Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

Bernie Sanders Supporters Brag About Disrupting DONALD TRUMP RALLY IN CHICAGO

March 12, 2016


Left wing radicals shut down the Donald Trump rally in Chicago last night. Jim Hoft provided extensive coverage of the event at The Gateway Pundit.

But who was behind the violent protests? Bernie Sanders supporters.

They openly bragged about it on Twitter.

Here’s a screenshot in case they delete their tweet:

all of it here

Bernie Sanders Supporters Brag About Disrupting DONALD TRUMP RALLY IN CHICAGO - Progressives Today
Bernie Sanders Supporters Brag About Disrupting DONALD TRUMP RALLY IN CHICAGO

March 12, 2016


Left wing radicals shut down the Donald Trump rally in Chicago last night. Jim Hoft provided extensive coverage of the event at The Gateway Pundit.

But who was behind the violent protests? Bernie Sanders supporters.

They openly bragged about it on Twitter.

Here’s a screenshot in case they delete their tweet:

all of it here

Bernie Sanders Supporters Brag About Disrupting DONALD TRUMP RALLY IN CHICAGO - Progressives Today
"Let's roll," staph! Before it's too late!!!
You up on current events.........I'm asking all you people what will you do if I take your sign and tear it up and threaten you............

I guess you haven't seen the thousand threads on Chicago.............Really..............

I took your sign.........WTF are you going to do about it.
Remember those asswipes at the airport several years ago that stole a little 4 year olds McCain sign and ripped it up?

Libs logic.... Don't let your kids carry political signs.
Do you remember the Teapers who spit on the Black members of Congress? There are extremes on both sides.

That never happened, you lying douche bag.
Yes it did. And I was able to say that without insulting you.

That doesn't alter the fact that you're a lying douche bag. No TEApers ever spit on any black member of Congress. Hundreds of people were there with smart phones capable of recording video. None of the video ever produced shows anyone spitting on the Congressman in question. Sean Hannity even offered $100,000 to anyone could produce a video of anyone spitting on the whiny Congressman. He's a hosebag liar, and so is everyone who defends his lies.

Lying is what Dims do. That's why they are all douche nozzles.
Such pain and anger, I pity you.
Technically Muhamed is right. The dude ELBOWED the critter, didnt punch him.

Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

LOL...... Are you sure you are looking at the same rally? So the news media and the police are lying? But I'm pretty sure you are lying.
I'm telling the truth.

You are too ignorant and gullible to comprehend that the media lied to you again. You simply believe everything the guy on the TV tells you to believe. Likely it is because of your low level of intelligence.

And....... I suppose to believe you? You have not prove anything except your non sense worthless opinion. Stop playing your video games and watch the real video.
They even charge this asshole that you are protecting. Your credibility is at stake here and I hope you are aware of that.
I posted the video. McGraw did not throw a punch. I also posted a video of Jones saying that he was not punched.

I think you have been brainwashed via repeated messaging from the mass media. People like you with weak minds are brainwashed very easily.
Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

LOL...... Are you sure you are looking at the same rally? So the news media and the police are lying? But I'm pretty sure you are lying.
I'm telling the truth.

You are too ignorant and gullible to comprehend that the media lied to you again. You simply believe everything the guy on the TV tells you to believe. Likely it is because of your low level of intelligence.

And....... I suppose to believe you? You have not prove anything except your non sense worthless opinion. Stop playing your video games and watch the real video.
They even charge this asshole that you are protecting. Your credibility is at stake here and I hope you are aware of that.
I posted the video. McGraw did not throw a punch. I also posted a video of Jones saying that he was not punched.

I think you have been brainwashed via repeated messaging from the mass media. People like you with weak minds are brainwashed very easily.

Yeah, he landed an elbow, not a punch.
Remember those asswipes at the airport several years ago that stole a little 4 year olds McCain sign and ripped it up?

Libs logic.... Don't let your kids carry political signs.
Do you remember the Teapers who spit on the Black members of Congress? There are extremes on both sides.

That never happened, you lying douche bag.
Yes it did. And I was able to say that without insulting you.

That doesn't alter the fact that you're a lying douche bag. No TEApers ever spit on any black member of Congress. Hundreds of people were there with smart phones capable of recording video. None of the video ever produced shows anyone spitting on the Congressman in question. Sean Hannity even offered $100,000 to anyone could produce a video of anyone spitting on the whiny Congressman. He's a hosebag liar, and so is everyone who defends his lies.

Lying is what Dims do. That's why they are all douche nozzles.
Such pain and anger, I pity you.

Any rational person who is watching what you left wing douche bags are doing to this country is feeling pain and anger.
So Trump may willingly pay your fees if you brutally assault a protester but not if you feel defrauded by his "University."
sounds about Right wing nut

Man Vowing to Push Other Nations Around Can’t Control His Elderly Fans
Trump stunned and helpless by violence at his rallies
March 14, 2016

After canceling his Friday night rally over concerns of escalating violence as thousands protested his speech in the University of Illinois at Chicago, Donald Trump spent the weekend encouraging concerns about escalating violence.
Man Vowing to Push Other Nations Around Can't Control His Elderly Fans -

Do you remember the Teapers who spit on the Black members of Congress? There are extremes on both sides.

That never happened, you lying douche bag.
Yes it did. And I was able to say that without insulting you.

That doesn't alter the fact that you're a lying douche bag. No TEApers ever spit on any black member of Congress. Hundreds of people were there with smart phones capable of recording video. None of the video ever produced shows anyone spitting on the Congressman in question. Sean Hannity even offered $100,000 to anyone could produce a video of anyone spitting on the whiny Congressman. He's a hosebag liar, and so is everyone who defends his lies.

Lying is what Dims do. That's why they are all douche nozzles.
Such pain and anger, I pity you.

Any rational person who is watching what you left wing douche bags are doing to this country is feeling pain and anger.
And we do it just to piss you off.
That never happened, you lying douche bag.
Yes it did. And I was able to say that without insulting you.

That doesn't alter the fact that you're a lying douche bag. No TEApers ever spit on any black member of Congress. Hundreds of people were there with smart phones capable of recording video. None of the video ever produced shows anyone spitting on the Congressman in question. Sean Hannity even offered $100,000 to anyone could produce a video of anyone spitting on the whiny Congressman. He's a hosebag liar, and so is everyone who defends his lies.

Lying is what Dims do. That's why they are all douche nozzles.
Such pain and anger, I pity you.

Any rational person who is watching what you left wing douche bags are doing to this country is feeling pain and anger.
And we do it just to piss you off.

It's sad, but that may be true. You're not even ashamed.
Yes it did. And I was able to say that without insulting you.

That doesn't alter the fact that you're a lying douche bag. No TEApers ever spit on any black member of Congress. Hundreds of people were there with smart phones capable of recording video. None of the video ever produced shows anyone spitting on the Congressman in question. Sean Hannity even offered $100,000 to anyone could produce a video of anyone spitting on the whiny Congressman. He's a hosebag liar, and so is everyone who defends his lies.

Lying is what Dims do. That's why they are all douche nozzles.
Such pain and anger, I pity you.

Any rational person who is watching what you left wing douche bags are doing to this country is feeling pain and anger.
And we do it just to piss you off.

It's sad, but that may be true. You're not even ashamed.
See how good we are?
So Trump may willingly pay your fees if you brutally assault a protester but not if you feel defrauded by his "University."
sounds about Right wing nut

Man Vowing to Push Other Nations Around Can’t Control His Elderly Fans
Trump stunned and helpless by violence at his rallies

March 14, 2016

After canceling his Friday night rally over concerns of escalating violence as thousands protested his speech in the University of Illinois at Chicago, Donald Trump spent the weekend encouraging concerns about escalating violence.
Man Vowing to Push Other Nations Around Can't Control His Elderly Fans -

How would Trump "control" the supporters attending his rallies?
That doesn't alter the fact that you're a lying douche bag. No TEApers ever spit on any black member of Congress. Hundreds of people were there with smart phones capable of recording video. None of the video ever produced shows anyone spitting on the Congressman in question. Sean Hannity even offered $100,000 to anyone could produce a video of anyone spitting on the whiny Congressman. He's a hosebag liar, and so is everyone who defends his lies.

Lying is what Dims do. That's why they are all douche nozzles.
Such pain and anger, I pity you.

Any rational person who is watching what you left wing douche bags are doing to this country is feeling pain and anger.
And we do it just to piss you off.

It's sad, but that may be true. You're not even ashamed.
See how good we are?

You're admitting that you're a douche nozzle.
Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

LOL...... Are you sure you are looking at the same rally? So the news media and the police are lying? But I'm pretty sure you are lying.
I'm telling the truth.

You are too ignorant and gullible to comprehend that the media lied to you again. You simply believe everything the guy on the TV tells you to believe. Likely it is because of your low level of intelligence.

And....... I suppose to believe you? You have not prove anything except your non sense worthless opinion. Stop playing your video games and watch the real video.
They even charge this asshole that you are protecting. Your credibility is at stake here and I hope you are aware of that.
I posted the video. McGraw did not throw a punch. I also posted a video of Jones saying that he was not punched.

I think you have been brainwashed via repeated messaging from the mass media. People like you with weak minds are brainwashed very easily.

In other words you're saying:
"you gonna believe me, or a lying video?"

Denialism run amok.

This place really needs to hire a psychiatrist to explain how retards like this can sit, watch a video, and then deny what they just saw.


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