Democratic extremism on full display with human trafficking bill opposition

Let me see if I have this right.

Republicans obstruct: bad bad extremist bad bad

Democrat obstruct; they have Republicans by the short hairs

so in other words: Democrats can play games with your lives and they get cheered for it

"Democrats are prepared to hold up a bipartisan bill designed to help the victims of human traffickers. If that’s not extremist, I don’t know what is."

Democratic extremism on full display with human trafficking bill opposition Hot Air

Republicans want to force victims to fund their own abortions in the case of rape...How cruel

Actually, this language is inserted in almost all spending bills. You have heard of the Hyde Amendment, haven't you? The government should not be in the business of funding abortions.
Why does that even have to be in there?
Can't any reference to pregnancy and abortion be removed to avoid this issue from holding up the rest of the bill?

It wasn't originally when it was a bipartisan bill

Republicans had to slip it in there to pander to their base

Actually, it wasn't "slipped" in. The democrats didn't bother to read the bill.

Is that true or are you just making it up?

According to the politico:

As Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) sealed the bill’s fate Thursday by scheduling a vote that’s sure to fail, Democrats acknowledged they had erred in not poring over the trafficking bill to detect language that would prohibit money in a restitution fund from being spent on abortions. They also conceded they were familiar with the arcane legislative language because Republicans had informed Democrats of their desire to include the abortion provision late last year.

“What do you want me to tell you? We missed it!” said Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) when asked why Democrats didn’t recognize the language this time.

Read more: How abortion politics scuttled a human-trafficking bill - Burgess Everett and Seung Min Kim - POLITICO

So it's the fault of the Republicans that the Dems are obstructing it because they scheduled a vote?

That's ludicrous.

The dems are stomping it because they fucked up, and they don't care if people suffer because of it.

Dick Durbin admitted they just didn't read it carefully and missed it, even though it was on pages 4 and 5. They have egg on their faces because their extremism is on full display.
Let me see if I have this right.

Republicans obstruct: bad bad extremist bad bad

Democrat obstruct; they have Republicans by the short hairs

so in other words: Democrats can play games with your lives and they get cheered for it

"Democrats are prepared to hold up a bipartisan bill designed to help the victims of human traffickers. If that’s not extremist, I don’t know what is."

Democratic extremism on full display with human trafficking bill opposition Hot Air

Republicans want to force victims to fund their own abortions in the case of rape...How cruel

Actually, this language is inserted in almost all spending bills. You have heard of the Hyde Amendment, haven't you? The government should not be in the business of funding abortions.

The money is not coming from government funds.....blocking its use is just plain cruel
It is not government money.

Koshergrl and her allies support the traffickers' "rights" to breed their offspring on the victims.
When will the Republican Congress get some work done? Why are they holding Lynch hostage to their legislation? I hope the Democrats stand firm against this tactic.

You must have a short memory. Democrats held Bush's first Supreme Court appointee for over a year, until he finally withdrew his name, never gave a reason why, just said we'll never allow a floor vote on him so you should move on.
Let me see if I have this right.

Republicans obstruct: bad bad extremist bad bad

Democrat obstruct; they have Republicans by the short hairs

so in other words: Democrats can play games with your lives and they get cheered for it

"Democrats are prepared to hold up a bipartisan bill designed to help the victims of human traffickers. If that’s not extremist, I don’t know what is."

Democratic extremism on full display with human trafficking bill opposition Hot Air

Republicans want to force victims to fund their own abortions in the case of rape...How cruel

I don't even know how they can get to there from this incident. Anybody?

Dear koshergrl and JakeStarkey
The Democrats have asked, as I suggest also, to REMOVE the conflicting language from the bill.

If the Republicans refuse to remove it, this is seen as trying to regulate what the victims do with the money
they receive as compensation, to the point of banning it from use for abortion; thus what rightwinger said it is effectively forcing any resulting abortions from trafficking to be paid for by poor victims who may not be able to afford it.

Removing the language is NOT the same as ENDORSING the money to be used for abortion,
(any more than if the money were used to buy condoms, guns for defense, or anything else).

If these Republicans are looking to make a statement, why not use this
to show the ridiculousness of trying to "overregulate" and dictate citizen's choices of paying for health care
through insurance only to avoid a tax penalty.

Drop both mandates in both cases and acknowledge it has caused unnecessary opposition.

Do we need to send in neutral third-party mediators to work out these legislators' control issues with each other?
Lord please help us speed up our learning curve here. We need a good dose of enlightenment on all sides,
and maybe we could get on the same page and stay there. Help all our leaders to see the true common focus and unite.
I see clearly your idea for a swap, but the ACA supporters will not drop the mandate, except for single payer.

The no abortion homers will not compromise on the GOP insertion into the trafficking bill.
more from the article:

“The resulting bill received zero dissenting votes in a Senate Judiciary Committee vote,” a flabbergasted Guy Benson observed. “But once pro-abortion activists started raising hackles, Democrats decided to filibuster a law that would “help victims of sex trafficking

Just so we’re crystal clear, Senate Democrats’ apparent commitment to (deeply unpopular) taxpayer-funded abortion is causing them to actively block an anti-human-trafficking bill. They knew the pro-life language was in there for months, but now they’re pretending to have suddenly discovered it, to their shock and horror — but they don’t want to actually vote on whether to strike the supposedly offending language. Incredible.

This development should put to rest for good the defunct notion that the GOP majorities in Congress are both unrepresentative of the public and reflexively obstructionist. A cursory look at the polling data suggests that is the Democratic Party that is out of step with the public on the issue of abortion.

According to Gallup polling, only 33 percent of the public identified as pro-life in 1996 compared with 56 percent who described themselves as pro-choice. Today, both sides of that debate have achieved parity. As of May of last year, a majority of the public said abortion should be “legal only under certain circumstances.” In March of 2014, a CNN/ORC survey revealed that a majority of American surveyed continue to oppose the use of taxpayer funds to subsidize abortion procedures for those who cannot otherwise afford it.

all of it here:
Democratic extremism on full display with human trafficking bill opposition Hot Air
Kosghergrl wants the GOP insertion to hurt the victims.

She says to hell with GOP personal responsibility.

Its not that

She just wants to ensure the rights of rapists to breed

Dear rightwinger and JakeStarkey
I think that's pushing it too far "extreme" to call it that.
If it works to communicate to KG how bad this makes Conservatives look, I understand.

But Jake said it best by pointing out if it "isn't government money"
then it doesn't make sense to try to overregulate. So here, if the Republicans want
to make an issue about ACA and what's wrong with those mandates,
(because it punishes citizens for how we spend our own money on heath care)
here's a golden opportunity.

Jake's point has a better chance of being communicated to make a point,
but if you have to add all that other insinuation to drive the point home, if it helps, I understand your tactic
but don't agree that KG wants any of that, any more than prochoice people want to push abortion on people.
Koshergrl has earned the pity and disdain she gets.

She makes it personal, she wants to hurt those women because they do not view the world as does she.

The offending language will be removed from the bill. Watch.
When will the Republican Congress get some work done? Why are they holding Lynch hostage to their legislation? I hope the Democrats stand firm against this tactic.

You must have a short memory. Democrats held Bush's first Supreme Court appointee for over a year, until he finally withdrew his name, never gave a reason why, just said we'll never allow a floor vote on him so you should move on.

You must be thinking of his court of appeals nominations. Chief Justice Roberts was his first. Furthermore they most certainly gave reasons why. Lynch has been confirmed twice by the Senate in the recent past.
Ravi put it best:

"A group of politicians wishes to impose their religious views on victims of sexual traffickers by not allowing them to spend money received from convicted offenders in any manner the victim desires."

Guess what group that is?

And it's not taxpayer money...
I'm not sure how the dems are being "extreme" in objecting to not allowing fine money to be used as the victims desire.

Why do Republicans want to force a woman to bear a child of rape?

Are they so heartless?

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