Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam basically supports killing children after they're born

You either can't read or you is lying..

I heard the person who introduced the bill herself say that a viable fetus could be aborted up until birth if the mental health of the mother is as risk.

At least you realize how disgusting it is, thereby your need to water it down.
It still takes a doctor to approve.

Approve what exactly? What reason could there possibly be to kill a viable life just before birth?
There is none which is why it is not suppose to happen.

You can't even defend your own argument.

Seems nothing has changed over the years I've been away from here.

You are just as stupid now as you were back then.
Still practicing your dickhead act I see..
Pure evil.


Nope, Dims won't vote for him since satan is identified as a male.

Maybe if he were a trans.
You must be one of those lying or dumb ones since you’re actually ignoring the extreme circumstances under which the law would allow for such abortions, just so you can [fail to] make your point. Seems you too are promoting women be forced to sacrifice their own lives when late term pregnancies turn lethal for the pregnant woman.

”They elect Sharia law believers to US official positions.”

What’s wrong with that? People are allowed to believe whatever they want. Even those in government. When did you become the thought police?

Yeah, nothing wrong with Sharia law in a nation that was built on completely antithetical values.

What a moron we are dealing with here. Defending women rights and Sharia at the same time. You do realize that women would get stoned even thinking about an abortion in Sharia?
You poor, demented, loser. No one is saying Sharia law is, or should be, allowed in the U.S.. The complaint levied against Muslims in Congress was that they believe in Sharia law.

If they believe in Sharia law, they also believe it should be implemented in USA. That's part of Islam's message.

Everything is wrong in putting those who believe in Sharia law into US official positions, or even in US the country.

Are you going to explain your position of being an Islam advocate and abortion enthusiast at the same time?
”If they believe in Sharia law, they also believe it should be implemented in USA. That's part of Islam's message.”


That is the dumbest shit. You rightards crack me up.

No, believing in Sharia law does not necessarily mean Muslim Congress members believe it should be U.S. law. Many Christians believe they are supposed to proselytize their faith. Does that mean they are trying to make the New Testement, U.S. law? Many Jews believe in the Torah. Does that mean they’re trying to make the Torah, U.S. law?

When a Muslim submits a bill in Congress that attempts to legalize Sharia laws, then you’ll have a legitimate gripe. But bitching & moaning because someone believes in it, doesn’t mean they believe it should usurp U.S. law; all it does is expose your bigotry.

”Are you going to explain your position of being an Islam advocate and abortion enthusiast at the same time?”

Sure, that’s easy to explain — the explanation is that you’re a fucking imbecile. I never advocated Islam. I advocated people being allowed to make such choices for themselves. Which is also consistent with my view on abortion. I’m personally against it and even supported my wife’s decision to not have one even when one of her pregnancy’s became a dangerous threat to her life; but I again advocate women be allowed to make that choice for themselves. I shouldn’t be the one making that choice for them.
So you would rather make the choice that a human could be killed after birth, like our VA governor was implying, and what this thread is about.

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Under the health conditions of such a baby as mentioned in the bill, I have no problem leaving that choice up to the mother (and father when applicable). That doesn’t expose babies born healthy and viable to abortion.
Did you actually read the bill? I'm gonna guess no, since you're here making yourself look stupid.

The part of the bill you're crying about only deals with a mother's life being on the line. It's not something that a woman can just request as they're going into labor.

Fake news topic.

Are you saying that demonrats are not the party of Evil?

you know what? try again!
No, they are saying Republiscum are the party of dumb and liars. Read the fucking bill.
Democrats are the party of lawlessness. They want abortions to delivery, and even after delivery according to our VA governor. They want open borders and restricted ICE. Sancturary cities and states. They elect Sharia law believers to US official positions. They want to rob working people through taxation so that they can have something for nothing.

They are some sick puppies.

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You must be one of those lying or dumb ones since you’re actually ignoring the extreme circumstances under which the law would allow for such abortions, just so you can [fail to] make your point. Seems you too are promoting women be forced to sacrifice their own lives when late term pregnancies turn lethal for the pregnant woman.

”They elect Sharia law believers to US official positions.”

What’s wrong with that? People are allowed to believe whatever they want. Even those in government. When did you become the thought police?
Gosnell murdered thousands of full term babies.

Now legal in New York.
And he was convicted of committing first degree murder.
Northam on Abortion Bill: Infant Could Be Delivered and Then ‘Physicians and the Mother’ Could Decide If It Lives

VA Gov. Northam: Abortion Bill Leaves Born Babies' Lives Up to Doctors and Mothers to Decide
Legalizing INFANTICIDE... We gave the death penalty for this.

Why are these sick bastards trivializing human life? They are acting like they are God (more precisely that man is God and thus our inalienable rights are null and void because they say so. This is the more important attack happening. Once our rights are determined by man and not God, then they can claim control of every aspect of our lives and a persons inalienable rights are destroyed)

A woman's 'choice' ends when she spreads her legs...
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You don't know what you're talking about, but that's par for the course.
They all claim they are for the rights of the unborn the born can go to hell for all they care..
If you're a leftist, you're going to hell anyways.
I have a first class ticket!
Cool. Better enjoy your temporary gig here on Earth while you can...
Is there something else we should do? Like being miserable...I tried being married no thanks...
Nope. If you're a liberal - you're cooked.
Northam on Abortion Bill: Infant Could Be Delivered and Then ‘Physicians and the Mother’ Could Decide If It Lives

VA Gov. Northam: Abortion Bill Leaves Born Babies' Lives Up to Doctors and Mothers to Decide
Legalizing INFANTICIDE... We gave the death penalty for this why are these sick bastards trivializing human life? They are acting like they are God (more precisely that man is God and thus out inalienable rights are null and void because they say so. This is the more important attack happening. Once our rights are determined by man and not God then they can claim control of every aspect of our lives and a persons inalienable rights are destroyed)

Whiney billybob

Nobody is legalizing infanticide.
Party of Satan.

In the video, which is just a clip, you hear Del. Tran say her bill would allow an abortion even if a woman was dilating.

She released a statement saying, "we need to trust women to make their own healthcare decisions" and Democrats called it an "orchestrated attack."

House tables bill about late-term abortions in Virginia after video goes viral

Did you actually read the bill? I'm gonna guess no, since you're here making yourself look stupid.

The part of the bill you're crying about only deals with a mother's life being on the line. It's not something that a woman can just request as they're going into labor.

Fake news topic.
Well, Mr Bezlelbub, if a mother’s life is impacted with a full term baby they simply deliver the child.

Thats just way too much logic.
I heard the person who introduced the bill herself say that a viable fetus could be aborted up until birth if the mental health of the mother is as risk.

At least you realize how disgusting it is, thereby your need to water it down.
It still takes a doctor to approve.

Approve what exactly? What reason could there possibly be to kill a viable life just before birth?
There is none which is why it is not suppose to happen.

You can't even defend your own argument.

Seems nothing has changed over the years I've been away from here.

You are just as stupid now as you were back then.
Still practicing your dickhead act I see..

Start defending your arguments.

You said, "It still takes a doctor to approve".

To approve what?

What reason could there possibly be to kill a viable life just before birth?
Every thing they propose is a forfeit of responsibility to the individual. That is a backdoor vote buying scam. It's a " vote for us and you
can what you want" the govt will take care of you. The hoardes of their voters in the inner cities like this. The hoardes of illegals that are their future voters will like it too. Let's hope enough of the useful idiots wake up and vote the Dems out in 2020.
That’s just plain wrong. Just because a woman has an abortion doesn’t mean she will never want kids. What happened to being reasonable? Pick a time somewhere within the first trimester as cut off for abortions. If a fetus can live outside the womb, it’s a human being, not a fetus.
A fetus cannot live outside the womb at 3 months. Or four. When you get to five, it is a crap shoot if the fragile thing can withstand the medical miracles that are used to "save" it, frequently resulting in blowing out the brain and leaving a child seriously handicapped for life.
Many women don't know they are pregnant until 3 months. Make the cut off for on demand abortions 5 months and it would be reasonable.

See! This is reasonable discussion. I however will not budge past 4 months. How can you not know your months. But we do agree that third trimester is off the table, right?
Medical reasons for a third trimester abortion need to remain in place, I think.

Medical reasons? Like what? My belief is if a fetus can survive outside the womb it becomes a human being, and at that point it deserves the same protection as anybody else, including its mother. How do you determine a mother’s life is more sacred than a babies.

22 weeks. No abortions after 22 weeks.

Earliest surviving preemie to remain in hospital
A girl born after just under 22 weeks in the womb — among the shortest gestation periods known for a live birth — will remain in a hospital a few extra days as a precaution, officials said Tuesday.

Amillia Sonja Taylor, born Oct. 24 after just under 22 weeks in the womb, had been expected to be sent home from Baptist Children’s Hospital on Tuesday.
I'm not a doctor, Bucktooth. I know there are times (fortunately not often) when it is a question of the mother's life. More often, it is a severely damaged fetus who will suffer. I've already given you an example of a "medical reason" I know of personally. Surely if you have read up on this matter, you know what the medical reasons are more than I do.

Your "miracle" child is a lucky little girl--if in fact she goes on to lead a fairly normal life. I will keep my fingers crossed for her. One example does not really give a lot of weight to your argument, though. My brother's wife gave birth at seven months to a child who very nearly didn't make it--was in ICU on a breathing machine for weeks and it caused brain damage. He's okay, just kinda dim, and we love him to pieces. But to argue that all children can make it at 22 weeks is an astoundingly irresponsible stance.

I’d say when you’re talking about an innocent child, you err to the protection of the unborn.
That’s just plain wrong. Just because a woman has an abortion doesn’t mean she will never want kids. What happened to being reasonable? Pick a time somewhere within the first trimester as cut off for abortions. If a fetus can live outside the womb, it’s a human being, not a fetus.
A fetus cannot live outside the womb at 3 months. Or four. When you get to five, it is a crap shoot if the fragile thing can withstand the medical miracles that are used to "save" it, frequently resulting in blowing out the brain and leaving a child seriously handicapped for life.
Many women don't know they are pregnant until 3 months. Make the cut off for on demand abortions 5 months and it would be reasonable.

See! This is reasonable discussion. I however will not budge past 4 months. How can you not know your months. But we do agree that third trimester is off the table, right?
A lot of drug addicts and insane women don't keep track because they're too messed up. A lot of women do not have regular periods, so how would they know, if they aren't lucky enough to have morning sickness? The other factor you MUST keep in mind is that women must pay for it. And it takes time to scrape up $600 for some folks. The same folks who really can't afford another kid. However, I know that most doctors will push a woman to have it early. Few want to abort a child past four months. Or even three.

Ok, I’ll give you that, but in those cases the abortion is paid for by the State and includes mandatory tubal ligation.
Really? I didn't know any states had mandatory tubal ligation anymore. Certainly not for drug addicts and the mentally ill who are walking around the streets, where most of them are these days.

No no. I didn’t make myself clear. I don’t know if TL is mandatory in those cases. I’m saying it should be.
Weird. Republicans scream protect the baby. And then they do everything they can to arm school shooters. It’s just weird.
Outrage as video shows Virginia abortion bill sponsor saying plan would allow termination up until birth

From the article: Virginia Democratic Del. Kathy Tran is the sponsor of The Repeal Act, which seeks to repeal restrictions on third-trimester abortions. The bill -- which was tabled in committee this week -- has the support of top Democrats in the state, including Gov. Ralph Northam. Basically, democrats everywhere are making the big push to murder babies all the way up to birth (which shouldn't matter since life begins at conception) -- ultimately, there will be evil liberal skank moms that will be able to murder their toddlers just because -- and get away with it.

However, why is there outrage about abortions being legal up to birth -- especially when babies are babies at conception, so when you are allowed to end pregnancy shouldn't matter -- its still murder. The best way to outlaw abortion in this country is to put our money where our mouth is and treat it like murder. Death penalties for the mothers who have abortions and death penalties for the doctors, the nurse staff, etc.

If we are not willing to do that, then all of this talk about abortion is just talk
Or simply inject some blanket “equality” into the matter... Issue two permits per person, per lifetime; much like a hunters buck tag... That gives every American two “freebies” to off people that they determine are an inconvenience in their lives. Allow them to cash them in however they see fit. But ONLY TWO! After that... penalties will be applied. After all... if you can’t streamline your life after two... you’re clearly prone to chronic bad decision making.
There! Now thats fair for everyone...
Why should the top 10% only be allowed to kill just 2?

Have they not earned the right to kill an endless amount -- after all, it is the least we can do to thank them for their job creation
A woman who chooses abortion probably never wants a child.

Mandatory hysterectomy along with the abortion would solve her problem forever.

She could carry on being as irresponsible and promiscuous as she wants to be.

That’s just plain wrong. Just because a woman has an abortion doesn’t mean she will never want kids. What happened to being reasonable? Pick a time somewhere within the first trimester as cut off for abortions. If a fetus can live outside the womb, it’s a human being, not a fetus.
A fetus cannot live outside the womb at 3 months. Or four. When you get to five, it is a crap shoot if the fragile thing can withstand the medical miracles that are used to "save" it, frequently resulting in blowing out the brain and leaving a child seriously handicapped for life.
Many women don't know they are pregnant until 3 months. Make the cut off for on demand abortions 5 months and it would be reasonable.

See! This is reasonable discussion. I however will not budge past 4 months. How can you not know your months. But we do agree that third trimester is off the table, right?
Medical reasons for a third trimester abortion need to remain in place, I think.

No, not really....if the mother dies, she dies....what mother wouldn't die for her child?

If a mother is so selfish that she would end the life of her child to save her own, she doesn't deserve to be a mother fact, she doesn't deserve to be alive...which is why I say death penalty to all mothers of abortions.
Outrage as video shows Virginia abortion bill sponsor saying plan would allow termination up until birth

From the article: Virginia Democratic Del. Kathy Tran is the sponsor of The Repeal Act, which seeks to repeal restrictions on third-trimester abortions. The bill -- which was tabled in committee this week -- has the support of top Democrats in the state, including Gov. Ralph Northam. Basically, democrats everywhere are making the big push to murder babies all the way up to birth (which shouldn't matter since life begins at conception) -- ultimately, there will be evil liberal skank moms that will be able to murder their toddlers just because -- and get away with it.

However, why is there outrage about abortions being legal up to birth -- especially when babies are babies at conception, so when you are allowed to end pregnancy shouldn't matter -- its still murder. The best way to outlaw abortion in this country is to put our money where our mouth is and treat it like murder. Death penalties for the mothers who have abortions and death penalties for the doctors, the nurse staff, etc.

If we are not willing to do that, then all of this talk about abortion is just talk
Or simply inject some blanket “equality” into the matter... Issue two permits per person, per lifetime; much like a hunters buck tag... That gives every American two “freebies” to off people that they determine are an inconvenience in their lives. Allow them to cash them in however they see fit. But ONLY TWO! After that... penalties will be applied. After all... if you can’t streamline your life after two... you’re clearly prone to chronic bad decision making.
There! Now thats fair for everyone...
Why should the top 10% only be allowed to kill just 2?

Have they not earned the right to kill an endless amount -- after all, it is the least we can do to thank them for their job creation
Two tags per person is more than enough!
Outrage as video shows Virginia abortion bill sponsor saying plan would allow termination up until birth

From the article: Virginia Democratic Del. Kathy Tran is the sponsor of The Repeal Act, which seeks to repeal restrictions on third-trimester abortions. The bill -- which was tabled in committee this week -- has the support of top Democrats in the state, including Gov. Ralph Northam. Basically, democrats everywhere are making the big push to murder babies all the way up to birth (which shouldn't matter since life begins at conception) -- ultimately, there will be evil liberal skank moms that will be able to murder their toddlers just because -- and get away with it.

However, why is there outrage about abortions being legal up to birth -- especially when babies are babies at conception, so when you are allowed to end pregnancy shouldn't matter -- its still murder. The best way to outlaw abortion in this country is to put our money where our mouth is and treat it like murder. Death penalties for the mothers who have abortions and death penalties for the doctors, the nurse staff, etc.

If we are not willing to do that, then all of this talk about abortion is just talk
Or simply inject some blanket “equality” into the matter... Issue two permits per person, per lifetime; much like a hunters buck tag... That gives every American two “freebies” to off people that they determine are an inconvenience in their lives. Allow them to cash them in however they see fit. But ONLY TWO! After that... penalties will be applied. After all... if you can’t streamline your life after two... you’re clearly prone to chronic bad decision making.
There! Now thats fair for everyone...
Why should the top 10% only be allowed to kill just 2?

Have they not earned the right to kill an endless amount -- after all, it is the least we can do to thank them for their job creation
Two tags per person is more than enough!
Just like a socialist communist fascist to tell a person of wealth what is enough for them.....

If the wealth class can't kill as many as they want, they will simply stop working so hard since there is no incentive for them to do so....
Outrage as video shows Virginia abortion bill sponsor saying plan would allow termination up until birth

From the article: Virginia Democratic Del. Kathy Tran is the sponsor of The Repeal Act, which seeks to repeal restrictions on third-trimester abortions. The bill -- which was tabled in committee this week -- has the support of top Democrats in the state, including Gov. Ralph Northam. Basically, democrats everywhere are making the big push to murder babies all the way up to birth (which shouldn't matter since life begins at conception) -- ultimately, there will be evil liberal skank moms that will be able to murder their toddlers just because -- and get away with it.

However, why is there outrage about abortions being legal up to birth -- especially when babies are babies at conception, so when you are allowed to end pregnancy shouldn't matter -- its still murder. The best way to outlaw abortion in this country is to put our money where our mouth is and treat it like murder. Death penalties for the mothers who have abortions and death penalties for the doctors, the nurse staff, etc.

If we are not willing to do that, then all of this talk about abortion is just talk
Or simply inject some blanket “equality” into the matter... Issue two permits per person, per lifetime; much like a hunters buck tag... That gives every American two “freebies” to off people that they determine are an inconvenience in their lives. Allow them to cash them in however they see fit. But ONLY TWO! After that... penalties will be applied. After all... if you can’t streamline your life after two... you’re clearly prone to chronic bad decision making.
There! Now thats fair for everyone...
Why should the top 10% only be allowed to kill just 2?

Have they not earned the right to kill an endless amount -- after all, it is the least we can do to thank them for their job creation
Two tags per person is more than enough!
Just like a socialist communist fascist to tell a person of wealth what is enough for them.....

If the wealth class can't kill as many as they want, they will simply stop working so hard since there is no incentive for them to do so....
Nonsense. Two tags per person. Wealth isn’t a factor. Rich, or poor... You get two tags. Don’t spend em’ all in one place...

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