcement on Thursday.

“It’s been 17 years since the original Assault Weapons Ban expired, and the plague of gun violence continues to grow in this country,” said Senator Feinstein. “To be clear, this bill saves lives. When it was in place from 1994-2004, gun massacres declined by 37 percent compared with the decade before. After the ban expired, the number of massacres rose by 183 percent. We’re now seeing a rise in domestic terrorism, and military-style assault weapons are increasingly becoming the guns of choice for these dangerous groups. I’m hopeful that with the new administration and Democratic control of the Senate, we can finally pass commonsense gun reforms to remove these deadly weapons from our communities.”"

OP Commentary:

The democrats have decided to blame nearly two decades of exponentially increasing criminal violence in democrat politician controlled cities on the expiration of the so-called Assault Weapons Ban, a part of the 1994 Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act. This despite the well publicized fact that illegally obtained "street" handguns are used in far greater numbers of violent crimes than any so-called "assault" rifle.

Americans owe it to their families and themselves to purchase, train with, and keep at the ready carbines and rifles capable of both protecting their loved ones from criminal ingress and putting food on their tables in the event of food shortages due to natural disasters or a breakdown of supply chains. Further, an American populace armed with reliable high capacity semi-auto carbines/rifles is a much freer society as a whole, and is a society much less likely to suffer democide at the hands of a corrupt federal/state government.

A rabidly popular catch-phrase of the day "This isn't the hill to die on" seems to be uttered incessantly by so-called patriotic Americans. Any ban on "black" rifles must be such a hill to fight on, against and never surrender an inch of. If the democrats and their RHINO traitors in Congress ban "capable" semi-auto rifles then We The People could and likely shall become a ready, defenseless herd of cattle undeserving of calling ourselves American or free.


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The news article:

Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein Introduces Bill to Ban Assault Weapons, High-Capacity Magazines Hours After House Dems Pass Gun Control Bill

From the article:

"87-year-old Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein (CA) and Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI) on Thursday introduced a bill to ban “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines just hours after the Democrat-controlled House passed a gun control bill.

The Democrats introduced the Assault Weapons Ban, an updated bill to ban the sale, transfer, manufacture and importation of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines, like were used in the massacre in Dayton, Ohio where the shooter had a hundred-round magazine attached to an assault rifle. – Feinstein said in her announcement on Thursday.

“It’s been 17 years since the original Assault Weapons Ban expired, and the plague of gun violence continues to grow in this country,” said Senator Feinstein. “To be clear, this bill saves lives. When it was in place from 1994-2004, gun massacres declined by 37 percent compared with the decade before. After the ban expired, the number of massacres rose by 183 percent. We’re now seeing a rise in domestic terrorism, and military-style assault weapons are increasingly becoming the guns of choice for these dangerous groups. I’m hopeful that with the new administration and Democratic control of the Senate, we can finally pass commonsense gun reforms to remove these deadly weapons from our communities.”"

OP Commentary:

The democrats have decided to blame nearly two decades of exponentially increasing criminal violence in democrat politician controlled cities on the expiration of the so-called Assault Weapons Ban, a part of the 1994 Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act. This despite the well publicized fact that illegally obtained "street" handguns are used in far greater numbers of violent crimes than any so-called "assault" rifle.

Americans owe it to their families and themselves to purchase, train with, and keep at the ready carbines and rifles capable of both protecting their loved ones from criminal ingress and putting food on their tables in the event of food shortages due to natural disasters or a breakdown of supply chains. Further, an American populace armed with reliable high capacity semi-auto carbines/rifles is a much freer society as a whole, and is a society much less likely to suffer democide at the hands of a corrupt federal/state government.

A rabidly popular catch-phrase of the day "This isn't the hill to die on" seems to be uttered incessantly by so-called patriotic Americans. Any ban on "black" rifles must be such a hill to fight on, against and never surrender an inch of. If the democrats and their RHINO traitors in Congress ban "capable" semi-auto rifles then We The People could and likely shall become a ready, defenseless herd of cattle undeserving of calling ourselves American or free.
And more than nine months later no action has been taken on the bill since it was referred to the Judiciary Committee last March.

This thread is nothing but lies and demagoguery from the dishonest right.
And more than nine months later no action has been taken on the bill since it was referred to the Judiciary Committee last March.

This thread is nothing but lies and demagoguery from the dishonest right.
If the Democrats ever manage to pack the Supreme Court and have control of both Houses of Congress and the Oval Office you can bet your ass they will pass some gun control legislation and chances are it will be draconian.

Most likely it will be a New Federal Assault Weapons Ban with a buy back provision but in reality it will be mandatory confiscation of all evil looking semi-automatic rifles. It could even involve all magazine fed semi-automatic weapons including pistols.

I feel the Democrats would in the end leave some firearms in civilian hands. Perhaps a civilian could own a single shot or double barreled shotgun and a single shot rifle but no pistols or revolvers. However any firearms would have to be unloaded and locked up in a safe with the ammo in a different room. (Democrats love their criminals as we are seeing today with the defund the police movements, no bail and no arrests for shoplifting under $1000 in many blue cities. They would not want criminals shot when they invade homes.)

The Democrats want to turn this nation into a Marist socialist worker’s paradise and that never works if the workers are armed. Just ask the

Or even the Australians who aren’t even living in a Marist socialist nation but instead a “federal parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy; a Commonwealth realm” according to the CIA fact book.

Thats not true. Any camera attempting to process that image would burst into flames.
Again, American society is the problem. Not guns. Guns are inanimate objects that can't do anything on their own. Banning them does not solve the actual problem, which is our society and it's criminal thug dope heads.

As usual I'll point to Switzerland. They have as many guns as America, yet constantly about the lowest gun related crime in Europe. But Switzerland has a non diverse, well educated people, that have high employment rates, and a good healthcare system so they are in general a more content people so crime isn't a major issue to them.

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