Democrat thugs shut down Trump rally

You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

LOL...... Are you sure you are looking at the same rally? So the news media and the police are lying? But I'm pretty sure you are lying.
I'm telling the truth.

You are too ignorant and gullible to comprehend that the media lied to you again. You simply believe everything the guy on the TV tells you to believe. Likely it is because of your low level of intelligence.

And....... I suppose to believe you? You have not prove anything except your non sense worthless opinion. Stop playing your video games and watch the real video.
They even charge this asshole that you are protecting. Your credibility is at stake here and I hope you are aware of that.
I posted the video. McGraw did not throw a punch. I also posted a video of Jones saying that he was not punched.

I think you have been brainwashed via repeated messaging from the mass media. People like you with weak minds are brainwashed very easily.

In other words you're saying:
"you gonna believe me, or a lying video?"

Denialism run amok.

This place really needs to hire a psychiatrist to explain how retards like this can sit, watch a video, and then deny what they just saw.


We all know you leftwing douche nozzles are trying to spin the riot to make Trump responsible. It's an hilarious sight to behold, but no one is fooled. We know who the brown shirted thugs are in this affair. We know who doesn't believe in freedom of speech. We know you are terrified of Trump and have no scruples about pulling any sleazy tricks you can think of to deny his right to address is supporters.

True but that's the tip of an iceberg.....

Can anyone --- anywhere --- show any kind of evidence at all, either during this campaign or at any time before it in history ----- where Donald Rump has ever apologized for anything, taken any kind of responsibility for a fuckup, or in any remote way conceded when he was wrong?

About anything at all?


When has Hillary ever apologized for anything, taken any kind of responsibility for a fuckup, or in any remote way conceded when she was wrong?
Left wing radicals shut down the Donald Trump rally in Chicago last night. Jim Hoft provided extensive coverage of the event at The Gateway Pundit.

Oh poster please. Jim Hoft can suck my ass.

Donald Rump shut down that rally, and no one else. Nor was he advised to.
We'll just post this for the eighth time ------

>> A spokesperson for the Chicago Police Department tells ABC7 Eyewitness News the Chicago Police Department did not talk to the Trump campaign or tell them to cancel the event, and that the first police heard was at 6:30 p.m. when they were notified by UIC and Secret Service that the event was canceled.

...In a statement from UIC Police Chief Kevin Booker, he said: "The University of Illinois at Chicago worked with all appropriate agencies to address the security concerns associated with an event of this nature including the Secret Service, Chicago Police Department and Illinois State Police as well as campaign and protest organizers. The vast majority of attendees at today's events exercised their Constitutional rights of free speech and free assembly peacefully. The abrupt announcement of the cancellation of the event created challenges in managing an orderly exit from the Pavilion, which nonetheless, was accomplished with no injuries or arrests." << (WLS Chicago)

THAT ^^ has been the reality since the event itself and has never been a fucking secret. And no amount of fucking lying by lying liars like you and Jim Fucking Hoft changes history. It cannot be done.

What you have here is yet another instance of Donald T. Rump (occupation: Royal Schmuck) failing to take responsibility for his own actions -- first in creating the atmosphere itself that encourages violence, and second in lying with his weasel words to imply that police or security advised shutting it down -- they DID NOT.

And third, in then trying to blame Bernie Sanders -- who was busy hosting his own event, which he did NOT run and hide from -- of making him cancel it.

"The police said I should cancel the event" --- BULLSHIT.
"Bernie Sanders made me cancel the event" --- BULLSHIT.
"My dog ate my homework".... you get the idea.

Rump runs and hides from his own rally...
Rump runs and hides from Megyn Kelly...
Rump runs and hides from Bernie Sanders... or more correctly his own strawman of Bernie Sanders...
Rump runs and hides from David Duke....

SEE the pattern. He's never taken responsibility for anything in his life.

Now then. Notice the red bold part above?
That's Rump, pulling a fast one --- releasing eleven thousand people, who didn't get what they came for, into the streets all at once, from the comfort of his room at the Hotel Pussywimp.

It didn't work.

Jim Fucking Hoft. Give me a damn BREAK.
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Always the same mindless commies, marxists, racists, queers, atheists, parasites, illegals, workers of the world, occutards, senile hippies and intolerant totalitarian facists channeling their inner child.....

Its all sooooo "revolutionary" !!!!!!!!! Lmfao
You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

LOL...... Are you sure you are looking at the same rally? So the news media and the police are lying? But I'm pretty sure you are lying.
I'm telling the truth.

You are too ignorant and gullible to comprehend that the media lied to you again. You simply believe everything the guy on the TV tells you to believe. Likely it is because of your low level of intelligence.

And....... I suppose to believe you? You have not prove anything except your non sense worthless opinion. Stop playing your video games and watch the real video.
They even charge this asshole that you are protecting. Your credibility is at stake here and I hope you are aware of that.
I posted the video. McGraw did not throw a punch. I also posted a video of Jones saying that he was not punched.

I think you have been brainwashed via repeated messaging from the mass media. People like you with weak minds are brainwashed very easily.

In other words you're saying:
"you gonna believe me, or a lying video?"

Denialism run amok.

This place really needs to hire a psychiatrist to explain how retards like this can sit, watch a video, and then deny what they just saw.


That is not a punch. You have simply been brainwashed via repeated messaging.
Typical low IQ Adolf Trump supporters. How in the world you can deny that video? Police even charge this asshole. Are you really this dumb or dumber than Muhammud?
Wait I know you are scared to argue with me.... So I will take this as always I defeated you.
You will not argue because you have no logical argument to support your position.

Even Rakeem Jones himself admits that he was "throwin' da middle finger" at the audience (aka provoking) and that John McGraw did not punch him.

See 0:50 in this video

at 1:50 he says that the dude hit him with his elbow in the eye. It is very plain in slow motion, doint know why you are still arguing bout this.

So what is the difference if he hit him with his elbow or his fist? Just another dumb Trump follower.


The great one speaks arrogant as ever............

Riddle me this.............I take my wife to a rally. We go lets see what he has to say. We even take a Trump sign and say what the hell. I get there and run smack into me threatening me and my wife.........grabs my sign and tears it up in my face.............Starts calling me a Racist and Hitler.....................

The only thing stopping me from stomping that asshole thug is the police, and trying to maintain peace. But if he continues to threaten me and my wife I'LL KNOCK THE LIVING FUCK OUT OF HIM.

I have a right to be there. He has a right to say yeah long as he is respectful and not trying to take my sign, or threaten my wife or family then WHATEVER DUDE..................

Threatens my wife and my life and Freedom again..............It's on...................BUT YOU KEEP REVERSING the EQUATION BITCH.

Did you missed your meds this morning? I mean your meth. You sound so tough with your key board. I'm sooooooo scared.
Since when I'm questioning your dumb rights and shit asshole?
This just show that you are just another dumb Trump followers.

My sarcasm has a point. You are just too stupid to understand. Perhaps you need to stop doing drugs to understand why I am saying what I am you understand why I'm saying it...............I don't think you care because it makes your arguments suck.

The DNC planned this............

The DNC wanted to shut down the rally...........

The DNC was overjoyed by shutting it down...........

And the protesters violated others rights by taking their signs, tearing them up, and threatening the people coming to see a Trump Rally. They impeded their right to Free Assembly and therefore violated their 1st Amendment rights..............

Which is exactly why I was saying to you exactly what the THUGS were doing in CHICAGO sponsored by Move ON Dot TERRORIST ORG DOT COME.

True but that's the tip of an iceberg.....

Can anyone --- anywhere --- show any kind of evidence at all, either during this campaign or at any time before it in history ----- where Donald Rump has ever apologized for anything, taken any kind of responsibility for a fuckup, or in any remote way conceded when he was wrong?

About anything at all?


He said he was a workaholic and real bad husband with his last two marriages.
A good Dad, but a lousy Husband.
Why should I bother with anything more when all you do is say "nuh uhn?"
You ignored the good point that I made earlier in the thread because you had no good reply. You only have childish insults.
I'm taking your sign too bitch...........what are you going to do about it.........see I ripped it in half and I have every right to do so..............

Huh......are you a something about it.
Get back on your meds.
No I don't believe in legalizing Mary J.....................

Now I took your sign.......what are you going to do about it...............You don't want to engage that because your argument sucks.

You can't take someone's property.

I find it hilarious that these freedom loving 'MURICAN bitch about Bernie supporters taking their stuff yet then take Bernie's stuff. I thought you were suppose to be better than a bunch of 5 year olds.

No, the government isn't "taking" anything from you. Taxes are the cost of living in a civilized society. You live under the benefits and protections that a government provides for you, then you pay what is necessary for that to endure.
Another one that sarcasm escapes........................Right over their heads.
LOL...... Are you sure you are looking at the same rally? So the news media and the police are lying? But I'm pretty sure you are lying.
I'm telling the truth.

You are too ignorant and gullible to comprehend that the media lied to you again. You simply believe everything the guy on the TV tells you to believe. Likely it is because of your low level of intelligence.

And....... I suppose to believe you? You have not prove anything except your non sense worthless opinion. Stop playing your video games and watch the real video.
They even charge this asshole that you are protecting. Your credibility is at stake here and I hope you are aware of that.
I posted the video. McGraw did not throw a punch. I also posted a video of Jones saying that he was not punched.

I think you have been brainwashed via repeated messaging from the mass media. People like you with weak minds are brainwashed very easily.

In other words you're saying:
"you gonna believe me, or a lying video?"

Denialism run amok.

This place really needs to hire a psychiatrist to explain how retards like this can sit, watch a video, and then deny what they just saw.


That is not a punch. You have simply been brainwashed via repeated messaging.

From the guy who doesn't know what "terrorism" means....sigh

Full Definition of punch
  1. transitive verb
  2. 1 a : prod, poke b : drive, herd <punching cattle>

  3. 2 a : to strike with a forward thrust especially of the fist
  4. b : to drive or push forcibly by or as if by a punch
  5. c : to hit (a ball) with less than a full swing
(Merriam Webster)
Clearly your consistent dishonesty makes you an inveterate liar whose posts are therefore irrelevant.


:: poof :::
Left wing radicals shut down the Donald Trump rally in Chicago last night. Jim Hoft provided extensive coverage of the event at The Gateway Pundit.

Oh poster please. Jim Hoft can suck my ass.

Donald Rump shut down that rally, and no one else. Nor was he advised to.
We'll just post this for the eighth time ------

>> A spokesperson for the Chicago Police Department tells ABC7 Eyewitness News the Chicago Police Department did not talk to the Trump campaign or tell them to cancel the event, and that the first police heard was at 6:30 p.m. when they were notified by UIC and Secret Service that the event was canceled.

...In a statement from UIC Police Chief Kevin Booker, he said: "The University of Illinois at Chicago worked with all appropriate agencies to address the security concerns associated with an event of this nature including the Secret Service, Chicago Police Department and Illinois State Police as well as campaign and protest organizers. The vast majority of attendees at today's events exercised their Constitutional rights of free speech and free assembly peacefully. The abrupt announcement of the cancellation of the event created challenges in managing an orderly exit from the Pavilion, which nonetheless, was accomplished with no injuries or arrests." << (WLS Chicago)

THAT ^^ has been the reality since the event itself and has never been a fucking secret. And no amount of fucking lying by lying liars like you and Jim Fucking Hoft changes history. It cannot be done.

What you have here is yet another instance of Donald T. Rump (occupation: Royal Schmuck) failing to take responsibility for his own actions -- first in creating the atmosphere itself that encourages violence, and second in lying with his weasel words to imply that police or security advised shutting it down -- they DID NOT.

And third, in then trying to blame Bernie Sanders -- who was busy hosting his own event, which he did NOT run and hide from -- of making him cancel it.

"The police said I should cancel the event" --- BULLSHIT.
"Bernie Sanders made me cancel the event" --- BULLSHIT.
"My dog ate my homework".... you get the idea.

Rump runs and hides from his own rally...
Rump runs and hides from Megyn Kelly...
Rump runs and hides from Bernie Sanders... or more correctly his own strawman of Bernie Sanders...
Rump runs and hides from David Duke....

SEE the pattern. He's never taken responsibility for anything in his life.

Now then. Notice the red bold part above?
That's Rump, pulling a fast one --- releasing eleven thousand people, who didn't get what they came for, into the streets all at once, from the comfort of his room at the Hotel Pussywimp.

It didn't work.

Jim Fucking Hoft. Give me a damn BREAK.

So Pogo, what Trump rally will you be protesting?

I'm telling the truth.

You are too ignorant and gullible to comprehend that the media lied to you again. You simply believe everything the guy on the TV tells you to believe. Likely it is because of your low level of intelligence.

And....... I suppose to believe you? You have not prove anything except your non sense worthless opinion. Stop playing your video games and watch the real video.
They even charge this asshole that you are protecting. Your credibility is at stake here and I hope you are aware of that.
I posted the video. McGraw did not throw a punch. I also posted a video of Jones saying that he was not punched.

I think you have been brainwashed via repeated messaging from the mass media. People like you with weak minds are brainwashed very easily.

In other words you're saying:
"you gonna believe me, or a lying video?"

Denialism run amok.

This place really needs to hire a psychiatrist to explain how retards like this can sit, watch a video, and then deny what they just saw.


That is not a punch. You have simply been brainwashed via repeated messaging.

From the guy who doesn't know what "terrorism" means....sigh

Full Definition of punch
  1. transitive verb
  2. 1 a : prod, poke b : drive, herd <punching cattle>

  3. 2 a : to strike with a forward thrust especially of the fist
  4. b : to drive or push forcibly by or as if by a punch
  5. c : to hit (a ball) with less than a full swing
(Merriam Webster)
Clearly your consistent dishonesty makes you an inveterate liar whose posts are therefore irrelevant.


:: poof :::
You are the brainwashed liar.

You are a brainwashed fool grasping at straws. That is why you are a hard learner.
LOL...... Are you sure you are looking at the same rally? So the news media and the police are lying? But I'm pretty sure you are lying.
I'm telling the truth.

You are too ignorant and gullible to comprehend that the media lied to you again. You simply believe everything the guy on the TV tells you to believe. Likely it is because of your low level of intelligence.

And....... I suppose to believe you? You have not prove anything except your non sense worthless opinion. Stop playing your video games and watch the real video.
They even charge this asshole that you are protecting. Your credibility is at stake here and I hope you are aware of that.
I posted the video. McGraw did not throw a punch. I also posted a video of Jones saying that he was not punched.

I think you have been brainwashed via repeated messaging from the mass media. People like you with weak minds are brainwashed very easily.

In other words you're saying:
"you gonna believe me, or a lying video?"

Denialism run amok.

This place really needs to hire a psychiatrist to explain how retards like this can sit, watch a video, and then deny what they just saw.


That is not a punch. You have simply been brainwashed via repeated messaging.
That's still assault and battery. He has no defense.
I'm telling the truth.

You are too ignorant and gullible to comprehend that the media lied to you again. You simply believe everything the guy on the TV tells you to believe. Likely it is because of your low level of intelligence.

And....... I suppose to believe you? You have not prove anything except your non sense worthless opinion. Stop playing your video games and watch the real video.
They even charge this asshole that you are protecting. Your credibility is at stake here and I hope you are aware of that.
I posted the video. McGraw did not throw a punch. I also posted a video of Jones saying that he was not punched.

I think you have been brainwashed via repeated messaging from the mass media. People like you with weak minds are brainwashed very easily.

In other words you're saying:
"you gonna believe me, or a lying video?"

Denialism run amok.

This place really needs to hire a psychiatrist to explain how retards like this can sit, watch a video, and then deny what they just saw.


That is not a punch. You have simply been brainwashed via repeated messaging.
That's still assault and battery. He has no defense.
That does not change the FACT that Jones was not punched.

Hakeem Jones himself said that he was not punched.

The video proves that he was not punched.
Yeah, he landed an elbow, not a punch

I wish he had not done it (of course). But Trump has 100s' of events with 10s' of thousands each time. That is way over 1million visitors. Something bad bound to happen. Protesters? stay out, no problems.
Well something like that is certainly bound to happen with Trump asking his followers to "knock the crap out of" protesters. Even offering to cover their legal expenses for breaking the law.

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