Democrat Voters Will Settle For A President That Will Not Tell Them The Truth

Of course they would. they are already telling us they won't vote for a black man
Democrats Won't Vote for Carson Because....
that is a thread posted on here

I would vote for Carson if he weren't so crazy.

Yes... Ben Carson is only the world's most renowned pediatric neurosurgeon. Which of course means to the delusional, that he is insane.

And that is because from their detached perspective, Ben Carson is everything they are NOT... thus because they consider themselves to be the standard for sanity... Carson; the epitome of a sound mind, MUST BE CRACKERS!

Such is the nature of the idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite such being contradicted by reality and rational argument founded in such; typically a symptom of mental disorder.

For such a fin neurosurgeon, he doesn't have a lick of common sense.
nutty lying insane rightwingnuts wouldn't know truth if it bit them.

OK, here's the acid test.
When Hillary told the American people, in the aftermath of the attack, that it was a spontaneous demonstration caused by a video, do you believe she thought she was telling the truth?
Now, we have email evidence of several sources that she told Chelsea, among others, that it was an AQ affiliate attack. We know the Libyan government told her it was a planned attack.
So in light of that your choices are:
1) Yes she told the truth, despite every piece of evidence to the contrary.
2) No, she didnt tell the truth but she was justified in lying for some reason or other
3) Wingnuts are stupid.
SO which is it? Are you in denial, are you condoning lying as long as it's your side doing it, or are you incapable of reasoned response?
So, he grew up??

He grew up with his potential preserved and facilitated by liberal programs dude...that is the point ..stay calm and step slowly away from stupid thinking OK ...

So he has some kooky beliefs.

What's kooky about his stated beliefs? And please... be specific.

Every one is entitled to their own world view. What is important in a political campaign is a person's policy positions. I don't care for the guys policy positions so I'm not really at liberty to get into his world view. I don't really care.
So, he grew up??

He grew up with his potential preserved and facilitated by liberal programs dude...that is the point ..stay calm and step slowly away from stupid thinking OK ...

What's wrong with he grew up and now is responsible, we all make mistakes in our youth.

The warm and fuzzy do good feelings are attractive to young and shallow minds...
Of course they would. they are already telling us they won't vote for a black man
Democrats Won't Vote for Carson Because....
that is a thread posted on here

I would vote for Carson if he weren't so crazy. I think he's a fine neurosurgeon, and probably a nice man, but I just can't get past the fact that he's crazy.
How is he "crazy?"

Wait, you actually read that and didn't find any craziness?

Let me highlight that he thinks Seventh-day Adventists will someday be considered criminals, arrested by the Government, then be sentenced to death.

How is that not any more insane than RWer's thinking that Jade Helm was taking over Walmart stores, or that the Government has FEMA re-education camps waiting for them?
So he has some kooky beliefs.

What's kooky about his stated beliefs? And please... be specific.

Every one is entitled to their own world view. What is important in a political campaign is a person's policy positions. I don't care for the guys policy positions so I'm not really at liberty to get into his world view. I don't really care.

Sure... but ya didn't answer the question. You stated that Carson holds some kooky views. I asked you what views of Carson's you feel are kooky.

Now I get it, you want to appear to be reasonable... so you offered what you felt was a minor concession... likely in hopes of appeasing the opposition toward the goal of allowing them the opportunity to be reasonable and offer you a minor concession, in some form of agreement.

You're simply wrong, on a number of fronts.

First: There's nothing kooky about Carson's views, as you demonstrated through your inability to cite such a view.

Second: An adherent of Left-think lacks the capacity to reason soundly. The Species of Reasoning OKA: Left-think is an intellectual parasitic virus, which exists purely to consume its host. There is no potential for any scenario, wherein to compromise with it, does not result in being consumed by it. They are every bit of the embodiment of the mythical Zombie. There existence is designed exclusively for destruction.

Now you'll either come to recognize that and in so doing increase your odds of survival... or ya won't.

Here's hoping ya figure it out.
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What's wrong with he grew up and now is responsible, we all make mistakes in our youth.

The warm and fuzzy do good feelings are attractive to young and shallow minds...

Basically what is wrong is that it is not true ...he grew up preserved and actualized his potential because he had the assistance of the Social Safety net...can you say that to yourself ... I know you can...
Of course they would. they are already telling us they won't vote for a black man
Democrats Won't Vote for Carson Because....
that is a thread posted on here

I would vote for Carson if he weren't so crazy. I think he's a fine neurosurgeon, and probably a nice man, but I just can't get past the fact that he's crazy.
How is he "crazy?"

Well, for starters, he thinks fossils were put here to mislead us or something. (sarcasm)

Here's part of the letter, published by the Emory Wheel.

Dr. Carson argues that there is no evidence for evolution, that there are no transitional fossils that provide evidence for the evolution of humans from a common ancestor with other apes, that evolution is a wholly random process, and that life is too complex to have originated by the natural process of evolution. All of these claims are incorrect. The evidence for evolution is overwhelming: ape-human transitional fossils are discovered at an ever increasing rate, and the processes by which organisms evolve new and more complex body plans are now known to be caused by relatively simple alterations of the expression of small numbers of developmental genes. Our understanding of the evolutionary process has advanced our ability to develop animal models for disease, our ability to combat the spread of infectious disease and, in point of fact, the work of Dr. Carson himself is based on scientific advances fostered by an understanding of evolution. Finally, much of the research at this University is based on advances fostered by an understanding of evolution.

The theory of evolution is as strongly supported as the theory of gravity and the theory that infectious diseases are caused by micro-organisms. Dismissing evolution disregards the importance of science and critical thinking to society. Stating that those who accept the underlying principle of biology and medicine are unethical not only encourages the insertion of unnecessary and destructive wedges between Americans but stands against many of the ideals of this University.

Ben Carson's creationist views spark controvery over commencement speech

Another good article

Ben Carson and the Satanic Sabbath Persecution Conspiracy

Ben Carson and the Satanic Sabbath persecution conspiracy

So he has some kooky beliefs.

And. . . that's somehow worse than all the shit we KNOW that Hillary has been involved in how?

Kooky beliefs equals crazy. Duh!
If your young and not a liberal you have no heart, but if you are old and not a conservative, then you have no brain.

Of course they would. they are already telling us they won't vote for a black man
Democrats Won't Vote for Carson Because....
that is a thread posted on here

I would vote for Carson if he weren't so crazy. I think he's a fine neurosurgeon, and probably a nice man, but I just can't get past the fact that he's crazy.
How is he "crazy?"

Wait, you actually read that and didn't find any craziness?

Let me highlight that he thinks Seventh-day Adventists will someday be considered criminals, arrested by the Government, then be sentenced to death.

How is that not any more insane than RWer's thinking that Jade Helm was taking over Walmart stores, or that the Government has FEMA re-education camps waiting for them?

You are aware that what you read and what you see is there to manipulate how you think and feel about the candidates, right?

Why else would the media strive so hard to make him look like a fool?

I think you missed the point of my post. You need to focus on character. Do you still truly believe his character is worse than Hillary?

Frankly, I wouldn't vote for either. He knows next to nothing about how the government actually works. That's obvious by his campaign.

And the establishment would never allow him to be POTUS, so this is sort of a moot discussion. However, all other things being equal, he seems like a more honest and trustworthy individual than Hillary.
Of course they would. they are already telling us they won't vote for a black man
Democrats Won't Vote for Carson Because....
that is a thread posted on here

I would vote for Carson if he weren't so crazy.

Yes... Ben Carson is only the world's most renowned pediatric neurosurgeon. Which of course means to the delusional, that he is insane.

And that is because from their detached perspective, Ben Carson is everything they are NOT... thus because they consider themselves to be the standard for sanity... Carson; the epitome of a sound mind, MUST BE CRACKERS!

Such is the nature of the idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite such being contradicted by reality and rational argument founded in such; typically a symptom of mental disorder.

I'm not voting for Neurosurgeon of the Year, I'm voting for the President of the United States.

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