Democrat Senator Threatens Insurrection If SCOTUS Overturns Roe v Wade

Just because they did not use the word abortion doesa not mean they opposed it. The Bill of Rights was passed because there were many things the founders realized that they left out.
ROFL! Yeah, it's in there. It's just invisible! They used invisible ink! We can read it because we're progs who know what the Founding Fathers really meant!

Only 5-year-olds swallow an idiocy like that.

Here's a clue for you, moron: It doesn't matter if they opposed it or not if they didn't put it in the document.

FYI, moron, the right to an abortion is not in the Bill of Rights.
You and Trump supporters are the ones who are OPENLY promoting INSURRECTION. You are the threats to this country as you are trying to seize control of this country. YOU ARE THE ONES WHO SHOULDS BE SENT TO GUANTANOMO. THAT INCLUDES THE SUPREME COURT.
You're a million laughs, prog.
You are the ones who are deranged. Your garbage wants to throw out the votes of millions of people and install Trump as a dictator.
I do? Find one post where I said that. Meanwhile you want my daughters to be abused by trans girls in their locker rooms. You fiend.
Sadly at this time I must respectfully disagree.

Also there was no talk of overthrowing the government.
So the Left can do unlimited amounts of violence across the Nation when they don’t get their way. The one time a group of Conservatives do it in the most pathetic execution of supposedly overthrowing the Government in an event that turned out to be vandalism, the Left calls for “law and order”. Further, it was the only time the Left cheered someone getting shot by the police who did not heed police orders.

How full of shit and utter hypocrisy can one be?

You are bullshit.

22 to 23 Weeks​

In the hands of experienced specialists in state-of-the-art NICUs, babies born slightly earlier than 24 weeks may have a chance at survival. But unfortunately, that chance is slim, and outcomes for those who do survive are not optimal.

For babies born at 23 weeks or earlier who do survive, the odds of significant complications and/or lasting disabilities are much higher than for those that stay in the womb a few weeks longer.3

A 2015 study showed that babies born at 22 weeks may also have a small chance at survival, but death or serious health issues have an even higher probability of occurring.4

Also, note that according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, babies born before 23 weeks have a survival rate of just 5% to 6%. Of those that do survive, 98% to 100% have substantial complications and/or disability.3

So the Left can do unlimited amounts of violence across the Nation when they don’t get their way. The one time a group of Conservatives do it in the most pathetic execution of supposedly overthrowing the Government in an event that turned out to be vandalism, the Left calls for “law and order”. Further, it was the only time the Left cheered someone getting shot by the police who did not heed police orders.

How full of shit and utter hypocrisy can one be?

They were trying to stop a function oif government. That is a attack on our government.
You and other Trump supp[orters are a threat to this country.

Did we burn down Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis or Kenosha? Are we keeping people in solitary confinement simply for taking an unauthorized tour of the capitol? Did we swindle a presidential election?

If anyone is a threat to the country it's gullible prog moronas like you who believes everything your party masters feed you.
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The controversial far left extremist Democrat Senator Charles Schumer has already made threats of violence to the US Supreme Court Judges.
He should be investigated.
We should also investigate everyone who is connected to Schumer.
There should be house hearings on this.
Maybe after the Corrupt Democrats lose the House and Senate this can be looked into.

So the Left can do unlimited amounts of violence across the Nation when they don’t get their way. The one time a group of Conservatives do it in the most pathetic execution of supposedly overthrowing the Government in an event that turned out to be vandalism, the Left calls for “law and order”. Further, it was the only time the Left cheered someone getting shot by the police who did not heed police orders.

How full of shit and utter hypocrisy can one be?
No matter how inept and incapable they were, that was an attempt to overthrow the government. It's a completely different thing.
They still follow the Constitution and rule of law.. They don't pledge allegiance to a particular party or president.

Yes they do. Their decisions on Biden's policies have been very different that the rulings on Trump's policies.
You are bullshit.

22 to 23 Weeks​

In the hands of experienced specialists in state-of-the-art NICUs, babies born slightly earlier than 24 weeks may have a chance at survival. But unfortunately, that chance is slim, and outcomes for those who do survive are not optimal.

For babies born at 23 weeks or earlier who do survive, the odds of significant complications and/or lasting disabilities are much higher than for those that stay in the womb a few weeks longer.3

A 2015 study showed that babies born at 22 weeks may also have a small chance at survival, but death or serious health issues have an even higher probability of occurring.4

Also, note that according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, babies born before 23 weeks have a survival rate of just 5% to 6%. Of those that do survive, 98% to 100% have substantial complications and/or disability.3

Doesn't matter, life begins at conception. Abortion is murder.
Well then. You’ll have no problem pointing us to a Constitutional provision or a rule of law (other than RvW) that allows the murder of children.

There is no evidence that they are children. A fetus' chance of surviving is very low before 24 weeks.
They were trying to stop a function oif government. That is a attack on our government.
I’m not going to argue that. What I am saying is that somehow countless attacks on Americans’ liberties, rights, and livelihoods don’t seem to be on the same Level with the Left. That’s disturbing. Since the Left values the government MORE than civil peace and freedom, would the Left be so concerned about an attack on Government if the Court ruled in an outcome they don’t like and a radical group stormed the Court?

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