Democrat Who Slept Her Way To The Top Calls For Legalizing Prostitution

Well regulated socialist prostitution that works for the sex workers, like they have in Amsterdam, thank you very much. Like legalizing pot I've been saying this for 45 years....
So you are ok with prostituting 13 year old boys and girls?

Of course you are.
Of course not, brainwashed functional moron. I'm talking about well-regulated socialist prostitution like they have in Amsterdam, dumbass....
You are the fucking Moron here. Pedofornia DECRIMINALIZED Prostitution for 13-17 year olds a couple years ago, which means that they will be able to be available for you and your Marxist Socialist Pedophiles ON DEMAND!

Prostitution Decriminalized In California For Minors



What difference does it make?

Did you even read the article?

It isn’t legal to hire an underage prostitute in California, it just makes it not a crime when a minor is forced to be a prostitute as a victim of sex trafficking.

You are either dishonest or a moron or both.

Probably both.
So now you can force a minor or coerce a 13 year old girl to be a Prostitute, and neither the pimp or prostitute will be charged with prostitution.



What difference does it make?

No, it doesn't.

Of course it does.

Making anything illegal actually promotes the illicit sale and use of whatever it is you are making illegal.

That is not the same as increasing the incidence of the illegal act.

Again, your logic fails you due to your leftist cognitive dissonance.

So some of you people think I'm a leftist and some of you think I'm a right wingnut

And when you make something illegal you do increase the incidences of illegal acts because every act associated with that thing is illegal

Black markets exist because we arbitrarily make all kinds of things illegal.

Look what happened during prohibition. Look at what's happening in the illegal drug trades and yes look what's happening in human trafficking.

The only reason these illicit markets exist is because there is money in the trade of all things illegal
You're a leftist. You probably pretend to be libertarian, if you're American at all.

Born and raised in the USA

So I'm a leftist who wants to get rid of social security, who is in favor of strong borders, who is very pro second amendment etc

What I have that you don't is an understanding of human behavior.

Make something illegal and people will want to try it.
Make something illegal and criminals will find a way to make money on it
Make something illegal and the incidences of violence increase because of the illicit trade

Whereas legalizing the same activity or item decreases the violence because the black market dries up.

You were doing fine.
Except for that part. No, there is absolutely NO evidence that making human trafficking legal "decreases violence" against women. That's idiotic.
Well regulated socialist prostitution that works for the sex workers, like they have in Amsterdam, thank you very much. Like legalizing pot I've been saying this for 45 years....
So you are ok with prostituting 13 year old boys and girls?

Of course you are.
Of course not, brainwashed functional moron. I'm talking about well-regulated socialist prostitution like they have in Amsterdam, dumbass....
You are the fucking Moron here. Pedofornia DECRIMINALIZED Prostitution for 13-17 year olds a couple years ago, which means that they will be able to be available for you and your Marxist Socialist Pedophiles ON DEMAND!

Prostitution Decriminalized In California For Minors



What difference does it make?

Did you even read the article?

It isn’t legal to hire an underage prostitute in California, it just makes it not a crime when a minor is forced to be a prostitute as a victim of sex trafficking.

You are either dishonest or a moron or both.

Probably both.
The result is that pimps are protected. They throw their kids out there, and the kids get arrested, say they're working for themselves, are immediately released, and the pimps throw them out there again.

You people have to be regular hooker users. The ONLY people who defend this garbage are those who exploit women.
I think I'll vote for Harris. I think it's kinda funny that the first woman President would be a prostitute. Kinda fitting, along with the first black President being a racist.
How are other young ambitious dem women going to rise in politics if men can just buy some pussy?
Dems and their attack on women continues unabated....
Buying pussy is cool, as long as you are a republican...and you get caught lying about it and stuff....
How are other young ambitious dem women going to rise in politics if men can just buy some pussy?
Dems and their attack on women continues unabated....
Buying pussy is cool, as long as you are a republican...and you get caught lying about it and stuff....
Gee, I looked all over that check and can't see where it says the check was for buying pussy. Can you show me?
Well regulated socialist prostitution that works for the sex workers, like they have in Amsterdam, thank you very much. Like legalizing pot I've been saying this for 45 years....
So you are ok with prostituting 13 year old boys and girls?

Of course you are.
Of course not, brainwashed functional moron. I'm talking about well-regulated socialist prostitution like they have in Amsterdam, dumbass....
You are the fucking Moron here. Pedofornia DECRIMINALIZED Prostitution for 13-17 year olds a couple years ago, which means that they will be able to be available for you and your Marxist Socialist Pedophiles ON DEMAND!

Prostitution Decriminalized In California For Minors



What difference does it make?

Did you even read the article?

It isn’t legal to hire an underage prostitute in California, it just makes it not a crime when a minor is forced to be a prostitute as a victim of sex trafficking.

You are either dishonest or a moron or both.

Probably both.
The result is that pimps are protected. They throw their kids out there, and the kids get arrested, say they're working for themselves, are immediately released, and the pimps throw them out there again.

You people have to be regular hooker users. The ONLY people who defend this garbage are those who exploit women.

That isn’t at all what the law does.

It protects the underage victims of sex trafficking so they aren’t prosecuted and can become, instead, a witness for the prosecution against the sex traffickers who victimized them.

Try not to let your partisanship skew your ability to think logically.
Well regulated socialist prostitution that works for the sex workers, like they have in Amsterdam, thank you very much. Like legalizing pot I've been saying this for 45 years....
So you are ok with prostituting 13 year old boys and girls?

Of course you are.
Of course not, brainwashed functional moron. I'm talking about well-regulated socialist prostitution like they have in Amsterdam, dumbass....
You are the fucking Moron here. Pedofornia DECRIMINALIZED Prostitution for 13-17 year olds a couple years ago, which means that they will be able to be available for you and your Marxist Socialist Pedophiles ON DEMAND!

Prostitution Decriminalized In California For Minors



What difference does it make?

Did you even read the article?

It isn’t legal to hire an underage prostitute in California, it just makes it not a crime when a minor is forced to be a prostitute as a victim of sex trafficking.

You are either dishonest or a moron or both.

Probably both.
So now you can force a minor or coerce a 13 year old girl to be a Prostitute, and neither the pimp or prostitute will be charged with prostitution.



What difference does it make?

Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear.

The law protects underage victims of sex trafficking from prosecution so they can be witnesses for the prosecution against the sex traffickers who victimized them.

It’s probably pointless to even write this since you won’t process it through your ultra partisanship anyway.
So you are ok with prostituting 13 year old boys and girls?

Of course you are.
Of course not, brainwashed functional moron. I'm talking about well-regulated socialist prostitution like they have in Amsterdam, dumbass....
You are the fucking Moron here. Pedofornia DECRIMINALIZED Prostitution for 13-17 year olds a couple years ago, which means that they will be able to be available for you and your Marxist Socialist Pedophiles ON DEMAND!

Prostitution Decriminalized In California For Minors



What difference does it make?

Did you even read the article?

It isn’t legal to hire an underage prostitute in California, it just makes it not a crime when a minor is forced to be a prostitute as a victim of sex trafficking.

You are either dishonest or a moron or both.

Probably both.
The result is that pimps are protected. They throw their kids out there, and the kids get arrested, say they're working for themselves, are immediately released, and the pimps throw them out there again.

You people have to be regular hooker users. The ONLY people who defend this garbage are those who exploit women.

That isn’t at all what the law does.

It protects the underage victims of sex trafficking so they aren’t prosecuted and can become, instead, a witness for the prosecution against the sex traffickers who victimized them.

Try not to let your partisanship skew your ability to think logically.

What it does is protect the owners of the trafficked, underaged children. Because when the kids are caught, they aren't taken into custody but instead are returned to the streets, where they continue to work for their pimps and owners..who are not held accountable because the kids aren't taken into state custody.

That law was created to protect those who traffic children.

As I know you know ;) Otherwise you wouldn't be defending it.
"Not only does it tie the hands of law enforcement in removing the child from a threatening environment, it sends a message to the victimized children that their sex trafficker is in charge, that society accepts and allows what’s happening, and ultimately, there is no escape.

".... this vicious circle “translates into bigger and better cash flow for the pimps. Simply put, more time on the street and less time in jail means more money for pimps, and more victims for them to exploit.”

California law decriminalizing child prostitution puts children at greater risk
"Not only does it tie the hands of law enforcement in removing the child from a threatening environment, it sends a message to the victimized children that their sex trafficker is in charge, that society accepts and allows what’s happening, and ultimately, there is no escape.

".... this vicious circle “translates into bigger and better cash flow for the pimps. Simply put, more time on the street and less time in jail means more money for pimps, and more victims for them to exploit.”

California law decriminalizing child prostitution puts children at greater risk
The Washington Times is a fake GOP garbage propaganda newspaper run by the Moon family, brainwashed functional moron. Try some real news, dumbass.
Of course it does.

Making anything illegal actually promotes the illicit sale and use of whatever it is you are making illegal.

That is not the same as increasing the incidence of the illegal act.

Again, your logic fails you due to your leftist cognitive dissonance.

So some of you people think I'm a leftist and some of you think I'm a right wingnut

And when you make something illegal you do increase the incidences of illegal acts because every act associated with that thing is illegal

Black markets exist because we arbitrarily make all kinds of things illegal.

Look what happened during prohibition. Look at what's happening in the illegal drug trades and yes look what's happening in human trafficking.

The only reason these illicit markets exist is because there is money in the trade of all things illegal
You're a leftist. You probably pretend to be libertarian, if you're American at all.

Born and raised in the USA

So I'm a leftist who wants to get rid of social security, who is in favor of strong borders, who is very pro second amendment etc

What I have that you don't is an understanding of human behavior.

Make something illegal and people will want to try it.
Make something illegal and criminals will find a way to make money on it
Make something illegal and the incidences of violence increase because of the illicit trade

Whereas legalizing the same activity or item decreases the violence because the black market dries up.

You were doing fine.
Except for that part. No, there is absolutely NO evidence that making human trafficking legal "decreases violence" against women. That's idiotic.
Of course not, you need to regulate it well like Amsterdam. Which means it is socialist in the modern definition.
That is not the same as increasing the incidence of the illegal act.

Again, your logic fails you due to your leftist cognitive dissonance.

So some of you people think I'm a leftist and some of you think I'm a right wingnut

And when you make something illegal you do increase the incidences of illegal acts because every act associated with that thing is illegal

Black markets exist because we arbitrarily make all kinds of things illegal.

Look what happened during prohibition. Look at what's happening in the illegal drug trades and yes look what's happening in human trafficking.

The only reason these illicit markets exist is because there is money in the trade of all things illegal
You're a leftist. You probably pretend to be libertarian, if you're American at all.

Born and raised in the USA

So I'm a leftist who wants to get rid of social security, who is in favor of strong borders, who is very pro second amendment etc

What I have that you don't is an understanding of human behavior.

Make something illegal and people will want to try it.
Make something illegal and criminals will find a way to make money on it
Make something illegal and the incidences of violence increase because of the illicit trade

Whereas legalizing the same activity or item decreases the violence because the black market dries up.

You were doing fine.
Except for that part. No, there is absolutely NO evidence that making human trafficking legal "decreases violence" against women. That's idiotic.
Of course not, you need to regulate it well like Amsterdam. Which means it is socialist in the modern definition.

Are Pimps regulated in Amsterdam as well? Do those men have to have licenses, if a hoe is slapped around by her pimp, can she appeal to the commission?
So some of you people think I'm a leftist and some of you think I'm a right wingnut

And when you make something illegal you do increase the incidences of illegal acts because every act associated with that thing is illegal

Black markets exist because we arbitrarily make all kinds of things illegal.

Look what happened during prohibition. Look at what's happening in the illegal drug trades and yes look what's happening in human trafficking.

The only reason these illicit markets exist is because there is money in the trade of all things illegal
You're a leftist. You probably pretend to be libertarian, if you're American at all.

Born and raised in the USA

So I'm a leftist who wants to get rid of social security, who is in favor of strong borders, who is very pro second amendment etc

What I have that you don't is an understanding of human behavior.

Make something illegal and people will want to try it.
Make something illegal and criminals will find a way to make money on it
Make something illegal and the incidences of violence increase because of the illicit trade

Whereas legalizing the same activity or item decreases the violence because the black market dries up.

You were doing fine.
Except for that part. No, there is absolutely NO evidence that making human trafficking legal "decreases violence" against women. That's idiotic.
Of course not, you need to regulate it well like Amsterdam. Which means it is socialist in the modern definition.

Are Pimps regulated in Amsterdam as well? Do those men have to have licenses, if a hoe is slapped around by her pimp, can she appeal to the commission?
There are no pimps, the prostitutes are licensed, regularly inspected, and regulated by government, and protected by police with buzzers in their windowed rooms... It's called well-regulated regulation and socialism, as opposed to your disgusting violent Savage capitalism we have here in the United States, thanks to the scumbag moralizing GOP and silly ignorant Dupes like you...
Incidentally, children can't be *prostitutes" they can only be rape victims.
One wonders why when they are caught "prostituting" the men who make use of them aren't hunted down.

Oh that's right, because it's *consensual*.
Of course not, you need to regulate it well like Amsterdam. Which means it is socialist in the modern definition.
Like the communists that regulate alcohol.

Which of course brings up the question of why it was more regulated in the US than even the Soviet Union.

And since it is relevant to the topic, they have identified that Russian trolls are targeting specific Democratic candidates.
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

Everything you know is garbage, no one is for open borders, dumbass. Pass a national ID card that GOP blocks forever and end this GOP scam duh... And of course this slept to the top BS has no evidence backing it up. You are a scumbag too. And no doubt a racist like most ignorant rube Republicans... Too bad otherwise very good people...
So then Trump should be jailed for soliciting prostitutes, huh?
During an interview in which she was advocating the paying of reparations to blacks ONLY for the wrongs done to their ancestors over a century ago, Karris also called for the legalization of prostitution...or selling one's self for gain (...kinda like how she made it into politics and up to the top :p ).

Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

"Presidential wannabee and Sen. Kamala Harris, who spent decades as a district attorney and California attorney general destroying the lives of sex workers, has officially come out in support of decriminalizing sex work."

So far, Harris has advocated for:
- Open borders
- Non-enforcement of US law,
- NOT protecting US citizens from violent illegals / human traffickers / violent Gangs, etc...
- Sanctuary cities
- Mythical Global Warming Plans that rely on technology not invented yet
- The murder of newborn infants
- And now for the legalization of prostitution (How much it the Patriots owner paying her to push that one :p )

Then again...she has a point. Politicians should not be villainized for what they do or who they are - paid prostitutes who sell their loyalty / votes to the highest donors....


Kamala Harris calls to decriminalize sex work after decades of destroying sex workers

Everything you know is garbage, no one is for open borders, dumbass. Pass a national ID card that GOP blocks forever and end this GOP scam duh... And of course this slept to the top BS has no evidence backing it up. You are a scumbag too. And no doubt a racist like most ignorant rube Republicans... Too bad otherwise very good people...

Yeah, you are for open borders, for human trafficking, and for infanticide.

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