Democrat Who Slept Her Way To The Top Calls For Legalizing Prostitution

During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

It's all about normalizing slavery and human trafficking.
prostitution being illegal does that
No, it doesn't.
Try again. Human trafficking is a problem that both parties are guilty for.
Sorry, the Democrats are the only ones who stood with Human Traffickers rather than the American people to shutdown the government to keep the borders open, illegal immigration continuing, Sanctuary Cities operating, and illegal votes continuing to be cast for Democrats...with the added bonus of trying to hurt the President's re-election in 2020.

Party before country, illegals before citizens, self before constituents....the f*ers have been exposed for perpetrating a seditious conspiracy, an attempted coup d'état after having been exposed as doing exactly what they have accused Trump and the Russians of doing - taking action (rigging primaries, cheating in debates, colluding with and paying foreign spies and Russians for their help in winning the 2016 election...and protecting the DNC candidate from indictment / prison then giving her the nomination she could not win) to alter the outcome of the 2016 election!

Once again you post jibberish that doesn't match the topic. Is there a reason why you left off the part where Trump only fired several employees at his golf resorts who had been employed there over SEVERAL years, only after a news article that exposed it?

Sanctuary cities don't help promote illegal human trafficking in the way you think it does... and it certainly isn't worth my time trying to explain it to you.
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

It's all about normalizing slavery and human trafficking.
prostitution being illegal does that
No, it doesn't.

Of course it does.

Making anything illegal actually promotes the illicit sale and use of whatever it is you are making illegal.
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

It's all about normalizing slavery and human trafficking.
prostitution being illegal does that
No, it doesn't.

Of course it does.

Making anything illegal actually promotes the illicit sale and use of whatever it is you are making illegal.

That is not the same as increasing the incidence of the illegal act.

Again, your logic fails you due to your leftist cognitive dissonance.
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

It's all about normalizing slavery and human trafficking.
prostitution being illegal does that
No, it doesn't.

Of course it does.

Making anything illegal actually promotes the illicit sale and use of whatever it is you are making illegal.

That is not the same as increasing the incidence of the illegal act.

Again, your logic fails you due to your leftist cognitive dissonance.

So some of you people think I'm a leftist and some of you think I'm a right wingnut

And when you make something illegal you do increase the incidences of illegal acts because every act associated with that thing is illegal

Black markets exist because we arbitrarily make all kinds of things illegal.

Look what happened during prohibition. Look at what's happening in the illegal drug trades and yes look what's happening in human trafficking.

The only reason these illicit markets exist is because there is money in the trade of all things illegal
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What a joke.
Especially after the libs attacked President Trump's friend Robert Kraft , who is alleged to have done exactly that- paid for sex in Jupiter.
Kamala should really apologize to her President.

She should apologize to the trees for wasting their time.
I'd prefer legal prostitution compared to marriage...It's cheaper than marriage...
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers


I love how you misogynistic fools continue to attack Kamala Harris because she had sex. Like ANYONE CARES!!
didn't care about "p" jokes trump made 20 years ago either but they come up all the time.
The only basis for legal authority is to protect individual rights from others.
That in no way allows for criminalization of any consensual sexual act between adults.
There simply is no legal authority, (in a democratic republic), that allows for prostitution to be prosecuted by government.
It's all about normalizing slavery and human trafficking.
prostitution being illegal does that
No, it doesn't.

Of course it does.

Making anything illegal actually promotes the illicit sale and use of whatever it is you are making illegal.

That is not the same as increasing the incidence of the illegal act.

Again, your logic fails you due to your leftist cognitive dissonance.

So some of you people think I'm a leftist and some of you think I'm a right wingnut

And when you make something illegal you do increase the incidences of illegal acts because every act associated with that thing is illegal

Black markets exist because we arbitrarily make all kinds of things illegal.

Look what happened during prohibition. Look at what's happening in the illegal drug trades and yes look what's happening in human trafficking.

The only reason these illicit markets exist is because there is money in the trade of all things illegal
You're a leftist. You probably pretend to be libertarian, if you're American at all.
prostitution being illegal does that
No, it doesn't.

Of course it does.

Making anything illegal actually promotes the illicit sale and use of whatever it is you are making illegal.

That is not the same as increasing the incidence of the illegal act.

Again, your logic fails you due to your leftist cognitive dissonance.

So some of you people think I'm a leftist and some of you think I'm a right wingnut

And when you make something illegal you do increase the incidences of illegal acts because every act associated with that thing is illegal

Black markets exist because we arbitrarily make all kinds of things illegal.

Look what happened during prohibition. Look at what's happening in the illegal drug trades and yes look what's happening in human trafficking.

The only reason these illicit markets exist is because there is money in the trade of all things illegal
You're a leftist. You probably pretend to be libertarian, if you're American at all.

Born and raised in the USA

So I'm a leftist who wants to get rid of social security, who is in favor of strong borders, who is very pro second amendment etc

What I have that you don't is an understanding of human behavior.

Make something illegal and people will want to try it.
Make something illegal and criminals will find a way to make money on it
Make something illegal and the incidences of violence increase because of the illicit trade

Whereas legalizing the same activity or item decreases the violence because the black market dries up.
I see that there is still nothing to support the allegation that Harris "slept her way to the top."

The issue of whether or not prostitution should be legalized or not is a separate issue. I can see arguments to support legalization, including allowing sex workers to operate apart from the underworld and operate as independent entreprenours.

But the "religious" people would be outraged at the encouragement of immorality, of violations of marriage vows, and of offering an opportunity for people to give into their baser instincts. But on the other hand, they have been pretty wobbly on these issues.
No, it doesn't.

Of course it does.

Making anything illegal actually promotes the illicit sale and use of whatever it is you are making illegal.

That is not the same as increasing the incidence of the illegal act.

Again, your logic fails you due to your leftist cognitive dissonance.

So some of you people think I'm a leftist and some of you think I'm a right wingnut

And when you make something illegal you do increase the incidences of illegal acts because every act associated with that thing is illegal

Black markets exist because we arbitrarily make all kinds of things illegal.

Look what happened during prohibition. Look at what's happening in the illegal drug trades and yes look what's happening in human trafficking.

The only reason these illicit markets exist is because there is money in the trade of all things illegal
You're a leftist. You probably pretend to be libertarian, if you're American at all.

Born and raised in the USA

So I'm a leftist who wants to get rid of social security, who is in favor of strong borders, who is very pro second amendment etc

What I have that you don't is an understanding of human behavior.

Make something illegal and people will want to try it.
Make something illegal and criminals will find a way to make money on it
Make something illegal and the incidences of violence increase because of the illicit trade

Whereas legalizing the same activity or item decreases the violence because the black market dries up.
What I have that you don't is an understanding of human behavior.

Make something illegal and people will want to try it.
Make something illegal and criminals will find a way to make money on it
Make something illegal and the incidences of violence increase because of the illicit trade

Whereas legalizing the same activity or item decreases the violence because the black market dries up.

There's more truth to that than most think. Thank you.
How are other young ambitious dem women going to rise in politics if men can just buy some pussy?
Dems and their attack on women continues unabated....
Pedofornia has already decriminalized Prostitution for 13 year olds. True Story. Now they want to legalize it, so guess what, they accomplish that, and California become the Pedophilia Capital of the world, which is why they probably need to import so many illegal immigrant children, so they can put 13 year old boys and girls in little glass boxes, so Pedofornians can pick the ones they want to rape the most.

Just like going to the frozen produce isle.

Welp, not any of that is true.
Well regulated socialist prostitution that works for the sex workers, like they have in Amsterdam, thank you very much. Like legalizing pot I've been saying this for 45 years....
So you are ok with prostituting 13 year old boys and girls?

Of course you are.
Of course not, brainwashed functional moron. I'm talking about well-regulated socialist prostitution like they have in Amsterdam, dumbass....
You are the fucking Moron here. Pedofornia DECRIMINALIZED Prostitution for 13-17 year olds a couple years ago, which means that they will be able to be available for you and your Marxist Socialist Pedophiles ON DEMAND!

Prostitution Decriminalized In California For Minors



What difference does it make?

Did you even read the article?

It isn’t legal to hire an underage prostitute in California, it just makes it not a crime when a minor is forced to be a prostitute as a victim of sex trafficking.

You are either dishonest or a moron or both.

Probably both.

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