Democratic Debate: December 19, 2015

I can't help it. one of the funniest posts I have ever seen said something like

"have a nice trip to Ignore, say hello to Stephanie when you get there".

For some reason that cracks me up!
Amazing the amount of bs propaganda spam you're provided....dupe.
80%+ of deficit under O is fixing Booosh's mess...income rate?? Fed- Policies loved by and defended to the death by Pubs ferchrissake..

Congress crashed housing, GWB unable to stop them? why not? RINO?
Incomes? I meant personal incomes stale for so long now. Rich getting richer under BHO. more poor
Who could possible like 4-5T free money dumped into market and GOVT debt? bubble burst coming.
80%+ of deficit under O is fixing Booosh's mess...income rate?? Fed- Policies loved by and defended to the death by Pubs ferchrissake..

Congress crashed housing, GWB unable to stop them? why not? RINO?
Incomes? I meant personal incomes stale for so long now. Rich getting richer under BHO. more poor
Who could possible like 4-5T free money dumped into market and GOVT debt? bubble burst coming.
Did you notice all the solutions from Obama that the GOP has blocked, ignoramus?
80%+ of deficit under O is fixing Booosh's mess...income rate?? Fed- Policies loved by and defended to the death by Pubs ferchrissake..

Congress crashed housing, GWB unable to stop them? why not? RINO?
Incomes? I meant personal incomes stale for so long now. Rich getting richer under BHO. more poor
Who could possible like 4-5T free money dumped into market and GOVT debt? bubble burst coming.
Congress crashed housing? lol
Did you notice all the solutions from Obama that the GOP has blocked, ignoramus?

You already know I am going to say BHO got everything he asked for since day 1. Did he ask for 50% tax on his buddies from Marthas' Vineyard? not that I know of.
Did you notice all the solutions from Obama that the GOP has blocked, ignoramus?

You already know I am going to say BHO got everything he asked for since day 1. Did he ask for 50% tax on his buddies from Marthas' Vineyard? not that I know of.
Hilarious. Ignorance is your best ally lol...What did he get then? Tell me he had control for 2 years or other dupe myths...
Hilarious. Ignorance is your best ally lol...What did he get then? Tell me he had control for 2 years or other dupe myths...

2 years with DEM got ObamMao ObamaCare. Cash for clunkers. Any spending he wanted thru Boner. Tax increase. Tax increases through ObamaCare.........anything everything just flew through? Boner/Reid rubber stamp. one party rule.
Hilarious. Ignorance is your best ally lol...What did he get then? Tell me he had control for 2 years or other dupe myths...

2 years with DEM got ObamMao ObamaCare. Cash for clunkers. Any spending he wanted thru Boner. Tax increase. Tax increases through ObamaCare.........anything everything just flew through? Boner/Reid rubber stamp. one party rule.
Actually, 2 weeks. Yes, 2 nice GOP ladies voted for the stimulus- and got thrown out of the GOP. No tax increase from ACA for you. Another myth.

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