Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam basically supports killing children after they're born

So let me get this straight. VA has always allowed this procedure in order to save a mother's life, but it required three doctors to sign off on it. Now it only requires one doctor and people are screaming "Late term abortions on demand!!".

Because that seems like the gist of this topic.

For the love of god people, learn to read and stop believing what other people tell you.

Actually the governor literally said that after birth abortion would be fine.

Learn to not be an idiot yourself. Leftists always projecting.

I don't give a rat's ass what the governor said. Because what was said isn't law, but what's in the bill is. Read the bill.

Do you think that everything Trump says is automatically the law of the land?

He was talking ABOUT THE BILL you idiot.

He also added "it's no big deal". Because he also is a leftist moron.

The pro-choice people aren't actually pro-choice. They are pro-death.

Read the bill. Stop listening to what other people say about it, and read it.

Come back to me after that.
so loser fk, did you read the bill?

Let us see here.

You want to call it 'alive'. They will say its alive. Based on the definition of the word 'Life' (a single cell is alive, a collection of cells is living GOO)
You want to call it a 'person'. That word is not applicable till 'born'. As its a parasite feeding on/off a willing or unwilling host.
Females are aware they can get pregnant. They choose many options to control when the rent-free spawn boarding begins.
Many, many men leak before pulling out. Causing an unwanted situation. Should females pay the price for the males failure?
Men say anal sex guaranteed to not produce a spawn. As practiced by the leaders of faiths show the flocks how it's done.
Females should require men take a dildo in the ass before offering same. If men could get pregnant we would have FREE tax-funded
abortion service by law. You want to stop abortions. 78% plus of Americans will allow abortions for a few reasons too many reasons.
Most are following medical directions to do so. Pro-Lifers, Shaming and abusing others for no reason that is valid.

Most pregnancies are not planned. People using other peoples bodies to masturbate. And are just stuck with IT.
Luckily the female makes one egg a month. That egg needs to be fertilized within 24 hours. Many, many do get
fertilize and fail to feed on/off the host and wash away.
A woman who chooses abortion probably never wants a child.

Mandatory hysterectomy along with the abortion would solve her problem forever.

She could carry on being as irresponsible and promiscuous as she wants to be.

That’s just plain wrong. Just because a woman has an abortion doesn’t mean she will never want kids. What happened to being reasonable? Pick a time somewhere within the first trimester as cut off for abortions. If a fetus can live outside the womb, it’s a human being, not a fetus.
A fetus cannot live outside the womb at 3 months. Or four. When you get to five, it is a crap shoot if the fragile thing can withstand the medical miracles that are used to "save" it, frequently resulting in blowing out the brain and leaving a child seriously handicapped for life.
Many women don't know they are pregnant until 3 months. Make the cut off for on demand abortions 5 months and it would be reasonable.

See! This is reasonable discussion. I however will not budge past 4 months. How can you not know your months. But we do agree that third trimester is off the table, right?
Medical reasons for a third trimester abortion need to remain in place, I think.

No, not really....if the mother dies, she dies....what mother wouldn't die for her child?

If a mother is so selfish that she would end the life of her child to save her own, she doesn't deserve to be a mother fact, she doesn't deserve to be alive...which is why I say death penalty to all mothers of abortions.
So what would you do to help the mother take care of those unwanted kids?
A woman who chooses abortion probably never wants a child.

Mandatory hysterectomy along with the abortion would solve her problem forever.

She could carry on being as irresponsible and promiscuous as she wants to be.
Don't forget to locate and neuter the fuckER and not just spaying the fuckEE
Most men are against is unfair to hold him accountable for the decisions of a filthy whore.
BS. Men are more to run away or want an abortion done.

35% of gop are pro-choice. Dang, the unpure party. They need to be tossed.
65% of Ind are pro-choice.
75% of Dems are pro-choice.

Interesting on Team gop/DOPer
they are willing to allow abortions in some cases.

78% plus of Americans allow for abortion. And many blue states will provide the services for the red states.

Is the Virginia bill to kill disabled babies a step backwards towards fascist genocide? At first the Nazis Party was only murdering the disabled people. But, after the Nazis Party got the German People to accept the mass murder of disabled people they moved on to the mass genocide of the Jews.

A thread on this subject already exists
A woman who chooses abortion probably never wants a child.

Mandatory hysterectomy along with the abortion would solve her problem forever.

She could carry on being as irresponsible and promiscuous as she wants to be.
Don't forget to locate and neuter the fuckER and not just spaying the fuckEE
Most men are against is unfair to hold him accountable for the decisions of a filthy whore.
BS. Men are more to run away or want an abortion done.

35% of gop are pro-choice. Dang, the unpure party. They need to be tossed.
65% of Ind are pro-choice.
75% of Dems are pro-choice.

Interesting on Team gop/DOPer
they are willing to allow abortions in some cases.

78% plus of Americans allow for abortion. And many blue states will provide the services for the red states.

View attachment 243294
Men are mostly pro-life -- but those diabolically evil sluts take that right away from the men when they go have abortions.....

When will the rights of men finally be recognized? the white ones at least....
That’s just plain wrong. Just because a woman has an abortion doesn’t mean she will never want kids. What happened to being reasonable? Pick a time somewhere within the first trimester as cut off for abortions. If a fetus can live outside the womb, it’s a human being, not a fetus.
A fetus cannot live outside the womb at 3 months. Or four. When you get to five, it is a crap shoot if the fragile thing can withstand the medical miracles that are used to "save" it, frequently resulting in blowing out the brain and leaving a child seriously handicapped for life.
Many women don't know they are pregnant until 3 months. Make the cut off for on demand abortions 5 months and it would be reasonable.

See! This is reasonable discussion. I however will not budge past 4 months. How can you not know your months. But we do agree that third trimester is off the table, right?
Medical reasons for a third trimester abortion need to remain in place, I think.

No, not really....if the mother dies, she dies....what mother wouldn't die for her child?

If a mother is so selfish that she would end the life of her child to save her own, she doesn't deserve to be a mother fact, she doesn't deserve to be alive...which is why I say death penalty to all mothers of abortions.
So what would you do to help the mother take care of those unwanted kids?
In situations where mothers have unwanted kids -- first they should be punished for having unprotected sex, especially if they don't want kids....after being punished, they are free to give those kids up for adoption, if they insist on keeping the little bastards --- then those kids should be indirectly punished so they don't grow up like their slut moms...this is how you break the cycle of sluts
A woman who chooses abortion probably never wants a child.

Mandatory hysterectomy along with the abortion would solve her problem forever.

She could carry on being as irresponsible and promiscuous as she wants to be.

Does that also apply to the raped woman or the child who was raped by one of their family members?
Virginia Democrat Admits She Didn’t Read Bill Allowing Abortions Up to Birth, Regrets Co-Sponsoring It |
A Virginia Democrat admitted Wednesday that she did not read a pro-abortion bill that would have legalized abortion up to the point when a woman is in labor before she co-sponsored it.

I mean you just can't make this bs up !!!!!!!! Did not read it yet!! WTF do you moron democrats keep voting this bs in for when you c...t leaders haven't read a dam thing yet.

WTH is wrong with you Obama loving losers, you did this with him to and the healthcare bs dumbasses!!
Outrage as video shows Virginia abortion bill sponsor saying plan would allow termination up until birth

From the article: Virginia Democratic Del. Kathy Tran is the sponsor of The Repeal Act, which seeks to repeal restrictions on third-trimester abortions. The bill -- which was tabled in committee this week -- has the support of top Democrats in the state, including Gov. Ralph Northam. Basically, democrats everywhere are making the big push to murder babies all the way up to birth (which shouldn't matter since life begins at conception) -- ultimately, there will be evil liberal skank moms that will be able to murder their toddlers just because -- and get away with it.

However, why is there outrage about abortions being legal up to birth -- especially when babies are babies at conception, so when you are allowed to end pregnancy shouldn't matter -- its still murder. The best way to outlaw abortion in this country is to put our money where our mouth is and treat it like murder. Death penalties for the mothers who have abortions and death penalties for the doctors, the nurse staff, etc.

If we are not willing to do that, then all of this talk about abortion is just talk
Third trimester abortions are done when the mother's life is in jeopardy or if the child is so f-'d up that it would be born to an existence of enormous suffering and quick death. I knew of a child born without the majority of its brain--had only the lizard part--so it breathed and stuff. No one knew if it felt a lot of pain because it was a vegetable, but it was always restless. Had to have a feeding tube---not enough brain to feed. It lasted a few months. When there's no brain, there are usually other things wrong, too.
This "problem" was discovered in the third trimester during an ultrasound and subsequent tests. The mother had the choice of aborting. She chose not to. I guess I've never understood why she wanted the life form inside her to be born, suffer and die like that.
That is the reality of third trimester abortions. Wake up.
When abortion was made legal. It wasn't suppose to end up as birth control, but it ended up being that. We have lots of women bragging about their abortions now. So give it a few years and infanticide will become a fashion sense. There is a special place in hell for abortion supporters.

Do you support the billions we give to Israel? They have abortions on demand and their government pay for them, with OUR money!
A woman who chooses abortion probably never wants a child.

Mandatory hysterectomy along with the abortion would solve her problem forever.

She could carry on being as irresponsible and promiscuous as she wants to be.

That’s just plain wrong. Just because a woman has an abortion doesn’t mean she will never want kids. What happened to being reasonable? Pick a time somewhere within the first trimester as cut off for abortions. If a fetus can live outside the womb, it’s a human being, not a fetus.
A fetus cannot live outside the womb at 3 months. Or four. When you get to five, it is a crap shoot if the fragile thing can withstand the medical miracles that are used to "save" it, frequently resulting in blowing out the brain and leaving a child seriously handicapped for life.
Many women don't know they are pregnant until 3 months. Make the cut off for on demand abortions 5 months and it would be reasonable.

See! This is reasonable discussion. I however will not budge past 4 months. How can you not know your months. But we do agree that third trimester is off the table, right?
Medical reasons for a third trimester abortion need to remain in place, I think.

No, not really....if the mother dies, she dies....what mother wouldn't die for her child?

If a mother is so selfish that she would end the life of her child to save her own, she doesn't deserve to be a mother fact, she doesn't deserve to be alive...which is why I say death penalty to all mothers of abortions.
What if she has other children? Making them orphans would be okay with you?
A woman who chooses abortion probably never wants a child.

Mandatory hysterectomy along with the abortion would solve her problem forever.

She could carry on being as irresponsible and promiscuous as she wants to be.
Don't forget to locate and neuter the fuckER and not just spaying the fuckEE
Most men are against is unfair to hold him accountable for the decisions of a filthy whore.
That's pure bullshit! Many men who got a girl pregnant DEMAND she have an abortion so that they're not stuck paying child support for 18 years.
Outrage as video shows Virginia abortion bill sponsor saying plan would allow termination up until birth

From the article: Virginia Democratic Del. Kathy Tran is the sponsor of The Repeal Act, which seeks to repeal restrictions on third-trimester abortions. The bill -- which was tabled in committee this week -- has the support of top Democrats in the state, including Gov. Ralph Northam. Basically, democrats everywhere are making the big push to murder babies all the way up to birth (which shouldn't matter since life begins at conception) -- ultimately, there will be evil liberal skank moms that will be able to murder their toddlers just because -- and get away with it.

However, why is there outrage about abortions being legal up to birth -- especially when babies are babies at conception, so when you are allowed to end pregnancy shouldn't matter -- its still murder. The best way to outlaw abortion in this country is to put our money where our mouth is and treat it like murder. Death penalties for the mothers who have abortions and death penalties for the doctors, the nurse staff, etc.

If we are not willing to do that, then all of this talk about abortion is just talk
Third trimester abortions are done when the mother's life is in jeopardy or if the child is so f-'d up that it would be born to an existence of enormous suffering and quick death. I knew of a child born without the majority of its brain--had only the lizard part--so it breathed and stuff. No one knew if it felt a lot of pain because it was a vegetable, but it was always restless. Had to have a feeding tube---not enough brain to feed. It lasted a few months. When there's no brain, there are usually other things wrong, too.
This "problem" was discovered in the third trimester during an ultrasound and subsequent tests. The mother had the choice of aborting. She chose not to. I guess I've never understood why she wanted the life form inside her to be born, suffer and die like that.
That is the reality of third trimester abortions. Wake up.
When abortion was made legal. It wasn't suppose to end up as birth control, but it ended up being that. We have lots of women bragging about their abortions now. So give it a few years and infanticide will become a fashion sense. There is a special place in hell for abortion supporters.

Do you support the billions we give to Israel? They have abortions on demand and their government pay for them, with OUR money!

They have what's called a " termination committee". Of the 45,000 abortions per year, the termination committee approves about half.
Where the other 50% are done in private clinics that are not apart of the medical service covered? I understand approved or not women are not punished. But Doc's/staff/helper can be fined and jailed for 5 years.

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