Democratic Congressman Compares Republicans to Al Qaeda Terrorists

I don't think for myself? Man, you really must not know me.. a couple headlines, and that means I can't think for myself.. Interesting.. So I'm guessing you can't think for yourself either eh? I mean, how do you get your news? Your bullshit 9/11 links?

Oh I get it.. because when you look at Headlines and Links, it has to be true..

Sorry kido.. Swing and a miss.

Carry on. - Democratic Congressman Compares Republicans to Al Qaeda Terrorists

Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., known for making inflammatory statements against Republicans, now suggests that giving the GOP control of Congress again is like letting Al Qaeda terrorists pilot a plane.

"Why would you want to put people in charge of government who just don't want to do it," Grayson told a local TV program in Orlando that is to air Saturday. "I mean, you wouldn't expect to see Al Qaeda members as pilots."

Republicans quickly fired back at Grayson, who once said the GOP wants Americans to "die quickly" as part of its health care plan.

NRCC spokesman Andy Sere told Politico that Central Floridians are "deeply embarrassed by Alan Grayson and would characterize his freshman term in Congress as a reign of terror."

Grayson's office refused to back down from the comments, Politico reported.

Awww. Terrible, isn't it? :lol:
Let's see here rdean..

Every single point you said there can be changed with...

Democrats mention Bush and XXX in the Same Breath..

Hitler? Check.

Facist? Check.

Anti-Christ? Check.

Racist? Check.

Terrorist? Check.

Bush wiped his hand on Clinton after shaking hands with a black man.

Bush the Anti Christ? Never heard that one. Is it because of his conversations with Gawd?

Bush tricked us into invading Iraq. He did nothing to catch Bin Laden. He passed the most irresponsible bill in US history with his direct trillion dollar give a way to the drug companies. He stood by while the Christian population in Iraq was being annihilated or driven out of their country. He supported the Iraq constitution which made Iraq a hard right Islamic Theocracy by constitution. He cut taxes by 2.4 trillion while waging two wars at 3 trillion which he didn't include in any budget.

How is it the right can still defend this terrible man? How is it possible?
I'm not defending him, if you actually knew my stance on Bush you actually realize I don't like him very much..

Try again.
Well, you have to admit.

al Qaeda wants Obama to fail.

Confederate Republicans want Obama to fail.

al Qaeda says they want to destroy the president.

Confederate Republicans want to destroy the president.

To a casual observer who didn't know the US or US politics, you could probably assume that al Qaeda and the Confederate Republicans are working together.
Ya he just mentioned them in the same breath as Republicans cause it fits so well. RETARD ALERT.

I agree! Whoever the person was who wrote that article for Faux News IS a retard!

You koolaid drinking idiot, give it up. If someone said Obama and chimp in the same breath no matter the connotation or intent, you would be screaming racism. Yet here you claim not to see the obvious. Go figure.

What is this koolaid comment? Stop using it. It's fucking retarded and makes no sense. Because someone doesn't agree with you, they are drinking the Koolaid? Maybe they just think you are wrong. You're soft.
I was actually going to say, Republicans and Terrorists are almost the same,except worse, because they are inside the government.
Bush tricked us into invading Iraq.

:eusa_naughty: Wait, how can that be true, Libs say Bush was Stupid, how could he have been smart enough to do that? I mean there are over 500 Members of Congress he outsmarted

Didn't you know that those members of the Congress that gave their consent...alot of them were parroting the same as Bush back when Clinton had the reigns?

And these people call themselves adults? By that reckoning? They should have been removed from office for NOT thinking...For NOT doing the bidding of their constituients.

I'd like to KNOW from that works exactly. Or is this another chapter in the Blame Bush Game even though Bush has been gone for what? 19 Months? And none of these people can now think for themselves since the exodus of Bush? - Democratic Congressman Compares Republicans to Al Qaeda Terrorists

Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., known for making inflammatory statements against Republicans, now suggests that giving the GOP control of Congress again is like letting Al Qaeda terrorists pilot a plane.

"Why would you want to put people in charge of government who just don't want to do it," Grayson told a local TV program in Orlando that is to air Saturday. "I mean, you wouldn't expect to see Al Qaeda members as pilots."

Republicans quickly fired back at Grayson, who once said the GOP wants Americans to "die quickly" as part of its health care plan.

NRCC spokesman Andy Sere told Politico that Central Floridians are "deeply embarrassed by Alan Grayson and would characterize his freshman term in Congress as a reign of terror."

Grayson's office refused to back down from the comments, Politico reported.


And also in the news, Chief Justice John Marshall called Thomas Jefferson's allies, Terrorists.

Democrats are sounding deranged & desperate these days. The people are completely sick of them. They have completely sunk so many future generations. It's time for real change. Make 2010 count people.

Can you really be as dumb as you are?

It really is a shame I have to ask that so often around here.
I don't think for myself? Man, you really must not know me.. a couple headlines, and that means I can't think for myself.. Interesting.. So I'm guessing you can't think for yourself either eh? I mean, how do you get your news? Your bullshit 9/11 links?

Oh I get it.. because when you look at Headlines and Links, it has to be true..

Sorry kido.. Swing and a miss.

Carry on.

If you thought for yourself you wouldn't have repeated FN's bullshit.

You're so embarrassed by your false accusations on what I've said about 9E you don't even quote my post. So show us where I said 9E is an inside job and that marshall law would be instituted or retract the claims you stoopid bitch.

Basically, you know you're wrong about this thread so you're hoping....I mean desperately hoping....that you can derail your own thread into a Troofer Bash just to try and deflect. You're such a bitch. - Democratic Congressman Compares Republicans to Al Qaeda Terrorists

Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., known for making inflammatory statements against Republicans, now suggests that giving the GOP control of Congress again is like letting Al Qaeda terrorists pilot a plane.

"Why would you want to put people in charge of government who just don't want to do it," Grayson told a local TV program in Orlando that is to air Saturday. "I mean, you wouldn't expect to see Al Qaeda members as pilots."

Republicans quickly fired back at Grayson, who once said the GOP wants Americans to "die quickly" as part of its health care plan.

NRCC spokesman Andy Sere told Politico that Central Floridians are "deeply embarrassed by Alan Grayson and would characterize his freshman term in Congress as a reign of terror."

Grayson's office refused to back down from the comments, Politico reported.


I'd say it's more like putting a spoiled 17-year old punk behind the wheel of his dad's Maserati, but it's not completely unlike hiring a terrorist as an airline pilot.

And IMO, the OP's interpretation of Grayson's statement requires a leap Evil Knievel couldn't make.
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The Democrats are all done. The people now despise them. They have had control of Congress for the last four years and what have they done? All they have done is make things much much worse for this country. Look at the pace of our massive decline in the last four years they have controlled Congress. It's actually pretty shocking & depressing. Blaming BOOOOOOOOSH and calling Republicans "Al Qaeda Terrorists" isn't going to be enough for them this time around. Just take a close look at the last four years they have had power and that really should say it all. It's time for real change. Make 2010 count people.
I don't think for myself? Man, you really must not know me.. a couple headlines, and that means I can't think for myself.. Interesting.. So I'm guessing you can't think for yourself either eh? I mean, how do you get your news? Your bullshit 9/11 links?

Oh I get it.. because when you look at Headlines and Links, it has to be true..

Sorry kido.. Swing and a miss.

Carry on.

If you thought for yourself you wouldn't have repeated FN's bullshit.

You're so embarrassed by your false accusations on what I've said about 9E you don't even quote my post. So show us where I said 9E is an inside job and that marshall law would be instituted or retract the claims you stoopid bitch.

Basically, you know you're wrong about this thread so you're hoping....I mean desperately hoping....that you can derail your own thread into a Troofer Bash just to try and deflect. You're such a bitch.

Hey ClancyCunt....stop hiding.
Show me again where Grayson compared the GOP to Al Qaeda?

he didn't. he said what i always say which is that people who hate government shouldn't run government. it would be like someone who hates animals being the head curator at a zoo.

he just said it more colorfully than i would have.

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