Democrat Voters Will Settle For A President That Will Not Tell Them The Truth

I know but your problem is that you are unable to acknowledge a documented truth . The truth is " the Potential of Ben Carson was preserved and actualized with assistance from the social safety net"

There is nothing truthful, about that. It is a deceit, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

If you're saying that Ben Carson's family didn't receive assistance from the government, you are a liar.

He writes about receiving food stamps in his autobiography.

"She couldn't have provided for us and kept up the house without that subsidy." --Ben Carson
A socialist society does not make the man, he admits in his youth he was an absolute fool...

Got to admire his honesty and courage for not being a progressive lap dog....

I know but your problem is that you are unable to acknowledge a documented truth . The truth is " the Potential of Ben Carson was preserved and actualized with assistance from the social safety net"...surely that is not so threatening that you cannot acknowledge it....
Your deflecting, he used to be a bleeding heart progressive, what is he now?

Just because he does not carry your water, you fault him for growing up??

Sour grapes??
Another brilliant hyper-partisan thread that defies reality.
Now I'll go along with the notion that Clinton has issues with truth. No question there.

Which is a disqualifying trait for the Office of the Presidency.

Case Closed Kids.

You just made my point about people not looking at their own party. What are you afraid off or are you just lazy?
"Issues with the truth"?? Seriously? She lies like a rug. The number and magnitude of her lies is staggering. The level of corruption she and Bill have brought to the government is enormous, unprecedented. Remember them renting out the Lincoln Bedroom by the hour? She will be turning the entire federal government into her personal collection agency. You want a firearms license? Pay money. A license to distill alcohol? Pay money. We will be a third rate banana dictatorship with her as president.
Of course they would. they are already telling us they won't vote for a black man
Democrats Won't Vote for Carson Because....
that is a thread posted on here

I would vote for Carson if he weren't so crazy. I think he's a fine neurosurgeon, and probably a nice man, but I just can't get past the fact that he's crazy.
How is he "crazy?"

Wait, you actually read that and didn't find any craziness?

Let me highlight that he thinks Seventh-day Adventists will someday be considered criminals, arrested by the Government, then be sentenced to death.

How is that not any more insane than RWer's thinking that Jade Helm was taking over Walmart stores, or that the Government has FEMA re-education camps waiting for them?

You are aware that what you read and what you see is there to manipulate how you think and feel about the candidates, right?

Why else would the media strive so hard to make him look like a fool?

I think you missed the point of my post. You need to focus on character. Do you still truly believe his character is worse than Hillary?

Frankly, I wouldn't vote for either. He knows next to nothing about how the government actually works. That's obvious by his campaign.

And the establishment would never allow him to be POTUS, so this is sort of a moot discussion. However, all other things being equal, he seems like a more honest and trustworthy individual than Hillary.

I'm not thrilled with Hillary because I've never forgiven her for her vote on the Iraq war. I'm not thrilled with her ties to Wall Street. Her email and Benghazi scandal is partisan bullshit.

The most honest and trustworthy politician I see is Bernie Sanders, but I seriously doubt he will get the nomination.

So to answer your question, yes, yes I do think Hillary would be better than Carson, who is a lunatic.

Then you are the one that is a certifiable lunatic.

Hillary was the driving force behind the GD TPP. The Clintons at first always oppose and then destroy America with their globalist policies. And the zombies just follow in line.

SHE PRACTICALLY WROTE THE TPP. Do you actually think she will stop it's implementation? She is a known liar and fraud.

45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes
45 times Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes -

I know but your problem is that you are unable to acknowledge a documented truth . The truth is " the Potential of Ben Carson was preserved and actualized with assistance from the social safety net"

There is nothing truthful, about that. It is a deceit, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.
Its documented .....
Then you admit by your own admission, socialist society failed??

The vaunted "it takes village" has failed??
If you're saying that Ben Carson's family didn't receive assistance from the government, you are a liar.

I'm not saying that...

I'm saying that he rose above it... that Ben Carson did not allow his early life, wherein being subsidized by others, did not destroy his life, as it does with the vast majority of his peers.

See: Detroit.

Basically what is wrong is that it is not true ...he grew up preserved and actualized his potential because he had the assistance of the Social Safety net...



He was able to get ahead in life due to public assistance, affirmative action, and elements of the "safety net" that he now sees as imprisoning minorities. The man has a very, very short memory.
I'm not thrilled with Hillary because I've never forgiven her for her vote on the Iraq war. I'm not thrilled with her ties to Wall Street. Her email and Benghazi scandal is partisan bullshit.

The most honest and trustworthy politician I see is Bernie Sanders, but I seriously doubt he will get the nomination.

So to answer your question, yes, yes I do think Hillary would be better than Carson, who is a lunatic.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the USMB... I Present you ^ the Mouthy British Socialist ILLICITLY POSING AS A US CITIZEN!^

I will take that as a compliment. Thank you, Where_r_my_brains, aka, Ted Haggard.
If you're saying that Ben Carson's family didn't receive assistance from the government, you are a liar.

I'm not saying that...

I'm saying that he rose above it... that Ben Carson did not allow his early life, wherein being subsidized by others, did not destroy his life, as it does with the vast majority of his peers.

See: Detroit.


He was able to rise above it, because he got to fucking eat. He would not be where's he's at today without the assistance he received while growing up. You cannot feed the mind without feeding the body, you big dummy.
Basically what is wrong is that it is not true ...he grew up preserved and actualized his potential because he had the assistance of the Social Safety net...



He was able to get ahead in life due to public assistance, affirmative action, and elements of the "safety net" that he now sees as imprisoning minorities. The man has a very, very short memory.

I know but your problem is that you are unable to acknowledge a documented truth . The truth is " the Potential of Ben Carson was preserved and actualized with assistance from the social safety net"

There is nothing truthful, about that. It is a deceit, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

If you're saying that Ben Carson's family didn't receive assistance from the government, you are a liar.

He writes about receiving food stamps in his autobiography.

"She couldn't have provided for us and kept up the house without that subsidy." --Ben Carson
No one can claim the socialist "safety net" is the be all and end all of the individual??
That is foolish thinking, with an double edge.
I know but your problem is that you are unable to acknowledge a documented truth . The truth is " the Potential of Ben Carson was preserved and actualized with assistance from the social safety net"

There is nothing truthful, about that. It is a deceit, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

If you're saying that Ben Carson's family didn't receive assistance from the government, you are a liar.

He writes about receiving food stamps in his autobiography.

"She couldn't have provided for us and kept up the house without that subsidy." --Ben Carson
No one can claim the socialist "safety net" is the be all and end all of the individual??
That is foolish thinking, with an double edge.
but no one is saying that ...that is your reduction to the absurd attempt ...
Where's the rational argument for the sound mind of Ben Carson?

"World's Most Renowned Pediatric Neurosurgeon".

Such is the epitome of a sound mind.

Now allow me to help you through this:

epitome: a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type

"..epitome of a sound mind for neurosurgery!"

You can have incredible insight in one field, but terribly unrealistic in several others. Ben Carson is an eccentric. That is not unusual for scientist and other prominent individuals through out history.

In fact, one could argue eccentricity in notable people is normal!

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