Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

Ein Trumpenfuhrer penchant for supporting/condoning the violence of the thugs and gangsters he calls supporters is making it increasingly difficult for the other candidate to stand by their pledge to support Der Dummy Donnie get the nomination

Republicans blame Trump for climate of violence

The thugs in Shitcago were all sent there by Bernie and Kicking out disrupters is entirely within his rights. We know you don't give a damn about rights.

It's obvious that leftists thugs are doing everything they possibly can to derail Trumps campaign. You can tell who the leftists fear based on who they attack.
Do you have any proof that these protestors were sent by anyone?

It's been all over the news. Many of the thugs carried "Bernie" signs, and was organizing on Face Book to get people to show up at a specified time.
I just did.
Did still haven't done a damn thing about me taking your sign.......Is that your coffee......I'm taking it too............what are you going to do about it................

Chicago Politics.................

WTF is this "taking sign" bidness about? I just got here. :dunno:
You up on current events.........I'm asking all you people what will you do if I take your sign and tear it up and threaten you............

I guess you haven't seen the thousand threads on Chicago.............Really..............

I took your sign.........WTF are you going to do about it.
Remember those asswipes at the airport several years ago that stole a little 4 year olds McCain sign and ripped it up?

Libs logic.... Don't let your kids carry political signs.
Do you remember the Teapers who spit on the Black members of Congress? There are extremes on both sides.

That never happened, you lying douche bag.
I just did.
Did still haven't done a damn thing about me taking your sign.......Is that your coffee......I'm taking it too............what are you going to do about it................

Chicago Politics.................

WTF is this "taking sign" bidness about? I just got here. :dunno:
You up on current events.........I'm asking all you people what will you do if I take your sign and tear it up and threaten you............

I guess you haven't seen the thousand threads on Chicago.............Really..............

I took your sign.........WTF are you going to do about it.
Remember those asswipes at the airport several years ago that stole a little 4 year olds McCain sign and ripped it up?

Libs logic.... Don't let your kids carry political signs.
Do you remember the Teapers who spit on the Black members of Congress? There are extremes on both sides.
The Great spitting incident.....LOL
Did still haven't done a damn thing about me taking your sign.......Is that your coffee......I'm taking it too............what are you going to do about it................

Chicago Politics.................

WTF is this "taking sign" bidness about? I just got here. :dunno:
You up on current events.........I'm asking all you people what will you do if I take your sign and tear it up and threaten you............

I guess you haven't seen the thousand threads on Chicago.............Really..............

I took your sign.........WTF are you going to do about it.
Remember those asswipes at the airport several years ago that stole a little 4 year olds McCain sign and ripped it up?

Libs logic.... Don't let your kids carry political signs.
Do you remember the Teapers who spit on the Black members of Congress? There are extremes on both sides.

That never happened, you lying douche bag.
Yes it did. And I was able to say that without insulting you.
WTF is this "taking sign" bidness about? I just got here. :dunno:
You up on current events.........I'm asking all you people what will you do if I take your sign and tear it up and threaten you............

I guess you haven't seen the thousand threads on Chicago.............Really..............

I took your sign.........WTF are you going to do about it.
Remember those asswipes at the airport several years ago that stole a little 4 year olds McCain sign and ripped it up?

Libs logic.... Don't let your kids carry political signs.
Do you remember the Teapers who spit on the Black members of Congress? There are extremes on both sides.

That never happened, you lying douche bag.
Yes it did. And I was able to say that without insulting you.

That doesn't alter the fact that you're a lying douche bag. No TEApers ever spit on any black member of Congress. Hundreds of people were there with smart phones capable of recording video. None of the video ever produced shows anyone spitting on the Congressman in question. Sean Hannity even offered $100,000 to anyone could produce a video of anyone spitting on the whiny Congressman. He's a hosebag liar, and so is everyone who defends his lies.

Lying is what Dims do. That's why they are all douche nozzles.
Technically Muhamed is right. The dude ELBOWED the critter, didnt punch him.

Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

at 1:50 he says that the dude hit him with his elbow in the eye. It is very plain in slow motion, doint know why you are still arguing bout this.

So what is the difference if he hit him with his elbow or his fist? Just another dumb Trump follower.

One is a lie and the other is truth.

But I do understand that truth means nothing to imbeciles.

An elbow does more damage and suggests the man has some fight training, probably years ago.

The targeted eye suggests the same thing.

Charwins inability to care for accuracy is just another example of libtard stupidity.
Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

at 1:50 he says that the dude hit him with his elbow in the eye. It is very plain in slow motion, doint know why you are still arguing bout this.

So what is the difference if he hit him with his elbow or his fist? Just another dumb Trump follower.

One is a lie and the other is truth.

But I do understand that truth means nothing to imbeciles.

An elbow does more damage and suggests the man has some fight training, probably years ago.

The targeted eye suggests the same thing.

Charwins inability to care for accuracy is just another example of libtard stupidity.

That's true -- the guy had been a boxer according to neighbors.

According to the same article, he's also now left the state. And good riddance.
The bad news (for you) is that he left my state ---- to go to your state. :ack-1:

Funniest part of the article:


There was no answer at John McGraw’s home Friday.
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I don't give a flying fuck how frustrated they were getting -- it doesn't warrant violence. I was at a Hillary rally last year. There were protesters. They were peaceably escorted out and she continued her speech. That's how you deal with protesters. You don't beat them up. Even worse, you don't have candidates encouraging supporters to beat them up.

When a man walks up to another man in a tense situation and says "fuck you!", don't act surprised when fists fly. The flipping off of the crowd was the protestor's ...THE PROTESTOR'S invitation to violence. He wanted violence. He was inviting a fight.

Thousands more showing up days later flipping off Trump protestors (and ripping "Trump" signs from their hands) were wanting exactly the same thing...inviting exactly the same thing.. So you don't have the luxury of playing the sweet innocent little crybully.. And BTW when thousands show up to incite violence that's called "Inciting a riot" and it's illegal.

Many of the "protesters" initiated violence when they were asked to leave. I don't recall any of you leftwing hypocrite douche nozzles saying anything about that.
Prove it


(Protestors flipping off and blocking an ambulance last night)

Such a "peaceful protest"...even after it was called off...

He said protesters initiated violence when asked to leave a rally. How the fuck does last night's protest, which didn't even involve a rally since it was called off, prove his claim?

The sad thing about this forum is that we have morons like you to debate with. A chimpanzee would have more intelligent things to say than you.

Your ad-hominem in place of providing proof of your idiocy is noted.

Again... you claimed many of the Trump protesters initiated the violence. Don't just hide behind ad-hominem like a pussy... prove your claim...
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Technically Muhamed is right. The dude ELBOWED the critter, didnt punch him.

Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

at 1:50 he says that the dude hit him with his elbow in the eye. It is very plain in slow motion, doint know why you are still arguing bout this.

So what is the difference if he hit him with his elbow or his fist? Just another dumb Trump follower.


The great one speaks arrogant as ever............

Riddle me this.............I take my wife to a rally. We go lets see what he has to say. We even take a Trump sign and say what the hell. I get there and run smack into me threatening me and my wife.........grabs my sign and tears it up in my face.............Starts calling me a Racist and Hitler.....................

The only thing stopping me from stomping that asshole thug is the police, and trying to maintain peace. But if he continues to threaten me and my wife I'LL KNOCK THE LIVING FUCK OUT OF HIM.

I have a right to be there. He has a right to say yeah long as he is respectful and not trying to take my sign, or threaten my wife or family then WHATEVER DUDE..................

Threatens my wife and my life and Freedom again..............It's on...................BUT YOU KEEP REVERSING the EQUATION BITCH.

Did you missed your meds this morning? I mean your meth. You sound so tough with your key board. I'm sooooooo scared.
Since when I'm questioning your dumb rights and shit asshole?
This just show that you are just another dumb Trump followers.
Technically Muhamed is right. The dude ELBOWED the critter, didnt punch him.

Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

at 1:50 he says that the dude hit him with his elbow in the eye. It is very plain in slow motion, doint know why you are still arguing bout this.

So what is the difference if he hit him with his elbow or his fist? Just another dumb Trump follower.

One is a lie and the other is truth.

But I do understand that truth means nothing to imbeciles.

You are confused. Look at the video again and again till it reach your scrotum so you understand.
Technically Muhamed is right. The dude ELBOWED the critter, didnt punch him.

Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

LOL...... Are you sure you are looking at the same rally? So the news media and the police are lying? But I'm pretty sure you are lying.
I'm telling the truth.

You are too ignorant and gullible to comprehend that the media lied to you again. You simply believe everything the guy on the TV tells you to believe. Likely it is because of your low level of intelligence.

And....... I suppose to believe you? You have not prove anything except your non sense worthless opinion. Stop playing your video games and watch the real video.
They even charge this asshole that you are protecting. Your credibility is at stake here and I hope you are aware of that.
As usual, you have nothing but childish insults.
Why should I bother with anything more when all you do is say "nuh uhn?"
You ignored the good point that I made earlier in the thread because you had no good reply. You only have childish insults.
I'm taking your sign too bitch...........what are you going to do about it.........see I ripped it in half and I have every right to do so..............

Huh......are you a something about it.
Get back on your meds.
No I don't believe in legalizing Mary J.....................

Now I took your sign.......what are you going to do about it...............You don't want to engage that because your argument sucks.

You can't take someone's property.

I find it hilarious that these freedom loving 'MURICAN bitch about Bernie supporters taking their stuff yet then take Bernie's stuff. I thought you were suppose to be better than a bunch of 5 year olds.

No, the government isn't "taking" anything from you. Taxes are the cost of living in a civilized society. You live under the benefits and protections that a government provides for you, then you pay what is necessary for that to endure.
The Trump Davidians Rampaging

Two students are accused of spray painting racist and homophobic messages along with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s name inside a nondenominational chapel on Northwestern University’s campus, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Northwestern University Students Spray-Paint Swastika And ‘Trump’ In Chapel - FreakOutNation

'Trump, Trump, Trump!' atttacker allegedly yelled as he beat...
Washington Post-56 minutes ago
The two wrote Trump's name inside the chapel, the Tribune reported. A Cook County judge ordered Anthony Morales, 19, and Matthew Kafker, ...
Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

at 1:50 he says that the dude hit him with his elbow in the eye. It is very plain in slow motion, doint know why you are still arguing bout this.

So what is the difference if he hit him with his elbow or his fist? Just another dumb Trump follower.

One is a lie and the other is truth.

But I do understand that truth means nothing to imbeciles.

An elbow does more damage and suggests the man has some fight training, probably years ago.

The targeted eye suggests the same thing.

Charwins inability to care for accuracy is just another example of libtard stupidity.

Darn JimBowel......... The point is....... this asshole hit this guy............. So what difference does it make if he hit him with his elbow or his fist? What is your point? You are just an example of Trump followers that can't comprehend.
That Negro hit the white guy repeatedly on the white dude's closed fist with his face...what a white man's knuckles are fair game for Black faces ?

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