Democrat Who Slept Her Way To The Top Calls For Legalizing Prostitution

During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

Melania did no such thing!!! Oh wait..wrong whore....
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers


I think she just wanted to protect Craft and the hedgefund manager.
then you should probably quit thinking and let others do it for usual...

I guess you don't know sarcasm do you?

a lefty?

they dont have humor, they're too important to find ways to t as ke your freedom so they can save the world
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers


I love how you misogynistic fools continue to attack Kamala Harris because she had sex. Like ANYONE CARES!!

I suspect the misogynists on this thread are all virgins, not of their own choosing.
Regardless of how you want to put it prostitution does not advance women.

Does pornography?

no but it makes some rich
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers


Your header says that she "slept her way to the top." Where did you get this "information" about her personal life? Do you have anything to back up this assertion.

This is what is wrong with politics today. Your header appears to be false, misleading, and defamatory.
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers


I love how you misogynistic fools continue to attack Kamala Harris because she had sex. Like ANYONE CARES!!

So now its OK for men to keep young Fluffers around the office? Could Brett Kavanaugh get lip service from one of his female law clerks? Tell us why, because it's a democrat sucking another democrats dick its suddenly OK and "nobody cares"
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers


Your header says that she "slept her way to the top." Where did you get this "information" about her personal life? Do you have anything to back up this assertion.

This is what is wrong with politics today. Your header appears to be false, misleading, and defamatory.
If you kept up with the news and / or were willing to do a little research yourself you would not be so ignorant.
Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors...

So, being she's eminently qualified, what's your problem?

I'm not quite sure if I want to legalize prostitution or not. The benefit is it could cut the rapes, save some marriages and allow a man to exercise his right for comfort without encumberances.

Should someone go to prison after visiting a prostitute when his wife is in a wheelchair and cannot have sex?

I don't think that is worth jail time. However, I would prefer people to get jobs that require standing and thinking.
Rape isn't about sex so let's not say that legalizing prostitution will reduce rapes.

That said there is no reason that prostitution should not be legal
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

It's all about normalizing slavery and human trafficking.
prostitution being illegal does that
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers


I love how you misogynistic fools continue to attack Kamala Harris because she had sex. Like ANYONE CARES!!
/——/ Stormy Daniels ring a bell you hypocrite?
A Democrat slept her way to the top, and wants to legalize hookers?

Dog bites man... must've been a slow news day.

Most politicians are Vote Whores anyway.

They bend over for any organization or group or ethnic bloc who can advance their careers and give them more power.

Democrats (politicians running under that partisan banner) are like that.

Republicans (politicians running under that partisan banner) are like that.

Vote Whores.

If the good of The People and the Republic are served in the process, well, that's a bonus.

If compliance with The Law can be effected in the process, well, that's a bonus, too.

But the attainment and sustaining of political power is all.

To them.

Vote Whores.

None of them are to be trusted.

That goes double for someone with a huge ethnic chip on their shoulder.
So, being she's eminently qualified, what's your problem?
Based on WHAT, exactly?

On 'Intelligence', 'Economics', 'Integrity', 'Honesty', 'Gullibility' - she fails MISERABLE.

Her morality - or should I say her exposed immorality - aside, She has been beaten up in the news lately for continuously misrepresenting her career / job performance.

She ran head-long to support newly elected Socialist Princess AOC's 'Unicorns And Rainbows' insane Global Warming plan...before finding out what was in it
(yeah, she's going to make a GREAT Democrat :p ) only to find out it was a fiction-based POS, based on technology that hasn't even been invented yet.

That rush to partisan judgment was not a 1-time thing. When Smollett perpetrated his racist faux hate crime on America, Harris again ran as quickly as her partisan racist little feet would carry her to defend and support him, like many gullible Libtards. She was so willing to believe that America is a racist country fueled by hate ... of course that is one of the many things the Democratic Party and Fake News media peddles, so it is no surprise she embraced it so quickly.

Being rash, too quick to judge in stead of taking one's time to find out the details, being racially biased, ignorant, partisan - not good qualities for someone with whom power over Americans will be entrusted. Neither is LYING...

Being busted for attempting to seem 'cool' by bragging about smoking pot and being caught lying about listening to Snoop Dog and Tupac exposed the fact that she has no problem lying to the American people about stupid stuff. If she is willing to lie about such insignificant things then I would not trust her to be honest about the big things.

Of course, being a 'whore', a liar, stupid, gullible, easily manipulated, quick to (mis-)judge things seem to be admirable qualities in a candidate for snowflakes.
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers


Your header says that she "slept her way to the top." Where did you get this "information" about her personal life? Do you have anything to back up this assertion.

This is what is wrong with politics today. Your header appears to be false, misleading, and defamatory.

Her DNA is still all over Willie Brown
Lesson: It's just wrong for men in positions of power to take sexual advantage of women who work for them*

*Unless they're both democrats
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers


What a joke.

Especially after the libs attacked President Trump's friend Robert Kraft , who is alleged to have done exactly that- paid for sex in Jupiter.

Kamala should really apologize to her President.

You need to read more articles and less posts on USMB if you don't understand what is going on, and how one of those situations affects the other, and why one situation is much different from the other. Robert Kraft paid to have sex with human trafficking sex slave victims.
It should be legalized. It is one of the most natural thing humans can do.
It also includes capitalism
Whats the problem?
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers


What a joke.

Especially after the libs attacked President Trump's friend Robert Kraft , who is alleged to have done exactly that- paid for sex in Jupiter.

Kamala should really apologize to her President.

You need to read more articles and less posts on USMB if you don't understand what is going on, and how one of those situations affects the other, and why one situation is much different from the other. Robert Kraft paid to have sex with human trafficking sex slave victims.
He can thank the Democratic Party for aiding and abetting the Human Trafficking industry by keeping the borders open, running Sanctuary Cities, etc....
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers


What a joke.

Especially after the libs attacked President Trump's friend Robert Kraft , who is alleged to have done exactly that- paid for sex in Jupiter.

Kamala should really apologize to her President.

You need to read more articles and less posts on USMB if you don't understand what is going on, and how one of those situations affects the other, and why one situation is much different from the other. Robert Kraft paid to have sex with human trafficking sex slave victims.
He can thank the Democratic Party for aiding and abetting the Human Trafficking industry by keeping the borders open, running Sanctuary Cities, etc....

Try again. Human trafficking is a problem that both parties are guilty for.
Try again. Human trafficking is a problem that both parties are guilty for.
Sorry, the Democrats are the only ones who stood with Human Traffickers rather than the American people to shutdown the government to keep the borders open, illegal immigration continuing, Sanctuary Cities operating, and illegal votes continuing to be cast for Democrats...with the added bonus of trying to hurt the President's re-election in 2020.

Party before country, illegals before citizens, self before constituents....the f*ers have been exposed for perpetrating a seditious conspiracy, an attempted coup d'état after having been exposed as doing exactly what they have accused Trump and the Russians of doing - taking action (rigging primaries, cheating in debates, colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for their help in winning the 2016 election...and protecting the DNC candidate from indictment / prison then giving her the nomination she could not win) to alter the outcome of the 2016 election!

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