"Democrat Voter" Synonymous With "Oblivious"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
I'm bettin' that the same folks who still don't realize that the previous President is Muslim, also fail to recognize Iran as a threat to Western Civilization and the world.

1. "It wouldn’t seem hard for anyone remotely interested in the fate of the planet to draw at least one clear lesson from last Saturday’s Iranian strikes on Saudi Arabia: There is no way that the regime that casually took 50% of Saudi oil production offline can ever be allowed to get anywhere near possessing a nuclear bomb.

2. Imagine what a nuclear-armed Iran might do to the oil production on which the entire planet depends for energy, transportation, and food. Does anyone really care to wager that an Iranian regime that had such devastating weapons wouldn’t actually use them? That seems like a bad bet.

3. And yet that was precisely how a highly visible segment of political partisans in Washington has chosen to see things. The oil fields were still burning as former Barack Obama aides, Democratic Party officials, political operatives, and journalists rolled out an arsenal of tweets, quotes, and op-eds laying down cover for a military attack targeting the world’s oil supply.

4. In a different time, the idea of a public campaign to cheer on an operation whose intended effect was to raise oil prices and terrorize a traditional US ally might seem like a deranged PR stunt by campus nihilists. But in DC’s toxic new zero-sum political game, an attack on Saudi Arabia is good news— not because it benefits America or Americans in any conceivable way, but because it benefits Iran. Same difference, right?

5. ...conjoining of US and Iranian interests represents the fulfillment of Obama’s signature foreign policy initiative, the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. The purpose of the JCPOA was to bribe the Iranians to hold off on building a bomb until Obama left office by legitimizing a future Iranian bomb while filling the regime’s coffers with hundreds of billions of dollars.
The effect of the deal was to arm and fund the country that Obama saw as America’s new ally in the region."
Team Iran

After one pro-Islamofascist move and lie after another, the pinnacle of Obama's plan for his co-religionists was to guarantee a regime of 7th century psychotic barbarians, nuclear weapons.

And the guy still isn't in federal prison.
Last edited:
Obammy was the greatest president that Iran ever had

Barack Obama was ushering in the age of the ‘Iranian Nuclear Bomb’ and fueling Iran’s war machine.

Barack Obama, the #1 funder of radical Islamic fundamentalism and of the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism, in the history of the world.

Under Hussein Obama, the United States was the lead benefactor of Islamic terrorism

He gave his nod to ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons for 7th century barbarians.

Barack Obama, in addition to slowing the rise of the oceans, also made the world a safer place to be by funding the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism while not restricting their ballistic missile program and, at the same time, supporting Hezbollah.

The best friend the homicidal maniacs in charge of Iran ever had was Barack Hussein Obama.

The big question about Hussein Obama was always was he Sunni or Shia…and with the Iran deal, we got answer.
Is it merely a coincidence that Democrat Idol Franklin Roosevelt designed his policy to turn Eastern Europe over to Joseph Stalin,...

....and Democrat known as 'the messiah,' Hussein Obama designed his policy to turn the Middle East over to Iran?

Democrats are eminently generous with other folk's lives.
Obama anointed Iran as the " power that could bear the load after America’s exit. From Obama’s perspective, that power could only be Iran: Saudi Arabia was not a military power, Iraq was a mess, Egypt was politically unstable, and Israel was a non-starter. So he tabbed Iran as the curator of US regional interests, even though its elevated standing came at the expense of traditional US allies. This is what Obama meant by regional “balance.”

In the Middle East, the JCPOA realigned American interests with those of the Islamic Republic. At home, it aligned supporters of Obama’s foreign policy with diplomats, agents and propagandists for the Islamic Republic of Iran, whose job was to promote rapprochement. The result was the merging of these two interest groups, one domestic and one foreign, into a new vertical: Team Iran. "
Team Iran

And Democrat voters, not-too-bright government school grads, bought it like it was on sale.
I'm bettin' that the same folks who still don't realize that the previous President is Muslim, also fail to recognize Iran as a threat to Western Civilization and the world.

1. "It wouldn’t seem hard for anyone remotely interested in the fate of the planet to draw at least one clear lesson from last Saturday’s Iranian strikes on Saudi Arabia: There is no way that the regime that casually took 50% of Saudi oil production offline can ever be allowed to get anywhere near possessing a nuclear bomb.

2. Imagine what a nuclear-armed Iran might do to the oil production on which the entire planet depends for energy, transportation, and food. Does anyone really care to wager that an Iranian regime that had such devastating weapons wouldn’t actually use them? That seems like a bad bet.

3. And yet that was precisely how a highly visible segment of political partisans in Washington has chosen to see things. The oil fields were still burning as former Barack Obama aides, Democratic Party officials, political operatives, and journalists rolled out an arsenal of tweets, quotes, and op-eds laying down cover for a military attack targeting the world’s oil supply.

4. In a different time, the idea of a public campaign to cheer on an operation whose intended effect was to raise oil prices and terrorize a traditional US ally might seem like a deranged PR stunt by campus nihilists. But in DC’s toxic new zero-sum political game, an attack on Saudi Arabia is good news— not because it benefits America or Americans in any conceivable way, but because it benefits Iran. Same difference, right?

5. ...conjoining of US and Iranian interests represents the fulfillment of Obama’s signature foreign policy initiative, the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. The purpose of the JCPOA was to bribe the Iranians to hold off on building a bomb until Obama left office by legitimizing a future Iranian bomb while filling the regime’s coffers with hundreds of billions of dollars.
The effect of the deal was to arm and fund the country that Obama saw as America’s new ally in the region."
Team Iran

After one pro-Islamofascist move and lie after another, the pinnacle of Obama's plan for his co-religionists was to guarantee a regime of 7th century psychotic barbarians, nuclear weapons.

And the guy still isn't in federal prison.
not many know they can bring down the global economy. I listened to a retired general the other day on a local show here in chicago. He stated that Trump must retaliate or Iran gains bigger balls and does much worse. their goal is to tank the global economy.
Obammy was the greatest president that Iran ever had

Barack Obama was ushering in the age of the ‘Iranian Nuclear Bomb’ and fueling Iran’s war machine.

Barack Obama, the #1 funder of radical Islamic fundamentalism and of the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism, in the history of the world.

Under Hussein Obama, the United States was the lead benefactor of Islamic terrorism

He gave his nod to ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons for 7th century barbarians.

Barack Obama, in addition to slowing the rise of the oceans, also made the world a safer place to be by funding the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism while not restricting their ballistic missile program and, at the same time, supporting Hezbollah.

The best friend the homicidal maniacs in charge of Iran ever had was Barack Hussein Obama.

The big question about Hussein Obama was always was he Sunni or Shia…and with the Iran deal, we got answer.

Preemptive strike for Donnie's malfeasance?
I'm bettin' that the same folks who still don't realize that the previous President is Muslim, also fail to recognize Iran as a threat to Western Civilization and the world.

1. "It wouldn’t seem hard for anyone remotely interested in the fate of the planet to draw at least one clear lesson from last Saturday’s Iranian strikes on Saudi Arabia: There is no way that the regime that casually took 50% of Saudi oil production offline can ever be allowed to get anywhere near possessing a nuclear bomb.

2. Imagine what a nuclear-armed Iran might do to the oil production on which the entire planet depends for energy, transportation, and food. Does anyone really care to wager that an Iranian regime that had such devastating weapons wouldn’t actually use them? That seems like a bad bet.

3. And yet that was precisely how a highly visible segment of political partisans in Washington has chosen to see things. The oil fields were still burning as former Barack Obama aides, Democratic Party officials, political operatives, and journalists rolled out an arsenal of tweets, quotes, and op-eds laying down cover for a military attack targeting the world’s oil supply.

4. In a different time, the idea of a public campaign to cheer on an operation whose intended effect was to raise oil prices and terrorize a traditional US ally might seem like a deranged PR stunt by campus nihilists. But in DC’s toxic new zero-sum political game, an attack on Saudi Arabia is good news— not because it benefits America or Americans in any conceivable way, but because it benefits Iran. Same difference, right?

5. ...conjoining of US and Iranian interests represents the fulfillment of Obama’s signature foreign policy initiative, the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. The purpose of the JCPOA was to bribe the Iranians to hold off on building a bomb until Obama left office by legitimizing a future Iranian bomb while filling the regime’s coffers with hundreds of billions of dollars.
The effect of the deal was to arm and fund the country that Obama saw as America’s new ally in the region."
Team Iran

After one pro-Islamofascist move and lie after another, the pinnacle of Obama's plan for his co-religionists was to guarantee a regime of 7th century psychotic barbarians, nuclear weapons.

And the guy still isn't in federal prison.
not many know they can bring down the global economy. I listened to a retired general the other day on a local show here in chicago. He stated that Trump must retaliate or Iran gains bigger balls and does much worse. their goal is to tank the global economy.

I actually believe Trump's strategy of sanctions is stateman-like.

Guess who used the same method to bring down a far larger enemy...

The greatest President in the last 100 years used economic pressure to bring the only other superpower to its knees.
....Obama could have done what Reagan did, had he actually intended to end Iran's support for terror and Islamofascism and its desire for nuclear weapons:

"...the president [Reagan] signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 32, which....called for aid to Solidarity, counter-propaganda in Poland, tightening of sanctions on the Soviet Union, and covert activities to achieve these objectives.
Reagan sent out 328 such 'Top Secret' directives to the diplomatic, military, and intelligence agencies during his presidency."
The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," p. , p.185

Reagan .... thought the aim of American foreign policy should be not to get along with the Communist powers but to hasten their end.

Obama's aim was always to nuclear arm the worst of western civilization's enemies.
And he did.


"The Soviets could no longer meet US economic and strategic competition. They therefore had to meet Reagan's terms. Gorbachev announced his acceptance of the 'zero-zero option' on INF missiles [ the withdrawal of all Soviet and United Statesintermediate-range nuclear missiles from Europe. This term was subsequently expanded to describe the vision of eliminating all nuclear weapons everywhere] on July 22, 1987."
John O’Sullivan, The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World, p. 289
I'm bettin' that the same folks who still don't realize that the previous President is Muslim, also fail to recognize Iran as a threat to Western Civilization and the world.

1. "It wouldn’t seem hard for anyone remotely interested in the fate of the planet to draw at least one clear lesson from last Saturday’s Iranian strikes on Saudi Arabia: There is no way that the regime that casually took 50% of Saudi oil production offline can ever be allowed to get anywhere near possessing a nuclear bomb.

2. Imagine what a nuclear-armed Iran might do to the oil production on which the entire planet depends for energy, transportation, and food. Does anyone really care to wager that an Iranian regime that had such devastating weapons wouldn’t actually use them? That seems like a bad bet.

3. And yet that was precisely how a highly visible segment of political partisans in Washington has chosen to see things. The oil fields were still burning as former Barack Obama aides, Democratic Party officials, political operatives, and journalists rolled out an arsenal of tweets, quotes, and op-eds laying down cover for a military attack targeting the world’s oil supply.

4. In a different time, the idea of a public campaign to cheer on an operation whose intended effect was to raise oil prices and terrorize a traditional US ally might seem like a deranged PR stunt by campus nihilists. But in DC’s toxic new zero-sum political game, an attack on Saudi Arabia is good news— not because it benefits America or Americans in any conceivable way, but because it benefits Iran. Same difference, right?

5. ...conjoining of US and Iranian interests represents the fulfillment of Obama’s signature foreign policy initiative, the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. The purpose of the JCPOA was to bribe the Iranians to hold off on building a bomb until Obama left office by legitimizing a future Iranian bomb while filling the regime’s coffers with hundreds of billions of dollars.
The effect of the deal was to arm and fund the country that Obama saw as America’s new ally in the region."
Team Iran

After one pro-Islamofascist move and lie after another, the pinnacle of Obama's plan for his co-religionists was to guarantee a regime of 7th century psychotic barbarians, nuclear weapons.

And the guy still isn't in federal prison.
not many know they can bring down the global economy. I listened to a retired general the other day on a local show here in chicago. He stated that Trump must retaliate or Iran gains bigger balls and does much worse. their goal is to tank the global economy.

I believe Iran wants an attack from America to stem the protests from its public, and to have same coalesce that public around the leadership.
A question no Democrat/Obama supporter has ever been able to answer:
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Trump’s “Iran policy—no nukes ever—requires the time and leverage earned through re-election, Team Iran’s strategy is premised on the belief that Trump will be gone by 2020. Previously, American interlocutors like former Secretary of State John Kerry counseled their Iranian counterparts to be patient. Last week’s attacks suggest Tehran believes it can force the issue by putting Trump in front of a series of hard choices.

Team Iran wants Trump to relieve sanctions on Iran, and/or green-light the French initiative extending Tehran a $15 billion line of credit, which would likely unravel sanctions.”
Team Iran

Now, those oblivious Democrat voters….

“The susceptibility of these audiences to disinformation thanks to their own biases, including their unbridled hatred for Trump,…. Team Iran propaganda typically manipulates the language of democracy, liberalism, and human rights to drive up negatives for traditional US allies and make Iran look at least ok by comparison, even while it works on behalf of a terror-sponsoring theocracy that stuffs hundreds of thousands of its own citizens into dungeons and torture chambers for speech and thought-crimes.” Ibid.
I'm bettin' that the same folks who still don't realize that the previous President is Muslim, also fail to recognize Iran as a threat to Western Civilization and the world.

1. "It wouldn’t seem hard for anyone remotely interested in the fate of the planet to draw at least one clear lesson from last Saturday’s Iranian strikes on Saudi Arabia: There is no way that the regime that casually took 50% of Saudi oil production offline can ever be allowed to get anywhere near possessing a nuclear bomb.

2. Imagine what a nuclear-armed Iran might do to the oil production on which the entire planet depends for energy, transportation, and food. Does anyone really care to wager that an Iranian regime that had such devastating weapons wouldn’t actually use them? That seems like a bad bet.

3. And yet that was precisely how a highly visible segment of political partisans in Washington has chosen to see things. The oil fields were still burning as former Barack Obama aides, Democratic Party officials, political operatives, and journalists rolled out an arsenal of tweets, quotes, and op-eds laying down cover for a military attack targeting the world’s oil supply.

4. In a different time, the idea of a public campaign to cheer on an operation whose intended effect was to raise oil prices and terrorize a traditional US ally might seem like a deranged PR stunt by campus nihilists. But in DC’s toxic new zero-sum political game, an attack on Saudi Arabia is good news— not because it benefits America or Americans in any conceivable way, but because it benefits Iran. Same difference, right?

5. ...conjoining of US and Iranian interests represents the fulfillment of Obama’s signature foreign policy initiative, the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. The purpose of the JCPOA was to bribe the Iranians to hold off on building a bomb until Obama left office by legitimizing a future Iranian bomb while filling the regime’s coffers with hundreds of billions of dollars.
The effect of the deal was to arm and fund the country that Obama saw as America’s new ally in the region."
Team Iran

After one pro-Islamofascist move and lie after another, the pinnacle of Obama's plan for his co-religionists was to guarantee a regime of 7th century psychotic barbarians, nuclear weapons.

And the guy still isn't in federal prison.
Obama is a traitor .......

Report: Former Obama officials are currently advising Iran on how to counter President Trump

Report: Former Obama officials are currently advising Iran on how to counter President Trump

Architects of the Iran nuclear deal purportedly admitted to continuing their own foreign policy initiatives

Former officials from the Obama administration are reportedly advising Iran amid escalating tensions with U.S., running an independent foreign policy initiative to counter President Donald Trump.

What are the details?

According to left-leaning outlet the Daily Beast, architects of the Iran nuclear deal, secured by former President Barack Obama, have been in talks with Iranian officials over the past two months — including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif — both over the phone and in person, urging the regime to "stay calm" and "not take Trump's bait."

None of the "several" former Obama aides interviewed by the Daily Beast were named, but they were apparently willing to explain what type of counsel they were providing Iranian higher-ups and insisted their ongoing interactions with the Islamic Republic are "normal."

Journalists Betsy Woodruff and Erin Banco noted that "conversations of this nature sometimes generate" accusations of violating the Logan Act, which prohibits private citizens from engaging in discussions relevant to a U.S. dispute with another country on behalf of the government.
I'm bettin' that the same folks who still don't realize that the previous President is Muslim, also fail to recognize Iran as a threat to Western Civilization and the world.

1. "It wouldn’t seem hard for anyone remotely interested in the fate of the planet to draw at least one clear lesson from last Saturday’s Iranian strikes on Saudi Arabia: There is no way that the regime that casually took 50% of Saudi oil production offline can ever be allowed to get anywhere near possessing a nuclear bomb.

2. Imagine what a nuclear-armed Iran might do to the oil production on which the entire planet depends for energy, transportation, and food. Does anyone really care to wager that an Iranian regime that had such devastating weapons wouldn’t actually use them? That seems like a bad bet.

3. And yet that was precisely how a highly visible segment of political partisans in Washington has chosen to see things. The oil fields were still burning as former Barack Obama aides, Democratic Party officials, political operatives, and journalists rolled out an arsenal of tweets, quotes, and op-eds laying down cover for a military attack targeting the world’s oil supply.

4. In a different time, the idea of a public campaign to cheer on an operation whose intended effect was to raise oil prices and terrorize a traditional US ally might seem like a deranged PR stunt by campus nihilists. But in DC’s toxic new zero-sum political game, an attack on Saudi Arabia is good news— not because it benefits America or Americans in any conceivable way, but because it benefits Iran. Same difference, right?

5. ...conjoining of US and Iranian interests represents the fulfillment of Obama’s signature foreign policy initiative, the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. The purpose of the JCPOA was to bribe the Iranians to hold off on building a bomb until Obama left office by legitimizing a future Iranian bomb while filling the regime’s coffers with hundreds of billions of dollars.
The effect of the deal was to arm and fund the country that Obama saw as America’s new ally in the region."
Team Iran

After one pro-Islamofascist move and lie after another, the pinnacle of Obama's plan for his co-religionists was to guarantee a regime of 7th century psychotic barbarians, nuclear weapons.

And the guy still isn't in federal prison.
not many know they can bring down the global economy. I listened to a retired general the other day on a local show here in chicago. He stated that Trump must retaliate or Iran gains bigger balls and does much worse. their goal is to tank the global economy.

I believe Iran wants an attack from America to stem the protests from its public, and to have same coalesce that public around the leadership.
No.......they are doing what terrorists do....sneaking around and trying to get away with as much as possible in repeatedly escalated attacks.

I think we should bomb the Hell out of them and leave nothing but ashes behind.
I'm bettin' that the same folks who still don't realize that the previous President is Muslim, also fail to recognize Iran as a threat to Western Civilization and the world.

1. "It wouldn’t seem hard for anyone remotely interested in the fate of the planet to draw at least one clear lesson from last Saturday’s Iranian strikes on Saudi Arabia: There is no way that the regime that casually took 50% of Saudi oil production offline can ever be allowed to get anywhere near possessing a nuclear bomb.

2. Imagine what a nuclear-armed Iran might do to the oil production on which the entire planet depends for energy, transportation, and food. Does anyone really care to wager that an Iranian regime that had such devastating weapons wouldn’t actually use them? That seems like a bad bet.

3. And yet that was precisely how a highly visible segment of political partisans in Washington has chosen to see things. The oil fields were still burning as former Barack Obama aides, Democratic Party officials, political operatives, and journalists rolled out an arsenal of tweets, quotes, and op-eds laying down cover for a military attack targeting the world’s oil supply.

4. In a different time, the idea of a public campaign to cheer on an operation whose intended effect was to raise oil prices and terrorize a traditional US ally might seem like a deranged PR stunt by campus nihilists. But in DC’s toxic new zero-sum political game, an attack on Saudi Arabia is good news— not because it benefits America or Americans in any conceivable way, but because it benefits Iran. Same difference, right?

5. ...conjoining of US and Iranian interests represents the fulfillment of Obama’s signature foreign policy initiative, the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. The purpose of the JCPOA was to bribe the Iranians to hold off on building a bomb until Obama left office by legitimizing a future Iranian bomb while filling the regime’s coffers with hundreds of billions of dollars.
The effect of the deal was to arm and fund the country that Obama saw as America’s new ally in the region."
Team Iran

After one pro-Islamofascist move and lie after another, the pinnacle of Obama's plan for his co-religionists was to guarantee a regime of 7th century psychotic barbarians, nuclear weapons.

And the guy still isn't in federal prison.
not many know they can bring down the global economy. I listened to a retired general the other day on a local show here in chicago. He stated that Trump must retaliate or Iran gains bigger balls and does much worse. their goal is to tank the global economy.

I believe Iran wants an attack from America to stem the protests from its public, and to have same coalesce that public around the leadership.
No.......they are doing what terrorists do....sneaking around and trying to get away with as much as possible in repeatedly escalated attacks.

I think we should bomb the Hell out of them and leave nothing but ashes behind.

And how long this new war, and how many US casualties will the sleeper cells here, and in Venezuela cause?
Democrat resistance to border controls has let too many of 'em creep in.

"Hezbollah's Presence And Iran's Influence In Venezuela Coming Into Focus
Admiral Craig S. Faller, Commander of U.S. Southern Command, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee on February 7, 2019 that “Iran has deepened its anti-U.S. Spanish language media coverage and has exported its state support for terrorism into our hemisphere.” This statement came on the heels of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s statement on FOX the previous day. Pompeo stated, “Hezbollah has active cells – the Iranians are impacting the people of Venezuela and throughout South America.”
Hezbollah's Presence And Iran's Influence In Venezuela Coming Into Focus

"Margarita Island off the Caribbean coast of Venezuela serves as a hub for drug trafficking and Hezbollah as well as other Islamist extremists such as Hamas. Margarita Island is being used by Iranian and Iranian-linked militants as a base of operations. "

Sanction 'em to death until there is regime change.
Hussein Obama still behind the plan and Captain of Team Iran. The only nation that Obama worked to destabilize was Israel.

“Israel is also vulnerable to information warfare coordinated by political operatives and delivered by a pliant press. Last week’s anonymously sourced report claiming that Israel was spying on Trump and his inner circle was utter nonsense, but it was also part of an ongoing campaign to sow distrust between the president and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

A long Washington Post essay by Robert Kagan smeared Netanyahu, contending that under his leadership Israel is succumbing to authoritarian tendencies. Moreover, wrote the former neoconservative, Israel is not really a US ally. “It has launched attacks against Iranian allies in Syria and Iraq only when its own interests have been directly threatened,” wrote Kagan. “This might be entirely justified, but it does not make Israel an asset to the United States.” Besides, Kagan offhandedly suggests, “Iran poses little direct threat to the United States.”

In addition to showing Iran’s plan for unseating Trump, Saturday’s attacks also fully exposed the anatomy of its domestic operatives on Team Iran. First, Yemen’s Iranian-backed Houthi rebels immediately claimed responsibility for the operation. When Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said there was no evidence the attacks had come from Yemen, Democratic officials scrambled to lay down cover for Iran by backing the Houthis story.

“The Houthis are not the same as Iran and the Saudis are fighting a war against them in Yemen,” tweeted former Obama deputy Ben Rhodes. Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut took to social media to disseminate talking points, “so you have some knowledge to counter this claim that America needs to bomb Iran because the Houthis bombed Saudi Arabia,” tweeted Murphy.”
Team Iran
The Great Obama got Iran to abandon their nuclear program

Trump let them start it again
I'm bettin' that the same folks who still don't realize that the previous President is Muslim, also fail to recognize Iran as a threat to Western Civilization and the world.

1. "It wouldn’t seem hard for anyone remotely interested in the fate of the planet to draw at least one clear lesson from last Saturday’s Iranian strikes on Saudi Arabia: There is no way that the regime that casually took 50% of Saudi oil production offline can ever be allowed to get anywhere near possessing a nuclear bomb.

2. Imagine what a nuclear-armed Iran might do to the oil production on which the entire planet depends for energy, transportation, and food. Does anyone really care to wager that an Iranian regime that had such devastating weapons wouldn’t actually use them? That seems like a bad bet.

3. And yet that was precisely how a highly visible segment of political partisans in Washington has chosen to see things. The oil fields were still burning as former Barack Obama aides, Democratic Party officials, political operatives, and journalists rolled out an arsenal of tweets, quotes, and op-eds laying down cover for a military attack targeting the world’s oil supply.

4. In a different time, the idea of a public campaign to cheer on an operation whose intended effect was to raise oil prices and terrorize a traditional US ally might seem like a deranged PR stunt by campus nihilists. But in DC’s toxic new zero-sum political game, an attack on Saudi Arabia is good news— not because it benefits America or Americans in any conceivable way, but because it benefits Iran. Same difference, right?

5. ...conjoining of US and Iranian interests represents the fulfillment of Obama’s signature foreign policy initiative, the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. The purpose of the JCPOA was to bribe the Iranians to hold off on building a bomb until Obama left office by legitimizing a future Iranian bomb while filling the regime’s coffers with hundreds of billions of dollars.
The effect of the deal was to arm and fund the country that Obama saw as America’s new ally in the region."
Team Iran

After one pro-Islamofascist move and lie after another, the pinnacle of Obama's plan for his co-religionists was to guarantee a regime of 7th century psychotic barbarians, nuclear weapons.

And the guy still isn't in federal prison.
not many know they can bring down the global economy. I listened to a retired general the other day on a local show here in chicago. He stated that Trump must retaliate or Iran gains bigger balls and does much worse. their goal is to tank the global economy.

I believe Iran wants an attack from America to stem the protests from its public, and to have same coalesce that public around the leadership.
No.......they are doing what terrorists do....sneaking around and trying to get away with as much as possible in repeatedly escalated attacks.

I think we should bomb the Hell out of them and leave nothing but ashes behind.

And how long this new war, and how many US casualties will the sleeper cells here, and in Venezuela cause?
Democrat resistance to border controls has let too many of 'em creep in.

"Hezbollah's Presence And Iran's Influence In Venezuela Coming Into Focus
Admiral Craig S. Faller, Commander of U.S. Southern Command, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee on February 7, 2019 that “Iran has deepened its anti-U.S. Spanish language media coverage and has exported its state support for terrorism into our hemisphere.” This statement came on the heels of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s statement on FOX the previous day. Pompeo stated, “Hezbollah has active cells – the Iranians are impacting the people of Venezuela and throughout South America.”
Hezbollah's Presence And Iran's Influence In Venezuela Coming Into Focus

"Margarita Island off the Caribbean coast of Venezuela serves as a hub for drug trafficking and Hezbollah as well as other Islamist extremists such as Hamas. Margarita Island is being used by Iranian and Iranian-linked militants as a base of operations. "

Sanction 'em to death until there is regime change.

I see the sleeper cells as something we need to deal with sooner rather than later.
They'll always be here until we put a stop to them,the longer we wait the worse it will become.

As far as I'm concerned Iran should have been dealt with long ago rather than appeased and outright helped by a certain administration.
I'm bettin' that the same folks who still don't realize that the previous President is Muslim, also fail to recognize Iran as a threat to Western Civilization and the world.

1. "It wouldn’t seem hard for anyone remotely interested in the fate of the planet to draw at least one clear lesson from last Saturday’s Iranian strikes on Saudi Arabia: There is no way that the regime that casually took 50% of Saudi oil production offline can ever be allowed to get anywhere near possessing a nuclear bomb.

2. Imagine what a nuclear-armed Iran might do to the oil production on which the entire planet depends for energy, transportation, and food. Does anyone really care to wager that an Iranian regime that had such devastating weapons wouldn’t actually use them? That seems like a bad bet.

3. And yet that was precisely how a highly visible segment of political partisans in Washington has chosen to see things. The oil fields were still burning as former Barack Obama aides, Democratic Party officials, political operatives, and journalists rolled out an arsenal of tweets, quotes, and op-eds laying down cover for a military attack targeting the world’s oil supply.

4. In a different time, the idea of a public campaign to cheer on an operation whose intended effect was to raise oil prices and terrorize a traditional US ally might seem like a deranged PR stunt by campus nihilists. But in DC’s toxic new zero-sum political game, an attack on Saudi Arabia is good news— not because it benefits America or Americans in any conceivable way, but because it benefits Iran. Same difference, right?

5. ...conjoining of US and Iranian interests represents the fulfillment of Obama’s signature foreign policy initiative, the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. The purpose of the JCPOA was to bribe the Iranians to hold off on building a bomb until Obama left office by legitimizing a future Iranian bomb while filling the regime’s coffers with hundreds of billions of dollars.
The effect of the deal was to arm and fund the country that Obama saw as America’s new ally in the region."
Team Iran

After one pro-Islamofascist move and lie after another, the pinnacle of Obama's plan for his co-religionists was to guarantee a regime of 7th century psychotic barbarians, nuclear weapons.

And the guy still isn't in federal prison.
not many know they can bring down the global economy. I listened to a retired general the other day on a local show here in chicago. He stated that Trump must retaliate or Iran gains bigger balls and does much worse. their goal is to tank the global economy.

I believe Iran wants an attack from America to stem the protests from its public, and to have same coalesce that public around the leadership.
No.......they are doing what terrorists do....sneaking around and trying to get away with as much as possible in repeatedly escalated attacks.

I think we should bomb the Hell out of them and leave nothing but ashes behind.

And how long this new war, and how many US casualties will the sleeper cells here, and in Venezuela cause?
Democrat resistance to border controls has let too many of 'em creep in.

"Hezbollah's Presence And Iran's Influence In Venezuela Coming Into Focus
Admiral Craig S. Faller, Commander of U.S. Southern Command, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee on February 7, 2019 that “Iran has deepened its anti-U.S. Spanish language media coverage and has exported its state support for terrorism into our hemisphere.” This statement came on the heels of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s statement on FOX the previous day. Pompeo stated, “Hezbollah has active cells – the Iranians are impacting the people of Venezuela and throughout South America.”
Hezbollah's Presence And Iran's Influence In Venezuela Coming Into Focus

"Margarita Island off the Caribbean coast of Venezuela serves as a hub for drug trafficking and Hezbollah as well as other Islamist extremists such as Hamas. Margarita Island is being used by Iranian and Iranian-linked militants as a base of operations. "

Sanction 'em to death until there is regime change.

I see the sleeper cells as something we need to deal with sooner rather than later.
They'll always be here until we put a stop to them,the longer we wait the worse it will become.

As far as I'm concerned Iran should have been dealt with long ago rather than appeased and outright helped by a certain administration.

I'd be remiss not to point out that yet again, the Democrat Party is responsible.

1. The Arabist Jimmy Carter dumped the Shah installed the Ayatollah, beginning the Islamofascist problem
"When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter, the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years. Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire."
Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108

2. Democrat/Muslim Hussein Obama demanded that these maniacs be nuclearized.

Chalk it up with Democrat achievements such as allowing the creation of Communist China.
In every way possible, Democrats line up with America's enemies.

10. “There’s little dissent among Democrats about realignment. As far as they are concerned, the traditional American alliance structure in the region is now their enemy. “Saudi Arabia,” Rhodes tweeted Tuesday night, “is not an ally of the United States.”

As the most recent Democratic Presidential candidate debates clearly showed, restoring the JCPOA has become an article of faith within the party on a par with gun control and the righteousness of late-term abortions.
The Iran Deal is part of the Democratic political catechism—an article of faith.

The problem for Team Iran is that no one can explain how an alliance with Iran is actually good for America.

… Saturday’s attacks by Iran led, briefly, to the highest surge in oil prices in over a decade. To the extent that further escalation from the Iranians threatens Trump’s electoral chances, that’s because it will hurt Americans. And why do the Iranians want to cause Americans pain? To coerce Trump into providing them with financial resources to wage war on American allies. Think that through for a moment the next time you hear Team Iran cheering.”
Team Iran

A question no Democrat/Obama supporter has ever been able to answer:
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?
The only answer is that Democrats hate America and Western Civilization.

And Democrat voters are either too cowardly, or too stooooopid to admit this.

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