Democrat Voters Will Settle For A President That Will Not Tell Them The Truth

Of course they would. they are already telling us they won't vote for a black man
Democrats Won't Vote for Carson Because....
that is a thread posted on here

I would vote for Carson if he weren't so crazy.

Yes... Ben Carson is only the world's most renowned pediatric neurosurgeon. Which of course means to the delusional, that he is insane.

And that is because from their detached perspective, Ben Carson is everything they are NOT... thus because they consider themselves to be the standard for sanity... Carson; the epitome of a sound mind, MUST BE CRACKERS!

Such is the nature of the idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite such being contradicted by reality and rational argument founded in such; typically a symptom of mental disorder.

Where's the rational argument for the sound mind of Ben Carson?

This is a man who that Obamacare is the worst thing to happen to this country since slavery.

Make the argument that any person of sound mind would hold such a view.
Where's the rational argument for the sound mind of Ben Carson?

"World's Most Renowned Pediatric Neurosurgeon".

Such is the epitome of a sound mind.

Now allow me to help you through this:

epitome: a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type
Of course they would. they are already telling us they won't vote for a black man
Democrats Won't Vote for Carson Because....
that is a thread posted on here

I would vote for Carson if he weren't so crazy. I think he's a fine neurosurgeon, and probably a nice man, but I just can't get past the fact that he's crazy.
How is he "crazy?"

Well, for starters, he thinks fossils were put here to mislead us or something. (sarcasm)

Here's part of the letter, published by the Emory Wheel.

Dr. Carson argues that there is no evidence for evolution, that there are no transitional fossils that provide evidence for the evolution of humans from a common ancestor with other apes, that evolution is a wholly random process, and that life is too complex to have originated by the natural process of evolution. All of these claims are incorrect. The evidence for evolution is overwhelming: ape-human transitional fossils are discovered at an ever increasing rate, and the processes by which organisms evolve new and more complex body plans are now known to be caused by relatively simple alterations of the expression of small numbers of developmental genes. Our understanding of the evolutionary process has advanced our ability to develop animal models for disease, our ability to combat the spread of infectious disease and, in point of fact, the work of Dr. Carson himself is based on scientific advances fostered by an understanding of evolution. Finally, much of the research at this University is based on advances fostered by an understanding of evolution.

The theory of evolution is as strongly supported as the theory of gravity and the theory that infectious diseases are caused by micro-organisms. Dismissing evolution disregards the importance of science and critical thinking to society. Stating that those who accept the underlying principle of biology and medicine are unethical not only encourages the insertion of unnecessary and destructive wedges between Americans but stands against many of the ideals of this University.

Ben Carson's creationist views spark controvery over commencement speech

Another good article

Ben Carson and the Satanic Sabbath Persecution Conspiracy

Ben Carson and the Satanic Sabbath persecution conspiracy

Show me an example of a position I've taken or a view I've held that could reasonably, accurately labeled as insane.

Oh good Lord...

Well let's jump in the Way-Back Machine and examine THIS (Reader, the insane post cited below was offered 4 minutes ago):

Where's the rational argument for the sound mind of Ben Carson?

This is a man who that Obamacare is the worst thing to happen to this country since slavery.

Make the argument that any person of sound mind would hold such a view.
Where's the rational argument for the sound mind of Ben Carson?

"World's Most Renowned Pediatric Neurosurgeon".

Such is the epitome of a sound mind.

Now allow me to help you through this:

epitome: a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type

The ability to perform one skill particularly well and the absence of a sound mind are not mutually exclusive.
How is he "crazy?"

Well, for starters, he thinks fossils were put here to mislead us or something.

OH! So your argument rests in absolute, unfettered deceit!

ROFLMNAO! I say it HERE and it comes out ^THERE^.

Again Reader, the Ideological Left rests ENTIRELY in Relativism... as such it rejects the very existence of the objectivity that is otherwise essential to TRUTH... as a result the adherents have no means to discern truth and consequentially have no kinship with such.
Of course they would. they are already telling us they won't vote for a black man
Democrats Won't Vote for Carson Because....
that is a thread posted on here

I would vote for Carson if he weren't so crazy. I think he's a fine neurosurgeon, and probably a nice man, but I just can't get past the fact that he's crazy.
How is he "crazy?"

Well, for starters, he thinks fossils were put here to mislead us or something. (sarcasm)

Here's part of the letter, published by the Emory Wheel.

Dr. Carson argues that there is no evidence for evolution, that there are no transitional fossils that provide evidence for the evolution of humans from a common ancestor with other apes, that evolution is a wholly random process, and that life is too complex to have originated by the natural process of evolution. All of these claims are incorrect. The evidence for evolution is overwhelming: ape-human transitional fossils are discovered at an ever increasing rate, and the processes by which organisms evolve new and more complex body plans are now known to be caused by relatively simple alterations of the expression of small numbers of developmental genes. Our understanding of the evolutionary process has advanced our ability to develop animal models for disease, our ability to combat the spread of infectious disease and, in point of fact, the work of Dr. Carson himself is based on scientific advances fostered by an understanding of evolution. Finally, much of the research at this University is based on advances fostered by an understanding of evolution.

The theory of evolution is as strongly supported as the theory of gravity and the theory that infectious diseases are caused by micro-organisms. Dismissing evolution disregards the importance of science and critical thinking to society. Stating that those who accept the underlying principle of biology and medicine are unethical not only encourages the insertion of unnecessary and destructive wedges between Americans but stands against many of the ideals of this University.

Ben Carson's creationist views spark controvery over commencement speech

Another good article

Ben Carson and the Satanic Sabbath Persecution Conspiracy

Ben Carson and the Satanic Sabbath persecution conspiracy

So he has some kooky beliefs.

And. . . that's somehow worse than all the shit we KNOW that Hillary has been involved in how?

If you listen to parts of the media.....Hillary is doing a victory lap after winning the White House. She came off so smooth and practiced in comparison to the sometimes flustered investigators, who knew she was lying her ass off, it was the media. They wanted the truth.....and she only gave them half of the truth and at times none of the truth. It was masterful. How can a person lie that convincingly, knowing that what they're saying is a lie, and everyone in the room knows they're lying, and not feel a particle of remorse? This is what was amazing. Hillary feels no shame. He feels that regardless of the fact that her negligence caused the deaths of friends that she sent there personally, she doesn't feel any real remorse. If she voices any, it's only to gain sympathy, not show embarrassment. I would have loved to put a lie-detector machine on her to see if her pulse went up while she was relating testimony that she knew was total BS.

Is this what Democrat voters want? A president that lies so blatantly that even though everyone in the room knows it's a bold-faced doesn't seem to matter. A president has to make life and death decisions all of the time. If your decision making is faulty....people die. I prefer wisdom and sound judgment over an attitude that nothing you do wrong will come back to haunt you, or that you aren't accountable for any mistake you make. Is that the kind of president we want? I prefer the first interview over this one. At least her arrogance was in full display when she pounded her desk and said "What Difference Does It Make" that these killers were terrorists or just protesters out to raise Hell over a video. That was the real Hillary. Or was it? That's the problem here. What is Hillary really like....because we rarely ever see it.


October 25, 2015
Do Hillary's Lies Matter?
By Clarice Feldman

It is of little concern to me that the corporate media says Hillary aced the Benghazi hearing, To me she didn’t, and I care more that the public is being inured to public officials’ lying. Were I running for president against her I’d produce a simple campaign video.

My campaign video would be short -- it would be Hillary before the caskets of the four Americans slaughtered in Benghazi blaming an obscure video and its maker for the incident; Hillary telling the father of one of the deceased, Ty Woods, that the video maker would be arrested (“we are going to have the film maker arrested who was responsible for the death of your son"), and her testimony before the committee that she never blamed it on the video. The ad would take just a couple of minutes. . Message at end -- are you ready for a president who lies over the bodies of dead American patriots?

Maybe I’ve misjudged the voters. Maybe they really would like a brazen, self-seeking consummate liar. Because that’s what she certainly is.

She dissembled so often in the hearings I cannot possibly keep you awake while detailing them all. Let me pick just a few of her more outrageous lies -- the video and her correspondence with Sidney Blumenthal.

Links Krauthammer: "We're Living In An Age Where What You Say And Its Relation With The Facts Is Completely Irrelevant"

Roskam vs. Clinton: Before Benghazi Happened You Were Preparing To Take Political Credit For Libya

State Can’t Verify Clinton Email Claim Made At Benghazi Hearing

Other media deceptions......
Trump leading everywhere but the one poll the media wants us to focus on in Iowa - RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls

Liberalism rests in Relativism... as a result, they lack the capacity to reason objectively... therefor,e they have no means to recognize 'truth'. Thus, they elect whatever reprobate promises them the most freebies and the easiest way.

What truth can't we liberals recognize?

Name some.

Careful--he just assumed there are absolute truths. If you do not accept his set of absolute truths, then you can not be objective.

I see a terrible problem in this argument, but it is fun to see some one else torment themselves with this logical argument.

The ability to perform one skill particularly well and the absence of a sound mind are not mutually exclusive.


Poor Gilligan.

Imagine a would-be mind that is SO mired in ignorance that it truly believes that neurosurgery is comprised of or otherwise defined as: ONE SKILL!

LOL! You can NOT make this crap up! I defy ya to try!
Where's the rational argument for the sound mind of Ben Carson?

"World's Most Renowned Pediatric Neurosurgeon".

Such is the epitome of a sound mind.

Now allow me to help you through this:

epitome: a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type

The ability to perform one skill particularly well and the absence of a sound mind are not mutually exclusive.
The Unabomber was a brilliant man.............
Of course they would. they are already telling us they won't vote for a black man
Democrats Won't Vote for Carson Because....
that is a thread posted on here

I would vote for Carson if he weren't so crazy. I think he's a fine neurosurgeon, and probably a nice man, but I just can't get past the fact that he's crazy.
How is he "crazy?"

This isn't crazy, but very hypocritical, IMO, considering the fact that he was able to eat while growing up and going to school, due to the food assistance his family received. It appears he doesn't remember that he got to eat because the big bad government subsidized his family.

"Charities, he added, are better at providing for the needy than the government. "Nobody is starving on the streets. We've always taken care of them," Carson said. "We take care of our own; we always have. It is not the government's responsibility." -Ben Carson

Ben Carson on Welfare & Poverty

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