Democrat vindication

LOL, I Love trumptard rants. Always amusing.

But the above-bolded question really caught my eye. Did Biden campaign on the promise that he would build a fucking wall? Of course, not.

That was your orange fuhrer!!! Why don't you question his douche bag highness why the loser never built a wall? Remember his promise that he would a wall and have Mexico pay for it? You retards fell for it, didn't you? Whatever happened to that promise? :auiqs.jpg:

Keep ranting, trumptard. Always amusing. Thanks for the laughs!
'Orange Furer'?

I love listening to deranged, completely obsessed, TDS-suffering snowflakes who, still after this long 6 years, get so triggered they call him stupid names and say insane shit like this. It makes you look like raving lunatics.

I mean YOU freaks were the ones who openly wept when the Top Scandal Queen in US history lost...


Because of your sensitivity to mean tweets and blunt talk, due to your easily offended nature, you twisted, mentally ill sheep actually flocked out I to the streets and screamed at the sky


Despite realizing they had lost it was at that moment, laughing at a of you doing this, the Demo rats KNEW they had you, that they could do anything to you and get you to DO anything....

...even vote for a senile, dementia-ravaged, ancient, racist, white elitist, corrupt, compromised, seditious, treason co-conspiring, foreign leader-extorting, failure who had never been right about every foreign policy decision he has ever made and now wrongvabout every domestic decision he has made....

...a threat to this nation who has committed Impeachable offenses by violating the Constitution, US Law, and his Oath of office through an Open Border policy, facilitating and engaging in illegal immigration, drug / human / child / sex trafficking, illegally transporting and dumping illegals over the US, and importing Drug Cartels, traffickers, thieves, violent gangs, kidnappers, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, and terrorists. In addition he has placed this nation and our citizens in danger.

One Question used to be asked at election time - It's only a year and a half into Biden's Presidency 61% of Americans have proclaimed already, "HELL NO, WE ARE NOT BETTER OFF THAN BEFORE!"

'Build Back Bettef' is STILL the biggest lie Biden has told yet, and THAT is saying something considering the never-ending shit storm of finger-pointing and lies from Joe 'The Buck Stops Here' Biden.

Biden’s unemployment numbers are lower than any time between the ’70s and 2019​

More Americans are finding work than any time during the past 50 years except for just a few.

The 3.6% unemployment rate has been holding steady for three months in a row, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ jobs report released on Friday. With the exception of the last few months of 2019 and the first few months of 2020, it’s a lower unemployment rate than any single month throughout the 1970s, ’80s, ’90s, and 2000s.
Dumbshit, when half the country's out of work we can't go anywhere but up.

You know what else, dumbshit?

There are PLENTY of jobs. No one's taking them. They're even offering hiring bonuses, no one's taking those either.

Why should they, when they can live off the government?

Dumbshit Democrats. They're terminally stupid
'Orange Furer'?

I love listening to deranged, completely obsessed, TDS-suffering snowflakes who, still after this long 6 years, get so triggered they call him stupid names and say insane shit like this. It makes you look like raving lunatics.

I mean YOU freaks were the ones who openly wept when the Top Scandal Queen in US history lost...

View attachment 659627

Because of your sensitivity to mean tweets and blunt talk, due to your easily offended nature, you twisted, mentally ill sheep actually flocked out I to the streets and screamed at the sky

View attachment 659631

Despite realizing they had lost it was at that moment, laughing at a of you doing this, the Demo rats KNEW they had you, that they could do anything to you and get you to DO anything....

...even vote for a senile, dementia-ravaged, ancient, racist, white elitist, corrupt, compromised, seditious, treason co-conspiring, foreign leader-extorting, failure who had never been right about every foreign policy decision he has ever made and now wrongvabout every domestic decision he has made....

...a threat to this nation who has committed Impeachable offenses by violating the Constitution, US Law, and his Oath of office through an Open Border policy, facilitating and engaging in illegal immigration, drug / human / child / sex trafficking, illegally transporting and dumping illegals over the US, and importing Drug Cartels, traffickers, thieves, violent gangs, kidnappers, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, and terrorists. In addition he has placed this nation and our citizens in danger.

One Question used to be asked at election time - It's only a year and a half into Biden's Presidency 61% of Americans have proclaimed already, "HELL NO, WE ARE NOT BETTER OFF THAN BEFORE!"

'Build Back Bettef' is STILL the biggest lie Biden has told yet, and THAT is saying something considering the never-ending shit storm of finger-pointing and lies from Joe 'The Buck Stops Here' Biden.

But... don't complain, just get the tar and feathers ready.

A lot of righties voted for Biden on the off chance the Democrats might actually have a point, but now that everyone sees how these jackass Democrats are conducting themselves the cat's out of the bag and the truth is publicly visible.

And no one's going for the Stalinist bullshit. NO ONE. Anyone who does, is going to be summarily ejected - from town, and from society. We're going to make this Stalinist trend very, very unpopular. Trust me, we will. People like you and me will get it done.
It's not Biden's fault that the Federal Reserve fucked up with their monetary policy that they've enacted the past few years.

Now they're raising interes rates, but not too much! Think the Fed wants to raise interest rates to the point that investors pull money out of risky Wall St investments & park it in securities that are more stable & get 3% Nope.

We're screwed no matter what The Fed does. This has been coming down the pike for years, the housing market is next & it ain't Biden's fault.

Need a whipping boy? Look to the Federal Reserve.

Of course it won't be Dementia's fault. Nothing is according to the left. It's Putin's fault, it's Trump's fault, it's the Republicans fault, it's big oils fault.............

"The best part of being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
1. Xiden signs Exec Orders declaring "war on energy" on his 2nd day in office.
On his second day in office, President Biden signed Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis. The biggest takeaway from the Executive Order was the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline permit.

Sorry, retard. But nope. Even if the Keystone XL had not been canceled, it would not have made a difference. Read and learn:

When TC Energy announced in March 2020 that it was resuming construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, they estimated that it would “enter service in 2023.” By this projection, if construction resumed tomorrow, Keystone wouldn’t be online until 2025. When Biden revoked the permit on January 20, 2021, TC Energy completed just over 90 miles of a pipeline supposed to extend across 1,200 miles. Considering this construction history and the inevitable lawsuits the pipeline would have faced again, completion in three years might be wishful thinking.

In the weeks following U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision to scrap the Keystone XL oil pipeline, posts on social media have claimed that the project “was in Phase 4 & just about completed” and that it had been “paid for” by the time Biden “pulled the plug.” While it is true that the project had secured funding, which was largely expected to be paid out in 2021 and 2022, the claim is partly false, as less than 10% of the pipeline had been built by the time Biden formally revoked the permit.

Therefore, about 8% of the planned 1,210-mile XL extension had been built by the time President Biden revoked the permit.

It's important to understand what's contributing to the high prices of oil in the first place. Gregory Nemet, professor of public affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Wisconsin Energy Institute, pointed out that the cost of oil has steadily increased since last fall, when it was around $70 a barrel, to more than $130 last week before settling back at around $100 a barrel on Tuesday. That initial jump in the cost of crude was driven by the ongoing economic recovery, which boosted demand by consumers and businesses that had been dampened by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"A lot more transportation and people flying around, people driving, more demand for oil," he said. "And supply doesn't always quickly respond to that kind of shock in demand."

Yet many experts agree that moving ahead with the pipeline wouldn't have prevented U.S. gas prices from climbing to a record high. Expanding the Keystone would have increased global oil production by less than 1%, an amount, they explained, is "almost negligible."

Everything else on your list? Just wishful thinking. None of them have been banned by Biden. Try again, retard.

Next time do your homework. Don't just copy/paste from a wingnut site. Will help you look less of a fool. Good luck. :itsok:
LOL, 400 miles of border wall? You know the length of the U.S.-Mexican border is estimated at 1,933 miles, right? The border between AZ and Mexico is another 373 miles. But hooray, Rump built a 400 miles wall!!!!! :auiqs.jpg:

You are not very smart, are you? :itsok:

'Orange Furer'?

I love listening to deranged, completely obsessed, TDS-suffering snowflakes who, still after this long 6 years, get so triggered they call him stupid names and say insane shit like this. It makes you look like raving lunatics.

I mean YOU freaks were the ones who openly wept when the Top Scandal Queen in US history lost...

View attachment 659627

Because of your sensitivity to mean tweets and blunt talk, due to your easily offended nature, you twisted, mentally ill sheep actually flocked out I to the streets and screamed at the sky

View attachment 659631

Despite realizing they had lost it was at that moment, laughing at a of you doing this, the Demo rats KNEW they had you, that they could do anything to you and get you to DO anything....

...even vote for a senile, dementia-ravaged, ancient, racist, white elitist, corrupt, compromised, seditious, treason co-conspiring, foreign leader-extorting, failure who had never been right about every foreign policy decision he has ever made and now wrongvabout every domestic decision he has made....

...a threat to this nation who has committed Impeachable offenses by violating the Constitution, US Law, and his Oath of office through an Open Border policy, facilitating and engaging in illegal immigration, drug / human / child / sex trafficking, illegally transporting and dumping illegals over the US, and importing Drug Cartels, traffickers, thieves, violent gangs, kidnappers, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, and terrorists. In addition he has placed this nation and our citizens in danger.

One Question used to be asked at election time - It's only a year and a half into Biden's Presidency 61% of Americans have proclaimed already, "HELL NO, WE ARE NOT BETTER OFF THAN BEFORE!"

'Build Back Bettef' is STILL the biggest lie Biden has told yet, and THAT is saying something considering the never-ending shit storm of finger-pointing and lies from Joe 'The Buck Stops Here' Biden.
:sleeping-smiley-015: :sleeping-smiley-015: :sleeping-smiley-015: Yeah, that's what this site needs. Another retard rant.

Biden’s unemployment numbers are lower than any time between the ’70s and 2019​

More Americans are finding work than any time during the past 50 years except for just a few.

The 3.6% unemployment rate has been holding steady for three months in a row, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ jobs report released on Friday. With the exception of the last few months of 2019 and the first few months of 2020, it’s a lower unemployment rate than any single month throughout the 1970s, ’80s, ’90s, and 2000s.
No doubt. These cons are not lucid.
LOL, I Love trumptard rants. Always amusing.

But the above-bolded question really caught my eye. Did Biden campaign on the promise that he would build a fucking wall? Of course, not.

That was your orange fuhrer!!! Why don't you question his douche bag highness why the loser never built a wall? Remember his promise that he would a wall and have Mexico pay for it? You retards fell for it, didn't you? Whatever happened to that promise? :auiqs.jpg:

Keep ranting, trumptard. Always amusing. Thanks for the laughs!

Before Biden stopped new construction on the wall, the Trump administration had built 458 miles of what it dubbed “border wall system,” according to final figures compiled by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and provided to U.S. News.

The wall consists mostly of 18- to 30-foot steel bollards anchored in concrete. The barriers also feature sensors, lights, cameras and parallel roads in some places.
The vast majority of the 458 miles were constructed in places where some kind of barrier already existed, but most of the preexisting structures were far less imposing than the new wall and included fencing and rudimentary technical barriers. The total figure also includes what the agency calls “secondary border wall” or sections of wall built behind preexisting barriers that ultimately remained in place.

LOL An opinion piece? Really? That's what you use to prove your point? Did you even see who wrote that piece?

Here, let me help you:
Elaine Duke is the acting secretary of Homeland Security.
You can read diverse opinions from our Board of Contributors and other writers on the Opinion front page,

The then-acting secretary of Homeland Security!!!!! :auiqs.jpg: What else is she going to say? Why not post the orange douche bag's own quote about how he built a huuuuuuuge wall (in his dreams!!!!) :laughing0301:

I tell ya, who needs tv when you retards provide the best entertainment!!!! Thanks, for the laughs, retard.

Biden’s unemployment numbers are lower than any time between the ’70s and 2019​

More Americans are finding work than any time during the past 50 years except for just a few.

The 3.6% unemployment rate has been holding steady for three months in a row, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ jobs report released on Friday. With the exception of the last few months of 2019 and the first few months of 2020, it’s a lower unemployment rate than any single month throughout the 1970s, ’80s, ’90s, and 2000s.

And yet you can't name one policy by Dementia that's responsible for it.

Those jobs have been there since the beginning of 2021. But when they pay people more money to sit at home than work, the jobs remain open.

When the gravy train ran out in September of last year, some people had no choice but to find a job. Others (mostly in the food industry) living in moms basement made enough money to not work for even longer.
LOL. You really are the retard that keeps giving.

Now a piece from a right-wing rag? Really? Who are you trying to convince? Your retard friends? No one else is going to be convinced.

Here let me quote you from a business magazine on why the gas prices are higher. Spoiler alert: Nope not because of Biden's actions.

Why is this happening?​

Several factors are coming together to push gasoline prices higher.

Global oil prices have been rising—unevenly, but sharply overall—since December. The price of international crude has roughly doubled in that time, with the U.S. benchmark rising nearly as much, closing Friday at more than $120 a barrel.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the resulting sanctions by the United States and its allies have contributed to the rise. Russia is a leading oil producer.

The United States is the world's largest oil producer, but U.S. capacity to turn oil into gasoline is down 900,000 barrels of oil per day since the end of 2019, according to the Energy Department.

Tighter oil and gasoline supplies are hitting as energy consumption rises because of the economic recovery.

Finally, Americans typically drive more starting around Memorial Day, adding to the demand for gasoline.

Read it a few times and when you are done, read it a few more times. Even a retard like you will get it. :itsok:
And yet you can't name one policy by Dementia that's responsible for it.

Those jobs have been there since the beginning of 2021. But when they pay people more money to sit at home than work, the jobs remain open.

When the gravy train ran out in September of last year, some people had no choice but to find a job. Others (mostly in the food industry) living in moms basement made enough money to not work for even longer.
Because there isn't any, you fucking retard. Biden isn't responsible for gas prices.

Man, even on the level of trumptards, you are a moron.
LOL An opinion piece? Really? That's what you use to prove your point? Did you even see who wrote that piece?

Here, let me help you:
Elaine Duke is the acting secretary of Homeland Security.
You can read diverse opinions from our Board of Contributors and other writers on the Opinion front page,

The then-acting secretary of Homeland Security!!!!! :auiqs.jpg: What else is she going to say? Why not post the orange douche bag's own quote about how he built a huuuuuuuge wall (in his dreams!!!!) :laughing0301:

I tell ya, who needs tv when you retards provide the best entertainment!!!! Thanks, for the laughs, retard.

Oh, so you need more commie sites to make my point. No problem.

Oh, so you need more commie sites to make my point. No problem.

Did you even read the links you posted, you moron? :auiqs.jpg: Here, let me help you (from your own link):

President Donald Trump on Friday declared a national emergency to build a border wall. Yet illegal crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border are at their lowest levels in nearly 50 years.
That reality calls into question Trump’s justification for declaring a national emergency over the border, potentially setting up years of legal challenges.

According to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, there were 303,916 apprehensions along the southern border during the 2017 fiscal year, the lowest level since 1971. Illegal immigration at the border peaked in 2000, when there were more than 1.6 million apprehensions.

Trump has frequently referred to the southern border as a “crisis,” despite the fact that the majority of illegal immigration occurs when immigrants overstay their temporary visas.

LOL. Next time, read your links before posting. This link is really not helping your case. :itsok:
Because there isn't any, you fucking retard. Biden isn't responsible for gas prices.

Man, even on the level of trumptards, you are a moron.

Of course he's not responsible. When was the last time a Communist admitted they were?

When he shutdown the Keystone, prices of gasoline and diesel increased. When the Russians hacked our largest gasoline pipeline, Dementia made a public statement that it wasn't a government issue, it was a private industry issue, and prices increased again. When he put a halt to new oil exploration and drilling on public land, prices increased again.

Prices kept increasing under this dunce which is why we are paying twice as much for gasoline than we were when Trump left office. He stopped drilling in ANWAR, doubled the royalty fees to oil companies that were extracting oil on public land, and the list goes on and on.

What do real morons think? That replacing a pro-energy President with an anti-energy President didn't have any impact on fuel prices.
Did you even read the links you posted, you moron? :auiqs.jpg: Here, let me help you (from your own link):

President Donald Trump on Friday declared a national emergency to build a border wall. Yet illegal crossings at the U.S.-Mexico border are at their lowest levels in nearly 50 years.
That reality calls into question Trump’s justification for declaring a national emergency over the border, potentially setting up years of legal challenges.

According to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, there were 303,916 apprehensions along the southern border during the 2017 fiscal year, the lowest level since 1971. Illegal immigration at the border peaked in 2000, when there were more than 1.6 million apprehensions.

Trump has frequently referred to the southern border as a “crisis,” despite the fact that the majority of illegal immigration occurs when immigrants overstay their temporary visas.

LOL. Next time, read your links before posting. This link is really not helping your case. :itsok:

So how many links would you like that border barriers work? They've worked all across the world, yet you think they can't work here?

The problem with our barriers is that too many open areas were left behind thanks to the Communists and Dementia. Why do you think he stopped the wall from continued construction, because they don't work?

Yes, my article states border crossings were at their lowest point, do you think that was just dumb luck? No, it was the wall and all the successful border policies Trump put in place. Dementia reversed his polices and now (according to the Border Patrol) we have the worst crisis in over 20 years.


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