DEMOCRAT UTOPIA... Do You Want This In Your Town?

Yes, I've seen ALL of the above and homelessness is in fact a problem in SanFranciso and many other California cities.
Are you denying that?

There is a similar homlessness, drug problem developing in South Florida's East Coast major cities....which are yet another Democrat run place.

Apparently you want to completely deny there is a problem in SanFranciso.
Sorry, but denying a problem does not correct it.....or mean it doesn't exist.

Almost all major cities have a homeless problem, because there are more people there. San Francisco's homeless problem is more pronounced due to the cost of real estate and rent. Unfortunately much of San Francisco's problems have to do with not building up for fear of ruining their skyline and tourism revenue. That's not a liberal or conservative issue.

It's also not the entirety of San Francisco. It's also a very tolerant city of race, religion and sexual orientation and was a pioneer for equal rights. It has some of the most interesting and beautiful architecture you will find on the west coast. Has a large functioning China Town that yes, is a tourism spot however also carries many Chinese traditions that allow people to see a different culture up close. There is beautiful North Beach which has a strong Italian heritage, great food. Great town for walking, one of the healthiest cities in the country and fuck they have cable cars, who doesn't love cable cars?

Anyway, San Francisco is one of our great American cities, its' not perfect and who would expect it to be?

California Dreaming!

Do they not let people use toilets in California, or wtf?!

Walmart, McDonalds? Del Taco?!

Fuck, we bought a porta-potty and dug a hole and keep moving it and digging more holes. It stays stocked with paper. Try to ignore the spiders.
Businesses usually shoo away the homeless. Do you want corporations to take care of our public welfare or are just fishing?

How about some personal responsibility for those that are capable and the rest go to a decent Mental Institution? That never crossed your commie mind, huh?

How many are capable? I mean, you're obviously not interested in helping them or even understanding their problems. To you the solution is just to sweep them under the carpet in some institution.

But, at least you're willing to pay for their housing, that's a start.

I never said that in the least. What do you know about mental problems? I probably know 10x more than you, you stupid fuck.

I'm not willing to pay for anybody that is capable of working and sane to sit on their ass and take my money. That's bullshit.

There could be work programs in Mental institutions where the decent ones that work make a little and can spend some.

Then the fucking leftists have 20-30 million illegals folded into the same programs. This is not sustainable.
Almost all major cities have a homeless problem, because there are more people there. San Francisco's homeless problem is more pronounced due to the cost of real estate and rent. Unfortunately much of San Francisco's problems have to do with not building up for fear of ruining their skyline and tourism revenue. That's not a liberal or conservative issue.

It's also not the entirety of San Francisco. It's also a very tolerant city of race, religion and sexual orientation and was a pioneer for equal rights. It has some of the most interesting and beautiful architecture you will find on the west coast. Has a large functioning China Town that yes, is a tourism spot however also carries many Chinese traditions that allow people to see a different culture up close. There is beautiful North Beach which has a strong Italian heritage, great food. Great town for walking, one of the healthiest cities in the country and fuck they have cable cars, who doesn't love cable cars?

Anyway, San Francisco is one of our great American cities, its' not perfect and who would expect it to be?

California Dreaming!

Do they not let people use toilets in California, or wtf?!

Walmart, McDonalds? Del Taco?!

Fuck, we bought a porta-potty and dug a hole and keep moving it and digging more holes. It stays stocked with paper. Try to ignore the spiders.
Businesses usually shoo away the homeless. Do you want corporations to take care of our public welfare or are just fishing?

How about some personal responsibility for those that are capable and the rest go to a decent Mental Institution? That never crossed your commie mind, huh?

How many are capable? I mean, you're obviously not interested in helping them or even understanding their problems. To you the solution is just to sweep them under the carpet in some institution.

But, at least you're willing to pay for their housing, that's a start.
I don't give a FUCK about their Problems, or The PROBLEMS you created for YOURSELF.

Fuck EM. Not one cent of my tax dollars. Deport them or Abort them.

You Left Tards Love Abortion so just give the contract to your local Planned Parenthood Extermination Center.

Then Bill The Sanctuary Cities Directly for having to take out the trash.

Yep, I think I've had my fill. Enjoy your hate fest.
I don't see pictures of this happening in socialist countries. So I should vote for Bernie?
Why the fuck are you SHOUTING? Turn the caps lock off, for fucks sake. You sound like a nut case.

No, shit, right?
If you care about humanity, you would volunteer to be a human toilet for the 20-30 million illegals who shit on America's Streets.

Why don't you? If anyone were an expert on bags of shit, my money would be on you. Make America Shitty Again, amirite?
I'm not a Democrat. I would Euthanize all The Illegal Aliens and Heroin Addicts or Deport them To South America.

Call it Late Term Abortion.

I'm not cleaning up some lazy assed homeless, parasitic illegals fecal matter 'cause feelings' and I am not giving one cent of my tax money to support Leftist Bullshit. If Lefty wants me to help, it will be in the form of some cheap lead to clean up lefty's mess.

Don't worry, nobody thinks you are capable of helping. You actually don't sound that different from a homeless guy who has mental issues yelling at a building because it wont' get out of your way.
Why would I help you Clean Your Shitty Streets?

Fuck you and your Streets of Shit in PedoFornia.

Why don't you just start digging graves for these people?

It'd be more humane than letting them get infested with lice, ticks, typhoid, measels, mumps, polio, and the Bubonic Plague they are now finding in your Sanctuary Shitties.
I don't see pictures of this happening in socialist countries. So I should vote for Bernie?
Because they put people like this in Mass Graves in Communist -Socialist Countries which is what will happen in America and will have to happen in America to control these kinds of problems.

This happens in all Socialist - Communist Nations Eventually.

It starts with Abortions, and Ends with Genocide.
I don't see pictures of this happening in socialist countries. So I should vote for Bernie?
Because they put people like this in Mass Graves in Communist -Socialist Countries which is what will happen in America and will have to happen in America to control these kinds of problems.

This happens in all Socialist - Communist Nations Eventually.

It starts with Abortions, and Ends with Genocide.

Smoke a lot of weed, don't you?
I never said that in the least. What do you know about mental problems? I probably know 10x more than you, you stupid fuck.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

I'm not willing to pay for anybody that is capable of working and sane to sit on their ass and take my money. That's bullshit.

There could be work programs in Mental institutions where the decent ones that work make a little and can spend some.

Already exists, and they cost money.

Then the fucking leftists have 20-30 million illegals folded into the same programs. This is not sustainable.

Pretty sure throwing anyone into a mental institution who is not mentally ill violates their constitutional rights.
Do they not let people use toilets in California, or wtf?!

Walmart, McDonalds? Del Taco?!

Fuck, we bought a porta-potty and dug a hole and keep moving it and digging more holes. It stays stocked with paper. Try to ignore the spiders.
Businesses usually shoo away the homeless. Do you want corporations to take care of our public welfare or are just fishing?

How about some personal responsibility for those that are capable and the rest go to a decent Mental Institution? That never crossed your commie mind, huh?

How many are capable? I mean, you're obviously not interested in helping them or even understanding their problems. To you the solution is just to sweep them under the carpet in some institution.

But, at least you're willing to pay for their housing, that's a start.
I don't give a FUCK about their Problems, or The PROBLEMS you created for YOURSELF.

Fuck EM. Not one cent of my tax dollars. Deport them or Abort them.

You Left Tards Love Abortion so just give the contract to your local Planned Parenthood Extermination Center.

Then Bill The Sanctuary Cities Directly for having to take out the trash.

Yep, I think I've had my fill. Enjoy your hate fest.

Too Cowardly to do what you are eventually going to have to do once America goes Full Blown Socialism?

The only thing Socialism-Communism is good at are two things:

  • Creating Equivalent Poverty
  • Digging Mass Graves
So quit being a pussy and just get on with it already, because you are going to take us there eventually anyways.
I don't see pictures of this happening in socialist countries. So I should vote for Bernie?
Because they put people like this in Mass Graves in Communist -Socialist Countries which is what will happen in America and will have to happen in America to control these kinds of problems.

This happens in all Socialist - Communist Nations Eventually.

It starts with Abortions, and Ends with Genocide.

Smoke a lot of weed, don't you?

Or he needs to.
I don't see pictures of this happening in socialist countries. So I should vote for Bernie?
Because they put people like this in Mass Graves in Communist -Socialist Countries which is what will happen in America and will have to happen in America to control these kinds of problems.

This happens in all Socialist - Communist Nations Eventually.

It starts with Abortions, and Ends with Genocide.

Smoke a lot of weed, don't you?
I watch a lot of The History Channel
Quit being negative ! Ya wanna wind up a shithole like Switzerland ?

'Most convicted rapists in Sweden foreign'

The new Germany? Switzerland struggles to cope with surge of migrants trying new route

Sweden: Women Raped, Authorities Too Busy

Switzerland’s tough stance on migrants criticized by Amnesty International

Most Rapes in Sweden Are by Foreign-born Men

More than half of Swedish rape convicts came from abroad, TV research claims

Sweeden to Re-evaluate it's Welfare State

In 2015 the refugee crisis that overwhelmed Europe threatened to bury Sweden. People fleeing fighting in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and across Africa streamed into the continent in record numbers. In 2015, the government of Sweden, a country of not quite 10 million people, recorded nearly 163,000 asylum-seekers arriving in the country. The country today has the highest number per capita of asylum-seekers in the EU.

The flood of refugees forced Sweden to tighten its policies near the end of 2015. In a nod to how deeply ingrained openness is in Swedish culture, then-Deputy Prime Minister Asa Romson broke down in tears in November 2015 as she announced stricter rules allowing the entry of refugees and asylum-seekers.

In an interview, Mattias Karlsson, a politician belonging to Sweden Democrats, said his party's support is due to growing public agreement with the part that policies on migration, integrating foreigners and criminal justice need re-evaluation. He tied foreigners to crime, especially singling out Muslims.

"We have seen a large increase in serious crimes, we have seen an increase in the rise of fundamental Islam in Sweden, we have had terror attacks in Sweden," Karlsson says. "Women in Sweden are now a lot more unsafe."

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Quit being negative ! Ya wanna wind up a shithole like Switzerland ?

More than half of Swedish rape convicts came from abroad, TV research claims

Besides, over eight out of 10 men convicted of rape in cases where the perpetrator was unknown to the victim were born abroad, according to STV.

Asylum seekers from Afghanistan topped the chart of foreigners sentenced for rape crimes, as 45 of the 843 migrants from the country were convicted in Sweden.

The sexual assault convicts were also described as people with a low level of education, a third of whom had a pre-existing criminal history. According to the broadcaster, many of the perpetrators were under the influence of drugs or alcohol when they raped or attempted to rape their victims.

Since the peak of the migrant crisis in 2015 when Sweden took in around 160,000 asylum seekers, crime associated with the new arrivals and their inability to accept European values have been a hot topic in the country.

Following the release of the report, the anti-migrant Sweden Democrats Party said that foreigners guilty of rape should be swiftly deported. The party is currently polling at 19 percent, according to Ipsos, and is looking to record its best-ever result in the forthcoming election on September 9.
I never said that in the least. What do you know about mental problems? I probably know 10x more than you, you stupid fuck.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

I'm not willing to pay for anybody that is capable of working and sane to sit on their ass and take my money. That's bullshit.

There could be work programs in Mental institutions where the decent ones that work make a little and can spend some.

Already exists, and they cost money.

Then the fucking leftists have 20-30 million illegals folded into the same programs. This is not sustainable.

Pretty sure throwing anyone into a mental institution who is not mentally ill violates their constitutional rights.

You're a moron. STFU, you commie faggot shill that has had no more than a 10th grade education or less.
I never said that in the least. What do you know about mental problems? I probably know 10x more than you, you stupid fuck.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

I'm not willing to pay for anybody that is capable of working and sane to sit on their ass and take my money. That's bullshit.

There could be work programs in Mental institutions where the decent ones that work make a little and can spend some.

Already exists, and they cost money.

Then the fucking leftists have 20-30 million illegals folded into the same programs. This is not sustainable.

Pretty sure throwing anyone into a mental institution who is not mentally ill violates their constitutional rights.

You're a moron. STFU, you commie faggot shill that has had no more than a 10th grade education or less.

There's that mental illness we all and love.

Do you realize how ineffective insults like that are on an anonymous message board? You just come off as loony, angry and whatever argument you are trying to make suffers for it.

Now, I've called people morons and idiots, but I usually at least try to demonstrate why. You on the other hand it's just kind of thrown out there and it's meaningless. I'd be insluted if you didn't call me a name.
San Francisco is such a shit hole that people are willing to cough up $1 million for a two bedroom bungalow on a 60 X 80 plot.

And have homeless shitting in your driveway. Have fun with that.

For $1,000,000, I want want 280 acres, a shack, a nice barn, power and road access, and a well or 2.

Hopefully 4" wells.
I never said that in the least. What do you know about mental problems? I probably know 10x more than you, you stupid fuck.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

I'm not willing to pay for anybody that is capable of working and sane to sit on their ass and take my money. That's bullshit.

There could be work programs in Mental institutions where the decent ones that work make a little and can spend some.

Already exists, and they cost money.

Then the fucking leftists have 20-30 million illegals folded into the same programs. This is not sustainable.

Pretty sure throwing anyone into a mental institution who is not mentally ill violates their constitutional rights.

You're a moron. STFU, you commie faggot shill that has had no more than a 10th grade education or less.

There's that mental illness we all and love.

Do you realize how ineffective insults like that are on an anonymous message board? You just come off as loony, angry and whatever argument you are trying to make suffers for it.
Come back and tell us how opening up your house to illegal immigrants as a bathroom, and a place to shoot up Heroin Goes, Commie Moron Son of a Bitch Dupe.
Quit being negative ! Ya wanna wind up a shithole like Switzerland ?

'Most convicted rapists in Sweden foreign'

The new Germany? Switzerland struggles to cope with surge of migrants trying new route

Sweden: Women Raped, Authorities Too Busy

Switzerland’s tough stance on migrants criticized by Amnesty International

Most Rapes in Sweden Are by Foreign-born Men

More than half of Swedish rape convicts came from abroad, TV research claims

Sweeden to Re-evaluate it's Welfare State

In 2015 the refugee crisis that overwhelmed Europe threatened to bury Sweden. People fleeing fighting in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and across Africa streamed into the continent in record numbers. In 2015, the government of Sweden, a country of not quite 10 million people, recorded nearly 163,000 asylum-seekers arriving in the country. The country today has the highest number per capita of asylum-seekers in the EU.

The flood of refugees forced Sweden to tighten its policies near the end of 2015. In a nod to how deeply ingrained openness is in Swedish culture, then-Deputy Prime Minister Asa Romson broke down in tears in November 2015 as she announced stricter rules allowing the entry of refugees and asylum-seekers.

In an interview, Mattias Karlsson, a politician belonging to Sweden Democrats, said his party's support is due to growing public agreement with the part that policies on migration, integrating foreigners and criminal justice need re-evaluation. He tied foreigners to crime, especially singling out Muslims.

"We have seen a large increase in serious crimes, we have seen an increase in the rise of fundamental Islam in Sweden, we have had terror attacks in Sweden," Karlsson says. "Women in Sweden are now a lot more unsafe."

Many thanks for Reagan George W bush for Wrecking the Middle East and the world economy and giving us all these refugees. All GOP functional assholes do is bitch about how Europe doesn't pay their way in defense, while they have eight million refugees that the GOP caused... And we have like 15,000.

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